self.assertEqual(self.auto_enroll_section.first_notification_message(section_type=self.auto_enroll_section.NOTIFICATION_ERROR),"Make sure that the file you upload is in CSV format with no extraneous characters or rows.")
self.assertEqual(self.auto_enroll_section.first_notification_message(section_type=self.auto_enroll_section.NOTIFICATION_ERROR),"Make sure that the file you upload is in CSV format with no extraneous characters or rows.")
// About: Sass compile for the LMS Courseware Elements that are shared between LTR and RTL UI. Configuration and vendor specific imports happen before this shared set of imports are compiled in the lms-course-*.scss files.
// About: Sass compile for the LMS Courseware Elements that are shared between LTR and RTL UI. Configuration and vendor specific imports happen before this shared set of imports are compiled in the lms-course-*.scss files.
@@ -66,6 +67,3 @@
@@ -66,6 +67,3 @@
// responsive
// responsive
@import'base/layouts';// temporary spot for responsive course
@import'base/layouts';// temporary spot for responsive course
<%- gettext("Upload a comma separated values (.csv) file that contains the usernames or email addresses of learners who have been given exceptions. Include the username or email address in the first comma separated field. You can include an optional note describing the reason for the exception in the second comma separated field.") %>
<%- gettext("Upload a comma separated values (.csv) file that contains the usernames or email addresses of learners who have been given exceptions. Include the username or email address in the first comma separated field. You can include an optional note describing the reason for the exception in the second comma separated field.") %>
${HTML(_("When you are ready to generate certificates for your course, click Generate Certificates. You do not need to do this<br/>if you have set the certificate mode to on-demand generation."))}
${_("When you are ready to generate certificates for your course, click Generate Certificates. You do not need to do this if you have set the certificate mode to on-demand generation.")}
${HTML(_('To regenerate certificates for your course, choose the learners who will receive regenerated certificates and click <br/> Regenerate Certificates.'))}
${_('To regenerate certificates for your course, choose the learners who will receive regenerated certificates and click Regenerate Certificates.')}
<p>${_("For large courses, generating some reports can take several hours. When report generation is complete, a link that includes the date and time of generation appears in the table below. These reports are generated in the background, meaning it is OK to navigate away from this page while your report is generating.")}</p>
<p>${_("For large courses, generating some reports can take several hours. When report generation is complete, a link that includes the date and time of generation appears in the table below. These reports are generated in the background, meaning it is OK to navigate away from this page while your report is generating.")}</p>
<p><b>${_("Reports Available for Download")}</b></p>
<h3class="hd hd-3">${_("Reports Available for Download")}</h3>
${_("The reports listed below are available for download. A link to every report remains available on this page, identified by the UTC date and time of generation. Reports are not deleted, so you will always be able to access previously generated reports from this page.")}
${_("The reports listed below are available for download. A link to every report remains available on this page, identified by the UTC date and time of generation. Reports are not deleted, so you will always be able to access previously generated reports from this page.")}
@@ -98,7 +99,12 @@
@@ -98,7 +99,12 @@
## Translators: a table of URL links to report files appears after this sentence.
## Translators: a table of URL links to report files appears after this sentence.
<p>${_("<b>Note</b>: To keep student data secure, you cannot save or email these links for direct access. Copies of links expire within 5 minutes.")}</p><br>
${Text(_("{strong_start}Note{strong_end}: To keep student data secure, you cannot save or email these links for direct access. Copies of links expire within 5 minutes.")).format(
<p>${_("The following reports are available for download. Reports are not deleted. A link to every report remains available on this page, identified by the date and time (in UTC) that the report was generated.")}</p>
<p>${_("The following reports are available for download. Reports are not deleted. A link to every report remains available on this page, identified by the date and time (in UTC) that the report was generated.")}</p>
## Translators: a table of URL links to report files appears after this sentence.
## Translators: a table of URL links to report files appears after this sentence.
<p>${_("<b>Note</b>: To help protect learner data, links to these reports that you save outside of this page or that you send or receive in email expire after five minutes.")}</p><br>
${Text(_("{strong_start}Note{strong_end}: To help protect learner data, links to these reports that you save outside of this page or that you send or receive in email expire after five minutes.")).format(
<p>${_("To register and enroll a list of users in this course, choose a CSV file that contains the following columns in this exact order: email, username, name, and country. Please include one student per row and do not include any headers, footers, or blank lines.")}</p>
<p>${_("To register and enroll a list of users in this course, choose a CSV file that contains the following columns in this exact order: email, username, name, and country. Please include one student per row and do not include any headers, footers, or blank lines.")}</p>
${_("Enter email addresses and/or usernames separated by new lines or commas.")}<br/>
${_("Enter email addresses and/or usernames separated by new lines or commas.")}<br/>
${_("Note: Users must have an activated {platform_name} account before they can be enrolled as beta testers.").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
${_("Note: Users must have an activated {platform_name} account before they can be enrolled as beta testers.").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
@@ -158,7 +156,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.partition_scheme import get_cohorted_
@@ -158,7 +156,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.partition_scheme import get_cohorted_
${_("Click here to view the gradebook for enrolled students. This feature is only visible to courses with a small number of total enrolled students.")}
${_("Click here to view the gradebook for enrolled students. This feature is only visible to courses with a small number of total enrolled students.")}