Commit 24039fb8 by Christina Roberts

Merge pull request #5881 from edx/christina/notification-requirejs

Use factory file so JS used by studio_xblock_wrapper.html goes through RequireJS Optimizer
parents 4486ce35 ddc0015c
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
* By default all the configuration for optimization happens from the command
......@@ -244,6 +244,8 @@ define([
# these tests are run separately in the cms-squire suite, due to process
define(["js/views/xblock_validation", "js/models/xblock_validation"],
function (XBlockValidationView, XBlockValidationModel) {
'use strict';
return function (validationMessages, hasEditingUrl, isRoot, validationEle) {
if (hasEditingUrl && !isRoot) {
validationMessages.showSummaryOnly = true;
var model = new XBlockValidationModel(validationMessages, {parse: true});
if (!model.get("empty")) {
new XBlockValidationView({el: validationEle, model: model, root: isRoot}).render();
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ define(["backbone", "gettext", "underscore"], function (Backbone, gettext, _) {
if (!response.empty) {
var summary = "summary" in response ? response.summary : {};
var messages = "messages" in response ? response.messages : [];
if (!(_.has(summary, "text")) || !summary.text) {
if (!summary.text) {
summary.text = gettext("This component has validation issues.");
if (!(_.has(summary, "type")) || !summary.type) {
if (!summary.type) {
summary.type = this.WARNING;
// Possible types are ERROR, WARNING, and NOT_CONFIGURED. NOT_CONFIGURED is treated as a warning.
_.find(messages, function (message) {
define(['jquery', 'js/factories/xblock_validation', 'js/common_helpers/template_helpers'],
function($, XBlockValidationFactory, TemplateHelpers) {
describe('XBlockValidationFactory', function() {
var messageDiv;
beforeEach(function () {
appendSetFixtures($('<div class="messages"></div>'));
messageDiv = $('.messages');
it('Does not attach a view if messages is empty', function() {
XBlockValidationFactory({"empty": true}, false, false, messageDiv);
it('Does attach a view if messages are not empty', function() {
XBlockValidationFactory({"empty": false}, false, false, messageDiv);
it('Passes through the root property to the view.', function() {
var noContainerContent = "no-container-content";
var notConfiguredMessages = {
"empty": false,
"summary": {"text": "my summary", "type": "not-configured"},
"messages": [],
"xblock_id": "id"
// Root is false, will not add noContainerContent.
XBlockValidationFactory(notConfiguredMessages, true, false, messageDiv);
// Root is true, will add noContainerContent.
XBlockValidationFactory(notConfiguredMessages, true, true, messageDiv);
describe('Controls display of detailed messages based on url and root property', function() {
var messagesWithSummary, checkDetailedMessages;
beforeEach(function () {
messagesWithSummary = {
"empty": false,
"summary": {"text": "my summary"},
"messages": [{"text": "one", "type": "warning"}, {"text": "two", "type": "error"}],
"xblock_id": "id"
checkDetailedMessages = function (expectedDetailedMessages) {
it('Does not show details if xblock has an editing URL and it is not rendered as root', function() {
XBlockValidationFactory(messagesWithSummary, true, false, messageDiv);
it('Shows details if xblock does not have its own editing URL, regardless of root value', function() {
XBlockValidationFactory(messagesWithSummary, false, false, messageDiv);
XBlockValidationFactory(messagesWithSummary, false, true, messageDiv);
it('Shows details if xblock has its own editing URL and is rendered as root', function() {
XBlockValidationFactory(messagesWithSummary, true, true, messageDiv);
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from contentstore.views.helpers import xblock_studio_url
......@@ -21,31 +20,17 @@ messages = json.dumps(xblock.validate().to_json())
<script type='text/javascript'>
require(["js/views/xblock_validation", "js/models/xblock_validation"],
function (XBlockValidationView, XBlockValidationModel) {
var validationMessages = ${messages};
% if xblock_url and not is_root:
validationMessages.showSummaryOnly = true;
% endif
var model = new XBlockValidationModel(validationMessages, {parse: true});
if (!model.get("empty")) {
var validationEle = $('div.xblock-validation-messages[data-locator="${xblock.location | h}"]');
var viewOptions = {
el: validationEle,
model: model
% if is_root:
viewOptions.root = true;
% endif
var view = new XBlockValidationView(viewOptions);
require(["jquery", "js/factories/xblock_validation"], function($, XBlockValidationFactory) {
$.parseJSON("${bool(xblock_url)}".toLowerCase()), // xblock_url will be None or a string
$.parseJSON("${bool(is_root)}".toLowerCase()), // is_root will be None or a boolean
$('div.xblock-validation-messages[data-locator="${xblock.location | h}"]')
% if not is_root:
% if is_reorderable:
<li class="studio-xblock-wrapper is-draggable" data-locator="${xblock.location | h}" data-course-key="${xblock.location.course_key | h}">
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