Commit 22c2e7e5 by Nimisha Asthagiri

Reusable Graph Traversals

parent 4091bd15
This module contains generic generator functions for traversing tree
(and DAG) structures. It is agnostic to the underlying data structure
and implementation of the tree object. It does this through dependency
injection of the tree's accessor functions: get_parents and
The following depth-first traversal methods are implemented:
* Pre-order: Parent yielded before children; child with multiple
parents is yielded when first encountered.
Example use cases (when DAGs are *not* supported):
1. User access. If computing a user's access to a node relies
on the user's access to the node's parents, access to the
parent has to be computed before access to the child can
be determined. To support access chains, a user's access on
a node is actually an accumulation of accesses down from the
root node through the ancestor chain to the actual node.
2. Field value percolated down. If a value for a field is
dependent on a combination of the child's and the parent's
value, the parent's value should be computed before that of
the child's. Similar to "User access", the value would be
percolated down through the entire ancestor chain.
Example: Start Date is
max(node's start date, start date of each ancestor)
This takes the most restrictive value.
3. Depth. When computing the depth of a tree, since a child's
depth value is 1 + the parent's depth value, the parent's
value should be computed before the child's.
4. Fast Subtree Deletion. If the tree is to be pruned during
traversal, an entire subtree can be deleted, without
traversing the children, as soon as the parent is determined
to be deleted.
* Topological: Parent yielded before children; child with multiple
parents yielded only after all its parents are visited.
Example use cases (when DAGs *are* supported):
1. User access. Similar to pre-order, except a user's access
is now determined by taking a *union* of the percolated
access value from each of the node's parents combined with
its own access.
2. Field value percolated down. Similar to pre-order, except the
value for a node is calculated from the array of
percolated values from each of its parents combined
with its own.
Example: Start Date is
max(node's start date, min(max(ancestry of each parent))
This takes the most permissive from all ancestry chains.
3. Depth. Similar to pre-order, except the depth of a node will
be 1 + the minimum (or the maximum depending on semantics)
of the depth of all its parents.
4. Deletion. Deletion of subtrees are not as fast as they are
for pre-order since a node can be accessed through multiple
* Post-order: Children yielded before its parents.
Example use cases:
1. Counting. When each node wants to count the number of nodes
within its sub-structure, the count for each child has to be
calculated before its parents, since a parent's value
depends on its children.
2. Map function (when order doesn't matter). If a function
needs to be evaluated for each node in a DAG and the order
that the nodes are iterated doesn't matter, then use
post-order since it is faster than topological for DAGs.
3. Field value percolated up. If a value for a field is based
on the value from it's children, the children's values need
to be computed before their parents.
Example: Minimum Due Date of all nodes within the
Note: In-order traversal is not implemented as of yet. We can do so
if/when needed.
Optimization once DAGs are not supported:
Supporting Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) requires us to use
topological sort, which has the following negative performance
* For a simple tree, we can immediately skip over traversing
descendants, once it is determined that a parent is not to be yielded
(based on the return value from the 'filter_func' function). However,
since we support DAGs, we cannot simply skip over descendants since
they may still be accessible through a different ancestry chain and
need to be revisited once all their parents are visited.
* For topological sort, we need the get_parents accessor function in
order to determine whether all of a node's parents have been visited.
This means the underlying implementation of the graph needs to have
an efficient way to get a node's parents, perhaps with back pointers
to each node's parents. This requires additional storage space, which
could be eliminated if DAGs are not supported.
from collections import deque
def traverse_topologically(
Generator for yielding nodes of a tree (or directed acyclic graph)
in a topological sort. The tree is traversed using the
get_parents and get_children accessors. The filter_func function is
used to limit which nodes are actually yielded.
start_node (any hashable type) - The starting node for the
get_parents (node->[node]) - Function that returns a list of
parent nodes for a given node.
get_children (node->[node]) - Function that returns a list of
children nodes for a given node.
filter_func (node->boolean) - Function that returns
whether or not to yield the given node.
If None, the True function is assumed.
yield_descendants_of_unyielded (boolean) -
If False, descendants of an unyielded node are not
If True, descendants of an unyielded node are yielded even
if none of their parents were yielded.
Note: In case of a DAG, a descendant is yielded if *any* of
its parents are yielded.
node: The result of the next node in the traversal.
return _traverse_generic(
def traverse_pre_order(start_node, get_children, filter_func=None):
Generator for yielding nodes of a tree (or directed acyclic graph)
in a pre-order sort.
See description in traverse_topologically.
return _traverse_generic(
# There's no need to get_parents
def traverse_post_order(start_node, get_children, filter_func=None):
Generator for yielding nodes of a tree (or directed acyclic graph)
in a post-order sort.
See description in traverse_topologically.
class _Node(object):
Wrapper node class to keep an active children iterator.
An active iterator is needed in order to determine when all
children are visited and so the node itself should be visited.
def __init__(self, node, get_children):
self.node = node
self.children = iter(get_children(node))
# If filter_func isn't provided, make it a no-op.
filter_func = filter_func or (lambda __: True)
# Use deque for the stack, which is O(1) for pop and append.
# Use the _Node class to keep track of iterated children.
stack = deque([_Node(start_node, get_children)])
# Keep track of which nodes have been visited.
visited = set()
while stack:
# Peek at the current node at the top of the stack.
current = stack[-1]
# Verify the node wasn't already visited and the node
# satisfies the filter_func.
if current.node in visited or not filter_func(current.node):
# Since already visited or filtered out, remove from the
# stack and continue with the next node.
# See if there are any additional children for this node.
next_child =
except StopIteration:
# Since there are no children left, visit the node and
# remove it from the stack.
yield current.node
# If so, add the child to the top of the stack.
stack.append(_Node(next_child, get_children))
def _traverse_generic(
Helper function to avoid duplicating functionality between
traverse_depth_first and traverse_topologically.
If get_parents is None, do a pre-order traversal.
Else, do a topological traversal.
The topological traversal has a worse time complexity than
pre-order does, as it needs to check whether each node's
parents have been visited.
See description in traverse_topologically.
# If filter_func isn't provided, make it a no-op.
filter_func = filter_func or (lambda __: True)
# Use deque for the stack, which is O(1) for pop and append.
stack = deque([start_node])
# Keep track of which nodes have been visited and whether they
# were in fact yielded.
yield_results = {} # dict(node:boolean)
# While there are more nodes on the stack...
while stack:
# Take a node off the top of the stack.
current_node = stack.pop()
# If we're doing a topological traversal, then make sure all
# the node's parents have been visited. If they haven't,
# then skip the node for now; we'll encounter it again later
# through another one of its parents.
if get_parents and current_node != start_node:
parents = get_parents(current_node)
# If all of the parents have not yet been visited, continue.
if not all(parent in yield_results for parent in parents):
# If none of the parents have yielded, continue, unless
# specified otherwise (via yield_descendants_of_unyielded).
elif not yield_descendants_of_unyielded and not any(yield_results[parent] for parent in parents):
# If the current node has already been visited, continue.
if current_node not in yield_results:
# For a topological sort, it's important that we visit
# the children even if the parent isn't yielded, in case
# a child has multiple parents and this is its last
# parent. So we add the children to the stack before
# checking the yield results of the parent.
# This implementation can be further optimized specifically
# for pre-order sort, since it doesn't have this
# requirement. But for now, we err on the side of reusing
# this code for both, with room for optimization once
# the use of pre-order sort is prevalent when DAGs are
# not supported.
# JIRA ticket for optimizing pre-order: MA-1560
if get_parents:
# For a topological sort, add all the children since
# they would not have been visited.
unvisited_children = list(get_children(current_node))
# For a pre-order sort, filter out already visited
# children.
unvisited_children = list(
for child in get_children(current_node)
if child not in yield_results
# Add the node's unvisited children to the stack in reverse
# order so they are traversed in their original order.
# Yield the result of the node if the node satisfies the
# filter_func.
should_yield_node = filter_func(current_node)
if should_yield_node:
yield current_node
# Keep track of whether or not the node was yielded so we
# know whether or not to yield its children.
yield_results[current_node] = should_yield_node
Tests for graph traversal generator functions.
from collections import defaultdict
from unittest import TestCase
from ..graph_traversals import (
traverse_pre_order, traverse_post_order, traverse_topologically
class TestGraphTraversals(TestCase):
Test Class for graph traversal generator functions.
def setUp(self):
# Creates a test graph with the following disconnected
# structures.
# a1 a2
# | |
# b1 b2
# / \
# c1 c2
# / \ \
# d1 d2 d3
# \ / \
# e1 e2
# |
# f1
super(TestGraphTraversals, self).setUp()
self.parent_to_children_map = {
'a1': ['b1'],
'a2': ['b2'],
'b1': ['c1', 'c2'],
'b2': [],
'c1': ['d1', 'd2'],
'c2': ['d3'],
'd1': ['e1'],
'd2': ['e1', 'e2'],
'd3': [],
'e1': [],
'e2': ['f1'],
'f1': [],
self.child_to_parents_map = self.get_child_to_parents_map(self.parent_to_children_map)
def get_child_to_parents_map(parent_to_children_map):
Constructs and returns a child-to-parents map for the given
parent-to-children map.
parent_to_children_map ({parent:[children]}) - A
dictionary of parent to a list of its children. If a
node does not have any children, its value should be [].
{child:[parents]} - A dictionary of child to a list of its
parents. If a node does not have any parents, its value
will be [].
result = defaultdict(list)
for parent, children in parent_to_children_map.iteritems():
for child in children:
return result
def test_pre_order(self):
get_children=(lambda node: self.parent_to_children_map[node]),
filter_func=(lambda node: node != 'd3'),
['b1', 'c1', 'd1', 'e1', 'd2', 'e2', 'f1', 'c2']
def test_post_order(self):
get_children=(lambda node: self.parent_to_children_map[node]),
filter_func=(lambda node: node != 'd3'),
['e1', 'd1', 'f1', 'e2', 'd2', 'c1', 'c2', 'b1']
def test_topological(self):
get_children=(lambda node: self.parent_to_children_map[node]),
get_parents=(lambda node: self.child_to_parents_map[node]),
filter_func=(lambda node: node != 'd3'),
['b1', 'c1', 'd1', 'd2', 'e1', 'e2', 'f1', 'c2']
def test_topological_yield_descendants(self):
get_children=(lambda node: self.parent_to_children_map[node]),
get_parents=(lambda node: self.child_to_parents_map[node]),
filter_func=(lambda node: node != 'd2'),
['b1', 'c1', 'd1', 'e1', 'e2', 'f1', 'c2', 'd3']
def test_topological_not_yield_descendants(self):
get_children=(lambda node: self.parent_to_children_map[node]),
get_parents=(lambda node: self.child_to_parents_map[node]),
filter_func=(lambda node: node != 'd2'),
['b1', 'c1', 'd1', 'e1', 'c2', 'd3']
def test_topological_yield_single_node(self):
get_children=(lambda node: self.parent_to_children_map[node]),
get_parents=(lambda node: self.child_to_parents_map[node]),
filter_func=(lambda node: node == 'c2'),
def test_topological_complex(self):
Test a more complex DAG
# root
# / | \
# / | \
# A B C
# / \ / | \ | \
# / \ / | \ | \
# D E F G H I
# / \ \ |
# / \ \ |
# J K \ L
# / | \ / \
# / | \ / \
# M N O P
parent_to_children = {
# Note: root has additional links than what is drawn above.
'root': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'F', 'K', 'O'],
'A': ['D', 'E'],
'B': ['E', 'F', 'G'],
'C': ['H', 'I'],
'D': [],
'E': [],
'F': ['J', 'K'],
'G': ['O'],
'H': ['L'],
'I': [],
'J': [],
'K': ['M', 'N'],
'L': ['O', 'P'],
'M': [],
'N': [],
'O': [],
'P': [],
child_to_parents = self.get_child_to_parents_map(parent_to_children)
for _ in range(2): # should get the same result twice
get_children=(lambda node: parent_to_children[node]),
get_parents=(lambda node: child_to_parents[node]),
['root', 'A', 'D', 'B', 'E', 'F', 'J', 'K', 'M', 'N', 'G', 'C', 'H', 'L', 'O', 'P', 'I'],
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