Commit 1fe33a0f by Valera Rozuvan Committed by polesye

Updating LTI template.

parent a950bb73
<%! import json %>
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<div id="${element_id}" class="${element_class}" data-open_in_a_new_page="${json.dumps(open_in_a_new_page)}">
## This form will be hidden.
## If open_in_a_new_page is false then, once available on the client, the LTI
## module JavaScript will trigget a "submit" on the form, and the
## If open_in_a_new_page is false then, once available on the client, the
## LTI module JavaScript will trigger a "submit" on the form, and the
## result will be rendered to the below iFrame.
## If open_in_a_new_page is true, then link will be shown, and by clicking on it,
## LTI will pop up in new window.
## If open_in_a_new_page is true, then link will be shown, and by clicking
## on it, LTI will pop up in new window.
......@@ -28,7 +32,15 @@
% if launch_url and launch_url != '':
% if open_in_a_new_page:
<a href="#" class='link_lti_new_window'>${_(u'Click to view LTI in new window')}</a>
<span class="description">
[LTI Display Name] (External resource)
<a href="#" class='link_lti_new_window'>
<i class="icon-external-link"></i>
${_('View resource in a new window')}
% else:
## The result of the form submit will be rendered here.
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