Commit 1d44ebb1 by Brian Wilson

Add more non-ascii characters to full dataset, and make fixes in xmodule code.

parent 0c1ebd8d
......@@ -42,7 +42,12 @@ def render_to_string(template_name, dictionary, context=None, namespace='main'):
# fetch and render template
template = middleware.lookup[namespace].get_template(template_name)
return template.render_unicode(**context_dictionary)
# return template.render_unicode(**context_dictionary)
output = template.render_unicode(**context_dictionary)
#' render_to_string of "{0}" as "{1}r"'.format(type(output), output))
return output
# return template.render(**context_dictionary)
def render_to_response(template_name, dictionary, context_instance=None, namespace='main', **kwargs):
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("mitx." + __name__)
from django.conf import settings
from mako.template import Template as MakoTemplate
......@@ -54,5 +57,9 @@ class Template(MakoTemplate):
context_dictionary['MITX_ROOT_URL'] = settings.MITX_ROOT_URL
context_dictionary['django_context'] = context_instance
return super(Template, self).render_unicode(**context_dictionary)
# return super(Template, self).render_unicode(**context_dictionary)
# return super(Template, self).render(**context_dictionary)
output = super(Template, self).render(**context_dictionary)' render_to_string of "{0}" as "{1}"'.format(type(output), output))
return output
......@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@ class HtmlModule(XModule):
def get_html(self):
# cdodge: perform link substitutions for any references to course static content (e.g. images)
input = self.html
output = rewrite_links(self.html, self.rewrite_content_links)' HTMLModule converting markup "{0}" to "{1}"'.format(self.html, output))
#' HTMLModule converting markup from "{0}" as "{1}r"'.format(type(input), input))
#' HTMLModule converting markup to "{0}" as "{1}r"'.format(type(output), output))
return output
def __init__(self, system, location, definition, descriptor,
......@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ class HtmlDescriptor(XmlDescriptor, EditingDescriptor):
resource_fs.makedir(os.path.dirname(filepath), allow_recreate=True)
with, 'w') as file:
file.write(self.definition['data']) # .encode('utf-8'))
# write out the relative name
relname = path(pathname).basename()
More information given in <a href="/book/${page}">the text</a>.
More information given in <a href="/book/${page}">the text</a>.
<a href='${tag}/page:1/'> Discussion: ${tag} </a>
\ No newline at end of file
<a href='${tag}/page:1/'> Discussion: ${tag}… </a>
\ No newline at end of file
Lecture Slides Handout [<a href="">Clean </a>][<a href="">Annotated</a>]
Lecture Slides Handout [<a href="">Clean… </a>][<a href="">Annotated…</a>]
<problem><startouttext/><p/>Here's a sandbox where you can experiment with all the components
<problem><!-- include ellipses to test non-ascii characters --><startouttext/><p/>Here's a sandbox where you can experiment with all the components
we'll discuss in 6.002x. If you click on CHECK below, your diagram
will be saved on the server and you can return at some later time.
will be saved on the server and you can return at some later time
<endouttext/><schematicresponse><p/><center><schematic name="work" value="" width="800" height="600"/></center><answer type="loncapa/python">
correct = ['correct']
<problem display_name="S3E2: Lorentz Force">
<p>Consider a hypothetical magnetic field pointing out of your computer screen. Now imagine an electron traveling from right to leftin the plane of your screen. A diagram of this situation is show below.</p>
<p>Consider a hypothetical magnetic field pointing out of your computer screen. Now imagine an electron traveling from right to left in the plane of your screen. A diagram of this situation is show below…</p>
<center><img width="400" src="/static/images/LSQimages/LSQ_W01_8.png"/></center>
<p>a. The magnitude of the force experienced by the electron is proportional the product of which of the following? (Select all that apply.)</p>
<choice correct="true"><text>Magnetic field strength</text></choice>
<choice correct="false"><text>Electric field strength</text></choice>
<choice correct="true"><text>Electric charge of the electron</text></choice>
<choice correct="false"><text>Radius of the electron</text></choice>
<choice correct="false"><text>Mass of the electron</text></choice>
<choice correct="true"><text>Velocity of the electron</text></choice>
<!-- include ellipses to test non-ascii characters -->
<choice correct="true"><text>Magnetic field strength…</text></choice>
<choice correct="false"><text>Electric field strength…</text></choice>
<choice correct="true"><text>Electric charge of the electron…</text></choice>
<choice correct="false"><text>Radius of the electron…</text></choice>
<choice correct="false"><text>Mass of the electron…</text></choice>
<choice correct="true"><text>Velocity of the electron…</text></choice>
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
<problem display_name="L4 Problem 1">
<b class="bfseries">Part 1: Function Types</b>
<!-- include ellipses to test non-ascii characters -->
<b class="bfseries">Part 1: Function Types…</b>
For each of the following functions, specify the type of its <b class="bfseries">output</b>. You can assume each function is called with an appropriate argument, as specified by its docstring. </p>
......@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
<vertical slug="vertical_66" graceperiod="1 day 12 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds" showanswer="attempted" rerandomize="never">
<problem filename="S1E3_AC_power" slug="S1E3_AC_power" name="S1E3: AC power"/>
<customtag tag="S1E3" slug="discuss_67" impl="discuss"/>
<html slug="html_68"> S1E4 has been removed. </html>
<html slug="html_68"> S1E4 has been removed </html>
<vertical filename="vertical_89" slug="vertical_89" graceperiod="1 day 12 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds" showanswer="attempted" rerandomize="never"/>
<vertical slug="vertical_94" graceperiod="1 day 12 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds" showanswer="attempted" rerandomize="never">
<video youtube="0.75:XNh13VZhThQ,1.0:XbDRmF6J0K0,1.25:JDty12WEQWk,1.50:wELKGj-5iyM" slug="What_s_next" name="What's next"/>
<html slug="html_95">Minor correction: Six elements (five resistors)</html>
<html slug="html_95">Minor correction: Six elements (five resistors)</html>
<customtag tag="S1" slug="discuss_96" impl="discuss"/>
<html slug="html_90">
<h1> </h1>
<h1>Inline content…</h1>
<video youtube="1.50:vl9xrfxcr38,1.25:qxNX4REGqx4,1.0:BGU1poJDgOY,0.75:8rK9vnpystQ" slug="S1V14_Summary" name="S1V14: Summary"/>
<customtag tag="S1" slug="discuss_91" impl="discuss"/>
<video youtube="0.75:izygArpw-Qo,1.0:p2Q6BrNhdh8,1.25:1EeWXzPdhSA,1.50:rABDYkeK0x8" format="Video" display_name="Welcome"/>
<video youtube="0.75:izygArpw-Qo,1.0:p2Q6BrNhdh8,1.25:1EeWXzPdhSA,1.50:rABDYkeK0x8" format="Video" display_name="Welcome"/>
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("mitx." + __name__)
import json
import os
import time
......@@ -20,6 +23,7 @@ from courseware.access import _course_staff_group_name
from courseware.models import StudentModuleCache
from student.models import Registration
from xmodule.error_module import ErrorDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_from_xml
......@@ -279,6 +283,7 @@ class PageLoader(ActivateLoginTestCase):
print "Checking course {0} in {1}".format(course_name, data_dir)
default_class='xmodule.hidden_module.HiddenDescriptor' # 'xmodule.raw_module.RawDescriptor',
# load_error_modules=False
module_store = XMLModuleStore(
......@@ -308,24 +313,40 @@ class PageLoader(ActivateLoginTestCase):
for descriptor in module_store.modules[course_id].itervalues():
n += 1
print "Checking ", descriptor.location.url()'Checking the content returned for page %s', descriptor.location.url())
#print descriptor.__class__, descriptor.location
resp = self.client.get(reverse('jump_to',
kwargs={'course_id': course_id,
'location': descriptor.location.url()}), follow=True)
msg = str(resp.status_code)
if resp.status_code != 200:
msg = "ERROR " + msg # + ": " + str(resp.request['PATH_INFO'])
msg = "ERROR " + msg + ": " + descriptor.location.url()
all_ok = False
num_bad += 1
elif resp.redirect_chain[0][1] != 302:
msg = "ERROR " + msg
msg = "ERROR on redirect from " + descriptor.location.url()
all_ok = False
num_bad += 1
content = resp.content
# contentlines = content.splitlines()
if content.find("this module is temporarily unavailable")>=0:
msg = "ERROR unavailable module "
all_ok = False
num_bad += 1
elif isinstance(descriptor, ErrorDescriptor):
msg = "ERROR error descriptor loaded: "
msg = msg + descriptor.definition['data']['error_msg']
all_ok = False
num_bad += 1'Output the content returned for page %s', descriptor.location.url())'Content returned: %s', content)
print msg
# self.assertTrue(all_ok) # fail fast
print "{0}/{1} good".format(n - num_bad, n)
self.assertTrue(all_ok) "{0}/{1} good".format(n - num_bad, n))
# self.assertTrue(all_ok)
......@@ -343,8 +364,8 @@ class TestCoursesLoadTestCase(PageLoader):
def test_toy_course_loads(self):
self.check_xml_pages_load('toy', TEST_DATA_DIR, modulestore())
# def test_full_course_loads(self):
# self.check_pages_load('full', TEST_DATA_DIR, modulestore())
def test_full_course_loads(self):
self.check_xml_pages_load('full', TEST_DATA_DIR, modulestore())
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