Commit 1b3f3b9d by Sylvia Pearce

New branch for continued Course Catalog API work

parent da5b9728
.. _edX Platform Course Catalog API:
Course Catalog API Version 1.0
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. _Course Catalog API Overview:
Course Catalog API Overview
Use the Course Catalog API to obtain information about the catalogs that edX
offers, as well as information about the courses in a specific catalog.
.. contents::
:depth: 1
Course Catalog API Version and Status
The Course Catalog API is currently at version 1.0.
Course Catalog API Endpoints
The Course Catalog API includes the **Catalogs** resource. This resource
supports the following tasks, methods, and endpoints.
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 10 70
:header-rows: 1
* - Task
- Method
- Endpoint
* - :ref:`Get a list of all available course catalogs <Get a List of All
Course Catalogs>`
- /api/v1/catalogs/
* - :ref:`Get information about a specific catalog <Get Information About a
Specific Catalog>`
- /api/v1/catalogs/{id}/
* - :ref:`Get a list of all courses in a catalog <Get a List of All Courses
in a Catalog>`
- /api/v1/catalogs/{id}/courses/
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