Commit 17e84aae by David Ormsbee

Merge pull request #9 from MITx/pmitros/complex-numbers-fix

Complex numbers now work in problems
parents bc604fca 37452f3a
......@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ db.newaskbot
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import operator
import re
import numpy
import numbers
import scipy.constants
from pyparsing import Word, alphas, nums, oneOf, Literal
......@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ def evaluator(variables, functions, string, cs=False):
def number_parse_action(x): # [ '7' ] -> [ 7 ]
return [super_float("".join(x))]
def exp_parse_action(x): # [ 2 ^ 3 ^ 2 ] -> 512
x = [e for e in x if type(e) in [float, numpy.float64, numpy.complex]] # Ignore ^
x = [e for e in x if isinstance(e, numbers.Number)] # Ignore ^
x=reduce(lambda a,b:b**a, x)
return x
......@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ def evaluator(variables, functions, string, cs=False):
return x[0]
if 0 in x:
return float('nan')
x = [1./e for e in x if type(e) == float] # Ignore ^
x = [1./e for e in x if isinstance(e, numbers.Number)] # Ignore ||
return 1./sum(x)
def sum_parse_action(x): # [ 1 + 2 - 3 ] -> 0
total = 0.0
......@@ -217,4 +218,7 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
print evaluator({},{}, "-(7+5)")
print evaluator({},{}, "-0.33")
print evaluator({},{}, "-.33")
print evaluator({},{}, "5+1*j")
print evaluator({},{}, "j||1")
print evaluator({},{}, "e^(j*pi)")
print evaluator({},{}, "5+7 QWSEKO")
import json
import math
import numbers
import numpy
import random
import scipy
......@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ class numericalresponse(object):
def __init__(self, xml, context):
self.xml = xml
self.correct_answer = contextualize_text(xml.get('answer'), context)
self.correct_answer = float(self.correct_answer)
self.correct_answer = complex(self.correct_answer)
self.tolerance_xml = xml.xpath('//*[@id=$id]//responseparam[@type="tolerance"]/@default',
self.tolerance = contextualize_text(self.tolerance_xml, context)
......@@ -49,6 +50,9 @@ class numericalresponse(object):
student_answer = student_answers[self.answer_id]
correct = compare_with_tolerance (evaluator(dict(),dict(),student_answer), self.correct_answer, self.tolerance)
# We should catch this explicitly.
# I think this is just pyparsing.ParseException, calc.UndefinedVariable:
# But we'd need to confirm
raise StudentInputError('Invalid input -- please use a number only')
......@@ -141,7 +145,7 @@ class formularesponse(object):
raise StudentInputError("Error in formula")
if math.isnan(student_result) or math.isinf(student_result):
if numpy.isnan(student_result) or numpy.isinf(student_result):
return {self.answer_id:"incorrect"}
if not compare_with_tolerance(student_result, instructor_result, self.tolerance):
return {self.answer_id:"incorrect"}
......@@ -153,9 +157,9 @@ class formularesponse(object):
keys and all non-numeric values stripped out. All values also
converted to float. Used so we can safely use Python contexts.
d=dict([(k, float(d[k])) for k in d if type(k)==str and \
d=dict([(k, numpy.complex(d[k])) for k in d if type(k)==str and \
k.isalnum() and \
(type(d[k]) == float or type(d[k]) == int) ])
isinstance(d[k], numbers.Number)])
return d
def get_answers(self):
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class ModelsTest(unittest.TestCase):
variables={'R1':2.0, 'R3':4.0}
functions={'sin':numpy.sin, 'cos':numpy.cos}
self.assertEqual(calc.evaluator(variables, functions, "10000||sin(7+5)-6k"), 4000.0)
self.assertTrue(abs(calc.evaluator(variables, functions, "10000||sin(7+5)+0.5356"))<0.01)
self.assertEqual(calc.evaluator({'R1': 2.0, 'R3':4.0}, {}, "13"), 13)
self.assertEqual(calc.evaluator(variables, functions, "13"), 13)
self.assertEqual(calc.evaluator({'a': 2.2997471478310274, 'k': 9, 'm': 8, 'x': 0.66009498411213041}, {}, "5"), 5)
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ class ModelsTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(calc.evaluator(variables, functions, "R1*R3"), 8.0)
self.assertTrue(abs(calc.evaluator(variables, functions, "sin(e)-0.41"))<0.01)
self.assertTrue(abs(calc.evaluator(variables, functions, "k*T/q-0.025"))<0.001)
self.assertTrue(abs(calc.evaluator(variables, functions, "e^(j*pi)")+1)<0.00001)
self.assertTrue(abs(calc.evaluator(variables, functions, "j||1")-0.5-0.5j)<0.00001)
exception_happened = False
calc.evaluator({},{}, "5+7 QWSEKO")
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