Commit 17ca4afc by Piotr Mitros Committed by Matthew Mongeau

Process standards; should this be the same document?

parent b1150f5a
Coding Standards
This document describes code quality standards for the i4x
system. Code falls into four categories:
1. Coding Standards
Code falls into four categories:
* Deployed. Running on a live server.
* Production. Intended for deployment.
......@@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ system. Code falls into four categories:
minimal implementations to support further development.
* Prototype. Experimental new features.
1.1 Deployed
The standards for deployed code are identical to production. In
general, we tend to do either:
......@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ before deploying.
2) Use code on a staging or internal server for a week before
1.2 Production
All production code must be peer-reviewed. The code must meet the
following standards:
......@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ following standards:
All code paths must be manually or automatically verified.
1.3 Scaffolding
All scaffolding code should be peer-reviewed. The code must meet the
following standards:
......@@ -56,8 +58,20 @@ following standards:
7) Purpose. The scaffolding must provide a clean reason for existence
(e.g. define a specific interface, etc.)
1.4 Prototype
Prototype code should live in a separate branch. It should strive
to follow PEP8, be readable, testable, and future-proof, but we have
no hard standards.
2. Process Standards
* Code should be integrated in small pull requests. Large commits
should be broken down into small commits for integration.
* Every piece of production and deployed code must be reviewed prior
to integration.
* Anyone on the edX team competent to review a piece of code may
review it (this may change as the team grows).
* Each contributor is responsible for finding a person to review their
code. If it is not clear to the contributor who is appropriate, each
project has an owner
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