Commit 16acfef8 by J. Cliff Dyer

Add single retry to compute_grades tasks.

parent 5beae9d1
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ class _BaseTask(PersistOnFailureTask, LoggedTask): # pylint: disable=abstract-m
abstract = True
def compute_grades_for_course_v2(**kwargs):
@task(base=_BaseTask, bind=True, default_retry_delay=30, max_retries=1)
def compute_grades_for_course_v2(self, **kwargs):
Compute grades for a set of students in the specified course.
......@@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ def compute_grades_for_course_v2(**kwargs):
estimate_first_attempted = kwargs.pop('estimate_first_attempted', False)
if estimate_first_attempted:
waffle().override_for_request(ESTIMATE_FIRST_ATTEMPTED, True)
return compute_grades_for_course(course_key, offset, batch_size)
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
raise self.retry(kwargs=kwargs, exc=exc)
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