Commit 0de52014 by Alison Hodges

Updates for DOC-83, new SQL table and event types for A/B testing

parent 3db4f43f
......@@ -10,14 +10,16 @@ Change Log
* - Date
- Change
* - 24 Mar 2014
- Added the ``user_api_usercoursetag`` table to the :ref:`Student_Info` chapter and the ``assigned_user_to_partition`` and ``child_render`` event types to the :ref:`Tracking Logs` chapter.
* - 19 Mar 2014
- Provided alternative formatting for the examples in the :ref:`Discussion Forums Data` chapter.
* - 13 Mar 2014
- Updated the :ref:`Student_Info` chapter.
* - 24 Feb 14
* - 24 Feb 2014
- Added descriptions of new fields to the :ref:`Wiki_Data` chapter.
* - 21 Feb 14
* - 21 Feb 2014
- Added descriptions of new fields to the :ref:`Discussion Forums Data` chapter.
* - 14 Feb 14
* - 14 Feb 2014
- Added the ``seek_video`` and ``speed_change_video`` event types to the :ref:`Tracking Logs` chapter.
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ The following tables store data gathered during site registration and course enr
* :ref:`auth_user`
* :ref:`auth_userprofile`
* :ref:`student_courseenrollment`
* :ref:`user_api_usercoursetag`
* :ref:`user_id_map`
.. _auth_user:
......@@ -602,6 +603,71 @@ mode
**History**: All enrollments prior to 20 Aug 2013 are "honor".
.. _user_api_usercoursetag:
Columns in the user_api_usercoursetag Table
This table uses key-value pairs to store metadata about a specific student's involvement in a specific course. For example, for a course that assigns students to groups randomly for A/B testing, a row in this table identifies the student's assignment to a partition and group.
**History**: Added 7 Mar 2014.
.. need a sample header and row from a data package when available
The ``user_api_usercoursetag`` table has the following columns:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 15 15 15
:header-rows: 1
* - Column
- Type
- Null
- Key
* - user_id
- int(11)
- NO
* - course_id
- varchar(255)
- NO
* - key
- varchar(255)
- NO
* - value
- textfield
- NO
.. need type, null, key for each one
The student's ID in ````.
The course identifier, in the format {org}/{course}/{run} (for example, ``MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall``).
Identifies an attribute of the course.
For example, for a course that includes modules that are set up to perform A/B testing, the value in this column identifies a partition, or type of experiment. The key for the partition is in the format ``xblock.partition_service.partition_ID``, where ID is an integer.
The content for the key that is set for a student.
For example, for a course that includes modules that are set up to perform A/B testing, this column stores the group ID of the particular group the student is assigned to within the partition.
.. _user_id_map:
......@@ -883,7 +949,7 @@ done
The course that this row applies to, represented in the format org/course/run (for example, ``MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall``). The same course content (same ``module_id``) can be used in different courses, and a student's state needs to be tracked separately for each course.
The course that this row applies to, represented in the format {org}/{course}/{run} (for example, ``MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall``). The same course content (same ``module_id``) can be used in different courses, and a student's state needs to be tracked separately for each course.
.. _Certificates:
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