Commit 0aea85a4 by Brian Talbot

studio - checklists: moved content to yaml file, cleaned up new checklists…

studio - checklists: moved content to yaml file, cleaned up new checklists production view, added in page-level nav, and collapse/expand indicators
parent 56437404
......@@ -60,11 +60,19 @@ body.course.checklists {
margin: 0 flex-gutter() 0 0;
float: left;
.ui-toggle-expansion {
@include font-size(14);
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: $baseline;
color: $gray-l4;
.icon-confirm {
@include font-size(20);
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
margin-right: ($baseline/2);
color: $gray-l4;
......@@ -73,6 +81,10 @@ body.course.checklists {
&:hover {
color: $blue;
.ui-toggle-expansion {
color: $blue;
......@@ -143,6 +155,14 @@ body.course.checklists {
header {
@include box-shadow(none);
.checklist-title {
.ui-toggle-expansion {
@include transform(rotate(-90deg));
@include transform-origin(50% 50%);
.list-tasks {
......@@ -9,23 +9,97 @@ metadata:
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/manage_users/",
"action_text": "Edit Course Team"},
{"short_description": "Drink Whiskey",
"long_description": "Team-building activity.",
{"short_description": "Set Important Dates for Your Course",
"long_description": "Establish your course's student enrollment and launch dates on the Schedule and Details Settings page.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/drink_alcohol",
"action_text": "Drink"}],
"completed" : false},
{"short_description" : "Launching Your Course",
"items" : [{"short_description": "Add Content",
"long_description": "Create videos and problems.",
"action_url": "/settings-details/",
"action_text": "Edit Course Details & Schedule"},
{"short_description": "Draft Your Course's Grading Policy",
"long_description": "Regardless of whether you have all your course assignments written, you can immediately get started setting up assignment types and a grade computation scheme.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "",
"action_text": ""},
{"short_description": "View Course as a Student",
"long_description": "Create a student account and view your course.",
"action_url": "/settings-grading/",
"action_text": "Edit Grading Settings"},
{"short_description": "Explore the other Studio Checklists",
"long_description": "They'll help you learn the other course authoring tools available to you, and will also help you find help when you need it.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "",
"action_text": ""}],
"completed" : false},
{"short_description" : "Draft a Rough Course Outline",
"items" : [{"short_description": "Create your first Section and Subsection",
"long_description": "Walk through the mechanics of building your course's first section and subsection through your course outline to start.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/course/",
"action_text": "Edit in Course Outline"},
{"short_description": "Set your first Section's Release Date",
"long_description": "Sections are released sequentially to students, and you have complete control over they are released to students.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/course/",
"action_text": "Edit in Course Outline"},
{"short_description": "Designate a Subsection as Graded",
"long_description": "Assignment types are defined in your grading settings but can be quickly associated with sections using your course outline.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/course/",
"action_text": "Edit in Course Outline"},
{"short_description": "Reordering Course Content",
"long_description": "From the Course Outline, you can easily reorder your course content based on the progression you'd like students to walk through.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/course/",
"action_text": "Edit in Course Outline"},
{"short_description": "Renaming Course Sections",
"long_description": "Learn how to rename Sections by clicking on its name from the Course Outline; this should open the editing mode.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/course/",
"action_text": "Edit in Course Outline"},
{"short_description": "Deleting Course Content",
"long_description": "Try out deleting on a section, subsection, or unit you don't need anymore. Be careful though, anything inside the course content you delete is also removed.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/course/",
"action_text": "Edit in Course Outline"},
{"short_description": "Add an Instructor-Only Section to Your Outline",
"long_description": "Some course authors find creating a section for unsorted, in-progress work useful. To do this, create a section and set the release date to the distant future.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/course/",
"action_text": "Edit in Course Outline"}],
"completed" : false},
{"short_description" : "Explore edX's Support Tools",
"items" : [{"short_description": "Explore the Studio Help Forum",
"long_description": "Access the Studio Help forum from the menu that appears when you click your user name in the top right corner of Studio.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "",
"action_text": "Visit Studio Help"},
{"short_description": "Enroll in edX101",
"long_description": "Register for edX101, edX's primer for course creation.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/",
"action_text": "Register for edX 101"},
{"short_description": "Download the Studio Documentation",
"long_description": "View the searchable Studio documentation to find answers to your questions or information about how to do specific tasks. Once you download the PDF, you can view it offline.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/",
"action_text": "Download Documentation"}],
"completed" : false},
{"short_description" : "Draft your Course Introduction",
"items" : [{"short_description": "Drafting a Course Description",
"long_description": "Courses on edX each have their own introduction page, including a course video, description, and more. Draft the introduction students will read before deciding to enroll in your course.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/settings-details/",
"action_text": "Edit Course Details & Schedule"},
{"short_description": "Adding Staff Bios",
"long_description": "Showing prospective students who will be their instructor is helpful, so we recommend including staff bios in the Course introduction page.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/settings-details/",
"action_text": "Edit Course Details & Schedule"},
{"short_description": "Add Course FAQs",
"long_description": "Students often have questions about courses, and including a short list of frequently asked questions up front often reduces the number of students who are confused.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/settings-details/",
"action_text": "Edit Course Details & Schedule"},
{"short_description": "Add Course Prerequisites",
"long_description": "Before a student jumps into a course without the necessary preparation, we'd like them to understand the prerequisites that will make them more likely to succeed.",
"is_checked": false,
"action_url": "/settings-details/",
"action_text": "Edit Course Details & Schedule"}],
"completed" : false}
data: { 'textbooks' : [ ], 'wiki_slug' : null }
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