Commit 0a7ecea6 by Gabe Mulley

Merge pull request #2721 from rocha/rocha/add-answer-values

Add map to problem_check event with descriptions of student answers
parents f74a0f4f 94fea8e8
......@@ -288,6 +288,14 @@ class InputTypeBase(object):
html = self.capa_system.render_template(self.template, context)
return etree.XML(html)
def get_user_visible_answer(self, internal_answer):
Given the internal representation of the answer provided by the user, return the representation of the answer
as the user saw it. Subclasses should override this method if and only if the internal represenation of the
answer is different from the answer that is displayed to the user.
return internal_answer
......@@ -385,6 +393,7 @@ class ChoiceGroup(InputTypeBase):
raise Exception("ChoiceGroup: unexpected tag {0}".format(self.tag))
self.choices = self.extract_choices(self.xml)
self._choices_map = dict(self.choices) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
def get_attributes(cls):
......@@ -419,6 +428,12 @@ class ChoiceGroup(InputTypeBase):
choices.append((choice.get("name"), stringify_children(choice)))
return choices
def get_user_visible_answer(self, internal_answer):
if isinstance(internal_answer, basestring):
return self._choices_map[internal_answer]
return [self._choices_map[i] for i in internal_answer]
......@@ -1021,7 +1036,7 @@ class ChemicalEquationInput(InputTypeBase):
Can set size of text field.
return [Attribute('size', '20'),
return [Attribute('size', '20'),
Attribute('label', ''),]
def _extra_context(self):
......@@ -866,7 +866,8 @@ class CapaMixin(CapaFields):
event_info['problem_id'] = self.location.url()
answers = self.make_dict_of_responses(data)
event_info['answers'] = convert_files_to_filenames(answers)
answers_without_files = convert_files_to_filenames(answers)
event_info['answers'] = answers_without_files
_ = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n").ugettext
......@@ -944,6 +945,7 @@ class CapaMixin(CapaFields):
event_info['correct_map'] = correct_map.get_dict()
event_info['success'] = success
event_info['attempts'] = self.attempts
event_info['submission'] = self.get_submission_metadata_safe(answers_without_files, correct_map)
self.runtime.track_function('problem_check', event_info)
if hasattr(self.runtime, 'psychometrics_handler'): # update PsychometricsData using callback
......@@ -957,6 +959,90 @@ class CapaMixin(CapaFields):
'contents': html,
def get_submission_metadata_safe(self, answers, correct_map):
Ensures that no exceptions are thrown while generating input metadata summaries. Returns the
summary if it is successfully created, otherwise an empty dictionary.
return self.get_submission_metadata(answers, correct_map)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# NOTE: The above process requires deep inspection of capa structures that may break for some
# uncommon problem types. Ensure that it does not prevent answer submission in those
# cases. Any occurrences of errors in this block should be investigated and resolved.
log.exception('Unable to gather submission metadata, it will not be included in the event.')
return {}
def get_submission_metadata(self, answers, correct_map):
Return a map of inputs to their corresponding summarized metadata.
A map whose keys are a unique identifier for the input (in this case a capa input_id) and
whose values are:
question (str): Is the prompt that was presented to the student. It corresponds to the
label of the input.
answer (mixed): Is the answer the student provided. This may be a rich structure,
however it must be json serializable.
response_type (str): The XML tag of the capa response type.
input_type (str): The XML tag of the capa input type.
correct (bool): Whether or not the provided answer is correct. Will be an empty
string if correctness could not be determined.
variant (str): In some cases the same question can have several different variants.
This string should uniquely identify the variant of the question that was answered.
In the capa context this corresponds to the `seed`.
This function attempts to be very conservative and make very few assumptions about the structure
of the problem. If problem related metadata cannot be located it should be replaced with empty
strings ''.
input_metadata = {}
for input_id, internal_answer in answers.iteritems():
answer_input = self.lcp.inputs.get(input_id)
if answer_input is None:
log.warning('Input id %s is not mapped to an input type.', input_id)
answer_response = None
for response, responder in self.lcp.responders.iteritems():
for other_input_id in self.lcp.responder_answers[response]:
if other_input_id == input_id:
answer_response = responder
if answer_response is None:
log.warning('Answer responder could not be found for input_id %s.', input_id)
user_visible_answer = internal_answer
if hasattr(answer_input, 'get_user_visible_answer'):
user_visible_answer = answer_input.get_user_visible_answer(internal_answer)
# If this problem has rerandomize enabled, then it will generate N variants of the
# question, one per unique seed value. In this case we would like to know which
# variant was selected. Ideally it would be nice to have the exact question that
# was presented to the user, with values interpolated etc, but that can be done
# later if necessary.
variant = ''
if self.rerandomize != 'never':
variant = self.seed
is_correct = correct_map.is_correct(input_id)
if is_correct is None:
is_correct = ''
input_metadata[input_id] = {
'question': getattr(answer_input, 'loaded_attributes', {}).get('label', ''),
'answer': user_visible_answer,
'response_type': getattr(getattr(answer_response, 'xml', None), 'tag', ''),
'input_type': getattr(answer_input, 'tag', ''),
'correct': is_correct,
'variant': variant,
return input_metadata
def rescore_problem(self):
Checks whether the existing answers to a problem are correct.
......@@ -58,21 +58,22 @@ class CapaFactory(object):
return cls.num
def input_key(cls, input_num=2):
def input_key(cls, response_num=2, input_num=1):
Return the input key to use when passing GET parameters
return ("input_" + cls.answer_key(input_num))
return ("input_" + cls.answer_key(response_num, input_num))
def answer_key(cls, input_num=2):
def answer_key(cls, response_num=2, input_num=1):
Return the key stored in the capa problem answer dict
return (
"%s_%d_1" % (
"%s_%d_%d" % (
"-".join(['i4x', 'edX', 'capa_test', 'problem', 'SampleProblem%d' % cls.num]),
......@@ -544,8 +545,8 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Create a request dictionary for check_problem.
get_request_dict = {
CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(input_num=2): fileobjs,
CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(input_num=3): 'None',
CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(response_num=2): fileobjs,
CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(response_num=3): 'None',
......@@ -594,8 +595,8 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Create a webob Request with the files uploaded.
post_data = []
for fname, fileobj in zip(fnames, fileobjs):
post_data.append((CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(input_num=2), (fname, fileobj)))
post_data.append((CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(input_num=3), 'None'))
post_data.append((CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(response_num=2), (fname, fileobj)))
post_data.append((CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(response_num=3), 'None'))
request = webob.Request.blank("/some/fake/url", POST=post_data, content_type='multipart/form-data')
module.handle('xmodule_handler', request, 'problem_check')
......@@ -1402,3 +1403,222 @@ class ComplexEncoderTest(unittest.TestCase):
expected_str = '1-1*j'
json_str = json.dumps(complex_num, cls=ComplexEncoder)
self.assertEqual(expected_str, json_str[1:-1]) # ignore quotes
class TestProblemCheckTracking(unittest.TestCase):
Ensure correct tracking information is included in events emitted during problem checks.
def setUp(self):
self.maxDiff = None
def test_choice_answer_text(self):
factory = self.capa_factory_for_problem_xml("""\
<problem display_name="Multiple Choice Questions">
<p>What color is the open ocean on a sunny day?</p>
<optioninput options="('yellow','blue','green')" correct="blue" label="What color is the open ocean on a sunny day?"/>
<p>Which piece of furniture is built for sitting?</p>
<choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">
<choice correct="false">
<text>a table</text>
<choice correct="false">
<text>a desk</text>
<choice correct="true">
<text>a chair</text>
<choice correct="false">
<text>a bookshelf</text>
<p>Which of the following are musical instruments?</p>
<checkboxgroup direction="vertical" label="Which of the following are musical instruments?">
<choice correct="true">a piano</choice>
<choice correct="false">a tree</choice>
<choice correct="true">a guitar</choice>
<choice correct="false">a window</choice>
module = factory.create()
answer_input_dict = {
factory.input_key(2): 'blue',
factory.input_key(3): 'choice_0',
factory.input_key(4): ['choice_0', 'choice_1'],
event = self.get_event_for_answers(module, answer_input_dict)
self.assertEquals(event['submission'], {
factory.answer_key(2): {
'question': 'What color is the open ocean on a sunny day?',
'answer': 'blue',
'response_type': 'optionresponse',
'input_type': 'optioninput',
'correct': True,
'variant': '',
factory.answer_key(3): {
'question': '',
'answer': u'<text>a table</text>',
'response_type': 'multiplechoiceresponse',
'input_type': 'choicegroup',
'correct': False,
'variant': '',
factory.answer_key(4): {
'question': 'Which of the following are musical instruments?',
'answer': [u'a piano', u'a tree'],
'response_type': 'choiceresponse',
'input_type': 'checkboxgroup',
'correct': False,
'variant': '',
def capa_factory_for_problem_xml(self, xml):
class CustomCapaFactory(CapaFactory):
A factory for creating a Capa problem with arbitrary xml.
sample_problem_xml = textwrap.dedent(xml)
return CustomCapaFactory
def get_event_for_answers(self, module, answer_input_dict):
with patch.object(module.runtime, 'track_function') as mock_track_function:
self.assertEquals(len(mock_track_function.mock_calls), 1)
mock_call = mock_track_function.mock_calls[0]
event = mock_call[1][1]
return event
def test_numerical_textline(self):
factory = CapaFactory
module = factory.create()
answer_input_dict = {
factory.input_key(2): '3.14'
event = self.get_event_for_answers(module, answer_input_dict)
self.assertEquals(event['submission'], {
factory.answer_key(2): {
'question': '',
'answer': '3.14',
'response_type': 'numericalresponse',
'input_type': 'textline',
'correct': True,
'variant': '',
def test_multiple_inputs(self):
factory = self.capa_factory_for_problem_xml("""\
<problem display_name="Multiple Inputs">
<p>Choose the correct color</p>
<p>What color is the sky?</p>
<optioninput options="('yellow','blue','green')" correct="blue"/>
<p>What color are pine needles?</p>
<optioninput options="('yellow','blue','green')" correct="green"/>
module = factory.create()
answer_input_dict = {
factory.input_key(2, 1): 'blue',
factory.input_key(2, 2): 'yellow',
event = self.get_event_for_answers(module, answer_input_dict)
self.assertEquals(event['submission'], {
factory.answer_key(2, 1): {
'question': '',
'answer': 'blue',
'response_type': 'optionresponse',
'input_type': 'optioninput',
'correct': True,
'variant': '',
factory.answer_key(2, 2): {
'question': '',
'answer': 'yellow',
'response_type': 'optionresponse',
'input_type': 'optioninput',
'correct': False,
'variant': '',
def test_rerandomized_inputs(self):
factory = CapaFactory
module = factory.create(rerandomize='always')
answer_input_dict = {
factory.input_key(2): '3.14'
event = self.get_event_for_answers(module, answer_input_dict)
self.assertEquals(event['submission'], {
factory.answer_key(2): {
'question': '',
'answer': '3.14',
'response_type': 'numericalresponse',
'input_type': 'textline',
'correct': True,
'variant': module.seed,
def test_file_inputs(self):
fnames = ["", "", ""]
fpaths = [os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "capa", fname) for fname in fnames]
fileobjs = [open(fpath) for fpath in fpaths]
for fileobj in fileobjs:
factory = CapaFactoryWithFiles
module = factory.create()
# Mock the XQueueInterface.
xqueue_interface = XQueueInterface("", Mock())
xqueue_interface._http_post = Mock(return_value=(0, "ok")) # pylint: disable=protected-access
module.system.xqueue['interface'] = xqueue_interface
answer_input_dict = {
CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(response_num=2): fileobjs,
CapaFactoryWithFiles.input_key(response_num=3): 'None',
event = self.get_event_for_answers(module, answer_input_dict)
self.assertEquals(event['submission'], {
factory.answer_key(2): {
'question': '',
'answer': fpaths,
'response_type': 'coderesponse',
'input_type': 'filesubmission',
'correct': False,
'variant': '',
factory.answer_key(3): {
'answer': 'None',
'correct': True,
'question': '',
'response_type': 'customresponse',
'input_type': 'textline',
'variant': ''
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