Commit 074e4cfa by Jonathan Piacenti Committed by E. Kolpakov

Addressed further review notes for Library Pagination

parent 7188c3a3
......@@ -205,8 +205,7 @@ def xblock_view_handler(request, usage_key_string, view_name):
if 'application/json' in accept_header:
store = modulestore()
xblock = store.get_item(usage_key)
container_views = ['container_preview', 'reorderable_container_child_preview']
library = isinstance(usage_key, LibraryUsageLocator)
container_views = ['container_preview', 'reorderable_container_child_preview', 'container_child_preview']
# wrap the generated fragment in the xmodule_editor div so that the javascript
# can bind to it correctly
......@@ -235,7 +234,7 @@ def xblock_view_handler(request, usage_key_string, view_name):
# are being shown in a reorderable container, so the xblock is automatically
# added to the list.
reorderable_items = set()
if not library and view_name == 'reorderable_container_child_preview':
if view_name == 'reorderable_container_child_preview':
paging = None
......@@ -246,11 +245,15 @@ def xblock_view_handler(request, usage_key_string, view_name):
'page_size': int(request.REQUEST.get('page_size', 0)),
except ValueError:
"Couldn't parse paging parameters: enable_paging: %s, page_number: %s, page_size: %s",
request.REQUEST.get('enable_paging', 'false'),
request.REQUEST.get('page_number', 0),
request.REQUEST.get('page_size', 0)
return HttpResponse(
content="Couldn't parse paging parameters: enable_paging: "
"%s, page_number: %s, page_size: %s".format(
request.REQUEST.get('enable_paging', 'false'),
request.REQUEST.get('page_number', 0),
request.REQUEST.get('page_size', 0)
# Set up the context to be passed to each XBlock's render method.
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ define([
......@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ function($, _, XBlockInfo, ContainerPage, ComponentTemplates, xmoduleLoader) {
'use strict';
return function (componentTemplates, XBlockInfoJson, action, options) {
var main_options = {
el: $('#content'),
model: new XBlockInfo(XBlockInfoJson, {parse: true}),
action: action,
templates: new ComponentTemplates(componentTemplates, {parse: true})
el: $('#content'),
model: new XBlockInfo(XBlockInfoJson, {parse: true}),
action: action,
templates: new ComponentTemplates(componentTemplates, {parse: true})
xmoduleLoader.done(function () {
var view = new ContainerPage(_.extend(main_options, options));
'jquery', 'underscore', 'js/models/xblock_info', 'js/views/pages/container',
'js/collections/component_template', 'xmodule', 'coffee/src/main',
'jquery', 'underscore', 'js/models/xblock_info', 'js/views/pages/paged_container',
'js/views/library_container', 'js/collections/component_template', 'xmodule', 'coffee/src/main',
function($, _, XBlockInfo, ContainerPage, ComponentTemplates, xmoduleLoader) {
function($, _, XBlockInfo, PagedContainerPage, LibraryContainerView, ComponentTemplates, xmoduleLoader) {
'use strict';
return function (componentTemplates, XBlockInfoJson, options) {
var main_options = {
el: $('#content'),
model: new XBlockInfo(XBlockInfoJson, {parse: true}),
templates: new ComponentTemplates(componentTemplates, {parse: true}),
action: 'view'
action: 'view',
viewClass: LibraryContainerView
xmoduleLoader.done(function () {
var view = new ContainerPage(_.extend(main_options, options));
var view = new PagedContainerPage(_.extend(main_options, options));
define([ "jquery", "underscore", "js/common_helpers/ajax_helpers", "URI", "js/models/xblock_info",
"js/views/library_container", "js/views/paging_header", "js/views/paging_footer"],
function ($, _, AjaxHelpers, URI, XBlockInfo, PagedContainer, PagingContainer, PagingFooter) {
"js/views/paged_container", "js/views/paging_header", "js/views/paging_footer"],
function ($, _, AjaxHelpers, URI, XBlockInfo, PagedContainer, PagingHeader, PagingFooter) {
var htmlResponseTpl = _.template('' +
'<div class="xblock-container-paging-parameters" data-start="<%= start %>" data-displayed="<%= displayed %>" data-total="<%= total %>"/>'
define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_helpers",
"js/common_helpers/template_helpers", "js/spec_helpers/edit_helpers",
"js/views/pages/container", "js/models/xblock_info", "jquery.simulate"],
function ($, _, str, AjaxHelpers, TemplateHelpers, EditHelpers, ContainerPage, XBlockInfo) {
"js/views/pages/container", "js/views/pages/paged_container", "js/models/xblock_info"],
function ($, _, str, AjaxHelpers, TemplateHelpers, EditHelpers, ContainerPage, PagedContainerPage, XBlockInfo) {
function parameterized_suite(label, global_page_options, fixtures) {
describe(label + " ContainerPage", function () {
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
mockBadContainerXBlockHtml = readFixtures('mock/mock-bad-javascript-container-xblock.underscore'),
mockBadXBlockContainerXBlockHtml = readFixtures('mock/mock-bad-xblock-container-xblock.underscore'),
mockUpdatedContainerXBlockHtml = readFixtures('mock/mock-updated-container-xblock.underscore'),
mockXBlockEditorHtml = readFixtures('mock/mock-xblock-editor.underscore');
mockXBlockEditorHtml = readFixtures('mock/mock-xblock-editor.underscore'),
PageClass =;
beforeEach(function () {
var newDisplayName = 'New Display Name';
......@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
templates: EditHelpers.mockComponentTemplates,
el: $('#content')
return new ContainerPage(_.extend(options || {}, global_page_options, default_options));
return new PageClass(_.extend(options || {}, global_page_options, default_options));
renderContainerPage = function (test, html, options) {
......@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
describe("xblock operations", function () {
var getGroupElement, paginated,
var getGroupElement, paginated, getDeleteOffset,
allComponentsInGroup =
......@@ -283,9 +284,13 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
paginated = function () {
return containerPage.enable_paging;
return containerPage instanceof PagedContainerPage;
getDeleteOffset = function () {
// Paginated containers will make an additional AJAX request.
return paginated() ? 3 : 2;
getGroupElement = function () {
return containerPage.$("[data-locator='locator-group-" + GROUP_TO_TEST + "']");
......@@ -316,8 +321,6 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
deleteComponent = function (componentIndex, requestOffset) {
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, {});
// second to last request contains given component's id (to delete the component)
AjaxHelpers.expectJsonRequest(requests, 'DELETE',
'/xblock/locator-component-' + GROUP_TO_TEST + (componentIndex + 1),
null, requests.length - requestOffset);
......@@ -329,8 +332,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
deleteComponentWithSuccess = function (componentIndex) {
var deleteOffset;
deleteOffset = paginated() ? 3 : 2;
deleteOffset = getDeleteOffset();
deleteComponent(componentIndex, deleteOffset);
// verify the new list of components within the group
......@@ -356,17 +358,12 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
it("can delete an xblock with broken JavaScript", function () {
var deleteOffset = getDeleteOffset();
renderContainerPage(this, mockBadContainerXBlockHtml);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, {});
var deleteOffset;
if (paginated()) {
deleteOffset = 3;
} else {
deleteOffset = 2;
// expect the second to last request to be a delete of the xblock
AjaxHelpers.expectJsonRequest(requests, 'DELETE', '/xblock/locator-broken-javascript',
null, requests.length - deleteOffset);
......@@ -528,7 +525,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
describe('Template Picker', function () {
var showTemplatePicker, verifyCreateHtmlComponent, call_count;
var showTemplatePicker, verifyCreateHtmlComponent;
showTemplatePicker = function () {
containerPage.$('.new-component .new-component-type a.multiple-templates')[0].click();
......@@ -536,7 +533,6 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
verifyCreateHtmlComponent = function (test, templateIndex, expectedRequest) {
var xblockCount;
// call_count = paginated() ? 18: 10;
renderContainerPage(test, mockContainerXBlockHtml);
xblockCount = containerPage.$('.studio-xblock-wrapper').length;
......@@ -568,12 +564,17 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "js/common_helpers/ajax_hel
parameterized_suite("Non paged",
{ enable_paging: false },
{ initial: 'mock/mock-container-xblock.underscore', add_response: 'mock/mock-xblock.underscore' }
{ },
page: ContainerPage,
initial: 'mock/mock-container-xblock.underscore',
add_response: 'mock/mock-xblock.underscore'
{ enable_paging: true, page_size: 42 },
{ page_size: 42 },
page: PagedContainerPage,
initial: 'mock/mock-container-paged-xblock.underscore',
add_response: 'mock/mock-xblock-paged.underscore'
......@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/xblock", "js/utils/module", "gettext",
// child xblocks within the page.
requestToken: "",
new_child_view: 'reorderable_container_child_preview',
xblockReady: function () {;
var reorderableClass, reorderableContainer,
define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/paged_container", "js/utils/module", "gettext", "js/views/feedback_notification",
"js/views/paging_header", "js/views/paging_footer"],
function ($, _, PagedContainerView) {
function (PagedContainerView) {
// To be extended with Library-specific features later.
var LibraryContainerView = PagedContainerView;
return LibraryContainerView;
......@@ -5,9 +5,13 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/container", "js/utils/module", "gettex
initialize: function(options){
var self = this;;
this.page_size = this.options.page_size || 10;
this.page_reload_callback = options.page_reload_callback || function () {};
// emulating Backbone.paginator interface
this.page_size = this.options.page_size;
// Reference to the page model =;
// XBlocks are rendered via Django views and templates rather than underscore templates, and so don't
// have a Backbone model for us to manipulate in a backbone collection. Here, we emulate the interface
// of backbone.paginator so that we can use the Paging Header and Footer with this page. As a
// consequence, however, we have to manipulate its members manually.
this.collection = {
currentPage: 0,
totalPages: 0,
......@@ -15,18 +19,23 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/container", "js/utils/module", "gettex
sortDirection: "desc",
start: 0,
_size: 0,
bind: function() {}, // no-op
// Paging header and footer expect this to be a Backbone model they can listen to for changes, but
// they cannot. Provide the bind function for them, but have it do nothing.
bind: function() {},
// size() on backbone collections shows how many objects are in the collection, or in the case
// of paginator, on the current page.
size: function() { return self.collection._size; }
new_child_view: 'container_child_preview',
render: function(options) {
var eff_options = options || {};
eff_options.page_number = typeof eff_options.page_number !== "undefined"
? eff_options.page_number
options = options || {};
options.page_number = typeof options.page_number !== "undefined"
? options.page_number
: this.collection.currentPage;
return this.renderPage(eff_options);
return this.renderPage(options);
renderPage: function(options){
......@@ -43,16 +52,15 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/container", "js/utils/module", "gettex
success: function(fragment) {
self.handleXBlockFragment(fragment, options);
self.processPaging({ requested_page: options.page_number });
// This is expected to render the add xblock components menu.
getRenderParameters: function(page_number) {
return {
enable_paging: true,
page_size: this.page_size,
enable_paging: true,
page_number: page_number
......@@ -67,6 +75,8 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/container", "js/utils/module", "gettex
processPaging: function(options){
// We have the Django template sneak us the pagination information,
// and we load it from a div here.
var $element = this.$el.find('.xblock-container-paging-parameters'),
total = $'total'),
displayed = $'displayed'),
......@@ -82,6 +92,8 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/container", "js/utils/module", "gettex
processPagingHeaderAndFooter: function(){
// Rendering the container view detaches the header and footer from the DOM.
// It's just as easy to recreate them as it is to try to shove them back into the tree.
if (this.pagingHeader)
if (this.pagingFooter)
......@@ -100,12 +112,6 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/container", "js/utils/module", "gettex
xblockReady: function () {;
this.requestToken = this.$('div.xblock').first().data('request-token');
refresh: function(block_added) {
if (block_added) {
this.collection.totalCount += 1;
......@@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/container", "js/utils/module", "gettex
sortDisplayName: function() {
return "Date added"; // TODO add support for sorting
return gettext("Date added"); // TODO add support for sorting
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
* This page allows the user to understand and manipulate the xblock and its children.
define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/pages/base_page", "js/views/utils/view_utils",
"js/views/container", "js/views/library_container", "js/views/xblock", "js/views/components/add_xblock", "js/views/modals/edit_xblock",
"js/views/container", "js/views/xblock", "js/views/components/add_xblock", "js/views/modals/edit_xblock",
"js/models/xblock_info", "js/views/xblock_string_field_editor", "js/views/pages/container_subviews",
"js/views/unit_outline", "js/views/utils/xblock_utils"],
function ($, _, gettext, BasePage, ViewUtils, ContainerView, PagedContainerView, XBlockView, AddXBlockComponent,
function ($, _, gettext, BasePage, ViewUtils, ContainerView, XBlockView, AddXBlockComponent,
EditXBlockModal, XBlockInfo, XBlockStringFieldEditor, ContainerSubviews, UnitOutlineView,
XBlockUtils) {
'use strict';
......@@ -25,12 +25,16 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/pages/base_page", "js/views
view: 'container_preview',
defaultViewClass: ContainerView,
// Overridable by subclasses-- determines whether the XBlock component
// addition menu is added on initialization. You may set this to false
// if your subclass handles it.
components_on_init: true,
initialize: function(options) {, options);
this.enable_paging = options.enable_paging || false;
if (this.enable_paging) {
this.page_size = options.page_size || 10;
this.viewClass = options.viewClass || this.defaultViewClass;
this.nameEditor = new XBlockStringFieldEditor({
el: this.$('.wrapper-xblock-field'),
model: this.model
......@@ -75,28 +79,18 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/pages/base_page", "js/views
getXBlockView: function(){
var self = this,
parameters = {
el: this.$('.wrapper-xblock'),
model: this.model,
view: this.view
if (this.enable_paging) {
parameters = _.extend(parameters, {
page_size: this.page_size,
page_reload_callback: function($element) {
return new PagedContainerView(parameters);
else {
return new ContainerView(parameters);
getViewParameters: function () {
return {
el: this.$('.wrapper-xblock'),
model: this.model,
view: this.view
getXBlockView: function(){
return new this.viewClass(this.getViewParameters());
render: function(options) {
var self = this,
xblockView = this.xblockView,
......@@ -120,7 +114,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/pages/base_page", "js/views
xblockView.notifyRuntime('page-shown', self);
// Render the add buttons. Paged containers should do this on their own.
if (!self.enable_paging) {
if (self.components_on_init) {
// Render the add buttons
......@@ -277,7 +271,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/pages/base_page", "js/views
rootLocator =;
if (xblockElement.length === 0 ||'locator') === rootLocator) {
this.render({refresh: true, block_added: block_added});
} else if (parentElement.hasClass('reorderable-container') || this.enable_paging) {
} else if (parentElement.hasClass('reorderable-container')) {
this.refreshChildXBlock(xblockElement, block_added);
} else {
......@@ -313,7 +307,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/pages/base_page", "js/views
temporaryView = new TemporaryXBlockView({
model: xblockInfo,
view: 'reorderable_container_child_preview',
view: self.xblockView.new_child_view,
el: xblockElement
return temporaryView.render({
* PagedXBlockContainerPage is a variant of XBlockContainerPage that supports Pagination.
define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/pages/container", "js/views/paged_container"],
function ($, _, gettext, XBlockContainerPage, PagedContainerView) {
'use strict';
var PagedXBlockContainerPage = XBlockContainerPage.extend({
defaultViewClass: PagedContainerView,
components_on_init: false,
initialize: function (options){
this.page_size = options.page_size || 10;, options);
getViewParameters: function () {
return _.extend(, {
page_size: this.page_size,
page: this
refreshXBlock: function(element, block_added) {
var xblockElement = this.findXBlockElement(element),
rootLocator =;
if (xblockElement.length === 0 ||'locator') === rootLocator) {
this.render({refresh: true, block_added: block_added});
} else {
this.refreshChildXBlock(xblockElement, block_added);
return PagedXBlockContainerPage;
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ define(["underscore", "js/views/baseview"], function(_, BaseView) {
if (pageNumber <= 0) {
pageNumber = false;
// If we still have a page number by this point,
// and it's not the current page, load it.
if (pageNumber && pageNumber !== currentPage) {
view.setPage(pageNumber - 1);
define(["jquery", "underscore"],
function ($, _) {
function () {
var PagedMixin = {
setPage: function (page) {
var self = this,
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
${component_templates | n}, ${json.dumps(xblock_info) | n},
isUnitPage: false,
enable_paging: true,
page_size: 10
......@@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ class LibraryRoot(XBlock):
def render_children(self, context, fragment, can_reorder=False, can_add=False): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Renders the children of the module with HTML appropriate for Studio. If can_reorder is True,
then the children will be rendered to support drag and drop.
Renders the children of the module with HTML appropriate for Studio. Reordering is not supported.
contents = []
......@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ class LibraryRoot(XBlock):
'id': unicode(child.location),
'content': rendered_child.content
'content': rendered_child.content,
......@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ Library edit page in Studio
from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import PaginatedMixin
from .container import XBlockWrapper
from ...tests.helpers import disable_animations
from .utils import confirm_prompt, wait_for_notification
from . import BASE_URL
class LibraryPage(PageObject):
class LibraryPage(PageObject, PaginatedMixin):
Library page in Studio
......@@ -75,58 +75,6 @@ class LibraryPage(PageObject):
confirm_prompt(self) # this will also wait_for_notification()
def nav_disabled(self, position, arrows=('next', 'previous')):
Verifies that pagination nav is disabled. Position can be 'top' or 'bottom'.
To specify a specific arrow, pass an iterable with a single element, 'next' or 'previous'.
return all([
self.q(css='nav.%s *' % (position, arrow))
for arrow in arrows
def move_back(self, position):
Clicks one of the forward nav buttons. Position can be 'top' or 'bottom'.
self.q(css='nav.%s * a.previous-page-link' % position)[0].click()
def move_forward(self, position):
Clicks one of the forward nav buttons. Position can be 'top' or 'bottom'.
self.q(css='nav.%s *' % position)[0].click()
def revisit(self):
Visit the page's URL, instead of refreshing, so that a new state is created.
def go_to_page(self, number):
Enter a number into the page number input field, and then try to navigate to it.
page_input = self.q(css="#page-number-input")[0]
def check_page_unchanged(self, first_block_name):
Used to make sure that a page has not transitioned after a bogus number is given.
if not self.xblocks[0].name == first_block_name:
return False
if not self.q(css='#page-number-input')[0].get_attribute('value') == '':
return False
return True
def _get_xblocks(self):
Create an XBlockWrapper for each XBlock div found on the page.
Mixin to include for Paginated container pages
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
class PaginatedMixin(object):
Mixin class used for paginated page tests.
def nav_disabled(self, position, arrows=('next', 'previous')):
Verifies that pagination nav is disabled. Position can be 'top' or 'bottom'.
`top` is the header, `bottom` is the footer.
To specify a specific arrow, pass an iterable with a single element, 'next' or 'previous'.
return all([
self.q(css='nav.%s *' % (position, arrow))
for arrow in arrows
def move_back(self, position):
Clicks one of the forward nav buttons. Position can be 'top' or 'bottom'.
self.q(css='nav.%s * a.previous-page-link' % position)[0].click()
def move_forward(self, position):
Clicks one of the forward nav buttons. Position can be 'top' or 'bottom'.
self.q(css='nav.%s *' % position)[0].click()
def go_to_page(self, number):
Enter a number into the page number input field, and then try to navigate to it.
page_input = self.q(css="#page-number-input")[0]
def get_page_number(self):
Returns the page number as the page represents it, in string form.
return self.q(css="span.current-page")[0].get_attribute('innerHTML')
def check_page_unchanged(self, first_block_name):
Used to make sure that a page has not transitioned after a bogus number is given.
if not self.xblocks[0].name == first_block_name:
return False
if not self.q(css='#page-number-input')[0].get_attribute('value') == '':
return False
return True
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Acceptance tests for Content Libraries in Studio
from ddt import ddt, data
from .base_studio_test import StudioLibraryTest
from ...fixtures.course import XBlockFixtureDesc
from import add_component
from import LibraryPage
......@@ -137,109 +138,64 @@ class LibraryEditPageTest(StudioLibraryTest):
Scenario: Ensure that the navigation buttons aren't active when there aren't enough XBlocks.
Given that I have a library in Studio with no XBlocks
The Navigation buttons should be disabled.
When I add 5 multiple Choice XBlocks
When I add a multiple choice problem
The Navigation buttons should be disabled.
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 0)
for _ in range(0, 5):
add_component(self.lib_page, "problem", "Multiple Choice")
add_component(self.lib_page, "problem", "Multiple Choice")
@data('top', 'bottom')
def test_nav_buttons(self, position):
class LibraryNavigationTest(StudioLibraryTest):
Test common Navigation actions
def setUp(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Scenario: Ensure that the navigation buttons work.
Given that I have a library in Studio with no XBlocks
And I create 10 Multiple Choice XBlocks
And I create 10 Checkbox XBlocks
And I create 10 Dropdown XBlocks
And I revisit the page
The previous button should be disabled.
The first XBlock should be a Multiple Choice XBlock
Then if I hit the next button
The first XBlock should be a Checkboxes XBlock
Then if I hit the next button
The first XBlock should be a Dropdown XBlock
And the next button should be disabled
Then if I hit the previous button
The first XBlock should be an Checkboxes XBlock
Then if I hit the previous button
The first XBlock should be a Multipe Choice XBlock
And the previous button should be disabled
Ensure a library exists and navigate to the library edit page.
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 0)
block_types = [('problem', 'Multiple Choice'), ('problem', 'Checkboxes'), ('problem', 'Dropdown')]
for block_type in block_types:
for _ in range(0, 10):
add_component(self.lib_page, *block_type)
# Don't refresh, as that may contain additional state.
# Check forward navigation
self.assertTrue(self.lib_page.nav_disabled(position, ['previous']))
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Multiple Choice')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Checkboxes')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Dropdown')
self.lib_page.nav_disabled(position, ['next'])
super(LibraryNavigationTest, self).setUp(is_staff=True)
self.lib_page = LibraryPage(self.browser, self.library_key)
# Check backward navigation
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Checkboxes')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Multiple Choice')
self.assertTrue(self.lib_page.nav_disabled(position, ['previous']))
def populate_library_fixture(self, library_fixture):
Create four pages worth of XBlocks, and offset by one so each is named
after the number they should be in line by the user's perception.
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
self.blocks = [XBlockFixtureDesc('html', str(i)) for i in xrange(1, 41)]
def test_arbitrary_page_selection(self):
Scenario: I can pick a specific page number of a Library at will.
Given that I have a library in Studio with no XBlocks
And I create 10 Multiple Choice XBlocks
And I create 10 Checkboxes XBlocks
And I create 10 Dropdown XBlocks
And I create 10 Numerical Input XBlocks
And I revisit the page
Given that I have a library in Studio with 40 XBlocks
When I go to the 3rd page
The first XBlock should be a Dropdown XBlock
The first XBlock should be the 21st XBlock
When I go to the 4th Page
The first XBlock should be a Numerical Input XBlock
The first XBlock should be the 31st XBlock
When I go to the 1st page
The first XBlock should be a Multiple Choice XBlock
The first XBlock should be the 1st XBlock
When I go to the 2nd page
The first XBlock should be a Checkboxes XBlock
The first XBlock should be the 11th XBlock
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 0)
block_types = [
('problem', 'Multiple Choice'), ('problem', 'Checkboxes'), ('problem', 'Dropdown'),
('problem', 'Numerical Input'),
for block_type in block_types:
for _ in range(0, 10):
add_component(self.lib_page, *block_type)
# Don't refresh, as that may contain additional state.
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Dropdown')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '21')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Numerical Input')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '31')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Multiple Choice')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '1')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Checkboxes')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '11')
def test_bogus_page_selection(self):
Scenario: I can't pick a nonsense page number of a Library
Given that I have a library in Studio with no XBlocks
And I create 10 Multiple Choice XBlocks
And I create 10 Checkboxes XBlocks
And I create 10 Dropdown XBlocks
And I create 10 Numerical Input XBlocks
And I revisit the page
Given that I have a library in Studio with 40 XBlocks
When I attempt to go to the 'a'th page
The input field will be cleared and no change of XBlocks will be made
When I attempt to visit the 5th page
......@@ -249,22 +205,104 @@ class LibraryEditPageTest(StudioLibraryTest):
When I attempt to visit the 0th page
The input field will be cleared and no change of XBlocks will be made
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 0)
block_types = [
('problem', 'Multiple Choice'), ('problem', 'Checkboxes'), ('problem', 'Dropdown'),
('problem', 'Numerical Input'),
for block_type in block_types:
for _ in range(0, 10):
add_component(self.lib_page, *block_type)
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, 'Multiple Choice')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '1')
self.assertTrue(self.lib_page.check_page_unchanged('Multiple Choice'))
self.assertTrue(self.lib_page.check_page_unchanged('Multiple Choice'))
self.assertTrue(self.lib_page.check_page_unchanged('Multiple Choice'))
self.assertTrue(self.lib_page.check_page_unchanged('Multiple Choice'))
@data('top', 'bottom')
def test_nav_buttons(self, position):
Scenario: Ensure that the navigation buttons work.
Given that I have a library in Studio with 40 XBlocks
The previous button should be disabled.
The first XBlock should be the 1st XBlock
Then if I hit the next button
The first XBlock should be the 11th XBlock
Then if I hit the next button
The first XBlock should be the 21st XBlock
Then if I hit the next button
The first XBlock should be the 31st XBlock
And the next button should be disabled
Then if I hit the previous button
The first XBlock should be the 21st XBlock
Then if I hit the previous button
The first XBlock should be the 11th XBlock
Then if I hit the previous button
The first XBlock should be the 1st XBlock
And the previous button should be disabled
# Check forward navigation
self.assertTrue(self.lib_page.nav_disabled(position, ['previous']))
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '1')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '11')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '21')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '31')
self.lib_page.nav_disabled(position, ['next'])
# Check backward navigation
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '21')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '11')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '1')
self.assertTrue(self.lib_page.nav_disabled(position, ['previous']))
def test_library_pagination(self):
Scenario: Ensure that adding several XBlocks to a library results in pagination.
Given that I have a library in Studio with 40 XBlocks
Then 10 are displayed
And the first XBlock will be the 1st one
And I'm on the 1st page
When I add 1 Multiple Choice XBlock
Then 1 XBlock will be displayed
And I'm on the 5th page
The first XBlock will be the newest one
When I delete that XBlock
Then 10 are displayed
And I'm on the 4th page
And the first XBlock is the 31st one
And the last XBlock is the 40th one.
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 10)
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.get_page_number(), '1')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '1')
add_component(self.lib_page, "problem", "Multiple Choice")
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 1)
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.get_page_number(), '5')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, "Multiple Choice")
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 10)
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.get_page_number(), '4')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '31')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[-1].name, '40')
def test_delete_shifts_blocks(self):
Scenario: Ensure that removing an XBlock shifts other blocks back.
Given that I have a library in Studio with 40 XBlocks
Then 10 are displayed
And I will be on the first page
When I delete the third XBlock
There will be 10 displayed
And the first XBlock will be the first one
And the last XBlock will be the 11th one
And I will be on the first page
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 10)
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.get_page_number(), '1')
self.lib_page.click_delete_button(self.lib_page.xblocks[2].locator, confirm=True)
self.assertEqual(len(self.lib_page.xblocks), 10)
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[0].name, '1')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.xblocks[-1].name, '11')
self.assertEqual(self.lib_page.get_page_number(), '1')
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