Commit 0538dea9 by Robert Raposa

Fix review comments

Changes include:
- Fix code review comments
- Add comments
- Rename variables and files
parent 52dc343f
#!/usr/bin/env python
a tool to check if templates are safe
from enum import Enum
import os
import re
import sys
_skip_dirs = (
_skip_mako_dirs = _skip_dirs
_skip_underscore_dirs = _skip_dirs + ('/test',)
def _is_skip_dir(skip_dirs, directory):
for skip_dir in skip_dirs:
if (directory.find(skip_dir + '/') >= 0) or directory.endswith(skip_dir):
return True
return False
def _load_file(self, file_full_path):
input_file = open(file_full_path, 'r')
file_contents =
if not file_contents:
return False
return file_contents.decode(encoding='utf-8')
def _get_line_breaks(self, file_string):
line_breaks = [0]
index = 0
while True:
index = file_string.find('\n', index)
if index < 0:
index += 1
return line_breaks
def _get_line_number(self, line_breaks, index):
current_line_number = 0
for line_break_index in line_breaks:
if line_break_index <= index:
current_line_number += 1
return current_line_number
def _get_line(self, file_string, line_breaks, line_number):
start_index = line_breaks[line_number - 1]
if len(line_breaks) == line_number:
line = file_string[start_index:]
end_index = line_breaks[line_number]
line = file_string[start_index:end_index - 1]
return line.encode(encoding='utf-8')
def _get_column_number(self, line_breaks, line_number, index):
start_index = line_breaks[line_number - 1]
column = index - start_index + 1
return column
class Rules(Enum):
mako_missing_default = ('mako-missing-default', 'The default page directive with h filter is missing.')
mako_unparsable_expression = ('mako-unparsable-expression', 'The expression could not be properly parsed.')
mako_unwanted_html_filter = ('mako-unwanted-html-filter', 'Remove explicit h filters when it is provided by the page directive.')
mako_invalid_html_filter = ('mako-invalid-html-filter', 'The expression is using an invalid filter in an HTML context.')
mako_invalid_js_filter = ('mako-invalid-js-filter', 'The expression is using an invalid filter in a JavaScript context.')
mako_js_string_missing_quotes = ('mako-js-string-missing-quotes', 'An expression using the js_escape_string filter must have surrounding quotes.')
underscore_not_escaped = ('underscore-not-escaped', 'Expressions should be escaped using <%- expression %>.')
def __init__(self, rule_id, rule_summary):
self.rule_id = rule_id
self.rule_summary = rule_summary
class BrokenRule(object):
def __init__(self, rule):
self.rule = rule
self.full_path = ''
def prepare_results(self, full_path, file_string, line_breaks):
self.full_path = full_path
def print_results(self, options):
print "{}: {}".format(self.full_path, self.rule.rule_id)
class BrokenExpressionRule(BrokenRule):
def __init__(self, rule, expression):
super(BrokenExpressionRule, self).__init__(rule)
self.expression = expression
self.start_line = 0
self.start_column = 0
self.end_line = 0
self.end_column = 0
self.lines = []
def prepare_results(self, full_path, file_string, line_breaks):
self.full_path = full_path
start_index = self.expression['start_index']
self.start_line = _get_line_number(self, line_breaks, start_index)
self.start_column = _get_column_number(self, line_breaks, self.start_line, start_index)
end_index = self.expression['end_index']
if end_index > 0:
self.end_line = _get_line_number(self, line_breaks, end_index)
self.end_column = _get_column_number(self, line_breaks, self.end_line, end_index)
self.end_line = self.start_line
self.end_column = '?'
for line_number in range(self.start_line, self.end_line + 1):
self.lines.append(_get_line(self, file_string, line_breaks, line_number))
def print_results(self, options):
for line_number in range(self.start_line, self.end_line + 1):
if (line_number == self.start_line):
column = self.start_column
rule_id = self.rule.rule_id + ":"
column = 1
rule_id = " " * (len(self.rule.rule_id) + 1)
print "{}: {}:{}: {} {}".format(
self.lines[line_number - self.start_line - 1]
class FileResults(object):
def __init__(self, full_path):
self.full_path = full_path
self.errors = []
def prepare_results(self, file_string):
line_breaks = _get_line_breaks(self, file_string)
for error in self.errors:
error.prepare_results(self.full_path, file_string, line_breaks)
def print_results(self, options):
if options['is_quiet']:
print self.full_path
for error in self.errors:
class MakoTemplateChecker(object):
_skip_mako_dirs = _skip_dirs
def __init__(self):
self._results = []
def process_file(self, directory, file_name):
Process file to determine if it is a Mako template file and
if it is safe.
directory (string): The directory of the file to be checked
file_name (string): A filename for a potential Mako file
Side effects:
Adds detailed results to internal data structure for
later reporting
if not self._is_mako_directory(directory):
# TODO: When safe-by-default is turned on at the platform level, will we:
# 1. Turn it on for .html only, or
# 2. Turn it on for all files, and have different rulesets that have
# different rules of .xml, .html, .js, .txt Mako templates (e.g. use
# the n filter to turn off h for some of these)?
# For now, we only check .html and .xml files
if not (file_name.lower().endswith('.html') or file_name.lower().endswith('.xml')):
self._load_and_check_mako_file_is_safe(directory + '/' + file_name)
def print_results(self, options):
for result in self._results:
def _is_mako_directory(self, directory):
if _is_skip_dir(self._skip_mako_dirs, directory):
return False
if (directory.find('/templates/') >= 0) or directory.endswith('/templates'):
return True
return False
def _load_and_check_mako_file_is_safe(self, mako_file_full_path):
mako_template = _load_file(self, mako_file_full_path)
results = FileResults(mako_file_full_path)
self._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
if len(results.errors) > 0:
def _check_mako_file_is_safe(self, mako_template, results):
has_page_default = self._has_page_default(mako_template, results)
if not has_page_default:
self._check_mako_expressions(mako_template, has_page_default, results)
def _has_page_default(self, mako_template, results):
page_h_filter_regex = re.compile('<%page expression_filter=(?:"h"|\'h\')\s*/>')
page_match =
return page_match
def _check_mako_expressions(self, mako_template, has_page_default, results):
expressions = self._find_mako_expressions(mako_template)
contexts = self._get_contexts(mako_template)
for expression in expressions:
if expression['expression'] is None:
Rules.mako_unparsable_expression, expression
context = self._get_context(contexts, expression['start_index'])
self._check_filters(mako_template, expression, context, has_page_default, results)
def _check_filters(self, mako_template, expression, context, has_page_default, results):
# finds "| n, h}" when given "${x | n, h}"
filters_regex = re.compile('\|[a-zA-Z_,\s]*\}')
filters_match =['expression'])
if filters_match is None:
if context == 'javascript':
Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter, expression
filters =[1:-1].replace(" ", "").split(",")
if context == 'html':
if (len(filters) == 1) and (filters[0] == 'h'):
if has_page_default:
# suppress this error if the page default hasn't been set,
# otherwise the template might get less safe
Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter, expression
elif (len(filters) == 2) and (filters[0] == 'n') and (filters[1] == 'dump_html_escaped_json'):
# {x | n, dump_html_escaped_json} is valid
Rules.mako_invalid_html_filter, expression
if (len(filters) == 2) and (filters[0] == 'n') and (filters[1] == 'dump_js_escaped_json'):
# {x | n, dump_js_escaped_json} is valid
elif (len(filters) == 2) and (filters[0] == 'n') and (filters[1] == 'js_escaped_string'):
# {x | n, js_escaped_string} is valid, if surrounded by quotes
prior_character = mako_template[expression['start_index'] - 1]
next_character = mako_template[expression['end_index'] + 1]
has_surrounding_quotes = (prior_character == '\'' and next_character == '\'') or \
(prior_character == '"' and next_character == '"')
if not has_surrounding_quotes:
Rules.mako_js_string_missing_quotes, expression
Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter, expression
def _get_contexts(self, mako_template):
Returns a data structure that represents the indices at which the
template changes from HTML context to JavaScript and back.
A list of dicts where each dict contains the 'index' of the context
and the context 'type' (e.g. 'html' or 'javascript').
contexts_re = re.compile(r"""
<script.*?>| # script tag start
</script>| # script tag end
<%static:require_module.*?>| # require js script tag start
</%static:require_module> # require js script tag end""", re.VERBOSE + re.IGNORECASE)
media_type_re = re.compile(r"""type=['"].*?['"]""", re.IGNORECASE)
contexts = [{'index': 0, 'type': 'html'}]
for context in contexts_re.finditer(mako_template):
match_string =
if match_string.startswith("<script"):
match_type =
context_type = 'javascript'
if match_type is not None:
# get media type (e.g. get text/javascript from
# type="text/javascript")
match_type =[6:-1].lower()
if match_type not in [
context_type = 'html'
contexts.append({'index': context.end(), 'type': context_type})
elif match_string.startswith("</script"):
contexts.append({'index': context.start(), 'type': 'html'})
elif match_string.startswith("<%static:require_module"):
contexts.append({'index': context.end(), 'type': 'javascript'})
contexts.append({'index': context.start(), 'type': 'html'})
return contexts
def _get_context(self, contexts, index):
current_context = contexts[0]['type']
for context in contexts:
if context['index'] <= index:
current_context = context['type']
return current_context
def _find_mako_expressions(self, mako_template):
start_delim = '${'
start_index = 0
expressions = []
while True:
start_index = mako_template.find(start_delim, start_index)
if (start_index < 0):
end_index = self._find_balanced_end_curly(mako_template, start_index + len(start_delim), 0)
if end_index < 0:
expression = None
expression = mako_template[start_index:end_index + 1]
expression = {
'start_index': start_index,
'end_index': end_index,
'expression': expression
# end_index of -1 represents a parsing error and we may find others
start_index = max(start_index + len(start_delim), end_index)
return expressions
def _find_balanced_end_curly(self, mako_template, start_index, num_open_curlies):
end_curly_index = mako_template.find('}', start_index)
if end_curly_index < 0:
# if we can't find an end_curly, let's just quit
return end_curly_index
open_curly_index = mako_template.find('{', start_index, end_curly_index)
if (open_curly_index >= 0) and (open_curly_index < end_curly_index):
if mako_template[open_curly_index - 1] == '$':
# assume if we find "${" it is the start of the next expression
# and we have a parse error
return -1
return self._find_balanced_end_curly(mako_template, open_curly_index + 1, num_open_curlies + 1)
if num_open_curlies == 0:
return end_curly_index
return self._find_balanced_end_curly(mako_template, end_curly_index + 1, num_open_curlies - 1)
class UnderscoreTemplateChecker(object):
_skip_underscore_dirs = _skip_dirs
def __init__(self):
self._results = []
def process_file(self, directory, file_name):
Process file to determine if it is an Underscore template file and
if it is safe.
directory (string): The directory of the file to be checked
file_name (string): A filename for a potential underscore file
Side effects:
Adds detailed results to internal data structure for
later reporting
if not self._is_underscore_directory(directory):
if not file_name.lower().endswith('.underscore'):
self._load_and_check_underscore_file_is_safe(directory + '/' + file_name)
def print_results(self, options):
for result in self._results:
def _is_underscore_directory(self, directory):
if _is_skip_dir(self._skip_underscore_dirs, directory):
return False
return True
def _load_and_check_underscore_file_is_safe(self, file_full_path):
underscore_template = _load_file(self, file_full_path)
results = FileResults(file_full_path)
self._check_underscore_file_is_safe(underscore_template, results)
if len(results.errors) > 0:
def _check_underscore_file_is_safe(self, underscore_template, results):
self._check_underscore_expressions(underscore_template, results)
def _check_underscore_expressions(self, underscore_template, results):
expressions = self._find_unescaped_expressions(underscore_template)
for expression in expressions:
Rules.underscore_not_escaped, expression
def _find_unescaped_expressions(self, underscore_template):
unescaped_expression_regex = re.compile("<%=.*?%>")
expressions = []
for match in unescaped_expression_regex.finditer(underscore_template):
expression = {
'start_index': match.start(),
'end_index': match.end(),
return expressions
def _process_current_walk(current_walk, template_checkers):
walk_directory = current_walk[0]
walk_files = current_walk[2]
for walk_file in walk_files:
for template_checker in template_checkers:
template_checker.process_file(walk_directory, walk_file)
def _process_os_walk(starting_dir, template_checkers):
for current_walk in os.walk(starting_dir):
_process_current_walk(current_walk, template_checkers)
def main():
#TODO: Use click
if '--help' in sys.argv:
print "Check that templates are safe."
print "Options:"
print " --quiet Just display the filenames with violations."
print "Rules:"
for rule in Rules.__members__.values():
print " {0[0]}: {0[1]}".format(rule.value)
is_quiet = '--quiet' in sys.argv
options = {
'is_quiet': is_quiet,
template_checkers = [MakoTemplateChecker(), UnderscoreTemplateChecker()]
_process_os_walk('.', template_checkers)
for template_checker in template_checkers:
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python
A linting tool to check if templates are safe
from enum import Enum
import os
import re
import sys
_skip_dirs = (
_skip_mako_dirs = _skip_dirs
_skip_underscore_dirs = _skip_dirs + ('/test',)
def _is_skip_dir(skip_dirs, directory):
Determines whether a directory should be skipped or linted.
skip_dirs: The configured directories to be skipped.
directory: The current directory to be tested.
True if the directory should be skipped, and False otherwise.
for skip_dir in skip_dirs:
dir_contains_skip_dir = (directory.find(skip_dir + '/') >= 0)
if dir_contains_skip_dir or directory.endswith(skip_dir):
return True
return False
def _load_file(self, file_full_path):
Loads a file into a string.
file_full_path: The full path of the file to be loaded.
A string containing the files contents.
with open(file_full_path, 'r') as input_file:
file_contents =
return file_contents.decode(encoding='utf-8')
def _get_line_breaks(self, string):
Creates a list, where each entry represents the index into the string where
the next line break was found.
string: The string in which to find line breaks.
A list of indices into the string at which each line break can be
line_breaks = [0]
index = 0
while True:
index = string.find('\n', index)
if index < 0:
index += 1
return line_breaks
def _get_line_number(self, line_breaks, index):
Given the list of line break indices, and an index, determines the line of
the index.
line_breaks: A list of indices into a string at which each line break
was found.
index: The index into the original string for which we want to know the
line number
The line number of the provided index.
current_line_number = 0
for line_break_index in line_breaks:
if line_break_index <= index:
current_line_number += 1
return current_line_number
def _get_line(self, string, line_breaks, line_number):
Gets the line of text designated by the provided line number.
string: The string of content with line breaks.
line_breaks: A list of indices into a string at which each line break
was found.
line_number: The line number of the line we want to find.
The line of text designated by the provided line number.
start_index = line_breaks[line_number - 1]
if len(line_breaks) == line_number:
line = string[start_index:]
end_index = line_breaks[line_number]
line = string[start_index:end_index - 1]
return line.encode(encoding='utf-8')
def _get_column_number(self, line_breaks, line_number, index):
Gets the column (i.e. index into the line) for the given index into the
original string.
line_breaks: A list of indices into a string at which each line break
was found.
line_number: The line number of the line we want to find.
index: The index into the original string.
The column (i.e. index into the line) for the given index into the
original string.
start_index = line_breaks[line_number - 1]
column = index - start_index + 1
return column
class Rules(Enum):
An Enum of each rule which the linter will check.
mako_missing_default = ('mako-missing-default', 'The default page directive with h filter is missing.')
mako_unparsable_expression = ('mako-unparsable-expression', 'The expression could not be properly parsed.')
mako_unwanted_html_filter = ('mako-unwanted-html-filter', 'Remove explicit h filters when it is provided by the page directive.')
mako_invalid_html_filter = ('mako-invalid-html-filter', 'The expression is using an invalid filter in an HTML context.')
mako_invalid_js_filter = ('mako-invalid-js-filter', 'The expression is using an invalid filter in a JavaScript context.')
mako_js_string_missing_quotes = ('mako-js-string-missing-quotes', 'An expression using the js_escape_string filter must have surrounding quotes.')
underscore_not_escaped = ('underscore-not-escaped', 'Expressions should be escaped using <%- expression %>.')
def __init__(self, rule_id, rule_summary):
self.rule_id = rule_id
self.rule_summary = rule_summary
class RuleViolation(object):
Base class representing a rule violation which can be used for reporting.
def __init__(self, rule):
Init method.
rule: The Rule which was violated.
self.rule = rule
self.full_path = ''
def prepare_results(self, full_path, file_string, line_breaks):
Preps this instance for results reporting.
full_path: Path of the file in violation.
file_string: The contents of the file in violation.
line_breaks: A list of indices into file_string at which each line
break was found.
self.full_path = full_path
def print_results(self):
Prints the results represented by this rule violation.
print "{}: {}".format(self.full_path, self.rule.rule_id)
class ExpressionRuleViolation(RuleViolation):
A class representing a particular rule violation for expressions which
contain more specific details of the location of the violation for reporting
def __init__(self, rule, expression):
Init method.
rule: The Rule which was violated.
expression: The expression that was in violation.
super(ExpressionRuleViolation, self).__init__(rule)
self.expression = expression
self.start_line = 0
self.start_column = 0
self.end_line = 0
self.end_column = 0
self.lines = []
def prepare_results(self, full_path, file_string, line_breaks):
Preps this instance for results reporting.
full_path: Path of the file in violation.
file_string: The contents of the file in violation.
line_breaks: A list of indices into file_string at which each line
break was found.
self.full_path = full_path
start_index = self.expression['start_index']
self.start_line = _get_line_number(self, line_breaks, start_index)
self.start_column = _get_column_number(self, line_breaks, self.start_line, start_index)
end_index = self.expression['end_index']
if end_index > 0:
self.end_line = _get_line_number(self, line_breaks, end_index)
self.end_column = _get_column_number(self, line_breaks, self.end_line, end_index)
self.end_line = self.start_line
self.end_column = '?'
for line_number in range(self.start_line, self.end_line + 1):
self.lines.append(_get_line(self, file_string, line_breaks, line_number))
def print_results(self):
Prints the results represented by this rule violation.
for line_number in range(self.start_line, self.end_line + 1):
if (line_number == self.start_line):
column = self.start_column
rule_id = self.rule.rule_id + ":"
column = 1
rule_id = " " * (len(self.rule.rule_id) + 1)
print "{}: {}:{}: {} {}".format(
self.lines[line_number - self.start_line - 1]
class FileResults(object):
Contains the results, or violations, for a file.
def __init__(self, full_path):
Init method.
full_path: The full path for this file.
self.full_path = full_path
self.violations = []
def prepare_results(self, file_string):
Prepares the results for output for this file.
file_string: The string of content for this file.
line_breaks = _get_line_breaks(self, file_string)
for violation in self.violations:
violation.prepare_results(self.full_path, file_string, line_breaks)
def print_results(self, options):
Prints the results (i.e. violations) in this file.
options: A list of the following options:
is_quiet: True to print only file names, and False to print
all violations.
if options['is_quiet']:
print self.full_path
for violation in self.violations:
class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
The linter for Mako template files.
_skip_mako_dirs = _skip_dirs
def __init__(self):
The init method.
self._results = []
def process_file(self, directory, file_name):
Process file to determine if it is a Mako template file and
if it is safe.
directory (string): The directory of the file to be checked
file_name (string): A filename for a potential Mako file
Side effects:
Adds detailed results to internal data structure for
later reporting
if not self._is_mako_directory(directory):
# TODO: When safe-by-default is turned on at the platform level, will we:
# 1. Turn it on for .html only, or
# 2. Turn it on for all files, and have different rulesets that have
# different rules of .xml, .html, .js, .txt Mako templates (e.g. use
# the n filter to turn off h for some of these)?
# For now, we only check .html and .xml files
if not (file_name.lower().endswith('.html') or file_name.lower().endswith('.xml')):
self._load_and_check_mako_file_is_safe(directory + '/' + file_name)
def print_results(self, options):
Prints all results (i.e. violations) for all files that failed this
options: A list of the options.
for result in self._results:
def _is_mako_directory(self, directory):
Determines if the provided directory is a directory that could contain
Mako template files that need to be linted.
directory: The directory to be linted.
True if this directory should be linted for Mako template violations
and False otherwise.
if _is_skip_dir(self._skip_mako_dirs, directory):
return False
if (directory.find('/templates/') >= 0) or directory.endswith('/templates'):
return True
return False
def _load_and_check_mako_file_is_safe(self, mako_file_full_path):
Loads the Mako template file and checks if it is in violation.
mako_file_full_path: The file to be loaded and linted
Side Effects:
Stores all violations in results for later processing.
mako_template = _load_file(self, mako_file_full_path)
results = FileResults(mako_file_full_path)
self._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
if len(results.violations) > 0:
def _check_mako_file_is_safe(self, mako_template, results):
Checks for violations in a Mako template.
mako_template: The contents of the Mako template.
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
has_page_default = self._has_page_default(mako_template, results)
if not has_page_default:
self._check_mako_expressions(mako_template, has_page_default, results)
def _has_page_default(self, mako_template, results):
Checks if the Mako template contains the page expression marking it as
safe by default.
mako_template: The contents of the Mako template.
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
page_h_filter_regex = re.compile('<%page expression_filter=(?:"h"|\'h\')\s*/>')
page_match =
return page_match
def _check_mako_expressions(self, mako_template, has_page_default, results):
Searches for Mako expressions and then checks if they contain
mako_template: The contents of the Mako template.
has_page_default: True if the page is marked as default, False
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
expressions = self._find_mako_expressions(mako_template)
contexts = self._get_contexts(mako_template)
for expression in expressions:
if expression['expression'] is None:
Rules.mako_unparsable_expression, expression
context = self._get_context(contexts, expression['start_index'])
self._check_filters(mako_template, expression, context, has_page_default, results)
def _check_filters(self, mako_template, expression, context, has_page_default, results):
Checks that the filters used in the given Mako expression are valid
for the given context.
mako_template: The contents of the Mako template.
expression: A dict containing the start_index, end_index, and
expression (text) of the expression.
context: The context of the page in which the expression was found
(e.g. javascript, html).
has_page_default: True if the page is marked as default, False
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
# finds "| n, h}" when given "${x | n, h}"
filters_regex = re.compile('\|[a-zA-Z_,\s]*\}')
filters_match =['expression'])
if filters_match is None:
if context == 'javascript':
Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter, expression
filters =[1:-1].replace(" ", "").split(",")
if context == 'html':
if (len(filters) == 1) and (filters[0] == 'h'):
if has_page_default:
# suppress this violation if the page default hasn't been set,
# otherwise the template might get less safe
Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter, expression
elif (len(filters) == 2) and (filters[0] == 'n') and (filters[1] == 'dump_html_escaped_json'):
# {x | n, dump_html_escaped_json} is valid
Rules.mako_invalid_html_filter, expression
if (len(filters) == 2) and (filters[0] == 'n') and (filters[1] == 'dump_js_escaped_json'):
# {x | n, dump_js_escaped_json} is valid
elif (len(filters) == 2) and (filters[0] == 'n') and (filters[1] == 'js_escaped_string'):
# {x | n, js_escaped_string} is valid, if surrounded by quotes
prior_character = mako_template[expression['start_index'] - 1]
next_character = mako_template[expression['end_index'] + 1]
has_surrounding_quotes = (prior_character == '\'' and next_character == '\'') or \
(prior_character == '"' and next_character == '"')
if not has_surrounding_quotes:
Rules.mako_js_string_missing_quotes, expression
Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter, expression
def _get_contexts(self, mako_template):
Returns a data structure that represents the indices at which the
template changes from HTML context to JavaScript and back.
A list of dicts where each dict contains the 'index' of the context
and the context 'type' (e.g. 'html' or 'javascript').
contexts_re = re.compile(r"""
<script.*?>| # script tag start
</script>| # script tag end
<%static:require_module.*?>| # require js script tag start
</%static:require_module> # require js script tag end""", re.VERBOSE + re.IGNORECASE)
media_type_re = re.compile(r"""type=['"].*?['"]""", re.IGNORECASE)
contexts = [{'index': 0, 'type': 'html'}]
for context in contexts_re.finditer(mako_template):
match_string =
if match_string.startswith("<script"):
match_type =
context_type = 'javascript'
if match_type is not None:
# get media type (e.g. get text/javascript from
# type="text/javascript")
match_type =[6:-1].lower()
if match_type not in [
#TODO: What are other types found, and are these really
# html? Or do we need to properly handle unknown
# contexts?
context_type = 'html'
contexts.append({'index': context.end(), 'type': context_type})
elif match_string.startswith("</script"):
contexts.append({'index': context.start(), 'type': 'html'})
elif match_string.startswith("<%static:require_module"):
contexts.append({'index': context.end(), 'type': 'javascript'})
contexts.append({'index': context.start(), 'type': 'html'})
return contexts
def _get_context(self, contexts, index):
Gets the context (e.g. javascript, html) of the template at the given
contexts: A list of dicts where each dict contains the 'index' of the context
and the context 'type' (e.g. 'html' or 'javascript').
index: The index for which we want the context.
The context (e.g. javascript or html) for the given index.
current_context = contexts[0]['type']
for context in contexts:
if context['index'] <= index:
current_context = context['type']
return current_context
def _find_mako_expressions(self, mako_template):
Finds all the Mako expressions in a Mako template and creates a list
of dicts for each expression.
mako_template: The content of the Mako template.
A list of dicts for each expression, where the dict contains the
start_index: The index of the start of the expression.
end_index: The index of the end of the expression, or -1 if
expression: The text of the expression.
start_delim = '${'
start_index = 0
expressions = []
while True:
start_index = mako_template.find(start_delim, start_index)
if (start_index < 0):
end_index = self._find_balanced_end_curly(mako_template, start_index + len(start_delim), 0)
if end_index < 0:
expression = None
expression = mako_template[start_index:end_index + 1]
expression = {
'start_index': start_index,
'end_index': end_index,
'expression': expression
# end_index of -1 represents a parsing error and we may find others
start_index = max(start_index + len(start_delim), end_index)
return expressions
def _find_balanced_end_curly(self, mako_template, start_index, num_open_curlies):
Finds the end index of the Mako expression's ending curly brace. Skips
any additional open/closed braces that are balanced inside. Does not
take into consideration strings.
mako_template: The template text.
start_index: The start index of the Mako expression.
num_open_curlies: The current number of open expressions.
The end index of the expression, or -1 if unparseable.
end_curly_index = mako_template.find('}', start_index)
if end_curly_index < 0:
# if we can't find an end_curly, let's just quit
return end_curly_index
open_curly_index = mako_template.find('{', start_index, end_curly_index)
if (open_curly_index >= 0) and (open_curly_index < end_curly_index):
if mako_template[open_curly_index - 1] == '$':
# assume if we find "${" it is the start of the next expression
# and we have a parse error
return -1
return self._find_balanced_end_curly(mako_template, open_curly_index + 1, num_open_curlies + 1)
if num_open_curlies == 0:
return end_curly_index
return self._find_balanced_end_curly(mako_template, end_curly_index + 1, num_open_curlies - 1)
class UnderscoreTemplateLinter(object):
The linter for Underscore.js template files.
_skip_underscore_dirs = _skip_dirs
def __init__(self):
The init method.
self._results = []
def process_file(self, directory, file_name):
Process file to determine if it is an Underscore template file and
if it is safe.
directory (string): The directory of the file to be checked
file_name (string): A filename for a potential underscore file
Side effects:
Adds detailed results to internal data structure for
later reporting
if not self._is_underscore_directory(directory):
if not file_name.lower().endswith('.underscore'):
self._load_and_check_underscore_file_is_safe(directory + '/' + file_name)
def print_results(self, options):
Prints all results (i.e. violations) for all files that failed this
options: A list of the options.
for result in self._results:
def _is_underscore_directory(self, directory):
Determines if the provided directory is a directory that could contain
Underscore.js template files that need to be linted.
directory: The directory to be linted.
True if this directory should be linted for Underscore.js template
violations and False otherwise.
if _is_skip_dir(self._skip_underscore_dirs, directory):
return False
return True
def _load_and_check_underscore_file_is_safe(self, file_full_path):
Loads the Underscore.js template file and checks if it is in violation.
file_full_path: The file to be loaded and linted
Side Effects:
Stores all violations in results for later processing.
underscore_template = _load_file(self, file_full_path)
results = FileResults(file_full_path)
self._check_underscore_file_is_safe(underscore_template, results)
if len(results.violations) > 0:
def _check_underscore_file_is_safe(self, underscore_template, results):
Checks for violations in an Underscore.js template.
underscore_template: The contents of the Underscore.js template.
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
self._check_underscore_expressions(underscore_template, results)
def _check_underscore_expressions(self, underscore_template, results):
Searches for Underscore.js expressions that contain violations.
underscore_template: The contents of the Underscore.js template.
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
expressions = self._find_unescaped_expressions(underscore_template)
for expression in expressions:
Rules.underscore_not_escaped, expression
def _find_unescaped_expressions(self, underscore_template):
Returns a list of unsafe expressions.
At this time all expressions that are unescaped are considered unsafe.
underscore_template: The contents of the Underscore.js template.
A list of dicts for each expression, where the dict contains the
start_index: The index of the start of the expression.
end_index: The index of the end of the expression.
expression: The text of the expression.
unescaped_expression_regex = re.compile("<%=.*?%>")
expressions = []
for match in unescaped_expression_regex.finditer(underscore_template):
expression = {
'start_index': match.start(),
'end_index': match.end(),
return expressions
def _process_current_walk(current_walk, template_linters):
For each linter, lints all the files in the current os walk.
current_walk: A walk returned by os.walk().
template_linters: A list of linting objects.
Side Effect:
The results (i.e. violations) are stored in each linting object.
walk_directory = current_walk[0]
walk_files = current_walk[2]
for walk_file in walk_files:
for template_linter in template_linters:
template_linter.process_file(walk_directory, walk_file)
def _process_os_walk(starting_dir, template_linters):
For each linter, lints all the directories in the starting directory.
starting_dir: The initial directory to begin the walk.
template_linters: A list of linting objects.
Side Effect:
The results (i.e. violations) are stored in each linting object.
for current_walk in os.walk(starting_dir):
_process_current_walk(current_walk, template_linters)
def main():
Used to execute the linter. Use --help option for help.
Prints all of the violations.
#TODO: Use click
if '--help' in sys.argv:
print "Check that templates are safe."
print "Options:"
print " --quiet Just display the filenames with violations."
print "Rules:"
for rule in Rules.__members__.values():
print " {0[0]}: {0[1]}".format(rule.value)
is_quiet = '--quiet' in sys.argv
options = {
'is_quiet': is_quiet,
template_linters = [MakoTemplateLinter(), UnderscoreTemplateLinter()]
_process_os_walk('.', template_linters)
for template_linter in template_linters:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Tests for
Tests for
from ddt import ddt, data
import textwrap
from unittest import TestCase
from ..safe_template_checker import (
FileResults, MakoTemplateChecker, Rules
from ..safe_template_linter import (
FileResults, MakoTemplateLinter, Rules
class TestMakoTemplateChecker(TestCase):
class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestCase):
Test MakoTemplateChecker
Test MakoTemplateLinter
......@@ -26,42 +27,42 @@ class TestMakoTemplateChecker(TestCase):
Test _is_mako_directory correctly determines mako directories
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
self.assertEqual(checker._is_mako_directory(data['directory']), data['expected'])
self.assertEqual(linter._is_mako_directory(data['directory']), data['expected'])
def test_check_page_default_with_default_provided(self):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe with default causes no error
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe with default causes no violation
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = """
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
checker._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 0)
def test_check_page_default_with_no_default_provided(self):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe with no default causes error
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe with no default causes violation
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = ""
checker._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[0].rule, Rules.mako_missing_default)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.mako_missing_default)
def test_check_mako_expressions_in_html(self):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe in html context provides appropriate errors
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe in html context provides appropriate violations
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -74,42 +75,42 @@ class TestMakoTemplateChecker(TestCase):
${x | n, dump_js_escaped_json}
checker._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors), 4)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[0].rule, Rules.mako_unparsable_expression)
start_index = results.errors[0].expression['start_index']
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 4)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.mako_unparsable_expression)
start_index = results.violations[0].expression['start_index']
self.assertEqual(mako_template[start_index:start_index + 24], "${'{{unbalanced-nested'}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].expression['expression'], "${x | n}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].rule, Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].expression['expression'], "${x | h}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[3].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[3].expression['expression'], "${x | n, dump_js_escaped_json}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].expression['expression'], "${x | n}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].rule, Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].expression['expression'], "${x | h}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].expression['expression'], "${x | n, dump_js_escaped_json}")
def test_check_mako_expressions_in_html_without_default(self):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe in html context without the page level
default h filter suppresses expression level error
default h filter suppresses expression level violation
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = textwrap.dedent("""
${x | h}
checker._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[0].rule, Rules.mako_missing_default)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.mako_missing_default)
def test_check_mako_expressions_in_javascript(self):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe in JavaScript script context provides
appropriate errors
appropriate violations
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -127,29 +128,29 @@ class TestMakoTemplateChecker(TestCase):
checker._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors), 6)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[0].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[0].expression['expression'], "${x}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].rule, Rules.mako_unparsable_expression)
start_index = results.errors[1].expression['start_index']
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 6)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].expression['expression'], "${x}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].rule, Rules.mako_unparsable_expression)
start_index = results.violations[1].expression['start_index']
self.assertEqual(mako_template[start_index:start_index + 24], "${'{{unbalanced-nested'}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].expression['expression'], "${x | n}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[3].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[3].expression['expression'], "${x | h}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[4].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[4].expression['expression'], "${x | n, dump_html_escaped_json}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[5].rule, Rules.mako_js_string_missing_quotes)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[5].expression['expression'], "${x-missing-quotes | n, js_escaped_string}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].expression['expression'], "${x | n}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].expression['expression'], "${x | h}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[4].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[4].expression['expression'], "${x | n, dump_html_escaped_json}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[5].rule, Rules.mako_js_string_missing_quotes)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[5].expression['expression'], "${x-missing-quotes | n, js_escaped_string}")
def test_check_mako_expressions_in_require_js(self):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe in JavaScript require context provides
appropriate errors
appropriate violations
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -160,27 +161,27 @@ class TestMakoTemplateChecker(TestCase):
checker._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors), 2)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[0].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[0].expression['expression'], "${x}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].rule, Rules.mako_js_string_missing_quotes)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].expression['expression'], "${x | n, js_escaped_string}")
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 2)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].expression['expression'], "${x}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].rule, Rules.mako_js_string_missing_quotes)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].expression['expression'], "${x | n, js_escaped_string}")
{'media_type': 'text/javascript', 'expected_errors': 0},
{'media_type': 'text/ecmascript', 'expected_errors': 0},
{'media_type': 'application/ecmascript', 'expected_errors': 0},
{'media_type': 'application/javascript', 'expected_errors': 0},
{'media_type': 'text/template', 'expected_errors': 1},
{'media_type': 'unknown/type', 'expected_errors': 1},
{'media_type': 'text/javascript', 'expected_violations': 0},
{'media_type': 'text/ecmascript', 'expected_violations': 0},
{'media_type': 'application/ecmascript', 'expected_violations': 0},
{'media_type': 'application/javascript', 'expected_violations': 0},
{'media_type': 'text/template', 'expected_violations': 1},
{'media_type': 'unknown/type', 'expected_violations': 1},
def test_check_mako_expressions_in_script_type(self, data):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe in script tag with different media types
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -190,16 +191,16 @@ class TestMakoTemplateChecker(TestCase):
checker._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors), data['expected_errors'])
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), data['expected_violations'])
def test_check_mako_expressions_in_mixed_contexts(self):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe in mixed contexts provides
appropriate errors
appropriate violations
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -215,21 +216,21 @@ class TestMakoTemplateChecker(TestCase):
${x | h}
checker._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors), 5)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[0].rule, Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].rule, Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[3].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[4].rule, Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 5)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].rule, Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].rule, Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[4].rule, Rules.mako_unwanted_html_filter)
def test_expression_detailed_results(self):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe provides detailed results, including line
numbers, columns, and line
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -240,44 +241,45 @@ class TestMakoTemplateChecker(TestCase):
${'{{unbalanced-nested' | n}
checker._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors), 4)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[0].rule, Rules.mako_missing_default)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].start_line, 2)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].start_column, 1)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].end_line, 2)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].end_column, 8)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors[1].lines), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[1].lines[0], "${x | n}")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].start_line, 3)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].start_column, 10)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].end_line, 5)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].end_column, 10)
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors[2].lines), 3)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].lines[0], " <div>${(")
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 4)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.mako_missing_default)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].start_line, 2)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].start_column, 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].end_line, 2)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].end_column, 8)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations[1].lines), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].lines[0], "${x | n}")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].start_line, 3)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].start_column, 10)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].end_line, 5)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].end_column, 10)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations[2].lines), 3)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].lines[0], " <div>${(")
" 'tabbed-multi-line-expression'"
self.assertEqual(results.errors[2].lines[2], " ) | n}</div>")
self.assertEqual(results.errors[3].start_line, 6)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[3].start_column, 1)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[3].end_line, 6)
self.assertEqual(results.errors[3].end_column, "?")
self.assertEqual(len(results.errors[3].lines), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].lines[2], " ) | n}</div>")
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].start_line, 6)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].start_column, 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].end_line, 6)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].end_column, "?")
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations[3].lines), 1)
"${'{{unbalanced-nested' | n}"
def test_find_mako_expressions(self):
Test _find_mako_expressions finds appropriate expressions
checker = MakoTemplateChecker()
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
mako_template = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ class TestMakoTemplateChecker(TestCase):
<div>no expression</div>
expressions = checker._find_mako_expressions(mako_template)
expressions = linter._find_mako_expressions(mako_template)
self.assertEqual(len(expressions), 5)
self._validate_expression(mako_template, expressions[0], '${x}')
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