Commit 03d7d0e9 by David Baumgold

more i18n work

parent 3853c926
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ require(["domReady!", "jquery", "jquery.form", "js/index"], function(doc, $) {
<article class="content-primary" role="main">
<div class="introduction">
<h2 class="title">${_("Welcome, {0}!".format(user.username))}</h2>
<h2 class="title">${_("Welcome, {0}!").format(user.username)}</h2>
%if len(courses) > 0:
<div class="copy">
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ class @StaffGrading
submission_id: @submission_id
location: @location
@gentle_alert "Grades saved. Fetching the next submission to grade."
@gentle_alert gettext("Grades saved. Fetching the next submission to grade.")'save_grade', data, @ajax_callback)
gentle_alert: (msg) =>
......@@ -344,11 +344,11 @@ class @StaffGrading
# clear the problem list and breadcrumbs
<th>Problem Name</th>
<th>Available to Grade</th>
<th>''' + gettext("Problem Name") + '''</th>
<th>''' + gettext("Graded") + '''</th>
<th>''' + gettext("Available to Grade") + '''</th>
<th>''' + gettext("Required") + '''</th>
<th>''' + gettext("Progress") + '''</th>
......@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ class @StaffGrading
show_action_button = true
problem_list_link = $('<a>').attr('href', 'javascript:void(0);')
.append("< Back to problem list")
.append("< " + gettext("Back to problem list"))
.click => @get_problem_list()
# set up the breadcrumbing
......@@ -418,15 +418,19 @@ class @StaffGrading
if @state == state_error
@set_button_text('Try loading again')
@set_button_text(gettext('Try loading again'))
show_action_button = true
else if @state == state_grading
available = _.template(gettext("<%= num %> available"), {num: @num_pending})
graded = _.template(gettext("<%= num %> graded"), {num: @num_graded})
needed = _.template(gettext("<%= num %> more needed to start ML"),
{num: Math.max(@min_for_ml - @num_graded, 0)})
meta_list = $("<div>")
meta_list.append("<div class='meta-info'>#{@num_pending} available | </div>")
meta_list.append("<div class='meta-info'>#{@num_graded} graded | </div>")
meta_list.append("<div class='meta-info'>#{Math.max(@min_for_ml - @num_graded, 0)} more needed to start ML </div><br/>")
.append("<div class='meta-info'>#{available}</div>")
.append("<div class='meta-info'>#{graded}</div>")
.append("<div class='meta-info'>#{needed}</div>")
......@@ -439,15 +443,15 @@ class @StaffGrading
else if @state == state_graded
show_action_button = false
else if @state == state_no_data
@set_button_text('Re-check for submissions')
@set_button_text(gettext('Re-check for submissions'))
@error('System got into invalid state ' + @state)
@error(_.template(gettext('System got into invalid state: <%= state %>'), {state: @state}))
......@@ -462,17 +466,17 @@ class @StaffGrading
else if @state == state_no_data
@error('System got into invalid state for submission: ' + @state)
@error(gettext('System got into invalid state for submission: ') + @state)
collapse_question: () =>
if @question_header.text() == "(Hide)"
if @question_header.text() == gettext("(Hide)")
Logger.log 'staff_grading_hide_question', {location: @location}
new_text = "(Show)"
new_text = gettext("(Show)")
Logger.log 'staff_grading_show_question', {location: @location}
new_text = "(Hide)"
new_text = gettext("(Hide)")
scroll_to_top: () =>
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
% if is_staff:
<div class="staff-info">
Staff Warning: Please note that if you submit a duplicate of text that has already been submitted for grading, it will not show up in the staff grading view. It will be given the same grade that the original received automatically, and will be returned within 30 minutes if the original is already graded, or when the original is graded if not.
${_("Staff Warning: Please note that if you submit a duplicate of text that has already been submitted for grading, it will not show up in the staff grading view. It will be given the same grade that the original received automatically, and will be returned within 30 minutes if the original is already graded, or when the original is graded if not.")}
% endif
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%! from django.utils.translation import ungettext%>
<% from random import randint %>
<form class="rubric-template" id="inputtype_${id}" xmlns="">
<div class="visibility-control visibility-control-rubric">
......@@ -6,7 +7,7 @@
<span class="section-header section-header-rubric">${_("Rubric")}</span>
<p>Select the criteria you feel best represents this submission in each category.</p>
<p>${_("Select the criteria you feel best represents this submission in each category.")}</p>
<div class="rubric">
% for i in range(len(categories)):
<% category = categories[i] %>
......@@ -22,7 +23,14 @@
% endif
<label class="rubric-label" for="score-${i}-${j}-${m}">
<span class="wrapper-score-selection"><input type="radio" class="score-selection" data-category="${i}" name="score-selection-${i}" id="score-${i}-${j}-${m}" value="${option['points']}"/></span>
<span class="wrappable"> ${option['points']} points : ${option['text']}</span>
<span class="wrappable">${ungettext(
"{num} point: {text}",
"{num} points: {text}",
% endfor
## mako
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%page args="active_page=None" />
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<form class="student-search">
<input type="search" class="student-search-field" placeholder="Search students" />
<input type="search" class="student-search-field" placeholder="${_('Search students')}" />
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ ${progress_graph.body(grade_summary, course.grade_cutoffs, "grade-detail-graph",
${ section['display_name'] }
%if total > 0 or earned > 0:
<span class="sr">
${"{0:.3n} of {1:.3n} possible points".format( float(earned), float(total) )}
${_("{earned:.3n} of {total:.3n} possible points").format( earned = float(earned), total = float(total) )}
%if total > 0 or earned > 0:
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ ${progress_graph.body(grade_summary, course.grade_cutoffs, "grade-detail-graph",
%if section.get('due') is not None:
formatted_string = get_time_display(section['due'], course.due_date_display_format)
due_date = '' if len(formatted_string)==0 else _('due {date}'.format(date=formatted_string))
due_date = '' if len(formatted_string)==0 else _(u'due {date}').format(date=formatted_string)
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ ${progress_graph.body(grade_summary, course.grade_cutoffs, "grade-detail-graph",
<section class="scores">
%if len(section['scores']) > 0:
<h3> ${ "Problem Scores: " if section['graded'] else "Practice Scores: "} </h3>
<h3> ${ _("Problem Scores: ") if section['graded'] else _("Practice Scores: ")} </h3>
%for score in section['scores']:
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