Commit 037ef3be by Nimisha Asthagiri

Video module support for student_view_json.

parent 65e330e8
......@@ -250,9 +250,10 @@ class VideoStudentViewHandlers(object):
response.content_type = Transcript.mime_types['sjson']
elif dispatch == 'download':
lang = request.GET.get('lang', None)
transcript_content, transcript_filename, transcript_mime_type = self.get_transcript(
transcripts, transcript_format=self.transcript_download_format
transcripts, transcript_format=self.transcript_download_format, lang=lang
except (NotFoundError, ValueError, KeyError, UnicodeDecodeError):
log.debug("Video@download exception")
......@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ import logging
import random
from collections import OrderedDict
from operator import itemgetter
from lxml import etree
from pkg_resources import resource_string
from django.conf import settings
from openedx.core.lib.cache_utils import memoize_in_request_cache
from xblock.core import XBlock
from xblock.fields import ScopeIds
from xblock.runtime import KvsFieldData
......@@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ class VideoModule(VideoFields, VideoTranscriptsMixin, VideoStudentViewHandlers,
return self.system.render_template('video.html', context)
class VideoDescriptor(VideoFields, VideoTranscriptsMixin, VideoStudioViewHandlers,
TabsEditingDescriptor, EmptyDataRawDescriptor):
......@@ -722,7 +723,7 @@ class VideoDescriptor(VideoFields, VideoTranscriptsMixin, VideoStudioViewHandler
if self.sub:
# check to see if there are transcripts in other languages besides default transcript
# Check to see if there are transcripts in other languages besides default transcript
if self.transcripts:
for language in self.transcripts.keys():
......@@ -734,3 +735,78 @@ class VideoDescriptor(VideoFields, VideoTranscriptsMixin, VideoStudioViewHandler
xblock_body["content_type"] = "Video"
return xblock_body
def request_cache(self):
Returns the request_cache from the runtime.
return self.runtime.service(self, "request_cache")
def get_cached_val_data_for_course(self, video_profile_names, course_id):
Returns the VAL data for the requested video profiles for the given course.
return edxval_api.get_video_info_for_course_and_profiles(unicode(course_id), video_profile_names)
def student_view_json(self, context):
Returns a JSON representation of the student_view of this XModule.
The contract of the JSON content is between the caller and the particular XModule.
# Honor only_on_web
if self.only_on_web:
return {"only_on_web": True}
encoded_videos = {}
val_video_data = {}
# Check in VAL data first if edx_video_id exists
if self.edx_video_id:
video_profile_names = context.get("profiles", [])
# get and cache bulk VAL data for course
val_course_data = self.get_cached_val_data_for_course(video_profile_names, self.location.course_key)
val_video_data = val_course_data.get(self.edx_video_id, {})
# Get the encoded videos if data from VAL is found
if val_video_data:
encoded_videos = val_video_data.get('profiles', {})
# If information for this edx_video_id is not found in the bulk course data, make a
# separate request for this individual edx_video_id, unless cache misses are disabled.
# This is useful/required for videos that don't have a course designated, such as the introductory video
# that is shared across many courses. However, this results in a separate database request so watch
# out for any performance hit if many such videos exist in a course. Set the 'allow_cache_miss' parameter
# to False to disable this fall back.
elif context.get("allow_cache_miss", "True").lower() == "true":
val_video_data = edxval_api.get_video_info(self.edx_video_id)
# Unfortunately, the VAL API is inconsistent in how it returns the encodings, so remap here.
for enc_vid in val_video_data.pop('encoded_videos'):
encoded_videos[enc_vid['profile']] = {key: enc_vid[key] for key in ["url", "file_size"]}
except edxval_api.ValVideoNotFoundError:
# Fall back to other video URLs in the video module if not found in VAL
if not encoded_videos:
video_url = self.html5_sources[0] if self.html5_sources else self.source
if video_url:
encoded_videos["fallback"] = {
"url": video_url,
"file_size": 0, # File size is unknown for fallback URLs
transcripts_info = self.get_transcripts_info()
transcripts = {
lang: self.runtime.handler_url(self, 'transcript', 'download', query="lang=" + lang, thirdparty=True)
for lang in self.available_translations(transcripts_info, verify_assets=False)
return {
"only_on_web": self.only_on_web,
"duration": val_video_data.get('duration', None),
"transcripts": transcripts,
"encoded_videos": encoded_videos,
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Video xmodule tests in mongo."""
import ddt
import itertools
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
......@@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ from django.test.utils import override_settings
from xmodule.video_module import VideoDescriptor, bumper_utils, video_utils
from xmodule.x_module import STUDENT_VIEW
from xmodule.tests.test_video import VideoDescriptorTestBase
from xmodule.tests.test_video import VideoDescriptorTestBase, instantiate_descriptor
from xmodule.tests.test_import import DummySystem
from edxval.api import (
......@@ -861,6 +863,119 @@ class TestVideoDescriptorInitialization(BaseTestXmodule):
class TestVideoDescriptorStudentViewJson(TestCase):
Tests for the student_view_json method on VideoDescriptor.
TEST_PROFILE = "mobile"
'profile': TEST_PROFILE,
'bitrate': 333,
'url': '',
'file_size': 222,
TEST_EDX_VIDEO_ID = 'test_edx_video_id'
def setUp(self):
super(TestVideoDescriptorStudentViewJson, self).setUp()
sample_xml = (
"<video display_name='Test Video'> " +
"<source src='" + self.TEST_SOURCE_URL + "'/> " +
"<transcript language='" + self.TEST_LANGUAGE + "' src='' /> " +
self.transcript_url = "transcript_url" = instantiate_descriptor(data=sample_xml) = Mock(return_value=self.transcript_url)
def setup_val_video(self, associate_course_in_val=False):
Creates a video entry in VAL.
associate_course - If True, associates the test course with the video in VAL.
'edx_video_id': self.TEST_EDX_VIDEO_ID,
'client_video_id': 'test_client_video_id',
'duration': self.TEST_DURATION,
'status': 'dummy',
'encoded_videos': [self.TEST_ENCODED_VIDEO],
'courses': [] if associate_course_in_val else [],
self.val_video = get_video_info(self.TEST_EDX_VIDEO_ID) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
def get_result(self, allow_cache_miss=True):
Returns the result from calling the video's student_view_json method.
allow_cache_miss is passed in the context to the student_view_json method.
context = {
"profiles": [self.TEST_PROFILE],
"allow_cache_miss": "True" if allow_cache_miss else "False"
def verify_result_with_fallback_url(self, result):
Verifies the result is as expected when returning "fallback" video data (not from VAL).
"only_on_web": False,
"duration": None,
"transcripts": {self.TEST_LANGUAGE: self.transcript_url},
"encoded_videos": {"fallback": {"url": self.TEST_SOURCE_URL, "file_size": 0}},
def verify_result_with_val_profile(self, result):
Verifies the result is as expected when returning video data from VAL.
"only_on_web": False,
"duration": self.TEST_DURATION,
"transcripts": {self.TEST_LANGUAGE: self.transcript_url},
def test_only_on_web(self): = True
result = self.get_result()
self.assertDictEqual(result, {"only_on_web": True})
def test_no_edx_video_id(self):
result = self.get_result()
*itertools.product([True, False], [True, False], [True, False])
def test_with_edx_video_id(self, allow_cache_miss, video_exists_in_val, associate_course_in_val): = self.TEST_EDX_VIDEO_ID
if video_exists_in_val:
result = self.get_result(allow_cache_miss)
if video_exists_in_val and (associate_course_in_val or allow_cache_miss):
class VideoDescriptorTest(TestCase, VideoDescriptorTestBase):
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