Commit 01e6fa81 by Jesse Zoldak

Merge pull request #11654 from edx/zoldak/TE-1201

Convert tests for adding advanced problem components from lettuce to bok-choy
parents 2b880d2d ec33db5a
......@@ -2,17 +2,6 @@
Feature: CMS.Component Adding
As a course author, I want to be able to add a wide variety of components
Scenario: I can add single step components
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
When I add this type of single step component:
| Component |
| Discussion |
| Video |
Then I see this type of single step component:
| Component |
| Discussion |
| Video |
Scenario: I can add HTML components
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
When I add this type of HTML component:
......@@ -57,24 +46,6 @@ Feature: CMS.Component Adding
| Numerical Input |
| Text Input |
Scenario Outline: I can add Advanced Problem components
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
When I add a "<Component>" "Advanced Problem" component
Then I see a "<Component>" Problem component
# Flush out the database before the next example executes
And I reset the database
| Component |
| Blank Advanced Problem |
| Circuit Schematic Builder |
| Custom Python-Evaluated Input |
| Drag and Drop |
| Image Mapped Input |
| Math Expression Input |
| Problem with Adaptive Hint |
# Disabled 1/21/14 due to flakiness seen in master
# Scenario: I can add Advanced Latex Problem components
# Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
......@@ -89,32 +60,6 @@ Feature: CMS.Component Adding
# | Problem Written in LaTeX |
# | Problem with Adaptive Hint in Latex |
Scenario: I see a prompt on delete
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
And I add a "Discussion" "single step" component
And I delete a component
Then I am shown a prompt
Scenario: I can delete Components
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
And I add a "Discussion" "single step" component
And I add a "Text" "HTML" component
And I add a "Blank Common Problem" "Problem" component
And I add a "Blank Advanced Problem" "Advanced Problem" component
And I delete all components
Then I see no components
Scenario: I can duplicate a component
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
And I add a "Blank Common Problem" "Problem" component
And I add a "Multiple Choice" "Problem" component
And I duplicate the first component
Then I see a Problem component with display name "Duplicate of 'Blank Common Problem'" in position "1"
And I reload the page
Then I see a Problem component with display name "Blank Common Problem" in position "0"
And I see a Problem component with display name "Duplicate of 'Blank Common Problem'" in position "1"
And I see a Problem component with display name "Multiple Choice" in position "2"
Scenario: I can set the display name of a component
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
When I add a "Text" "HTML" component
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def add_advanced_component(page, menu_index, name):
click_css(page, component_css, 0)
def add_component(page, item_type, specific_type):
def add_component(page, item_type, specific_type, is_advanced_problem=False):
Click one of the "Add New Component" buttons.
......@@ -81,8 +81,21 @@ def add_component(page, item_type, specific_type):
'Wait for the add component menu to disappear'
# "Common Problem Types" are shown by default.
# For advanced problem types you must first select the "Advanced" tab.
if is_advanced_problem:
advanced_tab = page.q(css='.problem-type-tabs a').filter(text='Advanced').first
# Wait for the advanced tab to be active
css = '.problem-type-tabs li.ui-tabs-active a'
lambda: len(page.q(css=css).filter(text='Advanced').execute()) > 0,
'Waiting for the Advanced problem tab to be active'
all_options = page.q(css='.new-component-{} li button span'.format(item_type))
chosen_option = all_options.filter(lambda el: el.text == specific_type).first
chosen_option = all_options.filter(text=specific_type).first
Acceptance tests for adding components in Studio.
import ddt
from .base_studio_test import ContainerBase
from ...fixtures.course import XBlockFixtureDesc
from import ContainerPage
from import add_component
class AdvancedProblemComponentTest(ContainerBase):
Feature: CMS.Component Adding
As a course author, I want to be able to add a wide variety of components
def setUp(self, is_staff=True):
Create a course with a section, subsection, and unit to which to add the component.
super(AdvancedProblemComponentTest, self).setUp(is_staff=is_staff)
def populate_course_fixture(self, course_fixture):
{u"advanced_modules": {"value": ["split_test"]}}
XBlockFixtureDesc('chapter', 'Test Section').add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('sequential', 'Test Subsection').add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('vertical', 'Test Unit')
'Blank Advanced Problem',
'Circuit Schematic Builder',
'Custom Python-Evaluated Input',
'Drag and Drop',
'Image Mapped Input',
'Math Expression Input',
'Problem with Adaptive Hint',
def test_add_advanced_problem(self, component):
Scenario Outline: I can add Advanced Problem components
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
When I add a "<Component>" "Advanced Problem" component
Then I see a "<Component>" Problem component
| Component |
| Blank Advanced Problem |
| Circuit Schematic Builder |
| Custom Python-Evaluated Input |
| Drag and Drop |
| Image Mapped Input |
| Math Expression Input |
| Problem with Adaptive Hint |
page = ContainerPage(self.browser, None)
add_component(page, 'problem', component, is_advanced_problem=True)
problem = page.xblocks[1]
self.assertEqual(, component)
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