Commit 00448dff by Muddasser Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #12882 from edx/muddasser/lettuce-to-bok-choy/signup.feature

Conversion of cms/signup.feature to bok-choy
parents ba54ad19 64838f56
Feature: CMS.Sign in
In order to use the edX content
As a new user
I want to signup for a student account
Scenario: Sign up from the homepage
Given I visit the Studio homepage
When I click the link with the text "Sign Up"
And I fill in the registration form
And I press the Create My Account button on the registration form
Then I should see an email verification prompt
Scenario: Login with a valid redirect
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I am not logged in
And I visit the url "/course/slashes:MITx+999+Robot_Super_Course"
And I should see that the path is "/signin?next=/course/slashes%3AMITx%2B999%2BRobot_Super_Course"
When I fill in and submit the signin form
And I wait for "2" seconds
Then I should see that the path is "/course/slashes:MITx+999+Robot_Super_Course"
Scenario: Login with an invalid redirect
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I am not logged in
And I visit the url "/signin?next="
When I fill in and submit the signin form
And I wait for "2" seconds
Then I should see that the path is "/home/"
Scenario: Login with mistyped credentials
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I am not logged in
And I visit the Studio homepage
When I click the link with the text "Sign In"
Then I should see that the path is "/signin"
And I should not see a login error message
And I fill in and submit the signin form incorrectly
Then I should see a login error message
And I edit the password field
Then I should not see a login error message
And I submit the signin form
And I wait for "2" seconds
Then I should see that the path is "/home/"
Home page for Studio when not logged in.
from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject
from import BASE_URL
class HowitworksPage(PageObject):
Home page for Studio when not logged in.
url = BASE_URL + "/howitworks"
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='body.view-howitworks').present
Studio Home page
Studio Index, home and dashboard pages. These are the starting pages for users.
from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject
from import BASE_URL
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
from import BASE_URL
from import LoginPage
from import SignupPage
class DashboardPage(PageObject):
class HeaderMixin(object):
Mixin class used for the pressing buttons in the header.
def click_sign_up(self):
Press the Sign Up button in the header.
next_page = SignupPage(self.browser)
return next_page.wait_for_page()
def click_sign_in(self):
Press the Sign In button in the header.
next_page = LoginPage(self.browser)
return next_page.wait_for_page()
class IndexPage(PageObject, HeaderMixin):
Studio Home page
Home page for Studio when not logged in.
url = BASE_URL + "/"
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='.wrapper-text-welcome').visible
class DashboardPage(PageObject):
Studio Dashboard page with courses.
The user must be logged in to access this page.
url = BASE_URL + "/course/"
def is_browser_on_page(self):
......@@ -79,7 +112,7 @@ class DashboardPage(PageObject):
def is_new_library_form_valid(self):
IS the new library form ready to submit?
Is the new library form ready to submit?
return (
self.q(css='.wrapper-create-library .new-library-save:not(.is-disabled)').present and
......@@ -237,6 +270,13 @@ class DashboardPage(PageObject):
return self.q(css='#settings-language-value')
class HomePage(DashboardPage):
Home page for Studio when logged in.
url = BASE_URL + "/home/"
class DashboardPageWithPrograms(DashboardPage):
Extends DashboardPage for bok choy testing programs-related behavior.
Login page for Studio.
from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject
from bok_choy.promise import EmptyPromise
from import BASE_URL
from import CoursePage
class LoginPage(PageObject):
class LoginMixin(object):
Login page for Studio.
Mixin class used for logging into the system.
url = BASE_URL + "/signin"
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='body.view-signin').present
def login(self, email, password):
def fill_field(self, css, value):
Attempt to log in using `email` and `password`.
Fill the login form field with the value.
def login(self, email, password, expect_success=True):
Attempt to log in using 'email' and 'password'.
self.fill_field('input#email', email)
self.fill_field('input#password', password)
# Ensure that we make it to another page
if expect_success:
lambda: "login" not in self.browser.current_url,
lambda: "signin" not in self.browser.current_url,
"redirected from the login page"
class LoginPage(PageObject, LoginMixin):
Login page for Studio.
url = BASE_URL + "/signin"
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='body.view-signin').visible
class CourseOutlineSignInRedirectPage(CoursePage, LoginMixin):
Page shown when the user tries to accesses the course while not signed in.
url_path = "course"
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='body.view-signin').visible
Signup page for studio
from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject
from import BASE_URL
from import set_input_value
from common.test.acceptance.pages.common.utils import click_css
class SignupPage(PageObject):
......@@ -10,4 +16,15 @@ class SignupPage(PageObject):
url = BASE_URL + "/signup"
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='body.view-signup').present
return self.q(css='body.view-signup').visible
def sign_up_user(self, registration_dictionary):
Register the user.
for css, value in registration_dictionary.iteritems():
set_input_value(self, css, value)
click_css(page=self, css='#tos', require_notification=False)
click_css(page=self, css='#submit', require_notification=False)
self.wait_for_element_absence('#submit', 'Submit button is gone.')
Acceptance tests for Studio.
import uuid
from bok_choy.web_app_test import WebAppTest
from import AssetIndexPage
from import AutoAuthPage
from import CourseUpdatesPage
from import PagesPage
from import ExportCoursePage, ImportCoursePage
from import HowitworksPage
from import DashboardPage
from import LoginPage
from import CourseTeamPage
from import CourseOutlinePage
from import SettingsPage
from import AdvancedSettingsPage
from import GradingPage
from import SignupPage
from import TextbookUploadPage
from ...fixtures.course import XBlockFixtureDesc
from base_studio_test import StudioCourseTest
from common.test.acceptance.fixtures.course import CourseFixture, XBlockFixtureDesc
from import AutoAuthPage
from import CourseUpdatesPage
from import PagesPage
from import ExportCoursePage, ImportCoursePage
from import DashboardPage, HomePage, IndexPage
from import LoginPage, CourseOutlineSignInRedirectPage
from import CourseOutlinePage
from import AssetIndexPage
from import SettingsPage
from import AdvancedSettingsPage
from import GradingPage
from import SignupPage
from import TextbookUploadPage
from import CourseTeamPage
from common.test.acceptance.tests.helpers import UniqueCourseTest
class LoggedOutTest(WebAppTest):
Smoke test for pages in Studio that are visible when logged out.
def setUp(self):
super(LoggedOutTest, self).setUp()
self.pages = [LoginPage(self.browser), HowitworksPage(self.browser), SignupPage(self.browser)]
self.pages = [LoginPage(self.browser), IndexPage(self.browser), SignupPage(self.browser)]
def test_page_existence(self):
......@@ -45,21 +44,171 @@ class LoggedOutTest(WebAppTest):
class LoggedInPagesTest(WebAppTest):
Tests that verify the pages in Studio that you can get to when logged
in and do not have a course yet.
Verify the pages in Studio that you can get to when logged in and do not have a course yet.
def setUp(self):
super(LoggedInPagesTest, self).setUp()
self.auth_page = AutoAuthPage(self.browser, staff=True)
self.dashboard_page = DashboardPage(self.browser)
self.home_page = HomePage(self.browser)
def test_dashboard_no_courses(self):
def test_logged_in_no_courses(self):
Make sure that you can get to the dashboard page without a course.
Make sure that you can get to the dashboard and home pages without a course.
class SignUpAndSignInTest(UniqueCourseTest):
Test studio sign-up and sign-in
def setUp(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
super(SignUpAndSignInTest, self).setUp()
self.sign_up_page = SignupPage(self.browser)
self.login_page = LoginPage(self.browser)
self.course_outline_page = CourseOutlinePage(
self.course_outline_sign_in_redirect_page = CourseOutlineSignInRedirectPage(
self.course_fixture = CourseFixture(
self.user = None
def install_course_fixture(self):
Install a course fixture
self.user = self.course_fixture.user
def test_sign_up_from_home(self):
Scenario: Sign up from the homepage
Given I visit the Studio homepage
When I click the link with the text "Sign Up"
And I fill in the registration form
And I press the Create My Account button on the registration form
Then I should see an email verification prompt
index_page = IndexPage(self.browser)
unique_number = uuid.uuid4().hex[:4]
registration_dic = {
'#email': '{}'.format(unique_number),
'#name': '{}-name'.format(unique_number),
'#username': '{}-username'.format(unique_number),
'#password': '{}-password'.format(unique_number),
# Register the user.
home = HomePage(self.browser)
def test_login_with_valid_redirect(self):
Scenario: Login with a valid redirect
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I am not logged in
And I visit the url "/course/slashes:MITx+999+Robot_Super_Course"
And I should see that the path is "/signin?next=/course/slashes%3AMITx%2B999%2BRobot_Super_Course"
When I fill in and submit the signin form
Then I should see that the path is "/course/slashes:MITx+999+Robot_Super_Course"
# Get the url, browser should land here after sign in.
course_url = self.course_outline_sign_in_redirect_page.url
# Login
self.course_outline_sign_in_redirect_page.login(self.user['email'], self.user['password'])
# Verify that correct course is displayed after sign in.
self.assertEqual(self.browser.current_url, course_url)
def test_login_with_invalid_redirect(self):
Scenario: Login with an invalid redirect
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I am not logged in
And I visit the url "/signin?next="
When I fill in and submit the signin form
Then I should see that the path is "/home/"
# Visit course
# Change redirect url
self.browser.get(self.browser.current_url.split('=')[0] + '=')
# Login
self.course_outline_sign_in_redirect_page.login(self.user['email'], self.user['password'])
home = HomePage(self.browser)
self.assertEqual(self.browser.current_url, home.url)
def test_login_with_mistyped_credentials(self):
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I am not logged in
And I visit the Studio homepage
When I click the link with the text "Sign In"
Then I should see that the path is "/signin"
And I should not see a login error message
And I fill in and submit the signin form incorrectly
Then I should see a login error message
And I edit the password field
Then I should not see a login error message
And I submit the signin form
And I wait for "2" seconds
Then I should see that the path is "/course/slashes:MITx+999+Robot_Super_Course"
# Verify login_error is not present
'Login error not be present'
# Login with wrong credentials
# Verify that login error is shown
'Login error is visible'
# Change the password
self.course_outline_sign_in_redirect_page.fill_field('input#password', 'changed_password')
# Login error should not be visible
'Login error is not visible'
# Login with correct credentials
self.course_outline_sign_in_redirect_page.login(self.user['email'], self.user['password'])
# Verify that correct course is displayed after sign in.
self.assertEqual(self.browser.current_url, self.course_outline_page.url)
class CoursePagesTest(StudioCourseTest):
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