Commit 0022efb7 by Ibrahim Awwal

Add loading animation to discussion module.

parent 366e9c67
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ $ ->
window.$$contents = {}
loading: ->
@$_loading = $("<span class='discussion-loading'></span>")
@$_loading = $("<div class='loading-animation'></div>")
loaded: ->
......@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ class @DiscussionThreadInlineView extends DiscussionContentView
if @expanded
@makeWmdEditor "reply-body"
# @highlight @$(".post-body")
# @highlight @$("h1")
renderDogear: ->
......@@ -60,6 +58,7 @@ class @DiscussionThreadInlineView extends DiscussionContentView
renderResponses: ->
url: "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/forum/#{@model.get('commentable_id')}/threads/#{}"
$loading: @$el
success: (data, textStatus, xhr) =>
......@@ -188,11 +187,8 @@ class @DiscussionThreadInlineView extends DiscussionContentView
success: (response, textStatus) =>
@model.set('endorsed', not endorsed)
highlight: (el) ->
el.html(el.html().replace(/&lt;mark&gt;/g, "<mark>").replace(/&lt;\/mark&gt;/g, "</mark>"))
abbreviateBody: ->
abbreviated = DiscussionUtil.abbreviateString @model.get('body'), 140 # Because twitter
abbreviated = DiscussionUtil.abbreviateString @model.get('body'), 140
@model.set('abbreviatedBody', abbreviated)
expandPost: (event) ->
Markdown is supported
0% or
You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
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