tzAbbr.js 2.56 KB
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/* Friendly timezone abbreviations in client-side JavaScript

`tzAbbr()` or `tzAbbr(new Date(79,5,24))`
=> "EDT", "CST", "GMT", etc.!

There's no 100% reliable way to get friendly timezone names in all
browsers using JS alone, but this tiny function scours a
stringified date as best it can and returns `null` in the few cases
where no friendly timezone name is found (so far, just Opera).

Device tested & works in:
* IE 6 [through] 11 (latest versions of all)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
* Firefox 3 [through] 16 (16 = latest version to date)
* Chrome 22 (latest version to date)
* Safari 6 (latest version to date)
* Mobile Safari on iOS 5 & 6
* Android 4.0.3 stock browser
* Android 2.3.7 stock browser
* IE Mobile 9 (WP 7.5)

Known to fail in:
* Opera 12 (desktop, latest version to date)

For Opera, I've included (but commented out) a workaround spotted
on StackOverflow that returns a GMT offset when no abbreviation is
found. I haven't found a decent workaround.

If you find any other cases where this method returns null or dodgy
results, please say so in the comments; even if we can't find a
workaround it'll at least help others determine if this approach is
suitable for their project!
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define([], function() {
  return function (dateInput) {
    var dateObject = dateInput || new Date(),
      dateString = dateObject + "",
      tzAbbr = (
        // Works for the majority of modern browsers
        dateString.match(/\(([^\)]+)\)$/) ||
        // IE outputs date strings in a different format:
        dateString.match(/([A-Z]+) [\d]{4}$/)

    if (tzAbbr) {
      // Old Firefox uses the long timezone name (e.g., "Central
      // Daylight Time" instead of "CDT")
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
         If the timezone string does not cotain capital English letters
         (For example, the timezone string may be a Chinese string),
         then the following code line will produce a null-reference
         exception, and the execution of the javascript codes will 
         be stopped, which may cause some strange behaviors. So a 
         try-catch is needed here to prevent the execution being stopped.
      try {
          tzAbbr = tzAbbr[1].match(/[A-Z]/g).join("");
      } catch(err) {
          tzAbbr = tzAbbr[1];
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

    // Uncomment these lines to return a GMT offset for browsers
    // that don't include the user's zone abbreviation (e.g.,
    // "GMT-0500".) I prefer to have `null` in this case, but
    // you may not!
    // First seen on:
    // if (!tzAbbr && /(GMT\W*\d{4})/.test(dateString)) {
    //  return RegExp.$1;
    // }

    return tzAbbr;