{% load i18n %} {% load tz %} {% spaceless %} {% block list_item %} <li id="openassessment__self-assessment" class="openassessment__steps__step step--self-assessment is--showing ui-slidable__container {% if allow_latex %}allow--latex{%endif%}" tabindex="-1"> {% endblock %} <header class="step__header ui-slidable__control"> <h2 class="step__title"> {% block button %} <button class="ui-slidable" aria-expanded="true" id="oa_self_{{ xblock_id }}" aria-controls="oa_self_{{ xblock_id }}_content"> {% endblock %} <span class="step__counter"></span> <span class="wrapper--copy"> <span class="step__label">{% trans "Assess Your Response" %}</span> {% if self_start %} <span class="step__deadline"> {# Translators: This string displays a date to the user, then tells them the time until that date. Example: "available August 13th, 2014 (in 5 days and 45 minutes)" #} {% blocktrans with start_date=self_start|timezone:time_zone|date:"N j, Y H:i e" time_until=self_start|timeuntil %}available <span class="date">{{ start_date }} (in {{ time_until }})</span>{% endblocktrans %} </span> {% elif self_due %} <span class="step__deadline"> {# Translators: This string displays a date to the user, then tells them the time until that date. Example: "due August 13th, 2014 (in 5 days and 45 minutes)" #} {% blocktrans with due_date=self_due|timezone:time_zone|date:"N j, Y H:i e" time_until=self_due|timeuntil %}due <span class="date">{{ due_date }} (in {{ time_until }})</span>{% endblocktrans %} </span> {% endif %} </span> </button> {% block title %} <span class="step__status"> <span class="step__status__label">{% trans "This step's status" %}:</span> <span class="step__status__value"> <span class="copy">{% trans "In Progress" %}</span> </span> </span> {% endblock %} </h2> </header> {% block body %} <div class="ui-slidable__content" aria-labelledby="oa_self_{{ xblock_id }}" id="oa_self_{{ xblock_id }}_content"> <div class="wrapper--step__content"> <div class="step__content"> <article class="self-assessment__display" id="self-assessment"> <header class="self-assessment__display__header"> <h3 class="self-assessment__display__title">{% trans "Your Response" %}</h3> </header> {% trans "Your response to the question above:" as translated_label %} {% include "openassessmentblock/oa_submission_answer.html" with answer=self_submission.answer answer_text_label=translated_label %} {% trans "Associated File" as translated_header %} {% include "openassessmentblock/oa_uploaded_file.html" with file_upload_type=file_upload_type file_url=self_file_url header=translated_header class_prefix="self-assessment" %} </article> <form id="self-assessment--001__assessment" class="self-assessment__assessment" method="post"> {% include "openassessmentblock/oa_rubric.html" with rubric_type="self" %} </form> </div> <div class="step__actions"> <div class="message message--inline message--error message--error-server" tabindex="-1"> <h3 class="message__title">{% trans "We could not submit your assessment" %}</h3> <div class="message__content"></div> </div> <ul class="list list--actions"> <li class="list--actions__item"> <button type="submit" id="self-assessment--001__assessment__submit" class="action action--submit is--disabled"> <span class="copy">{% trans "Submit your assessment" %}</span> </button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %} </li> {% endspaceless %}