// xblock: openassessment - main style compile // ==================== // NOTES: // * this Sass compiles into the static CSS needed for the openassessment xblock // * Sass partials that can be re-used are organized in the "xb/" directory and listed in "general xblock" segments // * theme-based Sass partials are noted by "theme - [theme name]" in the import order to override defaults // * openassessment-specific styles are collected within the "oa/" directory and listed in "app -" segment // * openassessment-based layouts are sized like media-query breakpoints, but will be applied by specific classes/variables // * the system/app digesting this xblock will control general page layout and overall screensize-based breakpoints // -------------------- // KNOWN ISSUES/CONCERNS: // * manual syncing of a view's breakpoints/layout with openassessment's sizes is needed on a system/app basis // * the system/app ingesting this xblock may have conflicts/redundancies/versioning issues with the utilities used // -------------------- // general - xblocks: // shared utilities, assets and set up // -------------------- // xblocks: libraries and resets @import 'xb/libs/bourbon/bourbon'; // general sass utility (http://bourbon.io) @import 'xb/libs/neat/neat'; // responsive grid utility (http://neat.bourbon.io) // xblocks: utilities @import 'xb/utilities/reset'; // xblocks-based reset @import 'xb/utilities/variables'; // default settings and values @import 'xb/utilities/mixins'; // mixins and functions @import 'xb/utilities/extends'; // re-usable extends, placeholders, archetypes @import 'xb/utilities/animations'; // re-usable CSS-based animations // general xblocks: assets @import 'xb/assets/fonts'; // imported/used fonts @import 'xb/assets/graphics'; // sprites, basic img/figure/svg styling // -------------------- // theme - edx: // utilities and assets (needed in this order to override xb variables) // -------------------- @import 'themes/edx/utilities'; // theme-based utilities (variables, mixins, extends) // -------------------- // general - xblock: // shared base type, controls, and UI elements // -------------------- // xblock: elements @import 'xb/elements/base'; // basic styles @import 'xb/elements/typography'; // font sizes/scale and applied/canned definitions @import 'xb/elements/controls'; // buttons, link styles, sliders, etc. @import 'xb/elements/forms'; // form elements @import 'xb/elements/system-feedback'; // system messages, feedback, transitions @import 'xb/elements/layout'; // applied layouts and deliberate class-based breakpoints // xblock: contextual @import 'xb/contexts/ie'; // Internet Explorer-specific styling // -------------------- // theme - edx: // elements, views, and contexts (needed in this order to override xb) // -------------------- @import 'themes/edx/base'; @import 'themes/edx/elements'; // -------------------- // app - openassessment: // specific UI for this application // -------------------- @import 'vendor/hint'; // vendor - hint/tooltip UI @import 'oa/utilities/mixins'; // open assessment mixins @import 'oa/utilities/variables'; // specific variables and overrides @import 'oa/utilities/extends'; // open assessment extends @import 'oa/elements/header'; // view/app headers @import 'oa/elements/footer'; // view/app footers @import 'oa/elements/navigation'; // navigation sets @import 'oa/elements/layout'; // applied layouts and deliberate class-based breakpoints @import 'oa/elements/staff'; // open assessment staff-centric UI @import 'oa/views/oa-base'; // open assessment base view // openassessment: contextual @import 'oa/contexts/ie'; // open assessment-specific Internet Explorer-specific styling @import 'oa/contexts/responsive'; // open assessment-specific UI sizes (faking responsive brakpoints) // openassessment: misc. @import 'oa/utilities/developer'; // developer-friendly file: add rough/WIP styling that needs UI triage @import 'oa/utilities/shame'; // used for any bad-form/orphaned css/clean up code needed