Commit cc97ad30 by Will Daly

Added tests for spellcheck

parent 42f95138
from unittest import TestCase
from import assert_equal
from mock import patch
from ease.util_functions import spell_correct
class SpellCheckUnitTest(TestCase):
Test that spell-check works correctly.
def test_all_correct(self):
"The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox.",
"The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox.",
0, "The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox."
def test_some_misspelled(self):
"The quuick brown dog jimped over the lazy fox.",
"The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox.",
2, "The <bs>quuick</bs> brown dog <bs>jimped</bs> over the lazy fox.",
def test_empty_str(self):
self._assert_spell("", "", 0, "")
def test_unicode(self):
"The quick brown dog jimped over the \u00FCber fox.",
"The quick brown dog jumped over the \u00FCber fox.",
2, "The quick brown dog <bs>jimped</bs> over the \u00FCber fox.",
def test_aspell_not_found(self, popen_mock):
# Expected behavior when aspell is not installed is to return the original
# string with no corrections.
popen_mock.side_effect = OSError
self._assert_spell("Test striiing", "Test striiing", 0, "Test striiing")
def _assert_spell(self, input_str, expected_str, expected_num_changed, expected_markup):
result = spell_correct(input_str)
assert_equal(result, (expected_str, expected_num_changed, expected_markup))
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