Commit 2a2972f8 by gradyward

Working on, doing a lot of refactoring.

Committed not because of solid progress but because of how much has changed.
parent e1be348a
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class EssaySet(object):
Essays in an essay set can be assumed to have these properties.
def __init__(self, essay_type="train"):
Initialize variables and check essay set type
......@@ -30,85 +30,123 @@ ESSAY_CORPUS_PATH = util_functions.ESSAY_CORPUS_PATH
class FeatureExtractor(object):
def __init__(self):
self._good_pos_ngrams = self.get_good_pos_ngrams()
self.dict_initialized = False
self._spell_errors_per_character = 0
self._grammar_errors_per_character = 0
An object which serves as a feature extractor, using NLTK and some statistics to derive an object which will extract
features from an object which will allow object classification.
def initialize_dictionaries(self, e_set, max_feats2=200):
def __init__(self, essay_set, max_features_pass_2=200):
Initializes dictionaries from an essay set object
Dictionaries must be initialized prior to using this to extract features
e_set is an input essay set
returns a confirmation of initialization
Initializes requisite dictionaries/statistics before the feature extraction can occur.
Was originally separated between an __init__ and an instantiate_dictionaries method, but they were never
called separately, so I combined them, as the logical similarity is striking.
essay_set: an input set of essays that the feature extractor extracts from and is based upon
max_features_pass_2: The maximum number of features we consider on the second pass of vocabulary grooming
if (hasattr(e_set, '_type')):
if (e_set._type == "train"):
#normal text (unstemmed) useful words/bigrams
nvocab = util_functions.get_vocab(e_set._text, e_set._score, max_feats2=max_feats2)
#stemmed and spell corrected vocab useful words/ngrams
svocab = util_functions.get_vocab(e_set._clean_stem_text, e_set._score, max_feats2=max_feats2)
#dictionary trained on proper vocab
self._normal_dict = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), vocabulary=nvocab)
#dictionary trained on proper vocab
self._stem_dict = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), vocabulary=svocab)
if hasattr(essay_set, '_type'):
if essay_set._type == "train":
# Finds vocabulary which differentiates good/high scoring essays from bad/low scoring essays.
normal_vocab = util_functions.get_vocab(
essay_set._cleaned_spelled_essays, essay_set._scores, max_features_pass_2=max_features_pass_2
# Finds vocab (same criteria as above), but with essays that have been porter stemmed
stemmed_vocab = util_functions.get_vocab(
essay_set._clean_stem_text, essay_set._scores, max_features_pass_2=max_features_pass_2
# Constructs dictionaries trained based on the important vocabularies
self._normal_dict = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), vocabulary=normal_vocab)
self._stem_dict = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), vocabulary=stemmed_vocab)
# Sets the flag to show that this instance is now ready for training
self.dict_initialized = True
#Average spelling errors in set. needed later for spelling detection
self._mean_spelling_errors = sum(e_set._spelling_errors) / float(len(e_set._spelling_errors))
self._spell_errors_per_character = sum(e_set._spelling_errors) / float(
sum([len(t) for t in e_set._text]))
#Gets the number and positions of grammar errors
good_pos_tags, bad_pos_positions = self._get_grammar_errors(e_set._pos, e_set._text, e_set._tokens)
self._grammar_errors_per_character = (sum(good_pos_tags) / float(sum([len(t) for t in e_set._text])))
#Generate bag of words features
bag_feats = self.gen_bag_feats(e_set)
#Sum of a row of bag of words features (topical words in an essay)
f_row_sum = numpy.sum(bag_feats[:, :])
#Average index of how "topical" essays are
self._mean_f_prop = f_row_sum / float(sum([len(t) for t in e_set._text]))
ret = "ok"
# Average the number of spelling errors in the set. This is needed later for spelling detection.
spelling_errors = essay_set._spelling_errors
self._mean_spelling_errors = sum(spelling_errors) / float(len(spelling_errors))
self._spell_errors_per_character = sum(spelling_errors) / float(
sum([len(essay) for essay in essay_set._cleaned_essays]))
# Gets the number and positions of grammar errors
good_pos_tags, bad_pos_positions = self._get_grammar_errors(
essay_set._pos_tags, essay_set._cleaned_essays, essay_set._tokens
# NOTE!!! Here, I changed the definition from utilizing good grammar ratios to using the counts of
# gramatical errors. Though this was not what the original author used, it is clearly what his code
# implies, as if this is intended to be a true "grammar errors per character", we should have that
# exact number. The replaced call is included for posterity.
# self._grammar_errors_per_character =
# (sum(good_pos_tags) / float(sum([len(t) for t in essay_set._text])))
total_grammar_errors = sum(len(l) for l in bad_pos_positions)
total_characters = float(sum([len(t) for t in essay_set._text]))
self._grammar_errors_per_character = total_grammar_errors / total_characters
# Generates a bag of vocabulary features
vocabulary_features = self.gen_vocabulary_features(essay_set)
# Sum of a row of bag of words features (topical words in an essay)
feature_row_sum = numpy.sum(vocabulary_features[:, :])
# Average index of how "topical" essays are
self._mean_f_prop = feature_row_sum / float(sum([len(t) for t in essay_set._text]))
raise util_functions.InputError(e_set, "needs to be an essay set of the train type.")
raise util_functions.InputError(essay_set, "needs to be an essay set of the train type.")
raise util_functions.InputError(e_set, "wrong input. need an essay set object")
return ret
raise util_functions.InputError(essay_set, "wrong input. need an essay set object.")
self._good_pos_ngrams = self.get_good_pos_ngrams()
self.dict_initialized = False
self._spell_errors_per_character = 0
self._grammar_errors_per_character = 0
def get_good_pos_ngrams(self):
Gets a list of gramatically correct part of speech sequences from an input file called essaycorpus.txt
Gets a list of grammatically correct part of speech sequences from an input file called essaycorpus.txt
Returns the list and caches the file
A list of all grammatically correct parts of speech.
if (os.path.isfile(NGRAM_PATH)):
good_pos_ngrams = pickle.load(open(NGRAM_PATH, 'rb'))
elif os.path.isfile(ESSAY_CORPUS_PATH):
essay_corpus = open(ESSAY_CORPUS_PATH).read()
essay_corpus = util_functions.sub_chars(essay_corpus)
good_pos_ngrams = util_functions.regenerate_good_tokens(essay_corpus)
pickle.dump(good_pos_ngrams, open(NGRAM_PATH, 'wb'))
#Hard coded list in case the needed files cannot be found
#Hard coded an incomplete list in case the needed files cannot be found
good_pos_ngrams = ['NN PRP', 'NN PRP .', 'NN PRP . DT', 'PRP .', 'PRP . DT', 'PRP . DT NNP', '. DT',
'NNP .', 'NNP . TO', 'NNP . TO NNP', '. TO', '. TO NNP', '. TO NNP NNP',
return good_pos_ngrams
def _get_grammar_errors(self, pos, text, tokens):
def _get_grammar_errors(self, pos, essays, tokens):
Internal function to get the number of grammar errors in given text
pos - part of speech tagged text (list)
text - normal text (list)
tokens - list of lists of tokenized text
pos: list of pos values for an essay set
essays: list of essay texts
tokens: list of the lists of the tokens in each essay
Tuple of the form (good_grammar_ratios, bad_pos_positions)
The former is a list of each essay's "good grammar ratio", which is not very well defined
The latter is a list of lists of each essay's grammatical mistakes as a location in its tokens
word_counts = [max(len(t), 1) for t in tokens]
good_pos_tags = []
good_grammar_ratios = []
min_pos_seq = 2
max_pos_seq = 4
bad_pos_positions = []
for i in xrange(0, len(text)):
for i in xrange(0, len(essays)):
pos_seq = [tag[1] for tag in pos[i]]
pos_ngrams = util_functions.ngrams(pos_seq, min_pos_seq, max_pos_seq)
long_pos_ngrams = [z for z in pos_ngrams if z.count(' ') == (max_pos_seq - 1)]
......@@ -134,8 +172,8 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
if divisor == 0:
divisor = 1
good_grammar_ratio = (len(pos_ngrams) - len(overlap_ngrams)) / divisor
return good_pos_tags, bad_pos_positions
return good_grammar_ratios, bad_pos_positions
def gen_length_feats(self, e_set):
......@@ -161,34 +199,46 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
return length_arr.copy()
def gen_bag_feats(self, e_set):
def gen_vocabulary_features(self, essay_set):
Generates bag of words features from an input essay set and trained FeatureExtractor
Generally called by gen_feats
Returns an array of features
e_set - EssaySet object
Generates a bag of words features from an essay set and a trained FeatureExtractor (self)
self: The trained Feature Extractor (trained by the init_method)
essay_set: the EssaySet Object to generate the bag of word features from.
An array of features to be used for extraction
if (hasattr(self, '_stem_dict')):
sfeats = self._stem_dict.transform(e_set._clean_stem_text)
nfeats = self._normal_dict.transform(e_set._text)
bag_feats = numpy.concatenate((sfeats.toarray(), nfeats.toarray()), axis=1)
raise util_functions.InputError(self, "Dictionaries must be initialized prior to generating bag features.")
return bag_feats.copy()
# Calculates Stem and Normal features
stem_features = self._stem_dict.transform(essay_set._cleaned_stem_essays)
normal_features = self._normal_dict.transform(essay_set._cleaned_essays)
# Mushes them together and returns
bag_features = numpy.concatenate((stem_features.toarray(), normal_features.toarray()), axis=1)
return bag_features.copy()
def gen_feats(self, e_set):
def generate_features(self, essay_set):
Generates bag of words, length, and prompt features from an essay set object
returns an array of features
e_set - EssaySet object
bag_feats = self.gen_bag_feats(e_set)
length_feats = self.gen_length_feats(e_set)
prompt_feats = self.gen_prompt_feats(e_set)
overall_feats = numpy.concatenate((length_feats, prompt_feats, bag_feats), axis=1)
overall_feats = overall_feats.copy()
return overall_feats
essay_set (EssaySet): the essay set to extract features for
Array of features with the following included:
- Length Features
- Vocabulary Features (both Normal and Stemmed Vocabulary)
- Prompt Features
vocabulary_features = self.gen_vocabulary_features(essay_set)
length_features = self.gen_length_feats(essay_set)
prompt_features = self.gen_prompt_feats(essay_set)
# Lumps them all together, copies to solidify, and returns
overall_features = numpy.concatenate((length_features, prompt_features, vocabulary_features), axis=1)
overall_features = overall_features.copy()
return overall_features
def gen_prompt_feats(self, e_set):
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def grade(grader_data, submission):
# Tries to extract features from submission and assign score via the model
grader_features = None
grader_features = extractor.gen_feats(grader_set)
grader_features = extractor.generate_features(grader_set)
feedback = extractor.gen_feedback(grader_set, grader_features)[0]
results['score'] = int(model.predict(grader_features)[0])
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def grade_generic(grader_data, numeric_features, textual_features):
# Try to extract features from submission and assign score via the model
grader_feats = extractor.gen_feats(grader_set)
grader_feats = extractor.generate_features(grader_set)
results['score'] = model.predict(grader_feats)[0]
error_msg = "Could not extract features and score essay."
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ def extract_features_and_generate_model(essays, algorithm=util_functions.Algorit
f = feature_extractor.FeatureExtractor()
train_feats = f.gen_feats(essays)
train_feats = f.generate_features(essays)
set_score = numpy.asarray(essays._score,
algorithm = create.select_algorithm(set_score)
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class PredictorExtractor(object):
max_feats2 = int(math.floor(200 / div_length))
for i in xrange(0, len(p_set._essay_sets)):
self._extractors[i].initialize_dictionaries(p_set._essay_sets[i], max_feats2=max_feats2)
self._extractors[i].initialize_dictionaries(p_set._essay_sets[i], max_features_pass_2=max_feats2)
self._initialized = True
success = True
return success
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class PredictorExtractor(object):
textual_features = []
for i in xrange(0, len(p_set._essay_sets)):
textual_matrix = numpy.concatenate(textual_features, axis=1)
predictor_matrix = numpy.array(p_set._numeric_features)
......@@ -198,19 +198,29 @@ def regenerate_good_tokens(string):
return sel_pos_ngrams
def get_vocab(text, score, max_feats=750, max_feats2=200):
def get_vocab(essays, scores, max_features_pass_1=750, max_features_pass_2=200):
Uses a fisher test to find words that are significant in that they separate
high scoring essays from low scoring essays.
text is a list of input essays.
score is a list of scores, with score[n] corresponding to text[n]
max_feats is the maximum number of features to consider in the first pass
max_feats2 is the maximum number of features to consider in the second (final) pass
Returns a list of words that constitute the significant vocabulary
dict = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), max_features=max_feats)
dict_mat = dict.fit_transform(text)
set_score = numpy.asarray(score,
essays (list of str): a list of input essays
scores (list of int): a list of associated input scores
max_features_pass_1 (int): the maximum number of features to consider in the first pass of the essays
max_features_pass_2 (int): the maximum number of features to consider in the second pass of the essays
(DEFAULTS of 750 and 200 respectively)
(list of str): A list of strings which constitute the signifigant vocabulary which diferentiates between
strong and weak essays.
NOTE: GBW didn't mess around with this because it is very easy to mess up, and I didn't want to mess it up.
dict = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), max_features=max_features_pass_1)
dict_matrix = dict.fit_transform(essays)
set_score = numpy.asarray(scores,
med_score = numpy.median(set_score)
new_score = set_score
if (med_score == 0):
......@@ -219,8 +229,8 @@ def get_vocab(text, score, max_feats=750, max_feats2=200):
new_score[set_score >= med_score] = 1
fish_vals = []
for col_num in range(0, dict_mat.shape[1]):
loop_vec = dict_mat.getcol(col_num).toarray()
for col_num in range(0, dict_matrix.shape[1]):
loop_vec = dict_matrix.getcol(col_num).toarray()
good_loop_vec = loop_vec[new_score == 1]
bad_loop_vec = loop_vec[new_score == 0]
good_loop_present = len(good_loop_vec[good_loop_vec > 0])
......@@ -231,9 +241,9 @@ def get_vocab(text, score, max_feats=750, max_feats2=200):
cutoff = 1
if (len(fish_vals) > max_feats2):
cutoff = sorted(fish_vals)[max_feats2]
good_cols = numpy.asarray([num for num in range(0, dict_mat.shape[1]) if fish_vals[num] <= cutoff])
if (len(fish_vals) > max_features_pass_2):
cutoff = sorted(fish_vals)[max_features_pass_2]
good_cols = numpy.asarray([num for num in range(0, dict_matrix.shape[1]) if fish_vals[num] <= cutoff])
getVar = lambda searchList, ind: [searchList[i] for i in ind]
vocab = getVar(dict.get_feature_names(), good_cols)
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