Commit 15040b0b by Vik Paruchuri

General folder cleanup in prep for open source

parent 1f693f8d
...@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ __pycache__/ ...@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ __pycache__/
models/ models/
*.pyc *.pyc
*~ *~
cv_pred actual
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# Run me with (may need su privilege for logging):
# gunicorn -w 4 -b pyxserver_wsgi:application
import cgi # for the escape() function
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
import sys
from time import localtime, strftime
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
import settings # Not django, but do something similar
# make sure we can find the grader files
import grade
results_template = """
<div class="test">
<header>Test results</header>
<div class="shortform">
<div class="longform">
results_correct_template = """
<div class="result-output result-correct">
<dd class="result-actual-output">
results_incorrect_template = """
<div class="result-output result-incorrect">
<dt>Your output:</dt>
<dd class="result-actual-output"><pre>{actual-output}</pre></dd>
<dt>Correct output:</dt>
def format_errors(errors):
esc = cgi.escape
error_string = ''
error_list = [esc(e) for e in errors or []]
if error_list:
items = '\n'.join(['<li><pre>{0}</pre></li>\n'.format(e) for e in error_list])
error_string = '<ul>\n{0}</ul>\n'.format(items)
error_string = '<div class="result-errors">{0}</div>'.format(error_string)
return error_string
def to_dict(result):
# long description may or may not be provided. If not, don't display it.
# TODO: replace with mako template
esc = cgi.escape
if result[1]:
long_desc = '<p>{0}</p>'.format(esc(result[1]))
long_desc = ''
return {'short-description': esc(result[0]),
'long-description': long_desc,
'correct': result[2], # Boolean; don't escape.
'expected-output': esc(result[3]),
'actual-output': esc(result[4])
def render_results(results):
output = []
test_results = [to_dict(r) for r in results['tests']]
for result in test_results:
if result['correct']:
template = results_correct_template
template = results_incorrect_template
output += template.format(**result)
errors = format_errors(results['errors'])
status = 'INCORRECT'
if errors:
status = 'ERROR'
elif results['correct']:
status = 'CORRECT'
return results_template.format(status=status,
def do_GET(data):
return "Hey, the time is %s" % strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())
def do_POST(data):
# This server expects jobs to be pushed to it from the queue
xpackage = json.loads(data)
body = xpackage['xqueue_body']
# Delivery from the lms
body = json.loads(body)
student_response = body['student_response']
payload = body['grader_payload']
grader_config = json.loads(payload)
except ValueError as err:
# If parsing json fails, erroring is fine--something is wrong in the content.
# However, for debugging, still want to see what the problem is
relative_grader_path = grader_config['grader']
grader_path = os.path.join(settings.GRADER_ROOT, relative_grader_path)
results = grade.grade(grader_path, student_response)
# Make valid JSON message
reply = { 'correct': results['correct'],
'score': results['score'],
'msg': render_results(results) }
return json.dumps(reply)
# Entry point
def application(env, start_response):
# Handle request
method = env['REQUEST_METHOD']
data = env['wsgi.input'].read()
def post_wrapper(data):
return do_POST(data)
return None
handlers = {'GET': do_GET,
'POST': post_wrapper,
if method in handlers.keys():
reply = handlers[method](data)
if reply is not None:
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
return reply
# If we fell through to here, complain.
start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
return ''
# Not django (for now), but use the same settings format anyway
import json
import os
from path import path
import sys
ROOT_PATH = path(__file__).dirname()
ENV_ROOT = REPO_PATH.dirname()
DEBUG = False
# Must end in '/'
RUN_URL = '' # Victor's VM ...
RUN_URL = ''
RUN_URL = ''
GRADER_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..'))
if os.path.isfile(ENV_ROOT / "env.json"):
print "Opening env.json file"
with open(ENV_ROOT / "env.json") as env_file:
ENV_TOKENS = json.load(env_file)
# Should be absolute path to 6.00 grader dir.
# NOTE: This means we only get one version of 6.00 graders available--has to
# be the same for internal and external class. Not critical -- can always
# use different grader file if want different problems.
this is an incorrect response
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,vik,vikp,02.11.2012 17:19,file:///home/vik/.config/libreoffice/3;
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in order to replicate this experiment , we would need to know the temperature of the vinegar as well as how much vinegar to put in . both of these could vary and therefore change the result of the experiment .
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