An independent comment system which supports voting and nested comments. It also supports features including instructor endorsement for education-aimed discussion platforms.
An independent comment system which supports voting and nested comments. It
also supports features including instructor endorsement for education-aimed
discussion platforms.
Internationalization and Localization
To run the comments service in a language other than English, set the
``SERVICE_LANGUAGE`` environment variable to the `language code` for the
desired language. Its default value is en-US.
Setting the language has no effect on user content stored by the service.
However, there are a few data validation messages that may be seen by end
users via the frontend in edx-platform__. These will be
translated to ``SERVICE_LANGUAGE`` assuming a suitable translation file is
found in the locale/ directory.
edX uses Transifex to host translations. To use the Transifex client, be sure
it is installed (``pip install -r requirements.txt`` will do this for you), and
follow the instructions here__ to set up your ``.transifexrc`` file.