If you have not already done so, create/activate a `virtualenv`_ running Python 3.5. Unless otherwise stated, assume all terminal code
below is executed within the virtualenv.
This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to run the course-discovery service locally, on your host. In the future, we intend to switch to Docker to avoid the need for many of these manual steps.
.. note:: Installing virtualenvwrapper with pip on OS X El Capitan may result
in a strange OSError due to `a compatibility issue with the six package
@@ -15,77 +24,95 @@ below is executed within the virtualenv.
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper --upgrade --ignore-installed six
Install dependencies
Dependencies can be installed via the command below.
Unless otherwise stated, assume all commands below are executed within the virtualenv. Dependencies can be installed using the command below.
.. code-block:: bash
$ make requirements
Local/Private Settings
When developing locally, it may be useful to have settings overrides that you do not wish to commit to the repository.
If you need such overrides, create a file :file:`course_discovery/settings/private.py`. This file's values are
read by :file:`course_discovery/settings/local.py`, but ignored by Git.
If you are an edX employee/developer, see :ref:`edx-extensions`.
Install Elasticsearch
The course-discovery service uses Elasticsearch (ES) to allow searching for course and program data. Elasticsearch is built using Java, and requires at least Java 8 in order to run. You will need to install the `JDK`_ if you haven't already. To install ES, download and unzip a file of your choice from https://www.elastic.co/downloads/past-releases/elasticsearch-1-5-2. It doesn't matter where you leave it. Locate the ES binary and start the server with:
Configure edX OpenID Connect (OIDC)
This service relies on the edX OIDC (`OpenID Connect`_) authentication provider for login. Note that OIDC is built atop
OAuth 2.0, and this document may use the terms interchangeably. Under our current architecture the LMS serves as our
authentication provider.
.. code-block:: bash
Configuring Course Discovery Service to work with OIDC requires registering a new client with the authentication
provider and updating the Django settings for this project with the client credentials.
| SOCIAL_AUTH_EDX_OIDC_ID_TOKEN_DECRYPTION_KEY | OIDC ID token decryption key. This value is used to validate the ID token. | (This should be the same value as SOCIAL_AUTH_EDX_OIDC_SECRET.) |
If you don't have ES running when you run this, you will see an error after migrations are applied. The error comes from a post-migration hook we use for creating an index and a corresponding alias in ES after migrations are run.
Start the server
You can now start the server with:
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./manage.py runserver 8008
Access http://localhost:8008 in your browser and you should see the query preview page. You can run the service at any port of your choosing; these docs will use 8008.
Having a superuser will make it easy for you to sign into the Django admin. Do so as follows:
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./manage.py createsuperuser
Use the username and password you provided to sign into the Django admin at http://localhost:8008/admin. You should be able to see tables representing all of the application's models.
Configure Partners
LMS integration
To integrate with the LMS, bring up the LMS and navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin/catalog/catalogintegration/. Click "Add catalog integration," and add the URL to the course-discovery service running on your host: ````.
.. note:: When inside the Vagrant VM, you need to use a special IP to refer to your host. You can find it by running ``ifconfig`` and looking at the IPV4 address for vboxnet0. It's usually
In order for the LMS running in the Vagrant VM to access course-discovery, you will need to run it at
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./manage.py runserver
Private settings
When developing locally, it may be useful to have settings overrides that you do not wish to commit to the repository.
If you need such overrides, create a file :file:`course_discovery/settings/private.py`. This file's values are
read by :file:`course_discovery/settings/local.py`, but ignored by Git.
If you are an edX employee, see :ref:`edx-extensions`.
Configure partners
The Catalog Service is designed to support multiple collections of API endpoints to construct its search
indexes. These collections are represented in the system's domain model as "Partner" entities. In addition to indexing,
Partners link related top-level system entities -- Courses, Organizations, and Programs -- in order to create logical
@@ -131,27 +158,3 @@ Additional optional attributes can be specified:
| SOCIAL_AUTH_EDX_OIDC_ID_TOKEN_DECRYPTION_KEY | OIDC ID token decryption key. This value is used to validate the ID token. | (This should be the same value as SOCIAL_AUTH_EDX_OIDC_SECRET.) |