The ``refresh_course_metadata`` command in :file:`course_discovery/apps/course_metadata/management/commands/` is used to retrieve metadata. This is run daily in production through a Jenkins job, and can be manually run to set up your local environment. The data loaders are each run in series by the command. The data
The ``refresh_course_metadata`` command in :file:`course_discovery/apps/course_metadata/management/commands/` is used to retrieve metadata. This is run daily in production through a Jenkins job, and can be manually run to set up your local environment. The data loaders are each run in series by the command. The data
loaders should be idempotent -- that is, running this command once will populate the database, and if nothing has
loaders should be idempotent -- that is, running this command once will populate the database, and if nothing has
changed upstream then running it again should not change the database.
changed upstream then running it again should not change the database.
The command retrieves a JWT access token from the configured OpenID Connect provider.
For example, if you use the JWT access token "secret-ecommerce-key" to authenticate API calls, run the following: