{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
Changes to {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }} {{ link_end }} has been approved.
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} and has suggested no changes. The review for this course is complete.
{% endblocktrans %}
<!-- Note that the link in the following paragraph now goes to the course page instead of to a course run page (because there may be more than one course run). -->
{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
You can now submit a course run for review. To do this, {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} go to the course page{{ link_end }} and open the page for any course run. On the course run page, add all required information for that course run, and then submit the course run for review.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% comment %}Translators: It's closing of mail.{% endcomment %}
Changes to {{ course_name }} has been approved. {{ page_url }}
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} and has suggested no changes. The review for this course is complete.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
You can now submit a course run for review. To do this, {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} go to the course page{{ link_end }} and open the page for any course run. On the course run page, add all required information for that course run, and then submit the course run for review.
{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
New changes to {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }} {{ link_end }} are ready for your review. {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} View this course in Publisher {{ link_end }} to approve or decline the changes.
{{ sender_team }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} for review. {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} View this course in Publisher{{ link_end }} to review the changes or suggest edits.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% comment %}Translators: It's closing of mail.{% endcomment %}
New changes to {{ course_name }} are ready for your review. {{ page_url }} View this course in Publisher to approve or decline the changes.
{{ sender_team }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted {{ course_name }} for review. {{ page_url }} View this course in Publisher to review the changes or suggest edits.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}
{{ sender_name }}
{% trans "The edX team" %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Note: This email address is unable to receive replies. For questions or comments, contact {{ contact_us_email }}.
{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
{{ course_team_name }} created the {{ link_start }}{{ dashboard_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_title }}{{ link_end }} course in Publisher on {{ date }} at {{ time }}.
{{ course_team_name }} created the {{ link_start }}{{ dashboard_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_title }}{{ link_end }} course in Publisher on {{ date }} at {{ time }}.
{% endblocktrans %}
<p>{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for this course." %}</p>
{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} of {{ course_name }}. You will receive another email when the course run preview is available for you to review.
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} of {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }}. You can now submit a request for a preview of the course run About page.
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed the {{ run_number }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ page_url }}. You will receive another email when the course run preview is available for you to review.
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed the {{ run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ course_page_url }}. You can now submit a request for a preview of the course run About page.
{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
{{ course_team }} has approved the preview of the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }}{{ link_end }} course run of {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }}. The course run is now ready for publication.
{{ course_team }} has reviewed the preview of the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }}{{ link_end }} course run of {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} from {{ org_name }}. The course run is now ready for publication.
{{ course_team }} has approved the preview of the {{ run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }}. The course run is now ready for publication.
{{ course_team }} has reviewed the preview of the {{ run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ course_page_url }} from {{ org_name }}. The course run is now ready for publication.
{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
A preview is now available for the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_run_number }} course run {{ link_end }} of {{ course_name }}. Visit {{ link_start }}{{ preview_link }}{{ link_middle }} link to preview {{ link_end }} to approve or decline the preview for this course run.
A preview is now available for the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_run_number }}{{ link_end }} course run of {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }}. {{ link_start }}{{ preview_link }}{{ link_middle }} See the preview{{ link_end }} to review or suggest edits to this course run.
A preview is now available for the {{ course_run_number }} course run of {{ course_name }}. Visit {{ page_url }} to approve or decline the preview for this course run.
A preview is now available for the {{ course_run_number }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ course_page_url }}. See the preview {{ page_url }} to review or suggest edits to this course run.
{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
The {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_run_number }} course run {{ link_end }} of {{ course_name }} has been published. Visit {{ link_start }}{{ preview_url }}{{ link_middle }}link to live course run page{{ link_end }} to view the course run.
The {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} of {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} has been published. No further action is necessary for this course run.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
{{ link_start }}{{ preview_url }}{{ link_middle }}View this course run live.{{ link_end }}
{% endblocktrans %}
{% comment %}Translators: It's closing of mail.{% endcomment %}
The {{ course_run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} has been published. Visit {{ preview_url }} to view the live course run.
The {{ course_run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ course_page_url }} has been published. No further action is necessary for this course run.
{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
The {{ sender_team }} for {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} for review. Visit the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}course run details page{{ link_end }} to approve or decline this course run.
{{ sender_team }} for {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} for review. {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} View this course run in Publisher{{ link_end }} to review the changes or suggest edits.
New changes to {{ course_name }} are ready for your review. {{ page_url }} View this course in Publisher to approve or decline the changes.
The {{ sender_team }} for {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted the {{ run_number }} course run for review. {{ page_url }} Visit the course run details page to approve or decline this course run.
{{ sender_team }} for {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted the {{ run_number }} course run for review. {{ page_url }} View this course run in Publisher to review the changes or suggest edits.
{% blocktrans trimmed with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' %}
Preview link {{ preview_url }} for the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_title }}{{ link_end }}
has been declined.
{% endblocktrans %}
{{ comment.comment }}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
<ahref="{{ page_url }}">{% trans "View comment" %}</a>
<p>{% trans "The edX team" %}</p>
{% blocktrans trimmed with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' %}
The {{ team_name }} has reviewed the preview for {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }}. View the course run in Publisher for more information.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
{{ team_name }} added the following comment to this preview.
{% endblocktrans %}
<pstyle="font-style: italic;">
"{{ comment.comment }}"
<ahref="{{ page_url }}">{% trans "View comment in Publisher" %}</a>
{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for the following course." %}
{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for the following course. After you create the Studio instance, enter the course key for that instance on the course run page in Publisher." %}
{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for the following course." %}
{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for the following course. After you create the Studio instance, enter the course key for that instance on the course run page in Publisher." %}