Commit 12346ec2 by Sylvia Pearce Committed by Waheed Ahmed

Update email templates

parent 7149e6c5
......@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ class ChangeCourseStateViewTests(TestCase):
# Verify that course is marked as reviewed by marketing.
subject = 'Changes to {title} are ready for review'.format(title=self.course.title)
subject = 'Review requested: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
self._assert_email_sent(course_team_user, subject)
def test_change_course_state_with_course_team(self):
......@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ class ChangeCourseStateViewTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.course_state.owner_role, PublisherUserRole.MarketingReviewer)
self.assertGreater(self.course_state.owner_role_modified, old_owner_role_modified)
subject = 'Changes to {title} are ready for review'.format(title=self.course.title)
subject = 'Review requested: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
self._assert_email_sent(marketing_user, subject)
def _assert_email_sent(self, user, subject):
......@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ class ChangeCourseStateViewTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(, CourseStateChoices.Approved)
subject = 'Changes to {title} has been approved'.format(title=self.course.title)
subject = 'Review complete: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
self._assert_email_sent(course_team_user, subject)
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ def send_email_for_send_for_review(course, user):
txt_template = 'publisher/email/course/send_for_review.txt'
html_template = 'publisher/email/course/send_for_review.html'
subject = _('Changes to {title} are ready for review').format(title=course.title) # pylint: disable=no-member
subject = _('Review requested: {title}').format(title=course.title) # pylint: disable=no-member
recipient_user = course.marketing_reviewer
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ def send_email_for_mark_as_reviewed(course, user):
txt_template = 'publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt'
html_template = 'publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.html'
subject = _('Changes to {title} has been approved').format(title=course.title) # pylint: disable=no-member
subject = _('Review complete: {title}').format(title=course.title) # pylint: disable=no-member
recipient_user = course.marketing_reviewer
......@@ -190,14 +190,21 @@ def send_course_workflow_email(course, user, subject, txt_template, html_templat
project_coordinator = course.project_coordinator
to_addresses = []
from_address = settings.PUBLISHER_FROM_EMAIL
course_page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
'recipient_name': recipient_user.full_name or recipient_user.username if recipient_user else '',
'sender_name': user.full_name or user.username,
'org_name': course.organizations.all().first().name,
'contact_us_email': if project_coordinator else '',
'course_page_url': 'https://{host}{path}'.format(
host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=course_page_path
template = get_template(txt_template)
plain_content = template.render(context)
template = get_template(html_template)
......@@ -363,6 +370,7 @@ def send_email_preview_accepted(course_run):
from_address = settings.PUBLISHER_FROM_EMAIL
page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_run_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
course_page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
context = {
'course_name': course.title,
......@@ -372,6 +380,9 @@ def send_email_preview_accepted(course_run):
'contact_us_email': if project_coordinator else '',
'page_url': 'https://{host}{path}'.format(
host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=page_path
'course_page_url': 'https://{host}{path}'.format(
host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=course_page_path
template = get_template(txt_template)
......@@ -413,6 +424,7 @@ def send_email_preview_page_is_available(course_run):
from_address = settings.PUBLISHER_FROM_EMAIL
project_coordinator = course_run.course.project_coordinator
page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_run_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
course_page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
context = {
'sender_role': PublisherUserRole.Publisher,
'recipient_name': course_team_user.get_full_name() or course_team_user.username,
......@@ -423,6 +435,9 @@ def send_email_preview_page_is_available(course_run):
'page_url': 'https://{host}{path}'.format(
host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=page_path
'course_page_url': 'https://{host}{path}'.format(
host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=course_page_path
'platform_name': settings.PLATFORM_NAME
template = get_template(txt_template)
......@@ -465,6 +480,7 @@ def send_course_run_published_email(course_run):
from_address = settings.PUBLISHER_FROM_EMAIL
project_coordinator = course_run.course.project_coordinator
page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_run_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
course_page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
context = {
'sender_role': PublisherUserRole.Publisher,
'course_name': course_run.course.title,
......@@ -475,6 +491,9 @@ def send_course_run_published_email(course_run):
'page_url': 'https://{host}{path}'.format(
host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=page_path
'course_page_url': 'https://{host}{path}'.format(
host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=course_page_path
'platform_name': settings.PLATFORM_NAME,
template = get_template(txt_template)
......@@ -507,8 +526,9 @@ def send_change_role_assignment_email(course_role, former_user):
html_template = 'publisher/email/role_assignment_changed.html'
subject = _('Role assignment changed for role: {role_name} against {course_title}').format( # pylint: disable=no-member
role_name = course_role.get_role_display()
subject = _('{role_name} changed for {course_title}').format( # pylint: disable=no-member
to_addresses = course_role.course.get_course_users_emails()
......@@ -521,7 +541,7 @@ def send_change_role_assignment_email(course_role, former_user):
page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
context = {
'course_title': course_role.course.title,
'role_name': course_role.get_role_display(),
'role_name': role_name.lower(),
'former_user_name': former_user.get_full_name() or former_user.username,
'current_user_name': course_role.user.get_full_name() or course_role.user.username,
'contact_us_email': if project_coordinator else '',
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class CourseRunSendForReviewEmailTests(TestCase):
page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_run_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
page_url = 'https://{host}{path}'.format(host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=page_path)
self.assertIn(page_url, body)
self.assertIn('Visit the course run details page to approve or decline this course run.', body)
self.assertIn('View this course run in Publisher to review the changes or suggest edits.', body)
class CourseRunMarkAsReviewedEmailTests(TestCase):
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ class CourseRunMarkAsReviewedEmailTests(TestCase):
page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_run_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
page_url = 'https://{host}{path}'.format(host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=page_path)
self.assertIn(page_url, body)
self.assertIn('You will receive another email when the course run preview is available', body)
self.assertIn('You can now submit a request for a preview of the course run About page.', body)
class CourseRunPreviewEmailTests(TestCase):
......@@ -573,8 +573,8 @@ class CourseChangeRoleAssignmentEmailTests(TestCase):
Verify that course role assignment chnage email functionality works fine.
emails.send_change_role_assignment_email(self.marketing_role, self.user)
expected_subject = 'Role assignment changed for role: {role_name} against {course_title}'.format(
expected_subject = '{role_name} changed for {course_title}'.format(
......@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ class CourseChangeRoleAssignmentEmailTests(TestCase):
page_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
page_url = 'https://{host}{path}'.format(host=Site.objects.get_current().domain.strip('/'), path=page_path)
self.assertIn(page_url, body)
self.assertIn('has been changed.', body)
self.assertIn('has changed.', body)
def test_change_role_assignment_email_with_error(self):
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from django.core.mail.message import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from course_discovery.apps.publisher.models import CourseRun
from course_discovery.apps.publisher.utils import is_email_notification_enabled
......@@ -24,10 +25,12 @@ def send_email_for_comment(comment, created=False):
publisher_obj = comment.content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=object_pk)
comment_class = comment.content_type.model_class()
subject_desc = _('New comment added')
subject_desc = _('Comment added:')
comment_date = comment.submit_date
if not created:
subject_desc = _('Comment updated')
subject_desc = _('Comment updated:')
comment_date = comment.modified
if comment_class == CourseRun:
course = publisher_obj.course
......@@ -36,30 +39,37 @@ def send_email_for_comment(comment, created=False):
# Translators: subject_desc will be choice from ('New comment added', 'Comment updated'),
# 'pacing_type' will be choice from ('instructor-paced', 'self-paced'),
# 'title' and 'start' will be the value of course title & start date fields.
subject = _('{subject_desc} in course run: {title}-{pacing_type}-{start}').format( # pylint: disable=no-member
subject = _('{subject_desc} {title} {start} - {pacing_type}').format( # pylint: disable=no-member
start=publisher_obj.start.strftime('%B %d, %Y') if publisher_obj.start else ''
course_name = '{title} {start} - {pacing_type}'.format(
start=publisher_obj.start.strftime('%B %d, %Y') if publisher_obj.start else ''
course = publisher_obj
object_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_courses_edit', args=[])
# Translators: 'subject_desc' will be choice from ('New comment added', 'Comment updated')
# and 'title' will be the value of course title field.
subject = _('{subject_desc} in Course: {title}').format( # pylint: disable=no-member
subject = _('{subject_desc} {title}').format( # pylint: disable=no-member
course_name = course.title
to_addresses = course.get_course_users_emails()
from_address = settings.PUBLISHER_FROM_EMAIL
context = {
'comment': comment,
'course': course,
'object_type': comment_class.__name__,
'comment_message': comment.comment,
'team_name': 'course team' if comment.user == course.course_team_admin else 'marketing team',
'course_name': course_name,
'comment_date': comment_date,
'page_url': 'https://{host}{path}'.format('/'), path=object_path)
......@@ -89,11 +99,16 @@ def send_email_decline_preview(comment, course_run, preview_url):
object_path = reverse('publisher:publisher_course_run_detail', args=[])
course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_run.lms_course_id)
course_name = '{title} {run_number}'.format(
# Translators: subject_desc will be Preview Decline for course run,
# 'title' will be the value of course title.
subject = _('Preview Decline for course run: {title}').format( # pylint: disable=no-member
subject = _('Preview reviewed: {course_name}').format( # pylint: disable=no-member
recipient_user = course_run.course.publisher
......@@ -103,9 +118,11 @@ def send_email_decline_preview(comment, course_run, preview_url):
from_address = settings.PUBLISHER_FROM_EMAIL
context = {
'comment': comment,
'team_name': 'course team',
'page_url': 'https://{host}{path}'.format('/'), path=object_path),
'preview_url': preview_url,
'course_title': course_run.course.title,
'course_name': course_name,
'recipient_name': recipient_user.get_full_name() or recipient_user.username
txt_template = 'publisher/email/decline_preview.txt'
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core import mail
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test import TestCase
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from testfixtures import LogCapture
from course_discovery.apps.core.tests.factories import UserFactory
......@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ class CommentsEmailTests(TestCase):
to multiple users depending upon the course related group.
comment = self.create_comment(content_object=self.course)
subject = 'New comment added in Course: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
subject = 'Comment added: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
self.course, comment, reverse('publisher:publisher_courses_edit', args=[]),
......@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ class CommentsEmailTests(TestCase):
depending upon the parent course related group.
comment = self.create_comment(content_object=self.course_run)
subject = 'New comment added in course run: {title}-{pacing_type}-{start}'.format(
subject = 'Comment added: {title} {start} - {pacing_type}'.format(
start=self.course_run.start.strftime('%B %d, %Y')
......@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ class CommentsEmailTests(TestCase):
self.course_run.start = None
comment = self.create_comment(content_object=self.course_run)
subject = 'New comment added in course run: {title}-{pacing_type}-{start}'.format(
subject = 'Comment added: {title} {start} - {pacing_type}'.format(
......@@ -125,18 +126,20 @@ class CommentsEmailTests(TestCase):
def assert_comment_email_sent(self, content_object, comment, object_path, subject):
""" DRY method to assert send email data"""
object_type = content_object.__class__.__name__
self.assertEqual([,], mail.outbox[0].to)
self.assertEqual(str(mail.outbox[0].subject), subject)
body = mail.outbox[0].body.strip()
heading = '{first_name} commented on a {object_type} belonging to the course {title} ({number})'
first_name=comment.user.first_name, object_type=object_type.lower(),
title=self.course.title, number=self.course.number
if isinstance(content_object, CourseRun):
course_name = '{title} {start} - {pacing_type}'.format(
start=content_object.start.strftime('%B %d, %Y') if content_object.start else ''
course_name = content_object.title
expected = 'The marketing team made the following comment on {course_name}'.format(course_name=course_name)
self.assertIn(expected, body)
page_url = 'https://{host}{path}'.format('/'), path=object_path)
self.assertIn(comment.comment, body)
self.assertIn(page_url, body)
......@@ -175,13 +178,13 @@ class CommentsEmailTests(TestCase):
to multiple users.
comment = self.create_comment(content_object=self.course)
subject = 'New comment added in Course: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
subject = 'Comment added: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
self.assertEqual(str(mail.outbox[0].subject), subject)
self.assertIn(comment.comment, str(mail.outbox[0].body.strip()))
comment.comment = 'update the comment' # pylint: disable=no-member
subject = 'Comment updated in Course: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
subject = 'Comment updated: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
self.assertEqual(str(mail.outbox[1].subject), subject)
self.assertIn(comment.comment, str(mail.outbox[1].body.strip()), 'update the comment')
......@@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ class CommentsEmailTests(TestCase):
comment.comment = 'Update the comment' # pylint: disable=no-member
subject = 'Comment updated in course run: {title}-{pacing_type}-{start}'.format(
subject = 'Comment updated: {title} {start} - {pacing_type}'.format(
start=self.course_run.start.strftime('%B %d, %Y')
......@@ -210,11 +213,15 @@ class CommentsEmailTests(TestCase):
course=self.course, role=PublisherUserRole.Publisher, user=user
self.course_run.lms_course_id = 'course-v1:testX+testX2.0+testCourse'
course_key = CourseKey.from_string(self.course_run.lms_course_id)
comment = self._create_decline_comment()
subject = 'Preview Decline for course run: {title}'.format(title=self.course.title)
subject = 'Preview reviewed: {title} {run}'.format(title=self.course.title,
self.assertEqual([], mail.outbox[0].to)
self.assertEqual(str(mail.outbox[0].subject), subject)
body = 'Preview link {url} for the {title}: has been declined'.format(
body = 'has reviewed the preview for'.format(
......@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-13 14:28+0500\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-13 18:39+0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: \n"
#: apps/api/
#, python-brace-format
......@@ -508,12 +508,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Changes to {title} are ready for review"
msgid "Review requested: {title}"
msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Changes to {title} has been approved"
msgid "Review complete: {title}"
msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher/
......@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Role assignment changed for role: {role_name} against {course_title}"
msgid "{role_name} changed for {course_title}"
msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher/
......@@ -900,11 +900,11 @@ msgid "Reviewed on"
msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher_comments/
msgid "New comment added"
msgid "Comment added:"
msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher_comments/
msgid "Comment updated"
msgid "Comment updated:"
msgstr ""
#. Translators: subject_desc will be choice from ('New comment added',
......@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. 'title' and 'start' will be the value of course title & start date fields.
#: apps/publisher_comments/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{subject_desc} in course run: {title}-{pacing_type}-{start}"
msgid "{subject_desc} {title} {start} - {pacing_type}"
msgstr ""
#. Translators: 'subject_desc' will be choice from ('New comment added',
......@@ -921,14 +921,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. and 'title' will be the value of course title field.
#: apps/publisher_comments/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{subject_desc} in Course: {title}"
msgid "{subject_desc} {title}"
msgstr ""
#. Translators: subject_desc will be Preview Decline for course run,
#. 'title' will be the value of course title.
#: apps/publisher_comments/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Preview Decline for course run: {title}"
msgid "Preview reviewed: {course_name}"
msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher_comments/
......@@ -982,7 +982,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/course_edit_form.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run/edit_run_form.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_edit_warning.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_preview_accept_popup.html
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
......@@ -996,40 +995,33 @@ msgid "Save Course Run"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "New Instructor"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Click here to upload your image"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/add_courserun_form.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "required"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Family Name"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_drupal.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_salesforce.html
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_studio.html
#: templates/publisher/dashboard/_in_preview.html
#: templates/publisher/dashboard/_published.html
......@@ -1038,42 +1030,34 @@ msgid "Organization"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Bio"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Facebook URL"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "optional"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Twitter URL"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Blog URL"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Major Works"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "optional - one per line"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Add Staff Member"
msgstr ""
......@@ -2674,25 +2658,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There are no course-runs require studio instance."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.html
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.txt
msgid "Hi,"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.html
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#, python-format
msgid "The following course run has been submitted for %(state_name)s."
msgid ""
"The %(team_name)s made the following comment on %(course_name)s on %(date)s "
"at %(time)s"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.html
msgid "View Course"
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
msgid "View comment in Publisher"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.html
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course_created.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course_created.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
......@@ -2700,26 +2682,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The edX team"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.txt
msgid "View Course:"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(first_name)s commented on a %(object_type)s belonging to the course "
"%(title)s (%(number)s)."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
msgid "View comment"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.txt
msgid "View comment: "
"The %(team_name)s made the following comment on %(course_name)s %(date)s at "
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.html
......@@ -2734,15 +2701,30 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/send_for_review.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/send_for_review.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Dear %(recipient_name)s,"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(sender_team)s has reviewed %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s "
"%(course_name)s%(link_end)s and has suggested no changes. The review for "
"this course is complete."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Changes to %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_name)s "
"%(link_end)s has been approved."
"You can now submit a course run for review. To do this, "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s go to the course page%(link_end)s "
"and open the page for any course run. On the course run page, add all "
"required information for that course run, and then submit the course run for"
" review."
msgstr ""
#. Translators: It's closing of mail.
......@@ -2781,11 +2763,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Changes to %(course_name)s has been approved. %(page_url)s"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.txt
......@@ -2802,17 +2779,18 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"New changes to %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_name)s "
"%(link_end)s are ready for your review. "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s View this course in Publisher "
"%(link_end)s to approve or decline the changes."
"%(sender_team)s from %(org_name)s has submitted "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s for "
"review. %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s View this course in "
"Publisher%(link_end)s to review the changes or suggest edits."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"New changes to %(course_name)s are ready for your review. %(page_url)s View "
"this course in Publisher to approve or decline the changes."
"%(sender_team)s from %(org_name)s has submitted %(course_name)s for review. "
"%(page_url)s View this course in Publisher to review the changes or suggest "
msgstr ""
#. Translators: project_coordinator_name is a member name.
......@@ -2825,8 +2803,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(course_team_name)s created the "
"%(link_start)s%(dashboard_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_title)s %(link_end)s"
" course in Publisher on %(date)s at %(time)s."
"%(link_start)s%(dashboard_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_title)s%(link_end)s "
"course in Publisher on %(date)s at %(time)s."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_created.html
......@@ -2851,17 +2829,18 @@ msgstr ""
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(sender_team)s has reviewed the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(run_number)s course "
"run%(link_end)s of %(course_name)s. You will receive another email when the "
"course run preview is available for you to review."
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(run_number)s course "
"run%(link_end)s of "
" You can now submit a request for a preview of the course run About page."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(sender_team)s has reviewed the %(run_number)s course run of "
"%(course_name)s %(page_url)s. You will receive another email when the course"
" run preview is available for you to review."
"The %(sender_team)s has reviewed the %(run_number)s %(page_url)s course run "
"of %(course_name)s %(course_page_url)s. You can now submit a request for a "
"preview of the course run About page."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.html
......@@ -2873,10 +2852,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(course_team)s has approved the preview of the "
"%(course_team)s has reviewed the preview of the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(run_number)s%(link_end)s course "
"run of %(course_name)s from %(org_name)s. The course run is now ready for "
"run of "
"%(link_start)s%(course_page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s "
"from %(org_name)s. The course run is now ready for publication."
msgstr ""
#. Translators: It's closing of mail.
......@@ -2889,85 +2869,109 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(course_team)s has approved the preview of the %(run_number)s %(page_url)s "
"course run of %(course_name)s from %(org_name)s. The course run is now ready"
" for publication."
"%(course_team)s has reviewed the preview of the %(run_number)s %(page_url)s "
"course run of %(course_name)s %(course_page_url)s from %(org_name)s. The "
"course run is now ready for publication."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_available.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"A preview is now available for the %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s"
" %(course_run_number)s course run %(link_end)s of %(course_name)s. Visit "
"%(link_start)s%(preview_link)s%(link_middle)s link to preview %(link_end)s "
"to approve or decline the preview for this course run."
"A preview is now available for the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_run_number)s%(link_end)s "
"course run of "
" %(link_start)s%(preview_link)s%(link_middle)s See the preview%(link_end)s "
"to review or suggest edits to this course run."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_available.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"A preview is now available for the %(course_run_number)s course run of "
"%(course_name)s. Visit %(page_url)s to approve or decline the preview for "
"this course run."
"%(course_name)s %(course_page_url)s. See the preview %(page_url)s to review "
"or suggest edits to this course run."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_run_number)s course "
"run%(link_end)s of "
"%(link_start)s%(course_page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s "
"has been published. No further action is necessary for this course run."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_run_number)s course "
"run %(link_end)s of %(course_name)s has been published. Visit "
"%(link_start)s%(preview_url)s%(link_middle)slink to live course run "
"page%(link_end)s to view the course run."
"%(link_start)s%(preview_url)s%(link_middle)sView this course run "
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(course_run_number)s %(page_url)s course run of %(course_name)s has "
"been published. Visit %(preview_url)s to view the live course run."
"The %(course_run_number)s %(page_url)s course run of %(course_name)s "
"%(course_page_url)s has been published. No further action is necessary for "
"this course run."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.txt
#, python-format
msgid "View this course run live. %(preview_url)s"
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/send_for_review.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(sender_team)s for %(course_name)s from %(org_name)s has submitted the "
"%(sender_team)s for "
"%(link_start)s%(course_page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s "
"from %(org_name)s has submitted the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(run_number)s course "
"run%(link_end)s for review. Visit the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)scourse run details page%(link_end)s"
" to approve or decline this course run."
"run%(link_end)s for review. %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s View "
"this course run in Publisher%(link_end)s to review the changes or suggest "
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/send_for_review.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"New changes to %(course_name)s are ready for your review. %(page_url)s View "
"this course in Publisher to approve or decline the changes. The "
"%(sender_team)s for %(course_name)s from %(org_name)s has submitted the "
"%(run_number)s course run for review. %(page_url)s Visit the course run "
"details page to approve or decline this course run."
"%(run_number)s course run for review. %(page_url)s View this course run in "
"Publisher to review the changes or suggest edits."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Preview link %(preview_url)s for the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_title)s%(link_end)s has "
"been declined."
"The %(team_name)s has reviewed the preview for "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s. View "
"the course run in Publisher for more information."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
#, python-format
msgid "%(team_name)s added the following comment to this preview."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Preview link %(preview_url)s for the %(course_title)s: %(course_url)s has "
"been declined."
"The %(team_name)s has reviewed the preview for %(course_name)s. View the "
"course run in Publisher for more information."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.txt
msgid "View comment in Publisher: "
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/role_assignment_changed.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(role_name)s for the "
"The %(role_name)s for "
"%(link_start)s%(course_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_title)s%(link_end)s has "
"been changed."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/role_assignment_changed.html
......@@ -2984,8 +2988,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/role_assignment_changed.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(role_name)s for the %(course_title)s: %(course_url)s has been changed."
msgid "The %(role_name)s for %(course_title)s: %(course_url)s has changed."
msgstr ""
#. Translators: course_team_name is course team member name.
......@@ -2999,9 +3002,9 @@ msgstr ""
#, python-format
msgid ""
"EdX has %(updated_text)s a Studio instance for "
"%(link_start)s%(course_run_page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_name)s "
"%(link_end)s. You can now edit this course and configure your course team in"
" Studio."
"%(link_start)s%(course_run_page_url)s%(link_middle)s "
"%(course_name)s%(link_end)s. You can now edit this course and configure your"
" course team in Studio."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/studio_instance_created.html
......@@ -3060,7 +3063,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/studio_instance_needed.html
#: templates/publisher/email/studio_instance_needed.txt
msgid "Please create a Studio instance for the following course."
msgid ""
"Please create a Studio instance for the following course. After you create "
"the Studio instance, enter the course key for that instance on the course "
"run page in Publisher."
msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/seat_form.html
......@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-13 14:28+0500\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-13 18:39+0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: \n"
#: static/js/catalogs-change-form.js
msgid "Preview"
......@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-13 14:28+0500\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-13 18:39+0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: apps/api/
......@@ -624,16 +624,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Changes to {title} are ready for review"
msgstr ""
"Çhängés tö {title} äré réädý för révïéw Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
msgid "Review requested: {title}"
msgstr "Révïéw réqüéstéd: {title} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, #"
#: apps/publisher/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Changes to {title} has been approved"
msgstr ""
"Çhängés tö {title} häs ßéén äpprövéd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тє#"
msgid "Review complete: {title}"
msgstr "Révïéw çömplété: {title} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, #"
#: apps/publisher/
#, python-brace-format
......@@ -671,10 +668,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: apps/publisher/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Role assignment changed for role: {role_name} against {course_title}"
msgstr ""
"Rölé ässïgnmént çhängéd för rölé: {role_name} ägäïnst {course_title} Ⱡ'σяєм "
"ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
msgid "{role_name} changed for {course_title}"
msgstr "{role_name} çhängéd för {course_title} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт,#"
#: apps/publisher/
msgid "Remove Image"
......@@ -1063,12 +1058,12 @@ msgid "Reviewed on"
msgstr "Révïéwéd ön Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
#: apps/publisher_comments/
msgid "New comment added"
msgstr "Néw çömmént äddéd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмє#"
msgid "Comment added:"
msgstr "Çömmént äddéd: Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
#: apps/publisher_comments/
msgid "Comment updated"
msgstr "Çömmént üpdätéd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт α#"
msgid "Comment updated:"
msgstr "Çömmént üpdätéd: Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αм#"
#. Translators: subject_desc will be choice from ('New comment added',
#. 'Comment updated'),
......@@ -1076,27 +1071,24 @@ msgstr "Çömmént üpdätéd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт α#"
#. 'title' and 'start' will be the value of course title & start date fields.
#: apps/publisher_comments/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{subject_desc} in course run: {title}-{pacing_type}-{start}"
msgid "{subject_desc} {title} {start} - {pacing_type}"
msgstr ""
"{subject_desc} ïn çöürsé rün: {title}-{pacing_type}-{start} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм "
"∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢т#"
"{subject_desc} {title} {start} - {pacing_type} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмє#"
#. Translators: 'subject_desc' will be choice from ('New comment added',
#. 'Comment updated')
#. and 'title' will be the value of course title field.
#: apps/publisher_comments/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{subject_desc} in Course: {title}"
msgstr "{subject_desc} ïn Çöürsé: {title} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт#"
msgid "{subject_desc} {title}"
msgstr "{subject_desc} {title} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм #"
#. Translators: subject_desc will be Preview Decline for course run,
#. 'title' will be the value of course title.
#: apps/publisher_comments/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Preview Decline for course run: {title}"
msgstr ""
"Prévïéw Déçlïné för çöürsé rün: {title} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
msgid "Preview reviewed: {course_name}"
msgstr "Prévïéw révïéwéd: {course_name} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, #"
#: apps/publisher_comments/
msgid "Default"
......@@ -1149,7 +1141,6 @@ msgstr "Sävé Ⱡ'σяєм ι#"
#: templates/publisher/course_edit_form.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run/edit_run_form.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_edit_warning.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_preview_accept_popup.html
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Çänçél Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυ#"
......@@ -1163,40 +1154,33 @@ msgid "Save Course Run"
msgstr "Sävé Çöürsé Rün Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт α#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "New Instructor"
msgstr "Néw Ìnstrüçtör Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Click here to upload your image"
msgstr "Çlïçk héré tö üplöäd ýöür ïmägé Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢т#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nämé Ⱡ'σяєм ι#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/add_courserun_form.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "required"
msgstr "réqüïréd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Family Name"
msgstr "Fämïlý Nämé Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_drupal.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_salesforce.html
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tïtlé Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕ#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_studio.html
#: templates/publisher/dashboard/_in_preview.html
#: templates/publisher/dashboard/_published.html
......@@ -1205,42 +1189,34 @@ msgid "Organization"
msgstr "Örgänïzätïön Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕ#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Bio"
msgstr "Bïö Ⱡ'σяєм#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Facebook URL"
msgstr "Fäçéßöök ÛRL Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕ#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "optional"
msgstr "öptïönäl Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Twitter URL"
msgstr "Twïttér ÛRL Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Blog URL"
msgstr "Blög ÛRL Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Major Works"
msgstr "Mäjör Wörks Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "optional - one per line"
msgstr "öptïönäl - öné pér lïné Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σ#"
#: templates/publisher/_add_instructor_popup.html
#: templates/publisher/course_run_detail/_instructor_profile.html
msgid "Add Staff Member"
msgstr "Àdd Stäff Mémßér Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αм#"
......@@ -3143,27 +3119,25 @@ msgstr ""
"Théré äré nö çöürsé-rüns réqüïré stüdïö ïnstänçé. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт "
"αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.html
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.txt
msgid "Hi,"
msgstr "Hï, Ⱡ'σяєм#"
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.html
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#, python-format
msgid "The following course run has been submitted for %(state_name)s."
msgid ""
"The %(team_name)s made the following comment on %(course_name)s on %(date)s "
"at %(time)s"
msgstr ""
"Thé föllöwïng çöürsé rün häs ßéén süßmïttéd för %(state_name)s. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм"
" ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
"Thé %(team_name)s mädé thé föllöwïng çömmént ön %(course_name)s ön %(date)s "
"ät %(time)s Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.html
msgid "View Course"
msgstr "Vïéw Çöürsé Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
msgid "View comment in Publisher"
msgstr "Vïéw çömmént ïn Püßlïshér Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.html
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course_created.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course_created.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
......@@ -3171,29 +3145,14 @@ msgstr "Vïéw Çöürsé Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
msgid "The edX team"
msgstr "Thé édX téäm Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/change_state.txt
msgid "View Course:"
msgstr "Vïéw Çöürsé: Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(first_name)s commented on a %(object_type)s belonging to the course "
"%(title)s (%(number)s)."
"The %(team_name)s made the following comment on %(course_name)s %(date)s at "
msgstr ""
"%(first_name)s çömméntéd ön ä %(object_type)s ßélöngïng tö thé çöürsé "
"%(title)s (%(number)s). Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.html
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
msgid "View comment"
msgstr "Vïéw çömmént Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/comment.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.txt
msgid "View comment: "
msgstr "Vïéw çömmént: Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
"Thé %(team_name)s mädé thé föllöwïng çömmént ön %(course_name)s %(date)s ät "
"%(time)s. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt
......@@ -3207,18 +3166,42 @@ msgstr "Vïéw çömmént: Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/send_for_review.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/send_for_review.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Dear %(recipient_name)s,"
msgstr "Déär %(recipient_name)s, Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σł#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Changes to %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_name)s "
"%(link_end)s has been approved."
"The %(sender_team)s has reviewed %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s "
"%(course_name)s%(link_end)s and has suggested no changes. The review for "
"this course is complete."
msgstr ""
"Çhängés tö %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_name)s "
"%(link_end)s häs ßéén äpprövéd. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
"Thé %(sender_team)s häs révïéwéd %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s "
"%(course_name)s%(link_end)s änd häs süggéstéd nö çhängés. Thé révïéw för "
"thïs çöürsé ïs çömplété. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can now submit a course run for review. To do this, "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s go to the course page%(link_end)s "
"and open the page for any course run. On the course run page, add all "
"required information for that course run, and then submit the course run for"
" review."
msgstr ""
"Ýöü çän nöw süßmït ä çöürsé rün för révïéw. Tö dö thïs, "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s gö tö thé çöürsé pägé%(link_end)s "
"änd öpén thé pägé för äný çöürsé rün. Ön thé çöürsé rün pägé, ädd äll "
"réqüïréd ïnförmätïön för thät çöürsé rün, änd thén süßmït thé çöürsé rün för"
" révïéw. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ "
"єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм"
" νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα "
"¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє ∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтα#"
#. Translators: It's closing of mail.
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.html
......@@ -3258,13 +3241,6 @@ msgstr ""
"çömménts, çöntäçt %(contact_us_email)s.</p> Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Changes to %(course_name)s has been approved. %(page_url)s"
msgstr ""
"Çhängés tö %(course_name)s häs ßéén äpprövéd. %(page_url)s Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм "
"∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.txt
......@@ -3283,31 +3259,32 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"New changes to %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_name)s "
"%(link_end)s are ready for your review. "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s View this course in Publisher "
"%(link_end)s to approve or decline the changes."
"%(sender_team)s from %(org_name)s has submitted "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s for "
"review. %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s View this course in "
"Publisher%(link_end)s to review the changes or suggest edits."
msgstr ""
"Néw çhängés tö %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_name)s "
"%(link_end)s äré réädý för ýöür révïéw. "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s Vïéw thïs çöürsé ïn Püßlïshér "
"%(link_end)s tö äpprövé ör déçlïné thé çhängés. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт,"
" ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт"
" ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση "
"υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє "
"∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє ¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ ƒυgιαт ηυłłα"
" ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт ιη ¢υłρα qυι"
" σƒƒι¢ια ∂єѕєяυηт мσłłιт αηιм ι∂ єѕт łαв#"
"%(sender_team)s fröm %(org_name)s häs süßmïttéd "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s för "
"révïéw. %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s Vïéw thïs çöürsé ïn "
"Püßlïshér%(link_end)s tö révïéw thé çhängés ör süggést édïts. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм "
"∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя "
"ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ "
"ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ "
"¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє ∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє "
"¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ ƒυgιαт ηυłłα ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт "
"ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт ιη ¢υłρα qυι σƒƒι¢ια ∂єѕєяυηт мσłłιт αηιм ι∂ єѕт łαв#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course/send_for_review.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"New changes to %(course_name)s are ready for your review. %(page_url)s View "
"this course in Publisher to approve or decline the changes."
"%(sender_team)s from %(org_name)s has submitted %(course_name)s for review. "
"%(page_url)s View this course in Publisher to review the changes or suggest "
msgstr ""
"Néw çhängés tö %(course_name)s äré réädý för ýöür révïéw. %(page_url)s Vïéw "
"thïs çöürsé ïn Püßlïshér tö äpprövé ör déçlïné thé çhängés. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм "
"%(sender_team)s fröm %(org_name)s häs süßmïttéd %(course_name)s för révïéw. "
"%(page_url)s Vïéw thïs çöürsé ïn Püßlïshér tö révïéw thé çhängés ör süggést "
"édïts. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σ#"
#. Translators: project_coordinator_name is a member name.
#: templates/publisher/email/course_created.html
......@@ -3319,12 +3296,12 @@ msgstr "Déär %(project_coordinator_name)s, Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σł#"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(course_team_name)s created the "
"%(link_start)s%(dashboard_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_title)s %(link_end)s"
" course in Publisher on %(date)s at %(time)s."
"%(link_start)s%(dashboard_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_title)s%(link_end)s "
"course in Publisher on %(date)s at %(time)s."
msgstr ""
"%(course_team_name)s çréätéd thé "
"%(link_start)s%(dashboard_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_title)s %(link_end)s"
" çöürsé ïn Püßlïshér ön %(date)s ät %(time)s. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
"%(link_start)s%(dashboard_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_title)s%(link_end)s "
"çöürsé ïn Püßlïshér ön %(date)s ät %(time)s. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
"¢σηѕє¢тєтυя #"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_created.html
......@@ -3354,37 +3331,33 @@ msgstr ""
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(sender_team)s has reviewed the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(run_number)s course "
"run%(link_end)s of %(course_name)s. You will receive another email when the "
"course run preview is available for you to review."
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(run_number)s course "
"run%(link_end)s of "
" You can now submit a request for a preview of the course run About page."
msgstr ""
"Thé %(sender_team)s häs révïéwéd thé "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(run_number)s çöürsé "
"rün%(link_end)s öf %(course_name)s. Ýöü wïll réçéïvé änöthér émäïl whén thé "
"çöürsé rün prévïéw ïs äväïläßlé för ýöü tö révïéw. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт "
"αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт "
"łαвσяє єт ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ "
"єχєя¢ιтαтιση υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ "
"αυтє ιяυяє ∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє ¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ "
"ƒυgιαт ηυłłα ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт "
"ιη ¢υłρα qυι σƒƒι¢ια ∂єѕєяυηт мσłłιт α#"
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(run_number)s çöürsé "
"rün%(link_end)s öf "
" Ýöü çän nöw süßmït ä réqüést för ä prévïéw öf thé çöürsé rün Àßöüt pägé. "
"Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ "
"тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм,"
" qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ "
"¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє ∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє "
"¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ ƒυgιαт ηυłłα ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт "
"ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт ιη ¢υłρα qυι σƒƒι¢ια ∂єѕєяυηт мσłłιт αηιм ι∂#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/mark_as_reviewed.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(sender_team)s has reviewed the %(run_number)s course run of "
"%(course_name)s %(page_url)s. You will receive another email when the course"
" run preview is available for you to review."
"The %(sender_team)s has reviewed the %(run_number)s %(page_url)s course run "
"of %(course_name)s %(course_page_url)s. You can now submit a request for a "
"preview of the course run About page."
msgstr ""
"Thé %(sender_team)s häs révïéwéd thé %(run_number)s çöürsé rün öf "
"%(course_name)s %(page_url)s. Ýöü wïll réçéïvé änöthér émäïl whén thé çöürsé"
" rün prévïéw ïs äväïläßlé för ýöü tö révïéw. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
"¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт "
"∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση "
"υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє "
"∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє ¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ ƒυgιαт ηυłłα"
" ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт ιη ¢υłρα qυι"
" σƒƒι¢ια ∂єѕєяυηт мσłłιт αηιм ι∂ єѕт#"
"Thé %(sender_team)s häs révïéwéd thé %(run_number)s %(page_url)s çöürsé rün "
"öf %(course_name)s %(course_page_url)s. Ýöü çän nöw süßmït ä réqüést för ä "
"prévïéw öf thé çöürsé rün Àßöüt pägé. Ⱡ'σя#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.html
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.txt
......@@ -3395,15 +3368,23 @@ msgstr "Déär %(publisher_role_name)s, Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σł#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(course_team)s has approved the preview of the "
"%(course_team)s has reviewed the preview of the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(run_number)s%(link_end)s course "
"run of %(course_name)s from %(org_name)s. The course run is now ready for "
"run of "
"%(link_start)s%(course_page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s "
"from %(org_name)s. The course run is now ready for publication."
msgstr ""
"%(course_team)s häs äpprövéd thé prévïéw öf thé "
"%(course_team)s häs révïéwéd thé prévïéw öf thé "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(run_number)s%(link_end)s çöürsé "
"rün öf %(course_name)s fröm %(org_name)s. Thé çöürsé rün ïs nöw réädý för "
"püßlïçätïön. Ⱡ'σяєм ι#"
"rün öf "
"%(link_start)s%(course_page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s "
"fröm %(org_name)s. Thé çöürsé rün ïs nöw réädý för püßlïçätïön. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм"
" ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя "
"ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ "
"ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ "
"¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє ∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє "
"¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ ƒυgιαт ηυłłα ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт "
"ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт ιη ¢υłρα qυι σƒƒι¢ια ∂єѕєяυηт мσłłιт αηιм ι∂ єѕт łαв#"
#. Translators: It's closing of mail.
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.html
......@@ -3415,137 +3396,171 @@ msgstr "Thänk ýöü, Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_accepted.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(course_team)s has approved the preview of the %(run_number)s %(page_url)s "
"course run of %(course_name)s from %(org_name)s. The course run is now ready"
" for publication."
"%(course_team)s has reviewed the preview of the %(run_number)s %(page_url)s "
"course run of %(course_name)s %(course_page_url)s from %(org_name)s. The "
"course run is now ready for publication."
msgstr ""
"%(course_team)s häs äpprövéd thé prévïéw öf thé %(run_number)s %(page_url)s "
"çöürsé rün öf %(course_name)s fröm %(org_name)s. Thé çöürsé rün ïs nöw réädý"
" för püßlïçätïön. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σ#"
"%(course_team)s häs révïéwéd thé prévïéw öf thé %(run_number)s %(page_url)s "
"çöürsé rün öf %(course_name)s %(course_page_url)s fröm %(org_name)s. Thé "
"çöürsé rün ïs nöw réädý för püßlïçätïön. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_available.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"A preview is now available for the %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s"
" %(course_run_number)s course run %(link_end)s of %(course_name)s. Visit "
"%(link_start)s%(preview_link)s%(link_middle)s link to preview %(link_end)s "
"to approve or decline the preview for this course run."
msgstr ""
"À prévïéw ïs nöw äväïläßlé för thé %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s"
" %(course_run_number)s çöürsé rün %(link_end)s öf %(course_name)s. Vïsït "
"%(link_start)s%(preview_link)s%(link_middle)s lïnk tö prévïéw %(link_end)s "
"tö äpprövé ör déçlïné thé prévïéw för thïs çöürsé rün. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя "
"ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт "
"łαвσяє єт ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ "
"єχєя¢ιтαтιση υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ "
"αυтє ιяυяє ∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє ¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ "
"ƒυgιαт ηυłłα ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт "
"ιη ¢υłρα qυι σƒƒι¢ια ∂єѕ#"
"A preview is now available for the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_run_number)s%(link_end)s "
"course run of "
" %(link_start)s%(preview_link)s%(link_middle)s See the preview%(link_end)s "
"to review or suggest edits to this course run."
msgstr ""
"À prévïéw ïs nöw äväïläßlé för thé "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_run_number)s%(link_end)s "
"çöürsé rün öf "
" %(link_start)s%(preview_link)s%(link_middle)s Séé thé prévïéw%(link_end)s "
"tö révïéw ör süggést édïts tö thïs çöürsé rün. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
"¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт "
"∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση "
"υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє "
"∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє ¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ ƒυgιαт ηυłłα"
" ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт ιη ¢υłρα qυι"
" σƒƒι¢ια ∂єѕє#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/preview_available.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"A preview is now available for the %(course_run_number)s course run of "
"%(course_name)s. Visit %(page_url)s to approve or decline the preview for "
"this course run."
"%(course_name)s %(course_page_url)s. See the preview %(page_url)s to review "
"or suggest edits to this course run."
msgstr ""
"À prévïéw ïs nöw äväïläßlé för thé %(course_run_number)s çöürsé rün öf "
"%(course_name)s. Vïsït %(page_url)s tö äpprövé ör déçlïné thé prévïéw för "
"thïs çöürsé rün. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕ#"
"%(course_name)s %(course_page_url)s. Séé thé prévïéw %(page_url)s tö révïéw "
"ör süggést édïts tö thïs çöürsé rün. Ⱡ'σя#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_run_number)s course "
"run%(link_end)s of "
"%(link_start)s%(course_page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s "
"has been published. No further action is necessary for this course run."
msgstr ""
"Thé %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_run_number)s çöürsé "
"rün%(link_end)s öf "
"%(link_start)s%(course_page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s "
"häs ßéén püßlïshéd. Nö fürthér äçtïön ïs néçéssärý för thïs çöürsé rün. "
"Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_run_number)s course "
"run %(link_end)s of %(course_name)s has been published. Visit "
"%(link_start)s%(preview_url)s%(link_middle)slink to live course run "
"page%(link_end)s to view the course run."
"%(link_start)s%(preview_url)s%(link_middle)sView this course run "
msgstr ""
"Thé %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_run_number)s çöürsé "
"rün %(link_end)s öf %(course_name)s häs ßéén püßlïshéd. Vïsït "
"%(link_start)s%(preview_url)s%(link_middle)slïnk tö lïvé çöürsé rün "
"pägé%(link_end)s tö vïéw thé çöürsé rün. Ⱡ'#"
"%(link_start)s%(preview_url)s%(link_middle)sVïéw thïs çöürsé rün "
"lïvé.%(link_end)s Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(course_run_number)s %(page_url)s course run of %(course_name)s has "
"been published. Visit %(preview_url)s to view the live course run."
"The %(course_run_number)s %(page_url)s course run of %(course_name)s "
"%(course_page_url)s has been published. No further action is necessary for "
"this course run."
msgstr ""
"Thé %(course_run_number)s %(page_url)s çöürsé rün öf %(course_name)s "
"%(course_page_url)s häs ßéén püßlïshéd. Nö fürthér äçtïön ïs néçéssärý för "
"thïs çöürsé rün. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт #"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/published.txt
#, python-format
msgid "View this course run live. %(preview_url)s"
msgstr ""
"Thé %(course_run_number)s %(page_url)s çöürsé rün öf %(course_name)s häs "
"ßéén püßlïshéd. Vïsït %(preview_url)s tö vïéw thé lïvé çöürsé rün. Ⱡ'σяєм "
"ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє#"
"Vïéw thïs çöürsé rün lïvé. %(preview_url)s Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/send_for_review.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(sender_team)s for %(course_name)s from %(org_name)s has submitted the "
"%(sender_team)s for "
"%(link_start)s%(course_page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s "
"from %(org_name)s has submitted the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(run_number)s course "
"run%(link_end)s for review. Visit the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)scourse run details page%(link_end)s"
" to approve or decline this course run."
"run%(link_end)s for review. %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s View "
"this course run in Publisher%(link_end)s to review the changes or suggest "
msgstr ""
"Thé %(sender_team)s för %(course_name)s fröm %(org_name)s häs süßmïttéd thé "
"%(sender_team)s för "
"%(link_start)s%(course_page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s "
"fröm %(org_name)s häs süßmïttéd thé "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(run_number)s çöürsé "
"rün%(link_end)s för révïéw. Vïsït thé "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)sçöürsé rün détäïls pägé%(link_end)s"
" tö äpprövé ör déçlïné thïs çöürsé rün. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
"¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт "
"∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση "
"υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє "
"∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє ¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ ƒυgιαт ηυłłα"
" ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт ιη ¢υłρα qυι"
" 域#"
"rün%(link_end)s för révïéw. %(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s Vïéw "
"thïs çöürsé rün ïn Püßlïshér%(link_end)s tö révïéw thé çhängés ör süggést "
"édïts. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ "
"єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм"
" νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα "
"¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє ∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт"
" єѕѕє ¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ ƒυgιαт ηυłłα ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт "
"¢υρι∂αтαт ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/course_run/send_for_review.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"New changes to %(course_name)s are ready for your review. %(page_url)s View "
"this course in Publisher to approve or decline the changes. The "
"%(sender_team)s for %(course_name)s from %(org_name)s has submitted the "
"%(run_number)s course run for review. %(page_url)s Visit the course run "
"details page to approve or decline this course run."
"%(run_number)s course run for review. %(page_url)s View this course run in "
"Publisher to review the changes or suggest edits."
msgstr ""
"Néw çhängés tö %(course_name)s äré réädý för ýöür révïéw. %(page_url)s Vïéw "
"thïs çöürsé ïn Püßlïshér tö äpprövé ör déçlïné thé çhängés. Thé "
"%(sender_team)s för %(course_name)s fröm %(org_name)s häs süßmïttéd thé "
"%(run_number)s çöürsé rün för révïéw. %(page_url)s Vïsït thé çöürsé rün "
"détäïls pägé tö äpprövé ör déçlïné thïs çöürsé rün. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт "
"%(run_number)s çöürsé rün för révïéw. %(page_url)s Vïéw thïs çöürsé rün ïn "
"Püßlïshér tö révïéw thé çhängés ör süggést édïts. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт "
"αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт "
"łαвσяє єт ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ "
"єχєя¢ιтαтιση υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ "
"αυтє ιяυяє ∂σł#"
"αυтє ιяυяє ∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє ¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ "
"ƒυgιαт ηυłłα ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт "
"ιη ¢υłρα qυι σƒƒι¢ια ∂єѕєяυηт мσłłιт αηιм ι∂ є#"
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Preview link %(preview_url)s for the "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_title)s%(link_end)s has "
"been declined."
"The %(team_name)s has reviewed the preview for "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s. View "
"the course run in Publisher for more information."
msgstr ""
"Thé %(team_name)s häs révïéwéd thé prévïéw för "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_name)s%(link_end)s. Vïéw "
"thé çöürsé rün ïn Püßlïshér för möré ïnförmätïön. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕι#"
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.html
#, python-format
msgid "%(team_name)s added the following comment to this preview."
msgstr ""
"Prévïéw lïnk %(preview_url)s för thé "
"%(link_start)s%(page_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_title)s%(link_end)s häs "
"ßéén déçlïnéd. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
"%(team_name)s äddéd thé föllöwïng çömmént tö thïs prévïéw. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм "
"∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Preview link %(preview_url)s for the %(course_title)s: %(course_url)s has "
"been declined."
"The %(team_name)s has reviewed the preview for %(course_name)s. View the "
"course run in Publisher for more information."
msgstr ""
"Prévïéw lïnk %(preview_url)s för thé %(course_title)s: %(course_url)s häs "
"ßéén déçlïnéd. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
"Thé %(team_name)s häs révïéwéd thé prévïéw för %(course_name)s. Vïéw thé "
"çöürsé rün ïn Püßlïshér för möré ïnförmätïön. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, #"
#: templates/publisher/email/decline_preview.txt
msgid "View comment in Publisher: "
msgstr "Vïéw çömmént ïn Püßlïshér: Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє#"
#: templates/publisher/email/role_assignment_changed.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(role_name)s for the "
"The %(role_name)s for "
"%(link_start)s%(course_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_title)s%(link_end)s has "
"been changed."
msgstr ""
"Thé %(role_name)s för thé "
"Thé %(role_name)s för "
"%(link_start)s%(course_url)s%(link_middle)s%(course_title)s%(link_end)s häs "
"ßéén çhängéd. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
"çhängéd. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя#"
#: templates/publisher/email/role_assignment_changed.html
#: templates/publisher/email/role_assignment_changed.txt
......@@ -3562,11 +3577,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/role_assignment_changed.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(role_name)s for the %(course_title)s: %(course_url)s has been changed."
msgid "The %(role_name)s for %(course_title)s: %(course_url)s has changed."
msgstr ""
"Thé %(role_name)s för thé %(course_title)s: %(course_url)s häs ßéén çhängéd."
" Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя #"
"Thé %(role_name)s för %(course_title)s: %(course_url)s häs çhängéd. Ⱡ'σяєм "
"ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тє#"
#. Translators: course_team_name is course team member name.
#: templates/publisher/email/studio_instance_created.html
......@@ -3579,14 +3593,14 @@ msgstr "Déär %(course_team_name)s, Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σł#"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"EdX has %(updated_text)s a Studio instance for "
"%(link_start)s%(course_run_page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_name)s "
"%(link_end)s. You can now edit this course and configure your course team in"
" Studio."
"%(link_start)s%(course_run_page_url)s%(link_middle)s "
"%(course_name)s%(link_end)s. You can now edit this course and configure your"
" course team in Studio."
msgstr ""
"ÉdX häs %(updated_text)s ä Stüdïö ïnstänçé för "
"%(link_start)s%(course_run_page_url)s%(link_middle)s %(course_name)s "
"%(link_end)s. Ýöü çän nöw édït thïs çöürsé änd çönfïgüré ýöür çöürsé téäm ïn"
" Stüdïö. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρ#"
"%(link_start)s%(course_run_page_url)s%(link_middle)s "
"%(course_name)s%(link_end)s. Ýöü çän nöw édït thïs çöürsé änd çönfïgüré ýöür"
" çöürsé téäm ïn Stüdïö. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕ#"
#: templates/publisher/email/studio_instance_created.html
#, python-format
......@@ -3671,10 +3685,19 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/publisher/email/studio_instance_needed.html
#: templates/publisher/email/studio_instance_needed.txt
msgid "Please create a Studio instance for the following course."
msgid ""
"Please create a Studio instance for the following course. After you create "
"the Studio instance, enter the course key for that instance on the course "
"run page in Publisher."
msgstr ""
"Pléäsé çréäté ä Stüdïö ïnstänçé för thé föllöwïng çöürsé. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя"
" ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
"Pléäsé çréäté ä Stüdïö ïnstänçé för thé föllöwïng çöürsé. Àftér ýöü çréäté "
"thé Stüdïö ïnstänçé, éntér thé çöürsé kéý för thät ïnstänçé ön thé çöürsé "
"rün pägé ïn Püßlïshér. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α∂ιριѕι¢ιηg "
"єłιт, ѕє∂ ∂σ єιυѕмσ∂ тємρσя ιη¢ι∂ι∂υηт υт łαвσяє єт ∂σłσяє мαgηα αłιqυα. υт "
"єηιм α∂ мιηιм νєηιαм, qυιѕ ησѕтяυ∂ єχєя¢ιтαтιση υłłαм¢σ łαвσяιѕ ηιѕι υт "
"αłιqυιρ єχ єα ¢σммσ∂σ ¢σηѕєqυαт. ∂υιѕ αυтє ιяυяє ∂σłσя ιη яєρяєнєη∂єяιт ιη "
"νσłυρтαтє νєłιт єѕѕє ¢ιłłυм ∂σłσяє єυ ƒυgιαт ηυłłα ραяιαтυя. єχ¢єρтєυя ѕιηт "
"σ¢¢αє¢αт ¢υρι∂αтαт ηση ρяσι∂єηт, ѕυηт ιη ¢υłρα qυι#"
#: templates/publisher/seat_form.html
msgid "Seat Form"
......@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-13 14:28+0500\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-13 18:39+0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: static/js/catalogs-change-form.js
{% extends "publisher/email/email_base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block body %}
<!-- Message Body -->
<p>{% trans "Hi," %}</p>
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
The following course run has been submitted for {{ state_name }}.
{% endblocktrans %}
<a href="{{ course_run_page_url }}">{% trans "View Course" %}</a>
<p>{% trans "The edX team" %}</p>
<!-- End Message Body -->
{% endblock body %}
{% load i18n %}
{% trans "Hi," %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
The following course run has been submitted for {{ state_name }}.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "View Course:" %} {{ course_run_page_url }}
{% trans "The edX team" %}
......@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
{% block body %}
<!-- Message Body -->
{% blocktrans with first_name=comment.user.first_name object_type=object_type|lower title=course.title number=course.number trimmed %}
{{ first_name }} commented on a {{ object_type }} belonging to the course {{ title }} ({{ number }}).
{% blocktrans with date=comment_date|date:'m/d/y' time=comment_date.time trimmed %}
The {{ team_name }} made the following comment on {{ course_name }} on {{ date }} at {{ time }}
{% endblocktrans %}
{{ comment.comment }}
<p style="font-style: italic;">
"{{ comment_message }}"
<a href="{{ page_url }}">{% trans "View comment" %}</a>
<a href="{{ page_url }}">{% trans "View comment in Publisher" %}</a>
<p>{% trans "The edX team" %}</p>
<!-- End Message Body -->
{% load i18n %}
{% blocktrans with first_name=comment.user.first_name object_type=object_type|lower title=course.title number=course.number trimmed %}
{{ first_name }} commented on a {{ object_type }} belonging to the course {{ title }} ({{ number }}).
{% blocktrans with date=comment_date|date:'m/d/y' time=comment_date.time trimmed %}
The {{ team_name }} made the following comment on {{ course_name }} {{ date }} at {{ time }}.
{% endblocktrans %}
{{ comment.comment }}
{{ comment_message }}
{% trans "View comment: " %}{{ page_url }}
{% trans "View comment in Publisher" %}{{ page_url }}
{% trans "The edX team" %}
......@@ -2,16 +2,23 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% block body %}
<!-- Message Body -->
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
Changes to {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }} {{ link_end }} has been approved.
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} and has suggested no changes. The review for this course is complete.
{% endblocktrans %}
<!-- Note that the link in the following paragraph now goes to the course page instead of to a course run page (because there may be more than one course run). -->
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
You can now submit a course run for review. To do this, {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} go to the course page{{ link_end }} and open the page for any course run. On the course run page, add all required information for that course run, and then submit the course run for review.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% comment %}Translators: It's closing of mail.{% endcomment %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}<br>
{{ sender_name }}
......@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Changes to {{ course_name }} has been approved. {{ page_url }}
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} and has suggested no changes. The review for this course is complete.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
You can now submit a course run for review. To do this, {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} go to the course page{{ link_end }} and open the page for any course run. On the course run page, add all required information for that course run, and then submit the course run for review.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}
{{ sender_name }}
......@@ -2,19 +2,20 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% block body %}
<!-- Message Body -->
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
New changes to {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }} {{ link_end }} are ready for your review. {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} View this course in Publisher {{ link_end }} to approve or decline the changes.
{{ sender_team }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} for review. {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} View this course in Publisher{{ link_end }} to review the changes or suggest edits.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% comment %}Translators: It's closing of mail.{% endcomment %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}<br>
{{ sender_name }}
{% trans "The edX team" %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
New changes to {{ course_name }} are ready for your review. {{ page_url }} View this course in Publisher to approve or decline the changes.
{{ sender_team }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted {{ course_name }} for review. {{ page_url }} View this course in Publisher to review the changes or suggest edits.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}
{{ sender_name }}
{% trans "The edX team" %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Note: This email address is unable to receive replies. For questions or comments, contact {{ contact_us_email }}.
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
{{ course_team_name }} created the {{ link_start }}{{ dashboard_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_title }} {{ link_end }} course in Publisher on {{ date }} at {{ time }}.
{{ course_team_name }} created the {{ link_start }}{{ dashboard_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_title }}{{ link_end }} course in Publisher on {{ date }} at {{ time }}.
{% endblocktrans %}
<p>{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for this course." %}</p>
......@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% block body %}
<!-- Message Body -->
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} of {{ course_name }}. You will receive another email when the course run preview is available for you to review.
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} of {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }}. You can now submit a request for a preview of the course run About page.
{% endblocktrans %}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed the {{ run_number }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ page_url }}. You will receive another email when the course run preview is available for you to review.
The {{ sender_team }} has reviewed the {{ run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ course_page_url }}. You can now submit a request for a preview of the course run About page.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
{{ course_team }} has approved the preview of the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }}{{ link_end }} course run of {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }}. The course run is now ready for publication.
{{ course_team }} has reviewed the preview of the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }}{{ link_end }} course run of {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} from {{ org_name }}. The course run is now ready for publication.
{% endblocktrans %}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Dear {{ publisher_role_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
{{ course_team }} has approved the preview of the {{ run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }}. The course run is now ready for publication.
{{ course_team }} has reviewed the preview of the {{ run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ course_page_url }} from {{ org_name }}. The course run is now ready for publication.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
A preview is now available for the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_run_number }} course run {{ link_end }} of {{ course_name }}. Visit {{ link_start }}{{ preview_link }}{{ link_middle }} link to preview {{ link_end }} to approve or decline the preview for this course run.
A preview is now available for the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_run_number }}{{ link_end }} course run of {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }}. {{ link_start }}{{ preview_link }}{{ link_middle }} See the preview{{ link_end }} to review or suggest edits to this course run.
{% endblocktrans %}
......@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
A preview is now available for the {{ course_run_number }} course run of {{ course_name }}. Visit {{ page_url }} to approve or decline the preview for this course run.
A preview is now available for the {{ course_run_number }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ course_page_url }}. See the preview {{ page_url }} to review or suggest edits to this course run.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}
......@@ -8,10 +8,14 @@
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
The {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_run_number }} course run {{ link_end }} of {{ course_name }} has been published. Visit {{ link_start }}{{ preview_url }}{{ link_middle }}link to live course run page{{ link_end }} to view the course run.
The {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} of {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} has been published. No further action is necessary for this course run.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
{{ link_start }}{{ preview_url }}{{ link_middle }}View this course run live.{{ link_end }}
{% endblocktrans %}
{% comment %}Translators: It's closing of mail.{% endcomment %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}<br>
{{ platform_name}} {{ sender_role }}
......@@ -4,9 +4,14 @@
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
The {{ course_run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} has been published. Visit {{ preview_url }} to view the live course run.
The {{ course_run_number }} {{ page_url }} course run of {{ course_name }} {{ course_page_url }} has been published. No further action is necessary for this course run.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
View this course run live. {{ preview_url }}
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}
{{ platform_name}} {{ sender_role }}
......@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% block body %}
<!-- Message Body -->
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
The {{ sender_team }} for {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} for review. Visit the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}course run details page{{ link_end }} to approve or decline this course run.
{{ sender_team }} for {{ link_start }}{{ course_page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ run_number }} course run{{ link_end }} for review. {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} View this course run in Publisher{{ link_end }} to review the changes or suggest edits.
{% endblocktrans %}
......@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
New changes to {{ course_name }} are ready for your review. {{ page_url }} View this course in Publisher to approve or decline the changes.
The {{ sender_team }} for {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted the {{ run_number }} course run for review. {{ page_url }} Visit the course run details page to approve or decline this course run.
{{ sender_team }} for {{ course_name }} from {{ org_name }} has submitted the {{ run_number }} course run for review. {{ page_url }} View this course run in Publisher to review the changes or suggest edits.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Thank you," %}
{% extends "publisher/email/email_base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block body %}
<!-- Message Body -->
{% blocktrans trimmed with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' %}
Preview link {{ preview_url }} for the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_title }}{{ link_end }}
has been declined.
{% endblocktrans %}
{{ comment.comment }}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
<a href="{{ page_url }}">{% trans "View comment" %}</a>
<p>{% trans "The edX team" %}</p>
{% blocktrans trimmed with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' %}
The {{ team_name }} has reviewed the preview for {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_name }}{{ link_end }}. View the course run in Publisher for more information.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
{{ team_name }} added the following comment to this preview.
{% endblocktrans %}
<p style="font-style: italic;">
"{{ comment.comment }}"
<a href="{{ page_url }}">{% trans "View comment in Publisher" %}</a>
<p>{% trans "The edX team" %}</p>
<!-- End Message Body -->
{% endblock body %}
{% load i18n %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Preview link {{ preview_url }} for the {{ course_title }}: {{ course_url }} has been declined.
Dear {{ recipient_name }},
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
The {{ team_name }} has reviewed the preview for {{ course_name }}. View the course run in Publisher for more information.
{% endblocktrans %}
{{ comment.comment }}
{% trans "View comment: " %}{{ page_url }}
{% trans "View comment in Publisher: " %}{{ page_url }}
{% trans "The edX team" %}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{% block body %}
{% blocktrans trimmed with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' %}
The {{ role_name }} for the {{ link_start }}{{ course_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_title }}{{ link_end }} has been changed.
The {{ role_name }} for {{ link_start }}{{ course_url }}{{ link_middle }}{{ course_title }}{{ link_end }} has changed.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% load i18n %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
The {{ role_name }} for the {{ course_title }}: {{ course_url }} has been changed.
The {{ role_name }} for {{ course_title }}: {{ course_url }} has changed.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% block body %}
<!-- Message Body -->
<!-- Is it still true that we need users to enter this info "both in Publisher and in Studio" (line 21)? -->
{% comment %}Translators: course_team_name is course team member name.{% endcomment %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
......@@ -9,7 +12,7 @@
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with link_start='<a href="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
EdX has {{ updated_text }} a Studio instance for {{ link_start }}{{ course_run_page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }} {{ link_end }}.
EdX has {{ updated_text }} a Studio instance for {{ link_start }}{{ course_run_page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }}{{ link_end }}.
You can now edit this course and configure your course team in Studio.
{% endblocktrans %}
......@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
{% block body %}
<!-- Message Body -->
<!-- The subject for this message should be: -->
<!-- Studio instance request: <course name> -->
{% trans "Dear" %} {{ edx_pc_name }},
{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for the following course." %}
{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for the following course. After you create the Studio instance, enter the course key for that instance on the course run page in Publisher." %}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{% trans "Dear" %} {{ edx_pc_name }},
{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for the following course." %}
{% trans "Please create a Studio instance for the following course. After you create the Studio instance, enter the course key for that instance on the course run page in Publisher." %}
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