--- # # edX Configuration # # github: https://github.com/edx/configuration # wiki: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS # code style: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS/Ansible+Code+Conventions # license: https://github.com/edx/configuration/blob/master/LICENSE.TXT # ## # Defaults for role splunk-server # # # vars are namespaced with the module name. # SPLUNK_INDEXES: [] SPLUNK_ALERTS: [] # A list of dicts with the following keys: # # name: (string, required) # The name of the alert # # description: (string, optional) # A description of the alert. Appears in the Splunk UI. # # email: (list[string], optional) # List of email addresses to send to when alert is triggered # # message: (string, optional) # Body of the alert email. You can include information from the alert via the tokens documented here: # http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.4.1/Alert/EmailNotificationTokens # # search: (string, required) # Splunk query to use # # schedule: (string, default: "*/15 * * * *") # The cron-style schedule on which to run the alert # # counttype: ("number of events" | "number of hosts" | "number of sources" | "always", default: "number of events") # # comparison: ("greater than" | "less than" | "equal to" | "not equal to" | "drops by" | "rises by", default: "greater than") # # quantity: (number, default: 0) # Alert will trigger when "counttype comparison quantity" is true, e.g. "number of events > 10" # # time: (string, default: "-15m") # Events will be searched from this value until now. "rt" indicates "realtime". # # severity: ([1-6], {{splunk_alert_default_severity}}) # The severity of the alert. 1-debug, 2-info, 3-warn, 4-error, 5-severe, 6-fatal # # digest_delay: (string, optional) # Whether to send email digests at most every "digest_delay" rather than for every alert. e.g. 15m # # NB: None of the string values can contain newlines except "message" SPLUNK_FIELD_EXTRACTIONS: [] # A list of dicts of the following form. # source and sourcetype are mutually exclusive # - sourcetype | source: # name: # regex: SPLUNK_DASHBOARDS: [] # A list of paths of dashboard xml.j2 templates. # xml templates must be of the form expected by Splunk. # For an example, create a dashboard in the Splunk UI and go to Edit > Edit Source # e.g. # - {{ role_path }}/../../../secure-repo/path/to/templates/template.xml.j2 SPLUNK_ALERT_DEFAULT_SEVERITY: "3" SPLUNK_VOLUMES: [] # Should include protocol & a trailing slash, e.g. http://splunk.mydomain.com/ SPLUNK_HOSTNAME: splunk.example.com SPLUNK_SMTP_SERVER: smtp.example.com SPLUNK_SMTP_USERNAME: username SPLUNK_SMTP_PASSWORD: password SPLUNK_FROM_ADDRESS: no-reply@example.com SPLUNK_EMAIL_FOOTER: Generated by {{ SPLUNK_HOSTNAME }} SPLUNK_SSL_HOSTNAME: splunk.example.com:443 # SSL settings. Either all or none of these must be defined. # For more details about setting up splunk with SSL, see # https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EdxOps/viewpage.action?pageId=40174184 SPLUNK_SSL_CERT: !!null SPLUNK_SSL_PASSWORD: !!null SPLUNK_SSL_ROOT_CA: !!null splunk-server_role_name: splunk-server splunk_user: "splunk" splunk_root: "/vol/splunk" splunk_home: "/opt/splunk" splunk_hot_dir: "{{ splunk_root }}/hot" splunk_thawed_dir: "{{ splunk_root }}/thawed" splunk_cold_dir: "{{ splunk_root }}/cold" splunk_frozen_dir: "{{ splunk_root }}/frozen" splunk_ssl_port: 9995 splunk_cert_path: 'etc/auth/edxcerts' # # OS packages # splunk-server_debian_pkgs: [] splunk-server_redhat_pkgs: [] #S3 bucket to store data rolled from splunk cold bucket SPLUNK_FROZEN_DB_S3_BUCKET: 'splunk-s3-frozen-bucket-name-here'