# Step 2 of migrating to the MySQL separate-database StudentModuleHistory backend
# Step 1 is in create_edxapp_history_db.yml
# Usage: AWS_PROFILE=myprofile ansible-playbook promote_csmh_db.yml -i localhost, -e 'rds_name=env-dep-csm admin_password=SUPERSECRET'

#NB: should this do tags?

- name: Promote new edxapp history RDS instance
  hosts: all
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    region: us-east-1
    backup_retention_days: 30
    backup_window: 02:00-03:00
    maint_window: Mon:00:00-Mon:01:15

    - name: Validate arguments
        msg: "One or more arguments were not set correctly: {{ item }}"
      when: not {{ item }}
        - rds_name
        - admin_password

    - name: Validate boto version >= 1.9.9
      shell: |
        version=$(aws --version 2>&1 | sed -r 's|.*aws-cli/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]).*|\1|')
        if [ $version != '1.9.9' ]; then
          cmp=$(echo -e "$version\n1.9.9" | sort -rV | head -n1)
          [ $cmp = "1.9.9" ] && exit 1 || exit 0
      changed_when: False

    - name: Promote edxapp history RDS to primary instance
      #Use local module for promoting only because of this issue:
        command: promote
        instance_name: "{{ rds_name }}"
        region: "{{ region }}"
        wait: yes
        wait_timeout: 900

    #Can't use the module if you want to be able to set storage types until this PR lands:
    #The StorageType option isn't in boto, but it is in boto3
    #Requires awscli>=1.9.9
    - name: Modify edxapp history RDS
      shell: >
        aws rds modify-db-instance
        --db-instance-identifier {{ rds_name }}        
        --master-user-password {{ admin_password }}
        --backup-retention-period {{ backup_retention_days }}
        --preferred-backup-window {{ backup_window }}
        --preferred-maintenance-window {{ maint_window }}
        --storage-type gp2