Packer ======= ``jenkins_worker.json`` is the `packer configuration template`_ that tells packer how to build the image. - `template variable`_ pattern ``"foo": "{{env `BAR`}}"`` - What this does is take the value of the environment variable BAR which was set in the shell that kicks off the ``packer build jenkins_worker.json`` command (for example in a jenkins job) and pass it through to the user variable "foo". - This the user variable "foo" will now be available globally within the template. - If the environment variable is not set in the shell that kicks off the packer build command, the user variable value will be the empty string. - Regarding the `ansible-playbook command`_ that is used to run the jenkins_worker role's -e (--extra-vars) option - `playbook variable`_ pattern ``-e 'bar={{ user `foo` }}'`` - Packer has determined the value of the template user variable "foo" from the local environment variable (see above) - Ansible will use this as the value for the playbook variable "bar" when running the play. .. _packer configuration template: .. _template variable: .. _ansible-playbook command: .. _playbook variable: