#!/usr/bin/env python -u import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser import time import json import yaml import os try: import boto.ec2 import boto.sqs from boto.vpc import VPCConnection from boto.exception import NoAuthHandlerFound, EC2ResponseError from boto.sqs.message import RawMessage from boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping import BlockDeviceType, BlockDeviceMapping except ImportError: print "boto required for script" sys.exit(1) from pprint import pprint AMI_TIMEOUT = 600 # time to wait for AMIs to complete EC2_RUN_TIMEOUT = 180 # time to wait for ec2 state transition EC2_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 300 # time to wait for ec2 system status checks NUM_TASKS = 5 # number of tasks for time summary report NUM_PLAYBOOKS = 2 class Unbuffered: """ For unbuffered output, not needed if PYTHONUNBUFFERED is set """ def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def write(self, data): self.stream.write(data) self.stream.flush() def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.stream, attr) sys.stdout = Unbuffered(sys.stdout) def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--noop', action='store_true', help="don't actually run the cmds", default=False) parser.add_argument('--secure-vars', required=False, metavar="SECURE_VAR_FILE", help="path to secure-vars from the root of " "the secure repo (defaults to ansible/" "vars/ENVIRONMENT-DEPLOYMENT.yml)") parser.add_argument('--stack-name', help="defaults to ENVIRONMENT-DEPLOYMENT", metavar="STACK_NAME", required=False) parser.add_argument('-p', '--play', help='play name without the yml extension', metavar="PLAY", required=True) parser.add_argument('--playbook-dir', help='directory to find playbooks in', default='configuration/playbooks/edx-east', metavar="PLAYBOOKDIR", required=False) parser.add_argument('-d', '--deployment', metavar="DEPLOYMENT", required=True) parser.add_argument('-e', '--environment', metavar="ENVIRONMENT", required=True) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="turn on verbosity") parser.add_argument('--no-cleanup', action='store_true', help="don't cleanup on failures") parser.add_argument('--vars', metavar="EXTRA_VAR_FILE", help="path to extra var file", required=False) parser.add_argument('--refs', metavar="GIT_REFS_FILE", help="path to a var file with app git refs", required=False) parser.add_argument('--configuration-version', required=False, help="configuration repo branch(no hashes)", default="master") parser.add_argument('--configuration-secure-version', required=False, help="configuration-secure repo branch(no hashes)", default="master") parser.add_argument('--configuration-secure-repo', required=False, default="git@github.com:edx-ops/prod-secure", help="repo to use for the secure files") parser.add_argument('--configuration-private-version', required=False, help="configuration-private repo branch(no hashes)", default="master") parser.add_argument('--configuration-private-repo', required=False, default="git@github.com:edx-ops/ansible-private", help="repo to use for private playbooks") parser.add_argument('-c', '--cache-id', required=True, help="unique id to use as part of cache prefix") parser.add_argument('-i', '--identity', required=False, help="path to identity file for pulling " "down configuration-secure", default=None) parser.add_argument('-r', '--region', required=False, default="us-east-1", help="aws region") parser.add_argument('-k', '--keypair', required=False, default="deployment", help="AWS keypair to use for instance") parser.add_argument('-t', '--instance-type', required=False, default="m1.large", help="instance type to launch") parser.add_argument("--role-name", required=False, default="abbey", help="IAM role name to use (must exist)") parser.add_argument("--msg-delay", required=False, default=5, help="How long to delay message display from sqs " "to ensure ordering") parser.add_argument("--hipchat-room-id", required=False, default=None, help="The API ID of the Hipchat room to post" "status messages to") parser.add_argument("--hipchat-api-token", required=False, default=None, help="The API token for Hipchat integration") parser.add_argument("--root-vol-size", required=False, default=50, help="The size of the root volume to use for the " "abbey instance.") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('-b', '--base-ami', required=False, help="ami to use as a base ami", default="ami-0568456c") group.add_argument('--blessed', action='store_true', help="Look up blessed ami for env-dep-play.", default=False) return parser.parse_args() def get_instance_sec_group(vpc_id): grp_details = ec2.get_all_security_groups( filters={ 'vpc_id': vpc_id, 'tag:play': args.play } ) if len(grp_details) < 1: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Expected atleast one security group, got {}\n".format( len(grp_details))) return grp_details[0].id def get_blessed_ami(): images = ec2.get_all_images( filters={ 'tag:environment': args.environment, 'tag:deployment': args.deployment, 'tag:play': args.play, 'tag:blessed': True } ) if len(images) != 1: raise Exception("ERROR: Expected only one blessed ami, got {}\n".format( len(images))) return images[0].id def create_instance_args(): """ Looks up security group, subnet and returns arguments to pass into ec2.run_instances() including user data """ vpc = VPCConnection() subnet = vpc.get_all_subnets( filters={ 'tag:aws:cloudformation:stack-name': stack_name, 'tag:play': args.play} ) if len(subnet) < 1: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Expected at least one subnet, got {}\n".format( len(subnet))) sys.exit(1) subnet_id = subnet[0].id vpc_id = subnet[0].vpc_id security_group_id = get_instance_sec_group(vpc_id) if args.identity: config_secure = 'true' with open(args.identity) as f: identity_contents = f.read() else: config_secure = 'false' identity_contents = "dummy" user_data = """#!/bin/bash set -x set -e exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1 base_dir="/var/tmp/edx-cfg" extra_vars="$base_dir/extra-vars-$$.yml" secure_identity="$base_dir/secure-identity" git_ssh="$base_dir/git_ssh.sh" configuration_version="{configuration_version}" configuration_secure_version="{configuration_secure_version}" configuration_private_version="{configuration_private_version}" environment="{environment}" deployment="{deployment}" play="{play}" config_secure={config_secure} git_repo_name="configuration" git_repo="https://github.com/edx/$git_repo_name" git_repo_secure="{configuration_secure_repo}" git_repo_secure_name="{configuration_secure_repo_basename}" git_repo_private="{configuration_private_repo}" git_repo_private_name=$(basename $git_repo_private .git) secure_vars_file="$base_dir/$git_repo_secure_name/{secure_vars}" instance_id=\\ $(curl 2>/dev/null) instance_ip=\\ $(curl 2>/dev/null) instance_type=\\ $(curl 2>/dev/null) playbook_dir="$base_dir/{playbook_dir}" if $config_secure; then git_cmd="env GIT_SSH=$git_ssh git" else git_cmd="git" fi ANSIBLE_ENABLE_SQS=true SQS_NAME={queue_name} SQS_REGION=us-east-1 SQS_MSG_PREFIX="[ $instance_id $instance_ip $environment-$deployment $play ]" PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # environment for ansible export ANSIBLE_ENABLE_SQS SQS_NAME SQS_REGION SQS_MSG_PREFIX PYTHONUNBUFFERED if [[ ! -x /usr/bin/git || ! -x /usr/bin/pip ]]; then echo "Installing pkg dependencies" /usr/bin/apt-get update /usr/bin/apt-get install -y git python-pip python-apt \\ git-core build-essential python-dev libxml2-dev \\ libxslt-dev curl --force-yes fi rm -rf $base_dir mkdir -p $base_dir cd $base_dir cat << EOF > $git_ssh #!/bin/sh exec /usr/bin/ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "$secure_identity" "\$@" EOF chmod 755 $git_ssh if $config_secure; then cat << EOF > $secure_identity {identity_contents} EOF fi cat << EOF >> $extra_vars --- # extra vars passed into # abbey.py including versions # of all the repositories {extra_vars_yml} {git_refs_yml} # abbey will always run fake migrations # this is so that the application can come # up healthy fake_migrations: true # Use the build number an the dynamic cache key. EDXAPP_UPDATE_STATIC_FILES_KEY: true edxapp_dynamic_cache_key: {deployment}-{environment}-{play}-{cache_id} disable_edx_services: true EOF chmod 400 $secure_identity $git_cmd clone $git_repo $git_repo_name cd $git_repo_name $git_cmd checkout $configuration_version cd $base_dir if $config_secure; then $git_cmd clone $git_repo_secure $git_repo_secure_name cd $git_repo_secure_name $git_cmd checkout $configuration_secure_version cd $base_dir fi if [[ ! -z $git_repo_private ]]; then $git_cmd clone $git_repo_private $git_repo_private_name cd $git_repo_private_name $git_cmd checkout $configuration_private_version cd $base_dir fi cd $base_dir/$git_repo_name sudo pip install -r requirements.txt cd $playbook_dir ansible-playbook -vvvv -c local -i "localhost," $play.yml -e@$secure_vars_file -e@$extra_vars ansible-playbook -vvvv -c local -i "localhost," stop_all_edx_services.yml -e@$secure_vars_file -e@$extra_vars rm -rf $base_dir """.format( configuration_version=args.configuration_version, configuration_secure_version=args.configuration_secure_version, configuration_secure_repo=args.configuration_secure_repo, configuration_secure_repo_basename=os.path.basename( args.configuration_secure_repo), configuration_private_version=args.configuration_private_version, configuration_private_repo=args.configuration_private_repo, environment=args.environment, deployment=args.deployment, play=args.play, playbook_dir=args.playbook_dir, config_secure=config_secure, identity_contents=identity_contents, queue_name=run_id, extra_vars_yml=extra_vars_yml, git_refs_yml=git_refs_yml, secure_vars=secure_vars, cache_id=args.cache_id) mapping = BlockDeviceMapping() root_vol = BlockDeviceType(size=args.root_vol_size) mapping['/dev/sda1'] = root_vol ec2_args = { 'security_group_ids': [security_group_id], 'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'key_name': args.keypair, 'image_id': base_ami, 'instance_type': args.instance_type, 'instance_profile_name': args.role_name, 'user_data': user_data, 'block_device_map': mapping, } return ec2_args def poll_sqs_ansible(): """ Prints events to the console and blocks until a final STATS ansible event is read off of SQS. SQS does not guarantee FIFO, for that reason there is a buffer that will delay messages before they are printed to the console. Returns length of the ansible run. """ oldest_msg_ts = 0 buf = [] task_report = [] # list of tasks for reporting last_task = None completed = 0 while True: messages = [] while True: # get all available messages on the queue msgs = sqs_queue.get_messages(attributes='All') if not msgs: break messages.extend(msgs) for message in messages: recv_ts = float( message.attributes['ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp']) * .001 sent_ts = float(message.attributes['SentTimestamp']) * .001 try: msg_info = { 'msg': json.loads(message.get_body()), 'sent_ts': sent_ts, 'recv_ts': recv_ts, } buf.append(msg_info) except ValueError as e: print "!!! ERROR !!! unable to parse queue message, " \ "expecting valid json: {} : {}".format( message.get_body(), e) if not oldest_msg_ts or recv_ts < oldest_msg_ts: oldest_msg_ts = recv_ts sqs_queue.delete_message(message) now = int(time.time()) if buf: try: if (now - min([msg['recv_ts'] for msg in buf])) > args.msg_delay: # sort by TS instead of recv_ts # because the sqs timestamp is not as # accurate buf.sort(key=lambda k: k['msg']['TS']) to_disp = buf.pop(0) if 'START' in to_disp['msg']: print '\n{:0>2.0f}:{:0>5.2f} {} : Starting "{}"'.format( to_disp['msg']['TS'] / 60, to_disp['msg']['TS'] % 60, to_disp['msg']['PREFIX'], to_disp['msg']['START']), elif 'TASK' in to_disp['msg']: print "\n{:0>2.0f}:{:0>5.2f} {} : {}".format( to_disp['msg']['TS'] / 60, to_disp['msg']['TS'] % 60, to_disp['msg']['PREFIX'], to_disp['msg']['TASK']), last_task = to_disp['msg']['TASK'] elif 'OK' in to_disp['msg']: if args.verbose: print "\n" for key, value in to_disp['msg']['OK'].iteritems(): print " {:<15}{}".format(key, value) else: invocation = to_disp['msg']['OK']['invocation'] module = invocation['module_name'] # 'set_fact' does not provide a changed value. if module == 'set_fact': changed = "OK" elif to_disp['msg']['OK']['changed']: changed = "*OK*" else: changed = "OK" print " {}".format(changed), task_report.append({ 'TASK': last_task, 'INVOCATION': to_disp['msg']['OK']['invocation'], 'DELTA': to_disp['msg']['delta'], }) elif 'FAILURE' in to_disp['msg']: print " !!!! FAILURE !!!!", for key, value in to_disp['msg']['FAILURE'].iteritems(): print " {:<15}{}".format(key, value) raise Exception("Failed Ansible run") elif 'STATS' in to_disp['msg']: print "\n{:0>2.0f}:{:0>5.2f} {} : COMPLETE".format( to_disp['msg']['TS'] / 60, to_disp['msg']['TS'] % 60, to_disp['msg']['PREFIX']) # Since 3 ansible plays get run. # We see the COMPLETE message 3 times # wait till the last one to end listening # for new messages. completed += 1 if completed >= NUM_PLAYBOOKS: return (to_disp['msg']['TS'], task_report) except KeyError: print "Failed to print status from message: {}".format(to_disp) if not messages: # wait 1 second between sqs polls time.sleep(1) def create_ami(instance_id, name, description): params = {'instance_id': instance_id, 'name': name, 'description': description, 'no_reboot': True} AWS_API_WAIT_TIME = 1 image_id = ec2.create_image(**params) print("Checking if image is ready.") for _ in xrange(AMI_TIMEOUT): try: img = ec2.get_image(image_id) if img.state == 'available': print("Tagging image.") img.add_tag("environment", args.environment) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("deployment", args.deployment) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("play", args.play) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("configuration_ref", args.configuration_version) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("configuration_secure_ref", args.configuration_secure_version) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("configuration_secure_repo", args.configuration_secure_repo) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("cache_id", args.cache_id) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) for repo, ref in git_refs.items(): key = "refs:{}".format(repo) img.add_tag(key, ref) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) break else: time.sleep(1) except EC2ResponseError as e: if e.error_code == 'InvalidAMIID.NotFound': time.sleep(1) else: raise Exception("Unexpected error code: {}".format( e.error_code)) time.sleep(1) else: raise Exception("Timeout waiting for AMI to finish") return image_id def launch_and_configure(ec2_args): """ Creates an sqs queue, launches an ec2 instance, configures it and creates an AMI. Polls SQS for updates """ print "{:<40}".format( "Creating SQS queue and launching instance for {}:".format(run_id)) print for k, v in ec2_args.iteritems(): if k != 'user_data': print " {:<25}{}".format(k, v) print global sqs_queue global instance_id sqs_queue = sqs.create_queue(run_id) sqs_queue.set_message_class(RawMessage) res = ec2.run_instances(**ec2_args) inst = res.instances[0] instance_id = inst.id print "{:<40}".format( "Waiting for instance {} to reach running status:".format(instance_id)), status_start = time.time() for _ in xrange(EC2_RUN_TIMEOUT): res = ec2.get_all_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id]) if res[0].instances[0].state == 'running': status_delta = time.time() - status_start run_summary.append(('EC2 Launch', status_delta)) print "[ OK ] {:0>2.0f}:{:0>2.0f}".format( status_delta / 60, status_delta % 60) break else: time.sleep(1) else: raise Exception("Timeout waiting for running status: {} ".format( instance_id)) print "{:<40}".format("Waiting for system status:"), system_start = time.time() for _ in xrange(EC2_STATUS_TIMEOUT): status = ec2.get_all_instance_status(inst.id) if status[0].system_status.status == u'ok': system_delta = time.time() - system_start run_summary.append(('EC2 Status Checks', system_delta)) print "[ OK ] {:0>2.0f}:{:0>2.0f}".format( system_delta / 60, system_delta % 60) break else: time.sleep(1) else: raise Exception("Timeout waiting for status checks: {} ".format( instance_id)) print print "{:<40}".format( "Waiting for user-data, polling sqs for Ansible events:") (ansible_delta, task_report) = poll_sqs_ansible() run_summary.append(('Ansible run', ansible_delta)) print print "{} longest Ansible tasks (seconds):".format(NUM_TASKS) for task in sorted( task_report, reverse=True, key=lambda k: k['DELTA'])[:NUM_TASKS]: print "{:0>3.0f} {}".format(task['DELTA'], task['TASK']) print " - {}".format(task['INVOCATION']) print print "{:<40}".format("Creating AMI:"), ami_start = time.time() ami = create_ami(instance_id, run_id, run_id) ami_delta = time.time() - ami_start print "[ OK ] {:0>2.0f}:{:0>2.0f}".format( ami_delta / 60, ami_delta % 60) run_summary.append(('AMI Build', ami_delta)) total_time = time.time() - start_time all_stages = sum(run[1] for run in run_summary) if total_time - all_stages > 0: run_summary.append(('Other', total_time - all_stages)) run_summary.append(('Total', total_time)) return run_summary, ami def send_hipchat_message(message): #If hipchat is configured send the details to the specified room if args.hipchat_api_token and args.hipchat_room_id: import hipchat try: hipchat = hipchat.HipChat(token=args.hipchat_api_token) hipchat.message_room(args.hipchat_room_id,'AbbeyNormal', message) except Exception as e: print("Hipchat messaging resulted in an error: %s." % e) if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() run_summary = [] start_time = time.time() if args.vars: with open(args.vars) as f: extra_vars_yml = f.read() extra_vars = yaml.load(extra_vars_yml) else: extra_vars_yml = "" extra_vars = {} if args.refs: with open(args.refs) as f: git_refs_yml = f.read() git_refs = yaml.load(git_refs_yml) else: git_refs_yml = "" git_refs = {} if args.secure_vars: secure_vars = args.secure_vars else: secure_vars = "ansible/vars/{}-{}.yml".format( args.environment, args.deployment) if args.stack_name: stack_name = args.stack_name else: stack_name = "{}-{}".format(args.environment, args.deployment) try: sqs = boto.sqs.connect_to_region(args.region) ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(args.region) except NoAuthHandlerFound: print 'You must be able to connect to sqs and ec2 to use this script' sys.exit(1) if args.blessed: base_ami = get_blessed_ami() else: base_ami = args.base_ami try: sqs_queue = None instance_id = None run_id = "{}-abbey-{}-{}-{}".format( int(time.time() * 100), args.environment, args.deployment, args.play) ec2_args = create_instance_args() if args.noop: print "Would have created sqs_queue with id: {}\nec2_args:".format( run_id) pprint(ec2_args) ami = "ami-00000" else: run_summary, ami = launch_and_configure(ec2_args) print print "Summary:\n" for run in run_summary: print "{:<30} {:0>2.0f}:{:0>5.2f}".format( run[0], run[1] / 60, run[1] % 60) print "AMI: {}".format(ami) message = 'Finished baking AMI {image_id} for {environment} ' \ '{deployment} {play}.'.format( image_id=ami, environment=args.environment, deployment=args.deployment, play=args.play) send_hipchat_message(message) except Exception as e: message = 'An error occurred building AMI for {environment} ' \ '{deployment} {play}. The Exception was {exception}'.format( environment=args.environment, deployment=args.deployment, play=args.play, exception=repr(e)) send_hipchat_message(message) finally: print if not args.no_cleanup and not args.noop: if sqs_queue: print "Cleaning up - Removing SQS queue - {}".format(run_id) sqs.delete_queue(sqs_queue) if instance_id: print "Cleaning up - Terminating instance ID - {}".format( instance_id) # Check to make sure we have an instance id. if instance_id: ec2.terminate_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id])