from fabric.api import task, runs_once, env, serial, puts, settings from fabric.utils import fastprint from fabric.colors import blue, red, white from output import notify from packages import PackageDescriptor from output import unsquelched from hosts import exemplar from ssh_tunnel import setup_tunnel from packages import PackageInfo @task @runs_once def from_exemplar(**tags): """ Cache the set of packages installed on one host from the specified tags. """ host_string = setup_tunnel([exemplar(**tags)])[0] with settings(host_string=host_string): installed_packages() @task @runs_once def limit_prefix(*prefix_list): """ Limits cached packages to those that match one or more prefix strings """ env.package_descriptors = filter( lambda pkg: any( for prefix in prefix_list), env.package_descriptors) @task(default=True) @runs_once def installed_packages(prefix=None): """ Cache the set of packages installed on the selected host. """ pkg_info = PackageInfo() env.package_descriptors = [ package for package in pkg_info.installed_packages() if prefix is None or ] @task @runs_once def from_strings(**pkg_revs): """ Cache packages based on strings, that can be either checked with confirm or deployed with deploy. Each named argument specifies a package by name, and the revision of the package to deploy """ packages = [] for pkg_name, pkg_rev in pkg_revs.items(): packages.append(PackageDescriptor(pkg_name, pkg_rev)) env.package_descriptors = packages notify(env.package_descriptors) @task @runs_once def from_stdin(prefix=None): """ Cache a list of packages from stdin. Package names must start with prefix, if specified (any that don't will be skipped). Package names and revisions should be separated by = signs, and should be one per line. """ if prefix: prefix_msg = white('pkg_name', bold=True) + white( ' must start with ') + blue(prefix) else: prefix_msg = '' fastprint('\n') fastprint('\n'.join([ white('Please enter pkg_name=pkg_rev, one per line\n', bold=True), white('pkg_rev', bold=True) + white(' is a git revision hash'), prefix_msg, white('Complete your selections by entering a blank line.'), ])) fastprint('\n\n') packages = {} while True: line = raw_input("> ") if not line: break if '=' not in line: fastprint(red("Expected = in '{line}'. Skipping...".format( line=line)) + white('\n')) continue pkg_name, _, pkg_rev = line.partition('=') pkg_name = pkg_name.strip() pkg_rev = pkg_rev.strip() if prefix and not pkg_name.startswith(prefix): fastprint(red("'{0}' does not start with '{1}'".format( pkg_name, prefix)) + white('\n')) continue packages[pkg_name] = pkg_rev from_strings(**packages) @task @serial @runs_once def prompt(*pkg_names): packages = {} with unsquelched(): puts("Please supply git revisions to " "deploy for the following packages:") for pkg in pkg_names: packages[pkg] = raw_input("{pkg} = ".format(pkg=pkg)).strip() from_strings(**packages)