#!/usr/bin/env python -u import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser import time import json import yaml import os import requests try: import boto.ec2 import boto.sqs import boto.vpc from boto.exception import NoAuthHandlerFound, EC2ResponseError from boto.sqs.message import RawMessage from boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping import BlockDeviceType, BlockDeviceMapping except ImportError: print "boto required for script" sys.exit(1) from pprint import pprint AMI_TIMEOUT = 2700 # time to wait for AMIs to complete(45 minutes) EC2_RUN_TIMEOUT = 180 # time to wait for ec2 state transition EC2_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 300 # time to wait for ec2 system status checks NUM_TASKS = 5 # number of tasks for time summary report NUM_PLAYBOOKS = 2 class Unbuffered: """ For unbuffered output, not needed if PYTHONUNBUFFERED is set """ def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def write(self, data): self.stream.write(data) self.stream.flush() def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.stream, attr) sys.stdout = Unbuffered(sys.stdout) def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--noop', action='store_true', help="don't actually run the cmds", default=False) parser.add_argument('--secure-vars-file', required=False, metavar="SECURE_VAR_FILE", default=None, help="path to secure-vars from the root of " "the secure repo. By default <deployment>.yml and " "<environment>-<deployment>.yml will be used if they " "exist in <secure-repo>/ansible/vars/. This secure file " "will be used in addition to these if they exist.") parser.add_argument('--stack-name', help="defaults to ENVIRONMENT-DEPLOYMENT", metavar="STACK_NAME", required=False) parser.add_argument('-p', '--play', help='play name without the yml extension', metavar="PLAY", required=True) parser.add_argument('--playbook-dir', help='directory to find playbooks in', default='configuration/playbooks/edx-east', metavar="PLAYBOOKDIR", required=False) parser.add_argument('-d', '--deployment', metavar="DEPLOYMENT", required=True) parser.add_argument('-e', '--environment', metavar="ENVIRONMENT", required=True) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="turn on verbosity") parser.add_argument('--no-cleanup', action='store_true', help="don't cleanup on failures") parser.add_argument('--vars', metavar="EXTRA_VAR_FILE", help="path to extra var file", required=False) parser.add_argument('--configuration-version', required=False, help="configuration repo gitref", default="master") parser.add_argument('--configuration-secure-version', required=False, help="configuration-secure repo gitref", default="master") parser.add_argument('--configuration-secure-repo', required=False, default="git@github.com:edx-ops/prod-secure", help="repo to use for the secure files") parser.add_argument('--configuration-internal-version', required=False, help="configuration-internal repo gitref", default="master") parser.add_argument('--configuration-internal-repo', required=False, default="", help="repo to use for internal (non-secure) configuration data") parser.add_argument('--configuration-private-version', required=False, help="configuration-private repo gitref", default="master") parser.add_argument('--configuration-private-repo', required=False, default="", help="repo to use for private playbooks") parser.add_argument('-c', '--cache-id', required=True, help="unique id to use as part of cache prefix") parser.add_argument('-i', '--identity', required=False, help="path to identity file for pulling " "down configuration-secure", default=None) parser.add_argument('-r', '--region', required=False, default="us-east-1", help="aws region") parser.add_argument('-k', '--keypair', required=False, default="deployment", help="AWS keypair to use for instance") parser.add_argument('-t', '--instance-type', required=False, default="m1.large", help="instance type to launch") parser.add_argument("--role-name", required=False, default="abbey", help="IAM role name to use (must exist)") parser.add_argument("--msg-delay", required=False, default=5, help="How long to delay message display from sqs " "to ensure ordering") parser.add_argument("--hipchat-room-id", required=False, default=None, help="The API ID of the Hipchat room to post" "status messages to") parser.add_argument("--ansible-hipchat-room-id", required=False, default='Hammer', help="The room used by the abbey instance for " "printing verbose ansible run data.") parser.add_argument("--hipchat-api-token", required=False, default=None, help="The API token for Hipchat integration") parser.add_argument("--callback-url", required=False, default=None, help="The callback URL to send notifications to") parser.add_argument("--root-vol-size", required=False, default=50, help="The size of the root volume to use for the " "abbey instance.") parser.add_argument("--datadog-api-key", required=False, default="", help="The datadog api key used for capturing task" "and playbook metrics abbey instance.") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('-b', '--base-ami', required=False, help="ami to use as a base ami", default="ami-0568456c") group.add_argument('--blessed', action='store_true', help="Look up blessed ami for env-dep-play.", default=False) return parser.parse_args() def get_instance_sec_group(vpc_id): grp_details = ec2.get_all_security_groups( filters={ 'vpc_id': vpc_id, 'tag:play': args.play } ) if len(grp_details) < 1: # # try scheme for non-cloudformation builds # grp_details = ec2.get_all_security_groups( filters={ 'tag:play': args.play, 'tag:environment': args.environment, 'tag:deployment': args.deployment} ) if len(grp_details) < 1: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Expected atleast one security group, got {}\n".format( len(grp_details))) return grp_details[0].id def get_blessed_ami(): images = ec2.get_all_images( filters={ 'tag:environment': args.environment, 'tag:deployment': args.deployment, 'tag:play': args.play, 'tag:blessed': True } ) if len(images) != 1: raise Exception("ERROR: Expected only one blessed ami, got {}\n".format( len(images))) return images[0].id def create_instance_args(): """ Looks up security group, subnet and returns arguments to pass into ec2.run_instances() including user data """ vpc = boto.vpc.connect_to_region(args.region) subnet = vpc.get_all_subnets( filters={ 'tag:aws:cloudformation:stack-name': stack_name, 'tag:play': args.play} ) if len(subnet) < 1: # # try scheme for non-cloudformation builds # subnet = vpc.get_all_subnets( filters={ 'tag:play': args.play, 'tag:environment': args.environment, 'tag:deployment': args.deployment} ) if len(subnet) < 1: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Expected at least one subnet, got {} for {}-{}-{}\n".format( len(subnet), args.environment, args.deployment, args.play)) sys.exit(1) subnet_id = subnet[0].id vpc_id = subnet[0].vpc_id security_group_id = get_instance_sec_group(vpc_id) if args.identity: config_secure = 'true' with open(args.identity) as f: identity_contents = f.read() else: config_secure = 'false' identity_contents = "dummy" user_data = """#!/bin/bash set -x set -e exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1 base_dir="/var/tmp/edx-cfg" extra_vars="$base_dir/extra-vars-$$.yml" secure_identity="$base_dir/secure-identity" git_ssh="$base_dir/git_ssh.sh" configuration_version="{configuration_version}" configuration_secure_version="{configuration_secure_version}" configuration_private_version="{configuration_private_version}" configuration_internal_version="{configuration_internal_version}" environment="{environment}" deployment="{deployment}" play="{play}" cluster="{play}" config_secure={config_secure} git_repo_name="configuration" git_repo="https://github.com/edx/$git_repo_name" git_repo_secure="{configuration_secure_repo}" git_repo_secure_name=$(basename $git_repo_secure .git) git_repo_private="{configuration_private_repo}" git_repo_private_name=$(basename $git_repo_private .git) git_repo_internal="{configuration_internal_repo}" git_repo_internal_name=$(basename $git_repo_internal .git) secure_vars_file={secure_vars_file} environment_deployment_secure_vars="$base_dir/$git_repo_secure_name/ansible/vars/{environment}-{deployment}.yml" deployment_secure_vars="$base_dir/$git_repo_secure_name/ansible/vars/{deployment}.yml" environment_deployment_internal_vars="$base_dir/$git_repo_internal_name/ansible/vars/{environment}-{deployment}.yml" deployment_internal_vars="$base_dir/$git_repo_internal_name/ansible/vars/{deployment}.yml" instance_id=\\ $(curl 2>/dev/null) instance_ip=\\ $(curl 2>/dev/null) instance_type=\\ $(curl 2>/dev/null) playbook_dir="$base_dir/{playbook_dir}" if $config_secure; then git_cmd="env GIT_SSH=$git_ssh git" else git_cmd="git" fi ANSIBLE_ENABLE_SQS=true SQS_NAME={queue_name} SQS_REGION={region} SQS_MSG_PREFIX="[ $instance_id $instance_ip $environment-$deployment $play ]" PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 HIPCHAT_TOKEN={hipchat_token} HIPCHAT_ROOM={hipchat_room} HIPCHAT_MSG_PREFIX="$environment-$deployment-$play: " HIPCHAT_FROM="ansible-$instance_id" HIPCHAT_MSG_COLOR=$(echo -e "yellow\\ngreen\\npurple\\ngray" | shuf | head -1) DATADOG_API_KEY={datadog_api_key} # environment for ansible export ANSIBLE_ENABLE_SQS SQS_NAME SQS_REGION SQS_MSG_PREFIX PYTHONUNBUFFERED export HIPCHAT_TOKEN HIPCHAT_ROOM HIPCHAT_MSG_PREFIX HIPCHAT_FROM export HIPCHAT_MSG_COLOR DATADOG_API_KEY #################################### Lifted from ansible-bootstrap.sh if [[ -z "$ANSIBLE_REPO" ]]; then ANSIBLE_REPO="https://github.com/edx/ansible.git" fi if [[ -z "$ANSIBLE_VERSION" ]]; then ANSIBLE_VERSION="master" fi if [[ -z "$CONFIGURATION_REPO" ]]; then CONFIGURATION_REPO="https://github.com/edx/configuration.git" fi if [[ -z "$CONFIGURATION_VERSION" ]]; then CONFIGURATION_VERSION="master" fi if [[ -z "$UPGRADE_OS" ]]; then UPGRADE_OS=false fi # # Bootstrapping constants # VIRTUAL_ENV_VERSION="15.0.2" PIP_VERSION="8.1.2" SETUPTOOLS_VERSION="24.0.3" EDX_PPA="deb http://ppa.edx.org precise main" EDX_PPA_KEY_SERVER="keyserver.ubuntu.com" EDX_PPA_KEY_ID="B41E5E3969464050" cat << EOF ****************************************************************************** Running the abbey with the following arguments: ANSIBLE_REPO="$ANSIBLE_REPO" ANSIBLE_VERSION="$ANSIBLE_VERSION" CONFIGURATION_REPO="$CONFIGURATION_REPO" CONFIGURATION_VERSION="$CONFIGURATION_VERSION" ****************************************************************************** EOF if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]] ;then echo "Please run as root"; exit 1; fi if grep -q 'Precise Pangolin' /etc/os-release then SHORT_DIST="precise" elif grep -q 'Trusty Tahr' /etc/os-release then SHORT_DIST="trusty" elif grep -q 'Xenial Xerus' /etc/os-release then SHORT_DIST="xenial" else cat << EOF This script is only known to work on Ubuntu Precise, Trusty and Xenial, exiting. If you are interested in helping make installation possible on other platforms, let us know. EOF exit 1; fi EDX_PPA="deb http://ppa.edx.org $SHORT_DIST main" # Upgrade the OS apt-get update -y apt-key update -y if [ "$UPGRADE_OS" = true ]; then echo "Upgrading the OS..." apt-get upgrade -y fi # Required for add-apt-repository apt-get install -y software-properties-common python-software-properties # Add git PPA add-apt-repository -y ppa:git-core/ppa # For older distributions we need to install a PPA for Python 2.7.10 if [[ "precise" = "$SHORT_DIST" || "trusty" = "$SHORT_DIST" ]]; then # Add python PPA apt-key adv --keyserver "$EDX_PPA_KEY_SERVER" --recv-keys "$EDX_PPA_KEY_ID" add-apt-repository -y "$EDX_PPA" fi # Install python 2.7 latest, git and other common requirements # NOTE: This will install the latest version of python 2.7 and # which may differ from what is pinned in virtualenvironments apt-get update -y apt-get install -y python2.7 python2.7-dev python-pip python-apt python-yaml python-jinja2 build-essential sudo git-core libmysqlclient-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev # Workaround for a 16.04 bug, need to upgrade to latest and then # potentially downgrade to the preferred version. # https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/3862 if [[ "xenial" = "$SHORT_DIST" ]]; then pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade pip=="$PIP_VERSION" else pip install --upgrade pip=="$PIP_VERSION" fi # pip moves to /usr/local/bin when upgraded hash -r #pip may have moved from /usr/bin/ to /usr/local/bin/. This clears bash's path cache. PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH pip install setuptools=="$SETUPTOOLS_VERSION" pip install virtualenv=="$VIRTUAL_ENV_VERSION" ##################### END Lifted from ansible-bootstrap.sh # python3 is required for certain other things # (currently xqwatcher so it can run python2 and 3 grader code, # but potentially more in the future). It's not available on Ubuntu 12.04, # but in those cases we don't need it anyways. if [[ -n "$(apt-cache search --names-only '^python3-pip$')" ]]; then /usr/bin/apt-get update /usr/bin/apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-dev fi # this is missing on 14.04 (base package on 12.04) # we need to do this on any build, since the above apt-get # only runs on a build from scratch /usr/bin/apt-get install -y python-httplib2 --force-yes rm -rf $base_dir mkdir -p $base_dir cd $base_dir cat << EOF > $git_ssh #!/bin/sh exec /usr/bin/ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "$secure_identity" "\$@" EOF chmod 755 $git_ssh if $config_secure; then cat << EOF > $secure_identity {identity_contents} EOF fi cat << EOF >> $extra_vars --- # extra vars passed into # abbey.py including versions # of all the repositories {extra_vars_yml} # abbey will always run fake migrations # this is so that the application can come # up healthy fake_migrations: true disable_edx_services: true COMMON_TAG_EC2_INSTANCE: true # abbey should never take instances in # and out of elbs elb_pre_post: false EOF chmod 400 $secure_identity $git_cmd clone $git_repo $git_repo_name cd $git_repo_name $git_cmd checkout $configuration_version cd $base_dir if $config_secure; then $git_cmd clone $git_repo_secure $git_repo_secure_name cd $git_repo_secure_name $git_cmd checkout $configuration_secure_version cd $base_dir fi if [[ ! -z $git_repo_private ]]; then $git_cmd clone $git_repo_private $git_repo_private_name cd $git_repo_private_name $git_cmd checkout $configuration_private_version cd $base_dir fi if [[ ! -z $git_repo_internal ]]; then $git_cmd clone $git_repo_internal $git_repo_internal_name cd $git_repo_internal_name $git_cmd checkout $configuration_internal_version cd $base_dir fi cd $base_dir/$git_repo_name sudo pip install -r pre-requirements.txt sudo pip install -r requirements.txt cd $playbook_dir if [[ -r "$deployment_internal_vars" ]]; then extra_args_opts+=" -e@$deployment_internal_vars" fi if [[ -r "$environment_deployment_internal_vars" ]]; then extra_args_opts+=" -e@$environment_deployment_internal_vars" fi if [[ -r "$deployment_secure_vars" ]]; then extra_args_opts+=" -e@$deployment_secure_vars" fi if [[ -r "$environment_deployment_secure_vars" ]]; then extra_args_opts+=" -e@$environment_deployment_secure_vars" fi if $secure_vars_file; then extra_args_opts+=" -e@$secure_vars_file" fi extra_args_opts+=" -e@$extra_vars" ansible-playbook -vvvv -c local -i "localhost," $play.yml $extra_args_opts ansible-playbook -vvvv -c local -i "localhost," stop_all_edx_services.yml $extra_args_opts rm -rf $base_dir """.format( hipchat_token=args.hipchat_api_token, hipchat_room=args.ansible_hipchat_room_id, configuration_version=args.configuration_version, configuration_secure_version=args.configuration_secure_version, configuration_secure_repo=args.configuration_secure_repo, configuration_private_version=args.configuration_private_version, configuration_private_repo=args.configuration_private_repo, configuration_internal_version=args.configuration_internal_version, configuration_internal_repo=args.configuration_internal_repo, environment=args.environment, deployment=args.deployment, play=args.play, playbook_dir=args.playbook_dir, config_secure=config_secure, identity_contents=identity_contents, queue_name=run_id, extra_vars_yml=extra_vars_yml, secure_vars_file=secure_vars_file, cache_id=args.cache_id, datadog_api_key=args.datadog_api_key, region=args.region) mapping = BlockDeviceMapping() root_vol = BlockDeviceType(size=args.root_vol_size, volume_type='gp2') mapping['/dev/sda1'] = root_vol ec2_args = { 'security_group_ids': [security_group_id], 'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'key_name': args.keypair, 'image_id': base_ami, 'instance_type': args.instance_type, 'instance_profile_name': args.role_name, 'user_data': user_data, 'block_device_map': mapping, } return ec2_args def poll_sqs_ansible(): """ Prints events to the console and blocks until a final STATS ansible event is read off of SQS. SQS does not guarantee FIFO, for that reason there is a buffer that will delay messages before they are printed to the console. Returns length of the ansible run. """ oldest_msg_ts = 0 buf = [] task_report = [] # list of tasks for reporting last_task = None completed = 0 while True: messages = [] while True: # get all available messages on the queue msgs = sqs_queue.get_messages(attributes='All') if not msgs: break messages.extend(msgs) for message in messages: recv_ts = float( message.attributes['ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp']) * .001 sent_ts = float(message.attributes['SentTimestamp']) * .001 try: msg_info = { 'msg': json.loads(message.get_body()), 'sent_ts': sent_ts, 'recv_ts': recv_ts, } buf.append(msg_info) except ValueError as e: print "!!! ERROR !!! unable to parse queue message, " \ "expecting valid json: {} : {}".format( message.get_body(), e) if not oldest_msg_ts or recv_ts < oldest_msg_ts: oldest_msg_ts = recv_ts sqs_queue.delete_message(message) now = int(time.time()) if buf: try: if (now - min([msg['recv_ts'] for msg in buf])) > args.msg_delay: # sort by TS instead of recv_ts # because the sqs timestamp is not as # accurate buf.sort(key=lambda k: k['msg']['TS']) to_disp = buf.pop(0) if 'START' in to_disp['msg']: print '\n{:0>2.0f}:{:0>5.2f} {} : Starting "{}"'.format( to_disp['msg']['TS'] / 60, to_disp['msg']['TS'] % 60, to_disp['msg']['PREFIX'], to_disp['msg']['START']), elif 'TASK' in to_disp['msg']: print "\n{:0>2.0f}:{:0>5.2f} {} : {}".format( to_disp['msg']['TS'] / 60, to_disp['msg']['TS'] % 60, to_disp['msg']['PREFIX'], to_disp['msg']['TASK']), last_task = to_disp['msg']['TASK'] elif 'OK' in to_disp['msg']: if args.verbose: print "\n" for key, value in to_disp['msg']['OK'].iteritems(): print " {:<15}{}".format(key, value) else: invocation = to_disp['msg']['OK']['invocation'] module = invocation['module_name'] # 'set_fact' does not provide a changed value. if module == 'set_fact': changed = "OK" elif to_disp['msg']['OK']['changed']: changed = "*OK*" else: changed = "OK" print " {}".format(changed), task_report.append({ 'TASK': last_task, 'INVOCATION': to_disp['msg']['OK']['invocation'], 'DELTA': to_disp['msg']['delta'], }) elif 'FAILURE' in to_disp['msg']: print " !!!! FAILURE !!!!", for key, value in to_disp['msg']['FAILURE'].iteritems(): print " {:<15}{}".format(key, value) raise Exception("Failed Ansible run") elif 'STATS' in to_disp['msg']: print "\n{:0>2.0f}:{:0>5.2f} {} : COMPLETE".format( to_disp['msg']['TS'] / 60, to_disp['msg']['TS'] % 60, to_disp['msg']['PREFIX']) # Since 3 ansible plays get run. # We see the COMPLETE message 3 times # wait till the last one to end listening # for new messages. completed += 1 if completed >= NUM_PLAYBOOKS: return (to_disp['msg']['TS'], task_report) except KeyError: print "Failed to print status from message: {}".format(to_disp) if not messages: # wait 1 second between sqs polls time.sleep(1) def create_ami(instance_id, name, description): params = {'instance_id': instance_id, 'name': name, 'description': description, 'no_reboot': False} AWS_API_WAIT_TIME = 1 image_id = ec2.create_image(**params) print("Checking if image is ready.") for _ in xrange(AMI_TIMEOUT): try: img = ec2.get_image(image_id) if img.state == 'available': print("Tagging image.") img.add_tag("environment", args.environment) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("deployment", args.deployment) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("cluster", args.play) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("play", args.play) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) conf_tag = "{} {}".format("http://github.com/edx/configuration", args.configuration_version) img.add_tag("version:configuration", conf_tag) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) conf_secure_tag = "{} {}".format(args.configuration_secure_repo, args.configuration_secure_version) img.add_tag("version:configuration_secure", conf_secure_tag) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) img.add_tag("cache_id", args.cache_id) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) # Get versions from the instance. tags = ec2.get_all_tags(filters={'resource-id': instance_id}) for tag in tags: if tag.name.startswith('version:'): img.add_tag(tag.name, tag.value) time.sleep(AWS_API_WAIT_TIME) break else: time.sleep(1) except EC2ResponseError as e: if e.error_code == 'InvalidAMIID.NotFound': time.sleep(1) else: raise Exception("Unexpected error code: {}".format( e.error_code)) time.sleep(1) else: raise Exception("Timeout waiting for AMI to finish") return image_id def launch_and_configure(ec2_args): """ Creates an sqs queue, launches an ec2 instance, configures it and creates an AMI. Polls SQS for updates """ print "{:<40}".format( "Creating SQS queue and launching instance for {}:".format(run_id)) print for k, v in ec2_args.iteritems(): if k != 'user_data': print " {:<25}{}".format(k, v) print global sqs_queue global instance_id sqs_queue = sqs.create_queue(run_id) sqs_queue.set_message_class(RawMessage) res = ec2.run_instances(**ec2_args) inst = res.instances[0] instance_id = inst.id print "{:<40}".format( "Waiting for instance {} to reach running status:".format(instance_id)), status_start = time.time() for _ in xrange(EC2_RUN_TIMEOUT): try: res = ec2.get_all_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id]) except EC2ResponseError as e: if e.code == "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound": print("Instance not found({}), will try again.".format( instance_id)) time.sleep(1) continue else: raise(e) if res[0].instances[0].state == 'running': status_delta = time.time() - status_start run_summary.append(('EC2 Launch', status_delta)) print "[ OK ] {:0>2.0f}:{:0>2.0f}".format( status_delta / 60, status_delta % 60) break else: time.sleep(1) else: raise Exception("Timeout waiting for running status: {} ".format( instance_id)) print "{:<40}".format("Waiting for system status:"), system_start = time.time() for _ in xrange(EC2_STATUS_TIMEOUT): status = ec2.get_all_instance_status(inst.id) if status and status[0].system_status.status == u'ok': system_delta = time.time() - system_start run_summary.append(('EC2 Status Checks', system_delta)) print "[ OK ] {:0>2.0f}:{:0>2.0f}".format( system_delta / 60, system_delta % 60) break else: time.sleep(1) else: raise Exception("Timeout waiting for status checks: {} ".format( instance_id)) print print "{:<40}".format( "Waiting for user-data, polling sqs for Ansible events:") (ansible_delta, task_report) = poll_sqs_ansible() run_summary.append(('Ansible run', ansible_delta)) print print "{} longest Ansible tasks (seconds):".format(NUM_TASKS) for task in sorted( task_report, reverse=True, key=lambda k: k['DELTA'])[:NUM_TASKS]: print "{:0>3.0f} {}".format(task['DELTA'], task['TASK']) print " - {}".format(task['INVOCATION']) print print "{:<40}".format("Creating AMI:"), ami_start = time.time() ami = create_ami(instance_id, run_id, run_id) ami_delta = time.time() - ami_start print "[ OK ] {:0>2.0f}:{:0>2.0f}".format( ami_delta / 60, ami_delta % 60) run_summary.append(('AMI Build', ami_delta)) total_time = time.time() - start_time all_stages = sum(run[1] for run in run_summary) if total_time - all_stages > 0: run_summary.append(('Other', total_time - all_stages)) run_summary.append(('Total', total_time)) return run_summary, ami def send_hipchat_message(message): print(message) if args.callback_url: r=requests.get("{}/{}".format(args.callback_url, message)) else: #If hipchat is configured send the details to the specified room if args.hipchat_api_token and args.hipchat_room_id: import hipchat try: hipchat = hipchat.HipChat(token=args.hipchat_api_token) hipchat.message_room(args.hipchat_room_id, 'AbbeyNormal', message) except Exception as e: print("Hipchat messaging resulted in an error: %s." % e) if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() run_summary = [] start_time = time.time() if args.vars: with open(args.vars) as f: extra_vars_yml = f.read() extra_vars = yaml.load(extra_vars_yml) else: extra_vars_yml = "" extra_vars = {} if args.secure_vars_file: # explicit path to a single # secure var file secure_vars_file = args.secure_vars_file else: secure_vars_file = 'false' if args.stack_name: stack_name = args.stack_name else: stack_name = "{}-{}".format(args.environment, args.deployment) try: ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(args.region) except NoAuthHandlerFound: print 'Unable to connect to ec2 in region :{}'.format(args.region) sys.exit(1) try: sqs = boto.sqs.connect_to_region(args.region) except NoAuthHandlerFound: print 'Unable to connect to sqs in region :{}'.format(args.region) sys.exit(1) if args.blessed: base_ami = get_blessed_ami() else: base_ami = args.base_ami error_in_abbey_run = False try: sqs_queue = None instance_id = None run_id = "{}-abbey-{}-{}-{}".format( int(time.time() * 100), args.environment, args.deployment, args.play) ec2_args = create_instance_args() if args.noop: print "Would have created sqs_queue with id: {}\nec2_args:".format( run_id) pprint(ec2_args) ami = "ami-00000" else: run_summary, ami = launch_and_configure(ec2_args) print print "Summary:\n" for run in run_summary: print "{:<30} {:0>2.0f}:{:0>5.2f}".format( run[0], run[1] / 60, run[1] % 60) print "AMI: {}".format(ami) message = 'Finished baking AMI {image_id} for {environment} {deployment} {play}.'.format( image_id=ami, environment=args.environment, deployment=args.deployment, play=args.play) send_hipchat_message(message) except Exception as e: message = 'An error occurred building AMI for {environment} ' \ '{deployment} {play}. The Exception was {exception}'.format( environment=args.environment, deployment=args.deployment, play=args.play, exception=repr(e)) send_hipchat_message(message) error_in_abbey_run = True finally: print if not args.no_cleanup and not args.noop: if sqs_queue: print "Cleaning up - Removing SQS queue - {}".format(run_id) sqs.delete_queue(sqs_queue) if instance_id: print "Cleaning up - Terminating instance ID - {}".format( instance_id) # Check to make sure we have an instance id. if instance_id: ec2.terminate_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id]) if error_in_abbey_run: exit(1)