#!/bin/bash -x # This script is meant to be run from jenkins and expects the # following variables to be set: # - BUILD_ID - set by jenkins, Unique ID of build # - BUILD_NUMBER - set by jenkins, Build number # - refs - repo revisions to pass to abbey. This is provided in YAML syntax, # and we put the contents in a file that abbey reads. Refs are # different from 'vars' in that each ref is set as a tag on the # output AMI. # - vars - other vars to pass to abbey. This is provided in YAML syntax, # and we put the contents in a file that abby reads. # - deployment - edx, edge, etc # - environment - stage,prod, etc # - play - forum, edxapp, xqueue, etc # - base_ami - Optional AMI to use as base AMI for abby instance # - configuration - the version of the configuration repo to use # - configuration_secure - the version of the secure repo to use # - jenkins_admin_ec2_key - location of the ec2 key to pass to abbey # - jenkins_admin_configuration_secure_repo - the git repo to use for secure vars # - use_blessed - whether or not to use blessed AMIs if [[ -z "$BUILD_ID" ]]; then echo "BUILD_ID not specified." exit -1 fi if [[ -z "$BUILD_NUMBER" ]]; then echo "BUILD_NUMBER not specified." exit -1 fi if [[ -z "$deployment" ]]; then echo "deployment not specified." exit -1 fi if [[ -z "$environment" ]]; then echo "environment not specified." exit -1 fi if [[ -z "$play" ]]; then echo "play not specified." exit -1 fi if [[ -z "$jenkins_admin_ec2_key" ]]; then echo "jenkins_admin_ec2_key not specified." exit -1 fi if [[ -z "$jenkins_admin_configuration_secure_repo" ]]; then echo "jenkins_admin_configuration_secure_repo not specified." exit -1 fi export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 cd $WORKSPACE/configuration configuration=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` cd $WORKSPACE cd $WORKSPACE/configuration-secure configuration_secure=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` cd $WORKSPACE base_params="" if [[ -n "$base_ami" ]]; then base_params="-b $base_ami" fi blessed_params="" if [[ "$use_blessed" == "true" ]]; then blessed_params="--blessed" fi if [[ -e "configuration/playbooks/edx-east/${play}.yml" ]]; then playbookdir_params="--playbook-dir configuration/playbooks/edx-east" else playbookdir_params="--playbook-dir ansible-private" fi configurationprivate_params="" if [[ ! -z "$configurationprivaterepo" ]]; then configurationprivate_params="--configuration-private-repo $configurationprivaterepo" if [[ ! -z "$configurationprivateversion" ]]; then configurationprivate_params="$configurationprivate_params --configuration-private-version $configurationprivateversion" fi fi hipchat_params="" if [[ ! -z "$hipchat_room_id" ]] && [[ ! -z "$hipchat_api_token" ]]; then hipchat_params="--hipchat-room-id $hipchat_room_id --hipchat-api-token $hipchat_api_token" fi datadog_params="" if [[ ! -z "$DATADOG_API_KEY" ]]; then datadog_params="--datadog-api-key $DATADOG_API_KEY" fi cleanup_params="" if [[ "$cleanup" == "false" ]]; then cleanup_params="--no-cleanup" fi notification_params="" if [[ ! -z "$callback_url" ]]; then if [[ ! -z "$jobid" ]]; then notification_params="--callback-url $callback_url$jobid" curl "$callback_url$jobid/starting%20ansible" fi fi cd configuration pip install -r requirements.txt cd util/vpc-tools/ echo "$vars" > /var/tmp/$BUILD_ID-extra-vars.yml cat /var/tmp/$BUILD_ID-extra-vars.yml python -u abbey.py -p $play -t m3.large -d $deployment -e $environment -i /edx/var/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa $base_params $blessed_params $playbookdir_params --vars /var/tmp/$BUILD_ID-extra-vars.yml -c $BUILD_NUMBER --configuration-version $configuration --configuration-secure-version $configuration_secure -k $jenkins_admin_ec2_key --configuration-secure-repo $jenkins_admin_configuration_secure_repo $configurationprivate_params $hipchat_params $cleanup_params $notification_params $datadog_params