rewrite the tasks using YAML syntax

parent 8cd7d0c5
......@@ -5,4 +5,7 @@
creates: /var/tmp/
- name: Unzip packer
unarchive: src=/var/tmp/ dest=/usr/local/bin copy=no
src: /var/tmp/
dest: /usr/local/bin
copy: no
# Requests library is required for both the github status
# script, as well as the sitespeed cookie script.
- name: Install requests Python library
pip: name=requests state=present
name: requests
state: present
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
# refers to the --depth-setting of git clone. A value of 1
# will truncate all history prior to the last revision.
- name: Create shallow clone of edx-platform
git_2_0_1: >
dest={{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone
version={{ jenkins_edx_platform_version }}
repo: ""
dest: "{{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone"
version: "{{ jenkins_edx_platform_version }}"
depth: 1
become_user: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
# pip-accel skipped due to conflicting versions of pip required
......@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
# (0.22.4) is only compatible with pip >= 1.4, < 1.5 and the current
# version of pip in edx-platform is 6.0.8.
- name: Install edx-platform requirements using pip
pip: >
requirements={{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone/requirements/edx/{{ item }}
virtualenv={{ jenkins_home }}/edx-venv
requirements: "{{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone/requirements/edx/{{ item }}"
extra_args: "--exists-action=w"
virtualenv: "{{ jenkins_home }}/edx-venv"
virtualenv_command: virtualenv
executable: pip
- pre.txt
- github.txt
......@@ -44,21 +44,21 @@
- paver.txt
become_user: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
# These and the pip install below it can be removed some time after
# has merged.
# This will keep us from breaking after that gets merged.
- stat: path="{{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone/requirements/edx/post.txt"
- stat:
path: "{{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone/requirements/edx/post.txt"
register: post_requirements
become_user: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
- name: Install edx-platform post requirements using pip
pip: >
requirements={{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone/requirements/edx/{{ item }}
virtualenv={{ jenkins_home }}/edx-venv
requirements: "{{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone/requirements/edx/{{ item }}"
extra_args: "--exists-action=w"
virtualenv: "{{ jenkins_home }}/edx-venv"
virtualenv_command: virtualenv
executable: pip
- post.txt
become_user: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
......@@ -69,15 +69,17 @@
# The edx-venv directory is deleted and then recreated
# cleanly from the archive by the jenkins build scripts.
- name: Create a clean virtualenv archive
command: >
tar -cpzf edx-venv_clean.tar.gz edx-venv
chdir={{ jenkins_home }}
command: "tar -cpzf edx-venv_clean.tar.gz edx-venv"
chdir: "{{ jenkins_home }}"
become_user: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
# Remove the shallow-clone directory now that we are
# done with it
- name: Remove shallow-clone
file: path={{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone state=absent
path: "{{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone"
state: absent
# Although firefox is installed through the browsers role, install
# a newer copy under the jenkins home directory. This will allow
......@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@
url: "{{ custom_firefox_url }}"
dest: "{{ jenkins_home }}/firefox-{{ custom_firefox_version }}.tar.bz2"
- name: unpack custom firefox version
- name: Unpack custom firefox version
src: "{{ jenkins_home }}/firefox-{{ custom_firefox_version }}.tar.bz2"
dest: "{{ jenkins_home }}"
- name: Create jenkins group
group: name={{ jenkins_group }} state=present
name: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
state: present
# The Jenkins account needs a login shell because Jenkins uses scp
- name: Add the jenkins user to the group and configure shell
user: name={{ jenkins_user }} append=yes group={{ jenkins_group }} shell=/bin/bash
name: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
append: yes
shell: /bin/bash
# Because of a bug in the latest release of the EC2 plugin
# we need to use a key generated by Amazon (not imported)
......@@ -12,43 +18,59 @@
# using the same keypair the instance was started with.
- name: Create .ssh directory
path={{ jenkins_home }}/.ssh state=directory
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }}
path: "{{ jenkins_home }}/.ssh"
state: directory
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Copy ssh keys for jenkins
command: cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/{{ jenkins_user }}/.ssh/authorized_keys
command: "cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/{{ jenkins_user }}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Set key permissions
path={{ jenkins_home }}/.ssh/authorized_keys
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=400
path: "{{ jenkins_home }}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
mode: "0400"
ignore_errors: yes
# adding chris-lea nodejs repo
- name: add ppas for current versions of nodejs
apt_repository: repo="{{ jenkins_chrislea_ppa }}"
- name: Add ppas for current versions of nodejs
repo: "{{ jenkins_chrislea_ppa }}"
state: present
- name: Install system packages
apt: pkg={{','.join(jenkins_debian_pkgs)}}
state=present update_cache=yes
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
update_cache: yes
with_items: "{{ jenkins_debian_pkgs }}"
- name: Add script to set up environment variables
src=jenkins_env.j2 dest={{ jenkins_home }}/jenkins_env
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=0500
src: jenkins_env.j2
dest: "{{ jenkins_home }}/jenkins_env"
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
mode: "0500"
when: platform_worker is defined
# Need to add Github to known_hosts to avoid
# being prompted when using git through ssh
- name: Add to known_hosts if it does not exist
shell: >
ssh-keygen -f {{ jenkins_home }}/.ssh/known_hosts -H -F | grep -q found || ssh-keyscan -H > {{ jenkins_home }}/.ssh/known_hosts
"ssh-keygen -f {{ jenkins_home }}/.ssh/known_hosts -H -F | grep -q found || ssh-keyscan -H > {{ jenkins_home }}/.ssh/known_hosts"
# Edit the /etc/hosts file so that the Preview button will work in Studio
- name: add preview.localhost to /etc/hosts
shell: sed -i -r 's/^\s+.*$/ localhost preview.localhost/' /etc/hosts
- name: Add preview.localhost to /etc/hosts
dest: /etc/hosts
regexp: "^"
line: " localhost preview.localhost"
state: present
become: yes
# Npm registry must be pre-loaded or else setting it
......@@ -56,17 +78,28 @@
# See
- name: Set npm registry
src=.npmrc.j2 dest={{ jenkins_home }}/.npmrc
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=0664
src: ".npmrc.j2"
dest: "{{ jenkins_home }}/.npmrc"
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
mode: "0664"
# Set up configuration for pip-accel for caching python requirements
- name: Create directory for pip-accel config file
file: path={{ jenkins_home }}/.pip-accel state=directory
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=0777 recurse=yes
path: "{{ jenkins_home }}/.pip-accel"
state: directory
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
mode: "0777"
recurse: yes
when: platform_worker is defined
- name: Create pip-accel config file
src=pip-accel.conf.j2 dest={{ jenkins_home }}/.pip-accel/pip-accel.conf
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=0664
src: "pip-accel.conf.j2"
dest: "{{ jenkins_home }}/.pip-accel/pip-accel.conf"
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
mode: "0664"
when: platform_worker is defined
......@@ -7,9 +7,13 @@
# To get a baseline comparison for timestamp comparisons
# create a testfile and register its stat info
- name: Create test file
file: path=testfile state=touch
path: testfile
state: touch
- name: Stat test file
stat: path=testfile
path: testfile
register: testfile
......@@ -27,7 +31,8 @@
# Verify the virtualenv tar is newly-built
- name: Get info on virtualenv tar
stat: path={{ jenkins_home }}/edx-venv_clean.tar.gz
path: "{{ jenkins_home }}/edx-venv_clean.tar.gz"
register: edxvenv
- assert:
......@@ -35,9 +40,13 @@
- "{{ testfile.stat.mtime }} - {{ edxvenv.stat.mtime }} < 3600"
# Verify that postfix (mail server) is listening
- wait_for: host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=25
- wait_for:
host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
port: 25
delegate_to: localhost
# Tear Down #
- name: Remove test file
file: path=testfile state=absent
path: testfile
state: absent
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