Commit d0d0842b by Clinton Blackburn

Added play to run r.js for Insights

parent f3592489
......@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ insights_log_dir: "{{ COMMON_LOG_DIR }}/{{ insights_service_name }}"
insights_nodeenv_dir: "{{ insights_home }}/nodeenvs/{{ insights_service_name }}"
insights_nodeenv_bin: "{{ insights_nodeenv_dir }}/bin"
insights_node_modules_dir: "{{ insights_code_dir }}/node_modules"
insights_node_bin: "{{ insights_node_modules_dir }}/.bin"
insights_gunicorn_host: ""
insights_gunicorn_port: "8110"
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
- name: install bower dependencies
shell: >
chdir={{ insights_code_dir }}
. {{ insights_nodeenv_bin }}/activate && {{ insights_node_modules_dir }}/.bin/bower install --production --config.interactive=false
. {{ insights_nodeenv_bin }}/activate && {{ insights_node_bin }}/bower install --production --config.interactive=false
sudo_user: "{{ insights_user }}"
- name: syncdb and migrate
......@@ -75,6 +75,12 @@
environment: "{{ insights_environment }}"
when: migrate_db is defined and migrate_db|lower == "yes"
- name: run r.js optimizer
shell: >
chdir={{ insights_code_dir }}
. {{ insights_nodeenv_bin }}/activate && {{ insights_node_bin }}/r.js -o build.js
sudo_user: "{{ insights_user }}"
- name: run collectstatic
shell: >
chdir={{ insights_code_dir }}
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