Commit 99ec89f8 by Feanil Patel

Add more info about what refs and vars are.

parent cd9892d2
......@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
# following variables to be set:
# - BUILD_ID - set by jenkins, Unique ID of build
# - BUILD_NUMBER - set by jenkins, Build number
# - refs - repo revisions to pass to abbey
# - vars - other vars to pass to abbey
# - refs - repo revisions to pass to abbey. This is provided in YAML syntax,
# and we put the contents in a file that abbey reads. Refs are
# different from 'vars' in that each ref is set as a tag on the
# output AMI.
# - vars - other vars to pass to abbey. This is provided in YAML syntax,
# and we put the contents in a file that abby reads.
# - deployment - edx, edge, etc
# - environment - stage,prod, etc
# - play - forum, edxapp, xqueue, etc
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