Commit 9015cd09 by Sven Marnach Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3274 from open-craft/smarnach/initial-password-hash

Add support for initial password hash feature to user management playbook.
parents 7c27fa57 85afda0f
......@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@
# unusable_password: true
# groups: []
# - username: zoe
# email:
# initial_password_hash: 'pbkdf2_sha256$20000$levJ6jdVYCsu$gdBLGf2DNPqfaKdcETXtFocRU8Kk+sMsIvKkmw1dKbY='
# groups:
# - name: group3
# remove: true
......@@ -91,4 +95,5 @@
{% if item.get('superuser') %}--superuser{% endif %}
{% if item.get('staff') %}--staff{% endif %}
{% if item.get('unusable_password') %}--unusable-password{% endif %}
{% if item.get('initial_password_hash') %}--initial-password-hash {{ item.initial_password_hash | quote }}{% endif %}
with_items: django_users
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