Commit 68c34ad7 by Zachary Robbins

Install script will work with master and most-recent named-release (dogwood)…

Install script will work with master and most-recent named-release (dogwood) versions only. Will not work with weekly releases, or previous named-releases.
parent deb434b0
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
# Stop if any command fails
set -e
# Echo all commands
set -x
function usage
......@@ -16,13 +14,17 @@ function usage
Installs the Open edX developer stack. More information on installing devstack
can be found here:
NOTE: This script assumes you have never installed devstack before. Installing multiple
versions of devstack can often cause conflicts that this script is not prepared to handle.
Reach out on the edX community Slack if you need more help in this topic.
The release of Open edX you wish to run. Upgrade to the given git ref 'release'.
You must specify this. Named released are called "named-release/cypress",
You must specify this. Named released are called "named-release/dogwood",
"named-release/dogwood.2", and so on. We recommend the latest stable named
release for general members of the open source community. Named releases can
be found at:
If you plan on modifying the code, we recommend the "release" branch.
If you plan on modifying the code, we recommend the "master" branch.
Enable use of "preview" from within Studio.
......@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ mkdir -p install_logs
exec > >(tee install_logs/install-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).log) 2>&1
echo "Logs located in install_logs directory"
# Enable preview in Studio
......@@ -74,13 +76,25 @@ while getopts "r:pv:h" opt; do
WARN='\033[1;33m' # Yellow
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
if [[ $release != "master" ]]; then
echo -e "${WARN}The release you entered is not 'master'. Please be aware that a branch other than master or a release other than the latest named-release could cause errors.${NC}"
# Check if mount location was changed
if [[ $vagrant_mount_location != "" ]]; then
echo "Changing Vagrant provision location to "$vagrant_mount_location"..."
export VAGRANT_MOUNT_BASE=vagrant_mount_location
export OPENEDX_RELEASE=$release
mkdir -p devstack
cd devstack
# Install devstack
curl -L > Vagrantfile
curl -L${OPENEDX_RELEASE}/vagrant/release/devstack/Vagrantfile > Vagrantfile
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up --provider virtualbox
......@@ -89,10 +103,7 @@ if [[ $enable_preview -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "Enabling use of preview within Studio..."
sudo bash -c "echo ' preview.localhost' >> /etc/hosts"
# Check if mount location was changed
if [[ $vagrant_mount_location != "" ]]; then
echo "Changing Vagrant provision location to "$vagrant_mount_location"..."
export VAGRANT_MOUNT_BASE=vagrant_mount_location
echo "Finished installing! You may now login using 'vagrant ssh'"
echo "Refer to the edX wiki for more information on using devstack."
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