Commit 56d4b726 by Joe Blaylock

Parameterizing edx git repository location

* Creates global variable $platform_code_dir to store
  /opt/wwc/edx-platform, to replace the semihardcoded /opt/wwc/mitx that
  we had before.
* Plugs $platform_code_dir in a lot of different places
* Templatize sef's update script hack
parent 2c81bf2a
......@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
app_base_dir: /opt/wwc
log_base_dir: /mnt/logs
venv_dir: /opt/edx
platform_code_dir: $app_base_dir/edx-platform
# these pathes are relative to the playbook dir
# directory for secret settings (keys, etc)
secure_dir: 'secure_example'
# this indicates the path to site-specific (with precedence)
# things like nginx template files
local_dir: '../../ansible_local'
- name:, manual lms/cms update script
copy: src=roles/common/files/ dest=/usr/local/bin/ owner=ubuntu group=adm mode=0775
template: src=roles/common/templates/ dest=/usr/local/bin/ owner=ubuntu group=adm mode=0775
- release
- update
# Placed by ansible; some hardcoded values originate from variables substituted
# by jinja
function usage() {
echo " [cms|lms|all|none]"
......@@ -41,10 +43,10 @@ function run() {
source /etc/profile
source /opt/edx/bin/activate
source {{venv_dir}}/bin/activate
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/www/.gem/bin
cd /opt/wwc/mitx
cd {{platform_code_dir}}
# gunicorn
# Templated and placed by ansible from jinja2 source
description "gunicorn server"
author "Calen Pennington <>"
......@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ env LANG=en_US.UTF-8
chdir ${app_base_dir}/mitx
chdir {{platform_code_dir}}
setuid www-data
exec ${venv_dir}/bin/gunicorn_django -b$PORT -w $WORKERS --timeout=300 --pythonpath=${app_base_dir}/mitx
exec ${venv_dir}/bin/gunicorn_django -b$PORT -w $WORKERS --timeout=300 --pythonpath={{platform_code_dir}}
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ env LANG=en_US.UTF-8
chdir ${app_base_dir}/mitx
chdir {{platform_code_dir}}
setuid www-data
exec ${venv_dir}/bin/gunicorn --preload -b$PORT -w $WORKERS --timeout=300 --pythonpath=${app_base_dir}/mitx lms.wsgi
exec ${venv_dir}/bin/gunicorn --preload -b$PORT -w $WORKERS --timeout=300 --pythonpath={{platform_code_dir}} lms.wsgi
post-start script
while true
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
# If we set up LMS, we have to set up edx logging
- include: ../../common/tasks/edx_logging_base.yml
# Install ssh keys for ubuntu account to be able to check out from mitx
# Install ssh keys for ubuntu account to be able to check out from edx-platform
# Temprory behavior, not needed after June 1. Perhaps still useful as a recipe.
# {{ secure_dir }} is relative to the top-level playbooks dir so there is some
# ugly relative pathing here
- name: install read-only ssh key for mitx repo (private)
- name: install read-only ssh key for edx-platform repo (private)
copy: src=../../../{{ secure_dir }}/files/git-identity dest=/etc/git-identity force=yes owner=ubuntu group=adm mode=600
- lms
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
- cms
- update
# Check out mitx repo to $app_base_dir
# Check out edx-platform repo to $app_base_dir
- name: install git and its recommends
apt: pkg=git state=present install_recommends=yes
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
## Install the debian package requirements system-wide
- name: store remote apt_repos list for ansible use
command: cat {{app_base_dir}}/mitx/apt-repos.txt
command: cat {{platform_code_dir}}/apt-repos.txt
register: apt_repos_list
- lms
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
- install
- name: store remote apt_packages list for ansible use
command: cat {{app_base_dir}}/mitx/apt-packages.txt
command: cat {{platform_code_dir}}/apt-packages.txt
register: apt_packages_list
- lms
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
# Install the python requirements into $venv_dir
- name : install python pre-requirements
pip: requirements="{{app_base_dir}}/mitx/pre-requirements.txt" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}" state=present
pip: requirements="{{platform_code_dir}}/pre-requirements.txt" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}" state=present
- lms
- cms
......@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@
# Install the python modules into $venv_dir
- name : install python packages using the shell
#pip: requirements="{{app_base_dir}}/mitx/requirements.txt" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}"
#pip: requirements="{{platform_code_dir}}/requirements.txt" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}"
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the mitx repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: cd {{app_base_dir}}/mitx && {{venv_dir}}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{app_base_dir}}/mitx/requirements.txt
shell: cd {{platform_code_dir}} && {{venv_dir}}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{platform_code_dir}}/requirements.txt
- lms
- cms
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
- npm
- install
- name: Install mitx npm dependencies
shell: npm install chdir=${app_base_dir}/mitx
- name: Install edx-platform npm dependencies
shell: npm install chdir=${platform_code_dir}
- npm
- update
......@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@
- install
- name: gem | gem install bundler
shell: RBENV_ROOT=${rbenv_root} GEM_HOME=${gem_home} ${rbenv_root}/shims/gem install bundle chdir=${app_base_dir}/mitx
shell: RBENV_ROOT=${rbenv_root} GEM_HOME=${gem_home} ${rbenv_root}/shims/gem install bundle chdir=${platform_code_dir}
- ruby
- install
- name: bundle | bundle install
shell: RBENV_ROOT=${rbenv_root} GEM_HOME=${gem_home} ${gem_home}/bin/bundle install --binstubs chdir=${app_base_dir}/mitx
shell: RBENV_ROOT=${rbenv_root} GEM_HOME=${gem_home} ${gem_home}/bin/bundle install --binstubs chdir=${platform_code_dir}
- ruby
- install
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