Commit 2d7140f6 by Jesse Zoldak

Remove playbook for test-jenkins

Instead we will create a test server using the jenkins_build play, with different values for configuration
parent 27485065
- name: Bootstrap instance(s)
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
become: True
- python
- name: Configure instance(s)
hosts: all
become: True
gather_facts: True
- aws
- role: jenkins_build
- 1addJarsToClasspath.groovy
- 2checkInstalledPlugins.groovy
- 3mainConfiguration.groovy
- 3shutdownCLI.groovy
- 4configureEc2Plugin.groovy
- 4configureGHOAuth.groovy
- 4configureGHPRB.groovy
- 4configureGit.groovy
- 4configureHipChat.groovy
- 4configureJobConfigHistory.groovy
- 5createLoggers.groovy
- 6importCredentials.groovy
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