diff --git a/playbooks/roles/snort/defaults/main.yml b/playbooks/roles/snort/defaults/main.yml
index 0b951d4..686f8a2 100644
--- a/playbooks/roles/snort/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/playbooks/roles/snort/defaults/main.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 SNORT_OINKCODE: 'oinkcode'
+SNORT_RULES_URL: [ 'http://www.snort.org/pub-bin/oinkmaster.cgi/{{ SNORT_OINKCODE }}/snortrules-snapshot-2931.tar.gz',
+                    'http://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/snort-2.9.0/emerging.rules.tar.gz' ]
diff --git a/playbooks/roles/snort/templates/etc/oinkmaster.conf.j2 b/playbooks/roles/snort/templates/etc/oinkmaster.conf.j2
index 8d2caf0..470ab14 100644
--- a/playbooks/roles/snort/templates/etc/oinkmaster.conf.j2
+++ b/playbooks/roles/snort/templates/etc/oinkmaster.conf.j2
@@ -1,178 +1,19 @@
-# $Id: oinkmaster.conf,v 1.134 2008/02/18 19:33:45 andreas_o Exp $ #
-# Use "url = <url>" to specify the location of the rules archive to 
-# download. The url must begin with http://, https://, ftp://, file:// 
-# or scp:// and end with .tar.gz or .tgz, and the file must be a 
-# gzipped tarball what contains a directory named "rules".
-# You can also point to a local directory with dir://<directory>.
-# Multiple "url = <url>" lines can be specified to grab multiple rules
-# archives from different locations.
-# snort.org rules
-url = http://www.snort.org/pub-bin/oinkmaster.cgi/{{ SNORT_OINKCODE }}/snortrules-snapshot-2931.tar.gz
-# Community rules for snort-CURRENT
-#url = http://www.snort.org/pub-bin/downloads.cgi/Download/comm_rules/Community-Rules-CURRENT.tar.gz
-# Emerging threats
-url = http://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/snort-2.9.0/emerging.rules.tar.gz
-# If you prefer to download the rules archive from outside Oinkmaster,
-# you can then point to the file on your local filesystem by using
-# file://<filename>, for example:
-# url = file:///tmp/snortrules.tar.gz
-# In rare cases you may want to grab the rules directly from a
-# local directory (don't confuse this with the output directory).
-# url = dir:///etc/snort/src/rules
-# Example to use scp to copy the rules archive from another host.
-# Only OpenSSH is tested. See the FAQ for more information.
-# url = scp://user@somehost.example.com:/somedir/snortrules.tar.gz
-# If you use -u scp://... and need to specify a private ssh key (passed 
-# as -i <key> to the scp command) you can specify it here or add an 
-# entry in ~/.ssh/config for the Oinkmaster user as described in the 
-# OpenSSH manual. 
-# scp_key = /home/oinkmaster/oinkmaster_privkey
-# The PATH to use during execution. If you prefer to use external 
-# binaries (i.e. use_external_bins=1, see below), tar and gzip must be 
-# found, and also wget if downloading via ftp, http or https. All with 
-# optional .exe suffix. If you're on Cygwin, make sure that the path 
-# contains the Cygwin binaries and not the native Win32 binaries or 
-# you will get problems.
-# The following UNIX style path is assumed by default:
-# path = /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
-# Example if running native Win32 or standalone Cygwin:
-# path = c:\oinkmaster;c:\oinkmaster\bin
-# Example if running standalone Cygwin and you prefer Cygwin style path:
-# path = /cygdrive/c/oinkmaster:/cygdrive/c/oinkmaster/bin
-# We normally use external binaries (wget, tar and gzip) since they're 
-# already available on most systems and do a good job. If you have the 
-# Perl modules Archive::Tar, IO::Zlib and LWP::UserAgent, you can use
-# those instead if you like. You can set use_external_bins below to 
-# choose which method you prefer. It's set to 0 by default on Win32 
-# (i.e. use Perl modules), and 1 on other systems (i.e. use external 
-# binaries). The reason for that is that the required Perl modules
-# are included on Windows/ActivePerl 5.8.1+, so it's easier to use 
-# those than to install the ported Unix tools. (Note that if you're 
-# using scp to download the archive, external scp  binary is still 
-# used.) 
-# use_external_bins = 0
-# Temporary directory to use. This directory must exist when starting and
-# Oinkmaster will then create a temporary sub directory in here.
-# Keep it as a #comment if you want to use the default.
-# The default will be checked for in the environment variables TMP,
-# TMPDIR or TEMPDIR, or otherwise use "/tmp" if none of them was set.
-# Example for UNIX.
-# tmpdir = /home/oinkmaster/tmp/
-# Example if running native Win32 or Cygwin.
-# tmpdir = c:\tmp
-# Example if running Cygwin and you prefer Cygwin style path.
-# tmpdir = /cygdrive/c/tmp
-# The umask to use during execution if you want it to be something
-# else than the current value when starting Oinkmaster.
-# This will affect the mode bits when writing new files.
-# Keep it commented out to keep your system's current umask.
-# umask = 0027
-# Files in the archive(s) matching this regular expression will be 
-# checked for changes, and then updated or added if needed.
-# All other files will be ignored. You can then choose to skip
-# individual files by specifying the "skipfile" keyword below.
-# Normally you shouldn't need to change this one.
-# update_files = \.rules$|\.config$|\.conf$|\.txt$|\.map$
-# Regexp of keywords that starts a Snort rule.
-# May be useful if you create your own ruletypes and want those
-# lines to be regarded as rules as well.
-# rule_actions = alert|drop|log|pass|reject|sdrop|activate|dynamic
-# If the number of rules files in the downloaded archive matching the
-# 'update_files' regexp is below min_files, or if the number
-# of rules is below min_rules, the rules are regarded as broken
-# and the update is aborted with an error message.
-# Both are set to 1 by default (i.e. the archive is only regarded as
-# broken if it's totally empty).
-# If you download from multiple URLs, the count is the total number
-# of files/rules across all archives.
-# min_files = 1
-# min_rules = 1
-# By default, a basic sanity check is performed on most paths/filenames 
-# to see if they contain illegal characters that may screw things up. 
-# If this check is too strict for your system (e.g. you get bogus 
-# "illegal characters in filename" errors because of your local language 
-# etc) and you're sure you want to disable the checks completely,
-# set use_path_checks to 0.
-# use_path_checks = 1
-# If you want Oinkmaster to send a User-Agent HTTP header string
-# other than the default one for wget/LWP, set this variable.
-# user_agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
-# The normal Snort rules usually resides in a directory called 
-# "rules" in the downloaded archive. You can tell Oinkmaster to 
-# look in another directory by setting the rules_dir statement.
-# This allows you to update the shared object rules (so_rules) with 
-# Oinkmaster by creating a separate oinkmaster.conf containing 
-# "rules_dir = so_rules". Note that you can not set multiple
-# directories so you have to run Oinkmaster separately for each 
-# directory. Remember to point to different output directories as 
-# the "rules" and "so_rules" directories contains files with 
-# identical filenames.
-# To update the shared object rules, use:
-# rules_dir = so_rules
-# The default is to update the normal rules:
-# rules_dir = rules
-# You can include other files anywhere in here by using
-# "include <file>". <file> will be parsed just like a regular 
-# oinkmaster.conf as soon as the include statement is seen, and then 
-# return and continue parsing the rest of the original file. If an 
-# option is redefined, it will override the previous value. You can use 
-# as many "include" statements as you wish, and also include even more 
-# files from included files. Example to load stuff from "/etc/foo.conf".
-# include /etc/foo.conf
-# Files to totally skip (i.e. never update or check for changes)      #
-#                                                                     #
-# Syntax: skipfile filename                                           #
-# or:     skipfile filename1, filename2, filename3, ...               #
+{% for url in SNORT_RULES_URL %}
+url = {{ url }}
+{% endfor %}
 # Ignore local.rules from the rules archive by default since we might 
 # have put some local rules in our own local.rules and we don't want it 
 # to get overwritten by the empty one from the archive after each 
 # update.
 skipfile local.rules
 # The file deleted.rules contains rules that have been deleted from 
 # other files, so there is usually no point in updating it.
 skipfile deleted.rules
 # Also skip snort.conf by default since we don't want to overwrite our 
 # own snort.conf if we have it in the same directory as the rules. If 
 # you have your own production copy of snort.conf in another directory, 
@@ -180,221 +21,5 @@ skipfile deleted.rules
 # especially since variables are sometimes added or modified and 
 # new/old files are included/excluded.
 skipfile snort.conf
-# You may want to consider ignoring threshold.conf for the same reasons 
-# as for snort.conf, i.e. if you customize it locally and don't want it 
-# to become overwritten by the default one. It may be better to put 
-# local thresholding/suppressing in some local file and still update 
-# and use the official one though, in case important stuff is added to 
-# it some day. We do update it by default, but it's your call.
-# skipfile threshold.conf
-# If you update from multiple URLs at the same time you may need to 
-# ignore the sid-msg.map (and generate it yourself if you need one) as 
-# it's usually included in each rules tarball. See the FAQ for more info.
-# skipfile sid-msg.map
-# SIDs to modify after each update (only for the skilled/stupid/brave).  #
-# Don't use it unless you have to. There is nothing that stops you from  #
-# modifying rules in such ways that they become invalid or generally     #
-# break things. You have been warned.                                    #
-# If you just want to disable SIDs, please skip this section and have a  #
-# look at the "disablesid" keyword below.                                #
-#                                                                        #
-# You may specify multiple modifysid directives for the same SID (they   #
-# will be processed in order of appearance), and you may also specify a  #
-# list of SIDs on which the substitution should be applied.              #
-# If the argument is in the form something.something it's regarded       #
-# as a filename and the substitution will apply on all rules in that     #
-# file. The wildcard ("*") can be used to apply the substitution on all  #
-# rules regardless of the SID or file. Please avoid using #comments      #
-# at the end of modifysid lines, they may confuse the parser in some     #
-# situations.                                                            #
-#                                                                        #
-# Syntax:                                                                #
-#   modifysid SID "replacethis" | "withthis"                             #    
-# or:                                                                    #
-#   modifysid SID1, SID2, SID3, ... "replacethis" | "withthis"           #
-# or:                                                                    #
-#   modifysid file "replacethis" | "withthis"                            #    
-# or:                                                                    #
-#   modifysid * "replacethis" | "withthis"                               #
-#                                                                        #
-# The strings within the quotes will basically be passed to a            #
-# s/replacethis/withthis/ statement in Perl, so they must be valid       #
-# regular expressions. The strings are case-insensitive and only the     #
-# first occurrence will be replaced. If there are multiple occurrences   #
-# you want to replace, simply repeat the same modifysid line.            #
-# As the strings are regular expressions, you MUST escape special        #
-# characters like $ \ / ( ) | by prepending a "\" to them.               #
-#                                                                        #
-# If you specify a modifysid statement for a multi-line rule, Oinkmaster #
-# will first translate the rule into a single-line version and then      #
-# perform the substitution, so you don't have to care about the trailing #
-# backslashes and newlines.                                              #
-#                                                                        #
-# If you use backreference variables in the substitution expression,     #
-# it's strongly recommended to specify them as ${1} instead of $1 and so #
-# on, to avoid parsing confusion with unexpected results in some         #
-# situations. Note that modifysid statements will process both active    #
-# and inactive (disabled) rules.                                         #
-#                                                                        #
-# You may want to check out README.templates and template-examples.conf  #
-# to find how you can simplify the modifysid usage by using templates.   #
-# Example to enable a rule (in this case SID 1325) that is disabled by
-# default, by simply replacing leading "#alert" with "alert".
-# (You should really use 'enablesid' for this though.)
-# Oinkmaster removes whitespaces next to the leading "#" so you don't
-# have to worry about that, but be careful about possible whitespace in
-# other places when writing the regexps.
-# modifysid 1325 "^#alert" | "alert"
-# You could also do this to enable it no matter what type of rule it is
-# (alert, log, pass, etc).
-# modifysid 1325 "^#" | ""
-# Example to enable ALL rules in ALL files (usually not a good idea).
-# modifysid * "^#" | ""
-# Example to add "tag" stuff to SID 1325.
-# modifysid 1325 "sid:1325;" | "sid:1325; tag: host, src, 300, seconds;"
-# Example to make SID 1378 a 'drop' rule (valid if you're running 
-# Snort_inline).
-# modifysid 1378 "^alert" | "drop"
-# Example to replace first occurrence of $EXTERNAL_NET with $HOME_NET 
-# in SID 302.
-# modifysid 302 "\$EXTERNAL_NET" | "\$HOME_NET"
-# You can also specify that a substitution should apply on multiple SIDs.
-# modifysid 302,429,1821 "\$EXTERNAL_NET" | "\$HOME_NET"
-# You can take advantage of the fact that it's regular expressions and
-# do more complex stuff. This example (for Snort_inline) adds a 'replace'
-# statement to SID 1324 that replaces "/bin/sh" with "/foo/sh".
-# modifysid 1324 "(content\s*:\s*"\/bin\/sh"\s*;)" | \
-#                "${1} replace:"\/foo\/sh";"
-# If you for some reason would like to add a comment inside the actual 
-# rules file, like the reason why you disabled this rule, you can do 
-# like this (you would normally add such comments in oinkmaster.conf 
-# though).
-# modifysid 1324 "(.+)" | "# 20020101: disabled this rule just for fun:\n#${1}"
-# Here is an example that is actually useful. Let's say you don't care 
-# about incoming welchia pings (detected by SID 483 at the time of 
-# writing) but you want to know when infected hosts on your network 
-# scans hosts on the outside. (Remember that watching for outgoing 
-# malicious packets is often just as important as watching for incoming 
-# ones, especially in this case.) The rule currently looks like
-# "alert icmp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any ..."
-# but we want to switch that so it becomes
-# "alert icmp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any ...".
-# Here is how it could be done.
-# modifysid 483 \
-# "(.+) \$EXTERNAL_NET (.+) \$HOME_NET (.+)" | \
-# "${1} \$HOME_NET ${2} \$EXTERNAL_NET ${3}"
-# The wildcard (modifysid * ...) can be used to do all kinds of 
-# interesting things. The substitution expression will be applied on all 
-# matching rules. First, a silly example to replace "foo" with "bar" in 
-# all rules (that have the string "foo" in them, that is.) 
-# modifysid * "foo" | "bar"
-# If you for some reason don't want to use the stream preprocessor to 
-# match established streams, you may want to replace the 'flow' 
-# statement with 'flags:A+;' in all those rules.
-# modifysid * "flow:[a-z,_ ]+;" | "flags:A+;"
-# Example to convert all rules of classtype attempted-admin to 'drop' 
-# rules (for Snort_inline only, obviously).
-# modifysid * "^alert (.*classtype\s*:\s*attempted-admin)" | "drop ${1}"
-# This one will append some text to the 'msg' string for all rules that 
-# have the 'tag' keyword in them.
-# modifysid * "(.*msg:\s*".+?)"(\s*;.+;\s*tag:.*)" | \
-#             "${1}, going to tag this baby"${2}"
-# There may be times when you want to replace multiple occurrences of a 
-# certain keyword/string in a rule and not just the first one. To 
-# replace the first two occurrences of "foo" with "bar" in SID 100, 
-# simply repeat the modifysid statement:
-# modifysid 100 "foo" | "bar"
-# modifysid 100 "foo" | "bar"
-# Or you can even specify a SID list but repeat the same SID as many 
-# times as required, like:
-# modifysid 100,100,100 "foo" | "bar"
-# Enable all rules in the file exploit.rules.
-# modifysid exploit.rules "^#" | ""
-# Enable all rules in exploit.rules, icmp-info.rules and also SID 1171.
-# modifysid exploit.rules, snmp.rules, 1171 "^#" | ""
-# SIDs that we don't want to update.                                   #
-# If you for some reason don't want a specific rule to be updated      #
-# (e.g. you made local modifications to it and you never want to       #
-# update it and don't care about changes in the official version), you #
-# can specify a "localsid" statement for it. This means that the old   #
-# version of the rule (i.e. the one in the rules file on your          #
-# harddrive) is always kept, regardless if the official version has    #
-# been updated. Please do not use this feature unless in special       #
-# cases as it's easy to end up with many signatures that aren't        #
-# maintained anymore. See the FAQ for details about this and hints     #
-# about better solutions regarding customization of rules.             #
-#                                                                      #
-# Syntax:  localsid SID                                                #
-# or:      localsid SID1, SID2, SID3, ...                              #
-# Example to never update SID 1325.
-# localsid 1325
-# SIDs to enable after each update.                                    #
-# Will simply remove all the leading '#' for a specified SID (if it's  #
-# a multi-line rule, the leading '#' for all lines are removed.)       #
-# These will be processed after all the modifysid and disablesid       #
-# statements. Using 'enablesid' on a rule that is not disabled is a    #
-# NOOP.                                                                #
-#                                                                      #
-# Syntax:  enablesid SID                                               #
-# or:      enablesid SID1, SID2, SID3, ...                             #
-# Example to enable SID 1325.
-# enablesid 1325
-# SIDs to comment out, i.e. disable, after each update by placing a    #
-# '#' in front of the rule (if it's a multi-line rule, it will be put  #
-# in front of all lines).                                              #
-#                                                                      #
-# Syntax:  disablesid SID                                              #
-# or:      disablesid SID1, SID2, SID3, ...                            #
-# You can specify one SID per line.
-# disablesid 1
-# disablesid 2
-# disablesid 3
-# And also as comma-separated lists.
-# disablesid 4,5,6
-# It's a good idea to also add comment about why you disable the sid:
-# disablesid 1324    # 20020101: disabled this SID just because I can