Commit 1c326e1b by Carson Gee

Kibana and logstash roles

parent 1cbfcc4b
kibana_app_dir: /opt/kibana
kibana_file: kibana-3.0.0milestone4.tar.gz
kibana_url: "{{ kibana_file }}"
- jimbo
- name: nginx | restart nginx
service: name=nginx state=restarted
- name: nginx | reload nginx
service: name=nginx state=reloaded
# requires:
# - oraclejdk
# - elasticsearch
# - nginx
- name: kibana | Ensure app apt dependencies are installed
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed
- python-software-properties
- git
- nginx
- name: kibana | Ensure {{ kibana_app_dir }} exists
file: path={{ kibana_app_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0755
- name: kibana | Ensure subdirectories exist
file: path={{ kibana_app_dir }}/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0755 state=directory
- htdocs
- share
- name: kibana | ensure we have the specified kibana release
get_url: url={{ kibana_url }} dest={{ kibana_app_dir }}/share/{{ kibana_file }}
- name: kibana | extract
shell: >
chdir={{ kibana_app_dir }}/share
tar -xzvf {{ kibana_app_dir }}/share/{{ kibana_file }}
creates={{ kibana_app_dir }}/share/{{ kibana_file|replace('.tar.gz','') }}
- name: kibana | install
shell: >
chdir={{ kibana_app_dir }}/share/{{ kibana_file|replace('.tar.gz','') }}
cp -R * {{ kibana_app_dir }}/htdocs/
- name: kibana | copy config
template: src=config.js.j2 dest={{ kibana_app_dir }}/htdocs/config.js
* These is the app's configuration, If you need to configure
* the default dashboard, please see dashboards/default
function (Settings) {
return new Settings({
* URL to your elasticsearch server. You almost certainly don't
* want 'http://localhost:9200' here. Even if Kibana and ES are on
* the same host
* By default this will attempt to reach ES at the same host you have
* elasticsearch installed on. You probably want to set it to the FQDN of your
* elasticsearch host
* @type {String}
//elasticsearch: "http://"+window.location.hostname+":9200",
elasticsearch: "https://{{ kibana_server_name }}/e",
* The default ES index to use for storing Kibana specific object
* such as stored dashboards
* @type {String}
kibana_index: "kibana-int",
* Panel modules available. Panels will only be loaded when they are defined in the
* dashboard, but this list is used in the "add panel" interface.
* @type {Array}
panel_names: [
server {
listen 80;
server_name {{ kibana_server_name }};
root {{ kibana_app_dir }}/htdocs;
# Set image format types to expire in a very long time
location ~* ^.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico)$ {
access_log off;
expires max;
# Set css and js to expire in a very long time
location ~* ^.+\.(css|js)$ {
access_log off;
expires max;
# Catchall for everything else
location / {
root {{ kibana_app_dir }};
index index.html;
expires 1d;
try_files $uri/ $uri;
if (-f $request_filename) {
logstash_app_dir: /opt/logstash
logstash_log_dir: /var/log/logstash
logstash_data_dir: /opt/syslog/file_logs
logstash_syslog_port: 514
logstash_file: logstash-1.2.2-flatjar.jar
logstash_url: "{{ logstash_file }}"
"template": "logstash-*",
"settings" : {
"number_of_shards" : 1,
"number_of_replicas" : 0,
"index" : {
"query" : { "default_field" : "message" },
"store" : { "compress" : { "stored" : true, "tv": true } }
"mappings": {
"_default_": {
"_all": { "enabled": false },
"_source": { "compress": true },
"dynamic_templates": [
"string_template" : {
"match" : "*",
"mapping": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" },
"match_mapping_type" : "string"
"properties" : {
"@fields": { "type": "object", "dynamic": true, "path": "full" },
"@message" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "analyzed" },
"@source" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
"@source_host" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
"@source_path" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
"@tags": { "type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
"@timestamp" : { "type" : "date", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
"@type" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" }
- name: restart logstash
service: name=logstash state=restarted
# requires:
# - oraclejdk
# - elasticsearch
- name: logstash | Ensure app apt dependencies are installed
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed
- redis-server
- name: logstash | Ensure {{ logstash_app_dir }} exists
file: path={{ logstash_app_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0755
- name: logstash | Ensure subdirectories exist
file: path={{ logstash_app_dir }}/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0755 state=directory
- bin
- etc
- share
- name: logstash | ensure logstash config is in place
template: src=logstash.conf.j2 dest={{ logstash_app_dir }}/etc/logstash.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644
notify: restart logstash
- name: logstash | ensure logstash upstart job is in place
template: src=logstash.upstart.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/logstash.conf owner=root group=root mode=0755
- name: logstash | ensure logstash has a logging dir at {{ logstash_log_dir }}
file: path={{ logstash_log_dir }} owner=root group=root mode=0755 state=directory
- name: logstash | ensure we have the specified logstash release
get_url: url={{ logstash_url }} dest={{ logstash_app_dir }}/share/{{ logstash_file }}
- name: logstash | ensure symlink with no version exists at /opt/logstash/share/logstash.jar
file: src={{ logstash_app_dir }}/share/${logstash_file} dest={{ logstash_app_dir }}/share/logstash.jar state=link
- name: logstash | start logstash
action: service name=logstash state=started enabled=yes
- name: logstash | Ensure we are running
wait_for: port={{ logstash_syslog_port }} host=localhost timeout=60
- name: logstash | Copy logstash es index template
copy: src=template_logstash.json dest=/etc/elasticsearch/template_logstash.json
- name: logstash | Enable logstash es index template
shell: chdir=/etc/elasticsearch executable=/bin/bash curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_template/template_logstash' -d @template_logstash.json
# TODO: add logrotate for cycling the file logs
input {
tcp {
port => {{ logstash_syslog_port }}
type => syslog
udp {
port => {{ logstash_syslog_port }}
type => syslog
filter {
if [type] == "syslog" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "<%{POSINT:syslog_pri}>%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}" }
add_field => [ "received_at", "%{@timestamp}" ]
add_field => [ "received_from", "%{@source_host}" ]
syslog_pri { }
date {
match => { "syslog_timestamp" => [ "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss" ] }
if !("_grokparsefailure" in [tags]) {
mutate {
replace => [ "@source_host", "%{syslog_hostname}" ]
replace => [ "@message", "%{syslog_message}" ]
mutate {
remove_field => [ "syslog_hostname", "syslog_message", "syslog_timestamp" ]
output {
# Example just to output to elasticsearch
elasticsearch { }
# And gzip for each host and program
file {
path => '{{ logstash_data_dir }}/%{@source_host}/all.%{+yyyyMMdd}.gz'
gzip => true
# Should add option for S3 as well.
# logstash-indexer.conf# logstash - indexer instance
description "logstash indexer instance"
start on virtual-filesystems
stop on runlevel [06]
respawn limit 5 30
limit nofile 65550 65550
env HOME=/opt/logstash
env JAVA_OPTS='-Xms512m -Xmx512m'
env PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/{{ oraclejdk_base }}/bin
chdir {{ logstash_app_dir }}
setuid root
console log
# for versions 1.1.1 - 1.1.4 the internal web service crashes when touched
# and the current workaround is to just not run it and run Kibana instead
exec java -jar {{ logstash_app_dir }}/share/logstash.jar agent -f {{ logstash_app_dir }}/etc/logstash.conf --log {{ logstash_log_dir }}/logstash-indexer.out
end script
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