Commit 180b5e9a by Feanil Patel

This needs to be installed on the servers not locally.

This change is needed because we recently moved from the get_url module to the uri module.
parent 0444a3a0
......@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ common_pip_pkgs:
- setuptools==18.3.2
- virtualenv==13.1.2
- virtualenvwrapper==4.7.1
# This is needed for the uri module to work correctly.
- httplib2==0.9.2
common_web_user: www-data
common_web_group: www-data
......@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ awscli==1.10.28
# Needed to fetch github keys when deploying instances
# Needed for the mongo_* modules (playbooks/library/mongo_*)
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