Commit 00242234 by Max Rothman

Address comments and fix bugs

parent eac82017
......@@ -123,9 +123,11 @@ def reconfig_replset(rs_config):
def get_rs_config_id():
replset_name = client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')['parsed']['replication']['replSetName']
except OperationFailure, KeyError as e:
module.fail_json(msg="Unable to get replSet name. Was mongod started with --replSet? Error: " + e.message)
return client.admin.command('getCmdLineOpts')['parsed']['replication']['replSetName']
except (OperationFailure, KeyError) as e:
module.fail_json(msg=("Unable to get replSet name. "
"Was mongod started with --replSet, "
"or was replication.replSetName set in the config file? Error: ") + e.message)
########### Helper functions ###########
......@@ -134,11 +136,12 @@ def set_member_ids(members, old_members=None):
Set the _id property of members who don't already have one.
Prefer the _id of the "matching" member from `old_members`.
#Add a little padding to ensure we don't run out of IDs
available_ids = set(range(len(members)*2))
available_ids -= {m['_id'] for m in members}
available_ids -= {m['_id'] for m in members if '_id' in m}
if old_members is not None:
available_ids -= {m['_id'] for m in old_members}
available_ids = list(available_ids).sort(reverse=True)
available_ids = list(sorted(available_ids, reverse=True))
for member in members:
if '_id' not in member:
......@@ -165,9 +168,9 @@ def members_match(new, old):
return True
def fix_host_port(rs_config):
"Fix host, port to host:port"
'''Fix host, port to host:port'''
if 'members' in rs_config:
if not isinstance(rs_config['members'], list)
if not isinstance(rs_config['members'], list):
module.fail_json(msg='rs_config.members must be a list')
for member in rs_config['members']:
......@@ -190,19 +193,25 @@ def update_replset(rs_config):
initialize_replset(client, rs_config)
rs_config_non_collections = {k:v for k,v in rs_config.items()
rs_config_scalars = {k:v for k,v in rs_config.items()
if not isinstance(v, list) if not isinstance(v, dict)}
old_rs_config_non_collections = {k:v for k,v in old_rs_config.items()
if not isinstance(v, list) if not isinstance(v, dict)}
# Is the provided doc "different" from the one currently on the cluster?
if rs_config_non_collections != old_rs_config_non_collections \
# Special comparison to test whether 2 rs_configs are "equivalent"
# We can't simply use == because of special logic in `members_match()`
# 1. Compare the scalars (i.e. non-collections)
# 2. Compare the "settings" dict
# 3. Compare the members dicts using `members_match()`
# Since the only nested structures in the rs_config spec are "members" and "settings",
# if all of the above 3 match, the structures are equivalent.
if rs_config_scalars != old_rs_config_non_collections \
or rs_config['settings'] != old_rs_config['settings'] \
or not members_match(rs_config['members'], old_rs_config['members']):
if '_id' not in rs_config:
rs_config['_id'] = get_rs_config_id(client) #Errors if no replSet specified to mongod
rs_config['_id'] = old_rs_config['_id']
if 'version' not in rs_config:
#Using manual increment to prevent race condition
rs_config['version'] = old_rs_config['version'] + 1
......@@ -235,11 +244,11 @@ def get_mongo_uri(host, port, username, password, auth_database):
return mongo_uri
def primary_client(some_host, some_port, username, password, auth_database):
Given a member of a replica set, find out who the primary is
and provide a client that is connected to the primary for running
mongo_uri = get_mongo_uri(some_host, some_port, username, password, auth_database)
client = MongoClient(mongo_uri)
......@@ -268,7 +277,7 @@ def validate_args():
auth_database = dict(required=False, type='str'),
rs_host = dict(required=False, type='str', default="localhost"),
rs_port = dict(required=False, type='int', default=27017),
rs_config = dict(required=True, type='dict')
rs_config = dict(required=True, type='dict'),
force = dict(required=False, type='bool', default=False),
......@@ -280,7 +289,7 @@ def validate_args():
return module
if __name__ == '__main__':
module = validate_args():
module = validate_args()
if not pymongo_found:
module.fail_json(msg="The python pymongo module is not installed.")
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