Commit c50f77b8 by Chris Jerdonek

Added a doctest for issue #11: "View executes callables wrongly"

parent e2305c75
......@@ -125,6 +125,34 @@ class Context(object):
(3) If there is no attribute with the same name as the key, then
the key is considered not found in the item.
Callables resulting from a call to __getitem__ (as in (1)
above) are handled differently from callables that are merely
attributes (as in (2) above).
The former are returned as-is, while the latter are first called
and that value returned. Here is an example:
>>> def greet():
... return "Hi Bob!"
>>> class Greeter(object):
... greet = None
>>> obj = Greeter()
>>> obj.greet = greet
>>> dct = {'greet': greet}
>>> obj.greet is dct['greet']
>>> Context(obj).get('greet')
'Hi Bob!'
>>> Context(dct).get('greet') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<function greet at 0x...>
TODO: explain the rationale for this difference in treatment.
for obj in reversed(self._stack):
val = _get_item(obj, key)
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