Commit 671d3ab9 by William Tisäter

Remove dead code and make all tests pass

parent b6d171c6
......@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ class _GeoIPMetaclass(type):
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
""" Singleton method to gets an instance without reparsing
the database, the filename is being used as cache key.
@param cache: Used in tests for skipping instance caching
@type cache: bool
if len(args) > 0:
filename = args[0]
......@@ -70,6 +73,10 @@ class _GeoIPMetaclass(type):
return None
if not kwargs.get('cache', True):
del kwargs['cache']
return super(_GeoIPMetaclass, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
if filename not in cls._instances:
cls._instances[filename] = super(_GeoIPMetaclass, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
......@@ -104,14 +111,17 @@ class GeoIP(object):
f =, 'rb', ENCODING)
access = mmap.ACCESS_READ
self._fp = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=access)
self._type = 'MMAP_CACHE'
elif self._flags & const.MEMORY_CACHE:
f =, 'rb', ENCODING)
self._memory =
self._fp = self._str_to_fp(self._memory)
self._type = 'MEMORY_CACHE'
self._fp =, 'rb', ENCODING)
self._type = 'STANDARD'
self._lock = Lock()
......@@ -430,24 +440,25 @@ class GeoIP(object):
def id_by_addr(self, addr):
Get the country index.
Looks up the index for the country which is the key for
the code and name.
Looks up the index for the country which is the key for the
code and name.
@param addr: The IP address
@param addr: IPv4 or IPv6 address
@type addr: str
@return: network byte order 32-bit integer
@rtype: int
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
if not ipnum:
raise ValueError("Invalid IP address: %s" % addr)
if self._databaseType not in COUNTY_EDITIONS:
message = 'Invalid database type, expected Country'
raise GeoIPError(message)
raise GeoIPError('Invalid database type, expected Country')
ipv = 6 if addr.find(':') >= 0 else 4
if ipv == 4 and self._databaseType != const.COUNTRY_EDITION:
raise GeoIPError('Invalid database type; expected IPv6 address')
if ipv == 6 and self._databaseType != const.COUNTRY_EDITION_V6:
raise GeoIPError('Invalid database type; expected IPv4 address')
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
return self._seek_country(ipnum) - const.COUNTRY_BEGIN
def country_code_by_addr(self, addr):
......@@ -460,27 +471,14 @@ class GeoIP(object):
@return: 2-letter country code
@rtype: str
if self._databaseType in VALID_EDITIONS:
ipv = 6 if addr.find(':') >= 0 else 4
if ipv == 4 and self._databaseType != const.COUNTRY_EDITION:
message = 'Invalid database type; expected IPv6 address'
raise ValueError(message)
if ipv == 6 and self._databaseType != const.COUNTRY_EDITION_V6:
message = 'Invalid database type; expected IPv4 address'
raise ValueError(message)
country_id = self.id_by_addr(addr)
return const.COUNTRY_CODES[country_id]
elif self._databaseType in const.REGION_CITY_EDITIONS:
return self.region_by_addr(addr).get('country_code')
message = 'Invalid database type, expected Country, City or Region'
raise GeoIPError(message)
except ValueError:
raise GeoIPError('Failed to lookup address %s' % addr)
raise GeoIPError('Invalid database type, expected Country, City or Region')
def country_code_by_name(self, hostname):
......@@ -505,7 +503,6 @@ class GeoIP(object):
@return: country name
@rtype: str
if self._databaseType in VALID_EDITIONS:
country_id = self.id_by_addr(addr)
......@@ -515,8 +512,6 @@ class GeoIP(object):
message = 'Invalid database type, expected Country or City'
raise GeoIPError(message)
except ValueError:
raise GeoIPError('Failed to lookup address %s' % addr)
def country_name_by_name(self, hostname):
......@@ -541,19 +536,13 @@ class GeoIP(object):
@return: organization or ISP name
@rtype: str
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
if not ipnum:
raise ValueError('Invalid IP address')
valid = (const.ORG_EDITION, const.ISP_EDITION, const.ASNUM_EDITION, const.ASNUM_EDITION_V6)
if self._databaseType not in valid:
message = 'Invalid database type, expected Org, ISP or ASNum'
raise GeoIPError(message)
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
return self._get_org(ipnum)
except ValueError:
raise GeoIPError('Failed to lookup address %s' % addr)
def org_by_name(self, hostname):
......@@ -580,22 +569,16 @@ class GeoIP(object):
metro_code, area_code, region_name, time_zone
@rtype: dict
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
if not ipnum:
raise ValueError('Invalid IP address')
if self._databaseType not in const.CITY_EDITIONS:
message = 'Invalid database type, expected City'
raise GeoIPError(message)
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
rec = self._get_record(ipnum)
if not rec:
return None
return rec
except ValueError:
raise GeoIPError('Failed to lookup address %s' % addr)
def record_by_name(self, hostname):
......@@ -622,18 +605,12 @@ class GeoIP(object):
@return: Dictionary containing country_code, region and region_name
@rtype: dict
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
if not ipnum:
raise ValueError('Invalid IP address')
if self._databaseType not in const.REGION_CITY_EDITIONS:
message = 'Invalid database type, expected Region or City'
raise GeoIPError(message)
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
return self._get_region(ipnum)
except ValueError:
raise GeoIPError('Failed to lookup address %s' % addr)
def region_by_name(self, hostname):
......@@ -658,18 +635,12 @@ class GeoIP(object):
@return: Time zone
@rtype: str
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
if not ipnum:
raise ValueError('Invalid IP address')
if self._databaseType not in const.CITY_EDITIONS:
message = 'Invalid database type, expected City'
raise GeoIPError(message)
ipnum = util.ip2long(addr)
return self._get_record(ipnum).get('time_zone')
except ValueError:
raise GeoIPError('Failed to lookup address %s' % addr)
def time_zone_by_name(self, hostname):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import unittest
from import raises
import pygeoip
from tests.config import COUNTRY_DB_PATH, COUNTRY_V6_DB_PATH
......@@ -64,3 +65,13 @@ class TestGeoIPCountryFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(us_name, self.us_name)
self.assertEqual(gb_name, self.gb_name)
self.assertEqual(ie6_name, self.ie_name)
def testOpen4With6(self):
data =
raise ValueError(data)
def testOpen6With4(self):
data = self.gi6.country_code_by_addr(self.gb_ip)
raise ValueError(data)
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