Commit dceb9f2c by andreas.pelme

Added a filter with the Python port of CSSTidy by Dj Gilcrease (from django-assetpackager).

git-svn-id: 98d35234-f74b-0410-9e22-51d878bdf110
parent 80d68e3d
from django.conf import settings
from compress.filter_base import FilterBase
from compress.filters.csstidy.csstidy import CSSTidy
class CSSTidyFilter(FilterBase):
def filter_css(self, css):
tidy = CSSTidy()
for k, v in COMPRESS_CSSTIDY_SETTINGS.items():
tidy.setSetting(k, v)
r = tidy.Output('string')
return r
# CSSTidy - CSS Parse
# CSS Parser class
# This file is part of CSSTidy.
# CSSTidy is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# CSSTidy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with CSSTidy if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# @license GNU Public License
# @package csstidy
# @author Dj Gilcrease (digitalxero at gmail dot com) 2005-2006
import re
from optimizer import CSSOptimizer
from output import CSSPrinter
import data
from tools import SortedDict
class CSSTidy(object):
#Saves the parsed CSS
_css = ""
_raw_css = SortedDict()
_optimized_css = SortedDict()
#List of Tokens
_tokens = []
#Printer class
_output = None
#Optimiser class
_optimizer = None
#Saves the CSS charset (@charset)
_charset = ''
#Saves all @import URLs
_import = []
#Saves the namespace
_namespace = ''
#Contains the version of csstidy
_version = '1.3'
#Stores the settings
_settings = {}
# Saves the parser-status.
# Possible values:
# - is = in selector
# - ip = in property
# - iv = in value
# - instr = in string (started at " or ' or ( )
# - ic = in comment (ignore everything)
# - at = in @-block
_status = 'is'
#Saves the current at rule (@media)
_at = ''
#Saves the current selector
_selector = ''
#Saves the current property
_property = ''
#Saves the position of , in selectors
_sel_separate = []
#Saves the current value
_value = ''
#Saves the current sub-value
_sub_value = ''
#Saves all subvalues for a property.
_sub_value_arr = []
#Saves the char which opened the last string
_str_char = ''
_cur_string = ''
#Status from which the parser switched to ic or instr
_from = ''
#Variable needed to manage string-in-strings, for example url("foo.png")
_str_in_str = False
#=True if in invalid at-rule
_invalid_at = False
#=True if something has been added to the current selector
_added = False
#Saves the message log
_log = SortedDict()
#Saves the line number
_line = 1
def __init__(self):
self._settings['remove_bslash'] = True
self._settings['compress_colors'] = True
self._settings['compress_font-weight'] = True
self._settings['lowercase_s'] = False
self._settings['optimise_shorthands'] = 2
self._settings['remove_last_'] = False
self._settings['case_properties'] = 1
self._settings['sort_properties'] = False
self._settings['sort_selectors'] = False
self._settings['merge_selectors'] = 2
self._settings['discard_invalid_properties'] = False
self._settings['css_level'] = 'CSS2.1'
self._settings['preserve_css'] = False
self._settings['timestamp'] = False
self._settings['template'] = 'highest_compression'
#Maps self._status to methods
self.__statusMethod = {'is':self.__parseStatus_is, 'ip': self.__parseStatus_ip, 'iv':self.__parseStatus_iv, 'instr':self.__parseStatus_instr, 'ic':self.__parseStatus_ic, 'at':self.__parseStatus_at}
self._output = CSSPrinter(self)
self._optimizer = CSSOptimizer(self)
#Public Methods
def getSetting(self, setting):
return self._settings.get(setting, False)
#Set the value of a setting.
def setSetting(self, setting, value):
self._settings[setting] = value
return True
def log(self, message, ttype, line = -1):
if line == -1:
line = self._line
line = int(line)
add = {'m': message, 't': ttype}
if not self._log.has_key(line):
self._log[line] = []
elif add not in self._log[line]:
#Checks if a character is escaped (and returns True if it is)
def escaped(self, string, pos):
return not (string[pos-1] != '\\' or self.escaped(string, pos-1))
#Adds CSS to an existing media/selector
def merge_css_blocks(self, media, selector, css_add):
for prop, value in css_add.iteritems():
self.__css_add_property(media, selector, prop, value, False)
#Checks if $value is !important.
def is_important(self, value):
return '!important' in value.lower()
#Returns a value without !important
def gvw_important(self, value):
if self.is_important(value):
ret = value.strip()
ret = ret[0:-9]
ret = ret.strip()
ret = ret[0:-1]
ret = ret.strip()
return ret
return value
def parse(self, cssString):
#Switch from \r\n to \n
self._css = cssString.replace("\r\n", "\n") + ' '
self._raw_css = {}
self._optimized_css = {}
self._curComment = ''
#Start Parsing
i = 0
while i < len(cssString):
if self._css[i] == "\n" or self._css[i] == "\r":
self._line += 1
i += self.__statusMethod[self._status](i)
i += 1;
self._optimized_css = self._optimizer.optimize(self._raw_css)
def parseFile(self, filename):
f = open(filename, "r")
#Private Methods
def __parseStatus_is(self, idx):
Parse in Selector
ret = 0
if self.__is_token(self._css, idx):
if self._css[idx] == '/' and self._css[idx+1] == '*' and self._selector.strip() == '':
self._status = 'ic'
self._from = 'is'
return 1
elif self._css[idx] == '@' and self._selector.strip() == '':
#Check for at-rule
self._invalid_at = True
for name, ttype in data.at_rules.iteritems():
if self._css[idx+1:len(name)].lower() == name.lower():
if ttype == 'at':
self._at = '@' + name
self._selector = '@' + name
self._status = ttype
self._invalid_at = False
ret += len(name)
if self._invalid_at:
self._selector = '@'
invalid_at_name = ''
for j in xrange(idx+1, len(self._css)):
if not self._css[j].isalpha():
invalid_at_name += self._css[j]
self.log('Invalid @-rule: ' + invalid_at_name + ' (removed)', 'Warning')
elif self._css[idx] == '"' or self._css[idx] == "'":
self._cur_string = self._css[idx]
self._status = 'instr'
self._str_char = self._css[idx]
self._from = 'is'
elif self._invalid_at and self._css[idx] == ';':
self._invalid_at = False
self._status = 'is'
elif self._css[idx] == '{':
self._status = 'ip'
self.__add_token(data.SEL_START, self._selector)
self._added = False;
elif self._css[idx] == '}':
self.__add_token(data.AT_END, self._at)
self._at = ''
self._selector = ''
self._sel_separate = []
elif self._css[idx] == ',':
self._selector = self._selector.strip() + ','
elif self._css[idx] == '\\':
self._selector += self.__unicode(idx)
#remove unnecessary universal selector, FS#147
elif not (self._css[idx] == '*' and self._css[idx+1] in ('.', '#', '[', ':')):
self._selector += self._css[idx]
lastpos = len(self._selector)-1
if lastpos == -1 or not ((self._selector[lastpos].isspace() or self.__is_token(self._selector, lastpos) and self._selector[lastpos] == ',') and self._css[idx].isspace()):
self._selector += self._css[idx]
return ret
def __parseStatus_ip(self, idx):
Parse in property
if self.__is_token(self._css, idx):
if (self._css[idx] == ':' or self._css[idx] == '=') and self._property != '':
self._status = 'iv'
if not self.getSetting('discard_invalid_properties') or self.__property_is_valid(self._property):
self.__add_token(data.PROPERTY, self._property)
elif self._css[idx] == '/' and self._css[idx+1] == '*' and self._property == '':
self._status = 'ic'
self._from = 'ip'
return 1
elif self._css[idx] == '}':
self._status = 'is'
self._invalid_at = False
self.__add_token(data.SEL_END, self._selector)
self._selector = ''
self._property = ''
elif self._css[idx] == ';':
self._property = ''
elif self._css[idx] == '\\':
self._property += self.__unicode(idx)
elif not self._css[idx].isspace():
self._property += self._css[idx]
return 0
def __parseStatus_iv(self, idx):
Parse in value
pn = (( self._css[idx] == "\n" or self._css[idx] == "\r") and self.__property_is_next(idx+1) or idx == len(self._css)) #CHECK#
if self.__is_token(self._css, idx) or pn:
if self._css[idx] == '/' and self._css[idx+1] == '*':
self._status = 'ic'
self._from = 'iv'
return 1
elif self._css[idx] == '"' or self._css[idx] == "'" or self._css[idx] == '(':
self._cur_string = self._css[idx]
self._str_char = ')' if self._css[idx] == '(' else self._css[idx]
self._status = 'instr'
self._from = 'iv'
elif self._css[idx] == ',':
self._sub_value = self._sub_value.strip() + ','
elif self._css[idx] == '\\':
self._sub_value += self.__unicode(idx)
elif self._css[idx] == ';' or pn:
if len(self._selector) > 0 and self._selector[0] == '@' and data.at_rules.has_key(self._selector[1:]) and data.at_rules[self._selector[1:]] == 'iv':
self._status = 'is'
if '@charset' in self._selector:
self._charset = self._sub_value_arr[0]
elif '@namespace' in self._selector:
self._namespace = ' '.join(self._sub_value_arr)
elif '@import' in self._selector:
self._import.append(' '.join(self._sub_value_arr))
self._sub_value_arr = []
self._sub_value = ''
self._selector = ''
self._sel_separate = []
self._status = 'ip'
elif self._css[idx] != '}':
self._sub_value += self._css[idx]
if (self._css[idx] == '}' or self._css[idx] == ';' or pn) and self._selector != '':
if self._at == '':
self._at = data.DEFAULT_AT
#case settings
if self.getSetting('lowercase_s'):
self._selector = self._selector.lower()
self._property = self._property.lower()
if self._sub_value != '':
self._sub_value = ''
self._value = ' '.join(self._sub_value_arr)
self._selector = self._selector.strip()
valid = self.__property_is_valid(self._property)
if (not self._invalid_at or self.getSetting('preserve_css')) and (not self.getSetting('discard_invalid_properties') or valid):
self.__css_add_property(self._at, self._selector, self._property, self._value)
self.__add_token(data.VALUE, self._value)
if not valid:
if self.getSetting('discard_invalid_properties'):
self.log('Removed invalid property: ' + self._property, 'Warning')
self.log('Invalid property in ' + self.getSetting('css_level').upper() + ': ' + self._property, 'Warning')
self._property = '';
self._sub_value_arr = []
self._value = ''
if self._css[idx] == '}':
self.__add_token(data.SEL_END, self._selector)
self._status = 'is'
self._invalid_at = False
self._selector = ''
elif not pn:
self._sub_value += self._css[idx]
if self._css[idx].isspace():
if self._sub_value != '':
self._sub_value = ''
return 0
def __parseStatus_instr(self, idx):
Parse in String
if self._str_char == ')' and (self._css[idx] == '"' or self._css[idx] == "'") and not self.escaped(self._css, idx):
self._str_in_str = not self._str_in_str
temp_add = self._css[idx] # ...and no not-escaped backslash at the previous position
if (self._css[idx] == "\n" or self._css[idx] == "\r") and not (self._css[idx-1] == '\\' and not self.escaped(self._css, idx-1)):
temp_add = "\\A "
self.log('Fixed incorrect newline in string', 'Warning')
if not (self._str_char == ')' and self._css[idx].isspace() and not self._str_in_str):
self._cur_string += temp_add
if self._css[idx] == self._str_char and not self.escaped(self._css, idx) and not self._str_in_str:
self._status = self._from
regex = re.compile(r'([\s]+)', re.I | re.U | re.S)
if regex.match(self._cur_string) is None and self._property != 'content':
if self._str_char == '"' or self._str_char == "'":
self._cur_string = self._cur_string[1:-1]
elif len(self._cur_string) > 3 and (self._cur_string[1] == '"' or self._cur_string[1] == "'"):
self._cur_string = self._cur_string[0] + self._cur_string[2:-2] + self._cur_string[-1]
if self._from == 'iv':
self._sub_value += self._cur_string
elif self._from == 'is':
self._selector += self._cur_string
return 0
def __parseStatus_ic(self, idx):
Parse css In Comment
if self._css[idx] == '*' and self._css[idx+1] == '/':
self._status = self._from
self.__add_token(data.COMMENT, self._curComment)
self._curComment = ''
return 1
self._curComment += self._css[idx]
return 0
def __parseStatus_at(self, idx):
Parse in at-block
if self.__is_token(string, idx):
if self._css[idx] == '/' and self._css[idx+1] == '*':
self._status = 'ic'
self._from = 'at'
return 1
elif self._css[i] == '{':
self._status = 'is'
self.__add_token(data.AT_START, self._at)
elif self._css[i] == ',':
self._at = self._at.strip() + ','
elif self._css[i] == '\\':
self._at += self.__unicode(i)
lastpos = len(self._at)-1
if not (self._at[lastpos].isspace() or self.__is_token(self._at, lastpos) and self._at[lastpos] == ',') and self._css[i].isspace():
self._at += self._css[i]
return 0
def __explode_selectors(self):
#Explode multiple selectors
if self.getSetting('merge_selectors') == 1:
new_sels = []
lastpos = 0;
for num in xrange(len(self._sel_separate)):
pos = self._sel_separate[num]
if num == (len(self._sel_separate)): #CHECK#
pos += 1
lastpos = pos
if len(new_sels) > 1:
for selector in new_sels:
self.merge_css_blocks(self._at, selector, self._raw_css[self._at][self._selector])
del self._raw_css[self._at][self._selector]
self._sel_separate = []
#Adds a property with value to the existing CSS code
def __css_add_property(self, media, selector, prop, new_val):
if self.getSetting('preserve_css') or new_val.strip() == '':
if not self._raw_css.has_key(media):
self._raw_css[media] = SortedDict()
if not self._raw_css[media].has_key(selector):
self._raw_css[media][selector] = SortedDict()
self._added = True
if self._raw_css[media][selector].has_key(prop):
if (self.is_important(self._raw_css[media][selector][prop]) and self.is_important(new_val)) or not self.is_important(self._raw_css[media][selector][prop]):
del self._raw_css[media][selector][prop]
self._raw_css[media][selector][prop] = new_val.strip()
self._raw_css[media][selector][prop] = new_val.strip()
#Checks if the next word in a string from pos is a CSS property
def __property_is_next(self, pos):
istring = self._css[pos: len(self._css)]
pos = istring.find(':')
if pos == -1:
return False;
istring = istring[:pos].strip().lower()
if data.all_properties.has_key(istring):
self.log('Added semicolon to the end of declaration', 'Warning')
return True
return False;
#Checks if a property is valid
def __property_is_valid(self, prop):
return (data.all_properties.has_key(prop) and data.all_properties[prop].find(self.getSetting('css_level').upper()) != -1)
#Adds a token to self._tokens
def __add_token(self, ttype, cssdata, do=False):
if self.getSetting('preserve_css') or do:
if ttype == data.COMMENT:
token = [ttype, cssdata]
token = [ttype, cssdata.strip()]
#Parse unicode notations and find a replacement character
def __unicode(self, idx):
return ''
#Starts parsing from URL
def __parse_from_url(self, url):
if "http" in url.lower() or "https" in url.lower():
f = urllib.urlopen(url)
f = open(url)
data =
return self.parse(data)
#Checks if there is a token at the current position
def __is_token(self, string, idx):
return (string[idx] in data.tokens and not self.escaped(string, idx))
#Property Methods
def _getOutput(self):
return self._output.render
def _getLog(self):
ret = ""
ks = self._log.keys()
for line in ks:
for msg in self._log[line]:
ret += "Type: " + msg['t'] + "\n"
ret += "Message: " + msg['m'] + "\n"
ret += "\n"
return ret
def _getCSS(self):
return self._css
Output = property(_getOutput, None)
Log = property(_getLog, None)
CSS = property(_getCSS, None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
tidy = CSSTidy()
f = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
css =
tidy.Output('file', filename="Stylesheet.min.css")
print tidy.Output()
#print tidy._import
\ No newline at end of file
# Various CSS Data for CSSTidy
# This file is part of CSSTidy.
# CSSTidy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# CSSTidy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with CSSTidy; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# @license GNU Public License
# @package csstidy
# @author Florian Schmitz (floele at gmail dot com) 2005
AT_END = 2
# All whitespace allowed in CSS
# @global array whitespace
# @version 1.0
whitespace = frozenset([' ',"\n","\t","\r","\x0B"])
# All CSS tokens used by csstidy
# @global string tokens
# @version 1.0
tokens = '/@}{;:=\'"(,\\!$%&)#+.<>?[]^`|~'
# All CSS units (CSS 3 units included)
# @see compress_numbers()
# @global array units
# @version 1.0
units = frozenset(['in','cm','mm','pt','pc','px','rem','em','%','ex','gd','vw','vh','vm','deg','grad','rad','ms','s','khz','hz'])
# Available at-rules
# @global array at_rules
# @version 1.0
at_rules = {'page':'is', 'font-face':'is', 'charset':'iv', 'import':'iv', 'namespace':'iv', 'media':'at'}
# Properties that need a value with unit
# @todo CSS3 properties
# @see compress_numbers()
# @global array unit_values
# @version 1.2
unit_values = frozenset(['background', 'background-position', 'border', 'border-top', 'border-right', 'border-bottom',
'border-left', 'border-width', 'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-left-width',
'border-bottom-width', 'bottom', 'border-spacing', 'font-size','height', 'left', 'margin', 'margin-top',
'margin-right', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left', 'max-height', 'max-width', 'min-height', 'min-width',
'outline-width', 'padding', 'padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left','position',
'right', 'top', 'text-indent', 'letter-spacing', 'word-spacing', 'width'
# Properties that allow <color> as value
# @todo CSS3 properties
# @see compress_numbers()
# @global array color_values
# @version 1.0
color_values = frozenset(['background-color', 'border-color', 'border-top-color', 'border-right-color',
'border-bottom-color', 'border-left-color', 'color', 'outline-color'])
# Default values for the background properties
# @todo Possibly property names will change during CSS3 development
# @global array background_prop_default
# @see dissolve_short_bg()
# @see merge_bg()
# @version 1.0
background_prop_default = {}
background_prop_default['background-image'] = 'none'
background_prop_default['background-size'] = 'auto'
background_prop_default['background-repeat'] = 'repeat'
background_prop_default['background-position'] = '0 0'
background_prop_default['background-attachment'] = 'scroll'
background_prop_default['background-clip'] = 'border'
background_prop_default['background-origin'] = 'padding'
background_prop_default['background-color'] = 'transparent'
# A list of non-W3C color names which get replaced by their hex-codes
# @global array replace_colors
# @see cut_color()
# @version 1.0
replace_colors = {}
replace_colors['aliceblue'] = '#F0F8FF'
replace_colors['antiquewhite'] = '#FAEBD7'
replace_colors['aquamarine'] = '#7FFFD4'
replace_colors['azure'] = '#F0FFFF'
replace_colors['beige'] = '#F5F5DC'
replace_colors['bisque'] = '#FFE4C4'
replace_colors['blanchedalmond'] = '#FFEBCD'
replace_colors['blueviolet'] = '#8A2BE2'
replace_colors['brown'] = '#A52A2A'
replace_colors['burlywood'] = '#DEB887'
replace_colors['cadetblue'] = '#5F9EA0'
replace_colors['chartreuse'] = '#7FFF00'
replace_colors['chocolate'] = '#D2691E'
replace_colors['coral'] = '#FF7F50'
replace_colors['cornflowerblue'] = '#6495ED'
replace_colors['cornsilk'] = '#FFF8DC'
replace_colors['crimson'] = '#DC143C'
replace_colors['cyan'] = '#00FFFF'
replace_colors['darkblue'] = '#00008B'
replace_colors['darkcyan'] = '#008B8B'
replace_colors['darkgoldenrod'] = '#B8860B'
replace_colors['darkgray'] = '#A9A9A9'
replace_colors['darkgreen'] = '#006400'
replace_colors['darkkhaki'] = '#BDB76B'
replace_colors['darkmagenta'] = '#8B008B'
replace_colors['darkolivegreen'] = '#556B2F'
replace_colors['darkorange'] = '#FF8C00'
replace_colors['darkorchid'] = '#9932CC'
replace_colors['darkred'] = '#8B0000'
replace_colors['darksalmon'] = '#E9967A'
replace_colors['darkseagreen'] = '#8FBC8F'
replace_colors['darkslateblue'] = '#483D8B'
replace_colors['darkslategray'] = '#2F4F4F'
replace_colors['darkturquoise'] = '#00CED1'
replace_colors['darkviolet'] = '#9400D3'
replace_colors['deeppink'] = '#FF1493'
replace_colors['deepskyblue'] = '#00BFFF'
replace_colors['dimgray'] = '#696969'
replace_colors['dodgerblue'] = '#1E90FF'
replace_colors['feldspar'] = '#D19275'
replace_colors['firebrick'] = '#B22222'
replace_colors['floralwhite'] = '#FFFAF0'
replace_colors['forestgreen'] = '#228B22'
replace_colors['gainsboro'] = '#DCDCDC'
replace_colors['ghostwhite'] = '#F8F8FF'
replace_colors['gold'] = '#FFD700'
replace_colors['goldenrod'] = '#DAA520'
replace_colors['greenyellow'] = '#ADFF2F'
replace_colors['honeydew'] = '#F0FFF0'
replace_colors['hotpink'] = '#FF69B4'
replace_colors['indianred'] = '#CD5C5C'
replace_colors['indigo'] = '#4B0082'
replace_colors['ivory'] = '#FFFFF0'
replace_colors['khaki'] = '#F0E68C'
replace_colors['lavender'] = '#E6E6FA'
replace_colors['lavenderblush'] = '#FFF0F5'
replace_colors['lawngreen'] = '#7CFC00'
replace_colors['lemonchiffon'] = '#FFFACD'
replace_colors['lightblue'] = '#ADD8E6'
replace_colors['lightcoral'] = '#F08080'
replace_colors['lightcyan'] = '#E0FFFF'
replace_colors['lightgoldenrodyellow'] = '#FAFAD2'
replace_colors['lightgrey'] = '#D3D3D3'
replace_colors['lightgreen'] = '#90EE90'
replace_colors['lightpink'] = '#FFB6C1'
replace_colors['lightsalmon'] = '#FFA07A'
replace_colors['lightseagreen'] = '#20B2AA'
replace_colors['lightskyblue'] = '#87CEFA'
replace_colors['lightslateblue'] = '#8470FF'
replace_colors['lightslategray'] = '#778899'
replace_colors['lightsteelblue'] = '#B0C4DE'
replace_colors['lightyellow'] = '#FFFFE0'
replace_colors['limegreen'] = '#32CD32'
replace_colors['linen'] = '#FAF0E6'
replace_colors['magenta'] = '#FF00FF'
replace_colors['mediumaquamarine'] = '#66CDAA'
replace_colors['mediumblue'] = '#0000CD'
replace_colors['mediumorchid'] = '#BA55D3'
replace_colors['mediumpurple'] = '#9370D8'
replace_colors['mediumseagreen'] = '#3CB371'
replace_colors['mediumslateblue'] = '#7B68EE'
replace_colors['mediumspringgreen'] = '#00FA9A'
replace_colors['mediumturquoise'] = '#48D1CC'
replace_colors['mediumvioletred'] = '#C71585'
replace_colors['midnightblue'] = '#191970'
replace_colors['mintcream'] = '#F5FFFA'
replace_colors['mistyrose'] = '#FFE4E1'
replace_colors['moccasin'] = '#FFE4B5'
replace_colors['navajowhite'] = '#FFDEAD'
replace_colors['oldlace'] = '#FDF5E6'
replace_colors['olivedrab'] = '#6B8E23'
replace_colors['orangered'] = '#FF4500'
replace_colors['orchid'] = '#DA70D6'
replace_colors['palegoldenrod'] = '#EEE8AA'
replace_colors['palegreen'] = '#98FB98'
replace_colors['paleturquoise'] = '#AFEEEE'
replace_colors['palevioletred'] = '#D87093'
replace_colors['papayawhip'] = '#FFEFD5'
replace_colors['peachpuff'] = '#FFDAB9'
replace_colors['peru'] = '#CD853F'
replace_colors['pink'] = '#FFC0CB'
replace_colors['plum'] = '#DDA0DD'
replace_colors['powderblue'] = '#B0E0E6'
replace_colors['rosybrown'] = '#BC8F8F'
replace_colors['royalblue'] = '#4169E1'
replace_colors['saddlebrown'] = '#8B4513'
replace_colors['salmon'] = '#FA8072'
replace_colors['sandybrown'] = '#F4A460'
replace_colors['seagreen'] = '#2E8B57'
replace_colors['seashell'] = '#FFF5EE'
replace_colors['sienna'] = '#A0522D'
replace_colors['skyblue'] = '#87CEEB'
replace_colors['slateblue'] = '#6A5ACD'
replace_colors['slategray'] = '#708090'
replace_colors['snow'] = '#FFFAFA'
replace_colors['springgreen'] = '#00FF7F'
replace_colors['steelblue'] = '#4682B4'
replace_colors['tan'] = '#D2B48C'
replace_colors['thistle'] = '#D8BFD8'
replace_colors['tomato'] = '#FF6347'
replace_colors['turquoise'] = '#40E0D0'
replace_colors['violet'] = '#EE82EE'
replace_colors['violetred'] = '#D02090'
replace_colors['wheat'] = '#F5DEB3'
replace_colors['whitesmoke'] = '#F5F5F5'
replace_colors['yellowgreen'] = '#9ACD32'
#A list of optimized colors
optimize_colors = {}
optimize_colors['black'] = '#000'
optimize_colors['fuchsia'] = '#F0F'
optimize_colors['white'] = '#FFF'
optimize_colors['yellow'] = '#FF0'
optimize_colors['cyan'] = '#0FF'
optimize_colors['magenta'] = '#F0F'
optimize_colors['lightslategray'] = '#789'
optimize_colors['#800000'] = 'maroon'
optimize_colors['#FFA500'] = 'orange'
optimize_colors['#808000'] = 'olive'
optimize_colors['#800080'] = 'purple'
optimize_colors['#008000'] = 'green'
optimize_colors['#000080'] = 'navy'
optimize_colors['#008080'] = 'teal'
optimize_colors['#C0C0C0'] = 'silver'
optimize_colors['#808080'] = 'gray'
optimize_colors['#4B0082'] = 'indigo'
optimize_colors['#FFD700'] = 'gold'
optimize_colors['#A52A2A'] = 'brown'
optimize_colors['#00FFFF'] = 'cyan'
optimize_colors['#EE82EE'] = 'violet'
optimize_colors['#DA70D6'] = 'orchid'
optimize_colors['#FFE4C4'] = 'bisque'
optimize_colors['#F0E68C'] = 'khaki'
optimize_colors['#F5DEB3'] = 'wheat'
optimize_colors['#FF7F50'] = 'coral'
optimize_colors['#F5F5DC'] = 'beige'
optimize_colors['#F0FFFF'] = 'azure'
optimize_colors['#A0522D'] = 'sienna'
optimize_colors['#CD853F'] = 'peru'
optimize_colors['#FFFFF0'] = 'ivory'
optimize_colors['#DDA0DD'] = 'plum'
optimize_colors['#D2B48C'] = 'tan'
optimize_colors['#FFC0CB'] = 'pink'
optimize_colors['#FFFAFA'] = 'snow'
optimize_colors['#FA8072'] = 'salmon'
optimize_colors['#FF6347'] = 'tomato'
optimize_colors['#FAF0E6'] = 'linen'
optimize_colors['#F00'] = 'red'
# A list of all shorthand properties that are devided into four properties and/or have four subvalues
# @global array shorthands
# @todo Are there new ones in CSS3?
# @see dissolve_4value_shorthands()
# @see merge_4value_shorthands()
# @version 1.0
shorthands = {}
shorthands['border-color'] = ['border-top-color','border-right-color','border-bottom-color','border-left-color']
shorthands['border-style'] = ['border-top-style','border-right-style','border-bottom-style','border-left-style']
shorthands['border-width'] = ['border-top-width','border-right-width','border-bottom-width','border-left-width']
shorthands['margin'] = ['margin-top','margin-right','margin-bottom','margin-left']
shorthands['padding'] = ['padding-top','padding-right','padding-bottom','padding-left']
shorthands['-moz-border-radius'] = 0
# All CSS Properties. Needed for csstidy::property_is_next()
# @global array all_properties
# @todo Add CSS3 properties
# @version 1.0
# @see csstidy::property_is_next()
all_properties = {}
all_properties['background'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['background-color'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['background-image'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['background-repeat'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['background-attachment'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['background-position'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-top'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-right'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-bottom'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-left'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-color'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-top-color'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-bottom-color'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-left-color'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-right-color'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-style'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-top-style'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-right-style'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-left-style'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-bottom-style'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-width'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-top-width'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-right-width'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-left-width'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-bottom-width'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-collapse'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['border-spacing'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['bottom'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['caption-side'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['content'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['clear'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['clip'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['color'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['counter-reset'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['counter-increment'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['cursor'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['empty-cells'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['display'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['direction'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['float'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['font'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['font-family'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['font-style'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['font-variant'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['font-weight'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['font-stretch'] = 'CSS2.0'
all_properties['font-size-adjust'] = 'CSS2.0'
all_properties['font-size'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['height'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['left'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['line-height'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['list-style'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['list-style-type'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['list-style-image'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['list-style-position'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['margin'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['margin-top'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['margin-right'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['margin-bottom'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['margin-left'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['marks'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0'
all_properties['marker-offset'] = 'CSS2.0'
all_properties['max-height'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['max-width'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['min-height'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['min-width'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['overflow'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['orphans'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['outline'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['outline-width'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['outline-style'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['outline-color'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['padding'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['padding-top'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['padding-right'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['padding-bottom'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['padding-left'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['page-break-before'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['page-break-after'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['page-break-inside'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['page'] = 'CSS2.0'
all_properties['position'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['quotes'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['right'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['size'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0'
all_properties['speak-header'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['table-layout'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['top'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['text-indent'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['text-align'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['text-decoration'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['text-shadow'] = 'CSS2.0'
all_properties['letter-spacing'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['word-spacing'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['text-transform'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['white-space'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['unicode-bidi'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['vertical-align'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['visibility'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['width'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['widows'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['z-index'] = 'CSS1.0,CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
# Speech #
all_properties['volume'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['speak'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['pause'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['pause-before'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['pause-after'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['cue'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['cue-before'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['cue-after'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['play-during'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['azimuth'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['elevation'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['speech-rate'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['voice-family'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['pitch'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['pitch-range'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['stress'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['richness'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['speak-punctuation'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
all_properties['speak-numeral'] = 'CSS2.0,CSS2.1'
\ No newline at end of file
# CSSTidy - CSS Optimizer
# CSS Optimizer class
# This file is part of CSSTidy.
# CSSTidy is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# CSSTidy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with CSSTidy if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# @license GNU Public License
# @package csstidy
# @author Dj Gilcrease (digitalxero at gmail dot com) 2005-2006
import data
from tools import SortedDict
class CSSOptimizer(object):
def __init__(self, parser):
#raw_css is a dict
self.parser = parser
self._optimized_css = SortedDict
def optimize(self, raw_css):
if self.parser.getSetting('preserve_css'):
return raw_css
self._optimized_css = raw_css
if self.parser.getSetting('merge_selectors') == 2:
for media, css in self._optimized_css.iteritems():
for selector, cssdata in css.iteritems():
if self.parser.getSetting('optimise_shorthands') >= 1:
cssdata = self.__merge_4value_shorthands(cssdata)
if self.parser.getSetting('optimise_shorthands') >= 2:
cssdata = self.__merge_bg(cssdata)
for item, value in cssdata.iteritems():
value = self.__compress_numbers(item, value)
value = self.__compress_important(value)
if item in data.color_values and self.parser.getSetting('compress_colors'):
old = value[:]
value = self.__compress_color(value)
if old != value:
self.parser.log('In "' + selector + '" Optimised ' + item + ': Changed ' + old + ' to ' + value, 'Information')
if item == 'font-weight' and self.parser.getSetting('compress_font-weight'):
if value == 'bold':
value = '700'
self.parser.log('In "' + selector + '" Optimised font-weight: Changed "bold" to "700"', 'Information')
elif value == 'normal':
value = '400'
self.parser.log('In "' + selector + '" Optimised font-weight: Changed "normal" to "400"', 'Information')
self._optimized_css[media][selector][item] = value
return self._optimized_css
def __merge_bg(self, cssdata):
Merges all background properties
@cssdata (dict) is a dictionary of the selector properties
#Max number of background images. CSS3 not yet fully implemented
img = 1
clr = 1
bg_img_list = []
if cssdata.has_key('background-image'):
img = len(cssdata['background-image'].split(','))
bg_img_list = self.parser.gvw_important(cssdata['background-image']).split(',')
elif cssdata.has_key('background-color'):
clr = len(cssdata['background-color'].split(','))
number_of_values = max(img, clr, 1)
new_bg_value = ''
important = ''
for i in xrange(number_of_values):
for bg_property, default_value in data.background_prop_default.iteritems():
#Skip if property does not exist
if not cssdata.has_key(bg_property):
cur_value = cssdata[bg_property]
#Skip some properties if there is no background image
if (len(bg_img_list) > i and bg_img_list[i] == 'none') and bg_property in frozenset(['background-size', 'background-position', 'background-attachment', 'background-repeat']):
#Remove !important
if self.parser.is_important(cur_value):
important = ' !important'
cur_value = self.parser.gvw_important(cur_value)
#Do not add default values
if cur_value == default_value:
temp = cur_value.split(',')
if len(temp) > i:
if bg_property == 'background-size':
new_bg_value += '(' + temp[i] + ') '
new_bg_value += temp[i] + ' '
new_bg_value = new_bg_value.strip()
if i != (number_of_values-1):
new_bg_value += ','
#Delete all background-properties
for bg_property, default_value in data.background_prop_default.iteritems():
del cssdata[bg_property]
#Add new background property
if new_bg_value != '':
cssdata['background'] = new_bg_value + important
return cssdata
def __merge_4value_shorthands(self, cssdata):
Merges Shorthand properties again, the opposite of dissolve_4value_shorthands()
@cssdata (dict) is a dictionary of the selector properties
for key, value in data.shorthands.iteritems():
important = ''
if value != 0 and cssdata.has_key(value[0]) and cssdata.has_key(value[1]) and cssdata.has_key(value[2]) and cssdata.has_key(value[3]):
cssdata[key] = ''
for i in xrange(4):
val = cssdata[value[i]]
if self.parser.is_important(val):
important = '!important'
cssdata[key] += self.parser.gvw_important(val) + ' '
cssdata[key] += val + ' '
del cssdata[value[i]]
if cssdata.has_key(key):
cssdata[key] = self.__shorthand(cssdata[key] + important.strip())
return cssdata
def __merge_selectors(self):
Merges selectors with same properties. Example: a{color:red} b{color:red} . a,b{color:red}
Very basic and has at least one bug. Hopefully there is a replacement soon.
@selector_one (string) is the current selector
@value_one (dict) is a dictionary of the selector properties
Note: Currently is the elements of a selector are identical, but in a different order, they are not merged
raw_css = self._optimized_css.copy()
delete = []
add = SortedDict()
for media, css in raw_css.iteritems():
for selector_one, value_one in css.iteritems():
newsel = selector_one
for selector_two, value_two in css.iteritems():
if selector_one == selector_two:
#We need to skip self
if value_one == value_two:
#Ok, we need to merge these two selectors
newsel += ', ' + selector_two
delete.append((media, selector_two))
if not add.has_key(media):
add[media] = SortedDict()
add[media][newsel] = value_one
delete.append((media, selector_one))
for item in delete:
del self._optimized_css[item[0]][item[1]]
#Must have already been deleted
for media, css in add.iteritems():
def __shorthand(self, value):
Compresses shorthand values. Example: margin:1px 1px 1px 1px . margin:1px
@value (string)
important = '';
if self.parser.is_important(value):
value_list = self.parser.gvw_important(value)
important = '!important'
value_list = value
ret = value
value_list = value_list.split(' ')
if len(value_list) == 4:
if value_list[0] == value_list[1] and value_list[0] == value_list[2] and value_list[0] == value_list[3]:
ret = value_list[0] + important
elif value_list[1] == value_list[3] and value_list[0] == value_list[2]:
ret = value_list[0] + ' ' + value_list[1] + important
elif value_list[1] == value_list[3]:
ret = value_list[0] + ' ' + value_list[1] + ' ' + value_list[2] + important
elif len(value_list) == 3:
if value_list[0] == value_list[1] and value_list[0] == value_list[2]:
ret = value_list[0] + important
elif value_list[0] == value_list[2]:
return value_list[0] + ' ' + value_list[1] + important
elif len(value_list) == 2:
if value_list[0] == value_list[1]:
ret = value_list[0] + important
if ret != value:
self.parser.log('Optimised shorthand notation: Changed "' + value + '" to "' + ret + '"', 'Information')
return ret
def __compress_important(self, value):
Removes unnecessary whitespace in ! important
@value (string)
if self.parser.is_important(value):
value = self.parser.gvw_important(value) + '!important'
return value
def __compress_numbers(self, prop, value):
Compresses numbers (ie. 1.0 becomes 1 or 1.100 becomes 1.1 )
@value (string) is the posible number to be compressed
value = value.split('/')
for l in xrange(len(value)):
#continue if no numeric value
if not (len(value[l]) > 0 and (value[l][0].isdigit() or value[l][0] in ('+', '-') )):
#Fix bad colors
if prop in data.color_values:
value[l] = '#' + value[l]
is_floatable = False
is_floatable = True
if is_floatable and float(value[l]) == 0:
value[l] = '0'
elif value[l][0] != '#':
unit_found = False
for unit in data.units:
pos = value[l].lower().find(unit)
if pos != -1 and prop not in data.shorthands:
value[l] = self.__remove_leading_zeros(float(value[l][:pos])) + unit
unit_found = True
if not unit_found and prop in data.unit_values and prop not in data.shorthands:
value[l] = self.__remove_leading_zeros(float(value[l])) + 'px'
elif not unit_found and prop not in data.shorthands:
value[l] = self.__remove_leading_zeros(float(value[l]))
if len(value) > 1:
return '/'.join(value)
return value[0]
def __remove_leading_zeros(self, float_val):
Removes the leading zeros from a float value
@float_val (float)
@returns (string)
#Remove leading zero
if abs(float_val) < 1:
if float_val < 0:
float_val = '-' . str(float_val)[2:]
float_val = str(float_val)[1:]
return str(float_val)
def __compress_color(self, color):
Color compression function. Converts all rgb() values to #-values and uses the short-form if possible. Also replaces 4 color names by #-values.
@color (string) the {posible} color to change
#rgb(0,0,0) . #000000 (or #000 in this case later)
if color[:4].lower() == 'rgb(':
color_tmp = color[4:(len(color)-5)]
color_tmp = color_tmp.split(',')
for c in color_tmp:
c = c.strip()
if c[:-1] == '%':
c = round((255*color_tmp[i])/100)
if color_tmp[i] > 255:
color_tmp[i] = 255
color = '#'
for i in xrange(3):
if color_tmp[i] < 16:
color += '0' + str(hex(color_tmp[i])).replace('0x', '')
color += str(hex(color_tmp[i])).replace('0x', '')
#Fix bad color names
if data.replace_colors.has_key(color.lower()):
color = data.replace_colors[color.lower()]
#aabbcc . #abc
if len(color) == 7:
color_temp = color.lower()
if color_temp[0] == '#' and color_temp[1] == color_temp[2] and color_temp[3] == color_temp[4] and color_temp[5] == color_temp[6]:
color = '#' + color[1] + color[3] + color[5]
if data.optimize_colors.has_key(color.lower()):
color = data.optimize_colors[color.lower()]
return color
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# CSSTidy - CSS Printer
# CSS Printer class
# This file is part of CSSTidy.
# CSSTidy is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# CSSTidy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with CSSTidy if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# @license GNU Public License
# @package csstidy
# @author Dj Gilcrease (digitalxero at gmail dot com) 2005-2006
import data
class CSSPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, parser):
self.parser = parser
self._css = {}
self.__renderMethods = {'string': self.__renderString, 'file': self.__renderFile}
def prepare(self, css):
self._css = css
def render(self, output="string", *args, **kwargs):
return self.__renderMethods[output](*args, **kwargs)
def __renderString(self, *args, **kwargs):
template = self.parser.getSetting('template')
ret = ""
if template == 'highest_compression':
top_line_end = ""
iner_line_end = ""
bottom_line_end = ""
indent = ""
elif template == 'high_compression':
top_line_end = "\n"
iner_line_end = ""
bottom_line_end = "\n"
indent = ""
elif template == 'default':
top_line_end = "\n"
iner_line_end = "\n"
bottom_line_end = "\n\n"
indent = ""
elif template == 'low_compression':
top_line_end = "\n"
iner_line_end = "\n"
bottom_line_end = "\n\n"
indent = " "
if self.parser.getSetting('timestamp'):
ret += '/# CSSTidy ' + self.parser.version + ': ' +"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000") + ' #/' + top_line_end
for item in self.parser._import:
ret += '@import(' + item + ');' + top_line_end
for item in self.parser._charset:
ret += '@charset(' + item + ');' + top_line_end
for item in self.parser._namespace:
ret += '@namespace(' + item + ');' + top_line_end
for media, css in self._css.iteritems():
for selector, cssdata in css.iteritems():
ret += selector + '{' + top_line_end
for item, value in cssdata.iteritems():
ret += indent + item + ':' + value + ';' + iner_line_end
ret += '}' + bottom_line_end
return ret
def __renderFile(self, filename=None, *args, **kwargs):
if filename is None:
return self.__renderString()
f = open(filename, "w")
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class SortedDict(dict):
A dictionary that keeps its keys in the order in which they're inserted.
def __init__(self, data=None):
if data is None:
data = {}
super(SortedDict, self).__init__(data)
if isinstance(data, dict):
self.keyOrder = data.keys()
self.keyOrder = []
for key, value in data:
if key not in self.keyOrder:
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
from copy import deepcopy
return self.__class__([(key, deepcopy(value, memo))
for key, value in self.iteritems()])
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
super(SortedDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
if key not in self.keyOrder:
def __delitem__(self, key):
super(SortedDict, self).__delitem__(key)
def __iter__(self):
for k in self.keyOrder:
yield k
def pop(self, k, *args):
result = super(SortedDict, self).pop(k, *args)
except ValueError:
# Key wasn't in the dictionary in the first place. No problem.
return result
def popitem(self):
result = super(SortedDict, self).popitem()
return result
def items(self):
return zip(self.keyOrder, self.values())
def iteritems(self):
for key in self.keyOrder:
yield key, super(SortedDict, self).__getitem__(key)
def keys(self):
return self.keyOrder[:]
def iterkeys(self):
return iter(self.keyOrder)
def values(self):
return [super(SortedDict, self).__getitem__(k) for k in self.keyOrder]
def itervalues(self):
for key in self.keyOrder:
yield super(SortedDict, self).__getitem__(key)
def update(self, dict_):
for k, v in dict_.items():
self.__setitem__(k, v)
def setdefault(self, key, default):
if key not in self.keyOrder:
return super(SortedDict, self).setdefault(key, default)
def value_for_index(self, index):
"""Returns the value of the item at the given zero-based index."""
return self[self.keyOrder[index]]
def insert(self, index, key, value):
"""Inserts the key, value pair before the item with the given index."""
if key in self.keyOrder:
n = self.keyOrder.index(key)
del self.keyOrder[n]
if n < index:
index -= 1
self.keyOrder.insert(index, key)
super(SortedDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
def copy(self):
"""Returns a copy of this object."""
# This way of initializing the copy means it works for subclasses, too.
obj = self.__class__(self)
obj.keyOrder = self.keyOrder[:]
return obj
def __repr__(self):
Replaces the normal dict.__repr__ with a version that returns the keys
in their sorted order.
return '{%s}' % ', '.join(['%r: %r' % (k, v) for k, v in self.items()])
def clear(self):
super(SortedDict, self).clear()
self.keyOrder = []
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